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Life is but a whisper,
The volume is built in the heart,
Long before it enters the mouth, and
Henceforth carried by the atmosphere.
I am enough,
I am tough,
I won’t lay down without a fight,
I am bright,
And if you don’t stop, I’m going to get rough!

You are nothing,
You are smothering,
You try to spread lies,
To make me panic and cry.
You think you're big, but I know the One who is enduring.

So I look to Him,
Breaths calm, anxiety falls back from the brim,
I can change,
I will focus on the feelings that don’t feel strange,
But on the One deep within.
The king of eye muscle surgery
Although my eye wound weeps
and complains,
He has helped me see one
Therefore, I cannot be glum
So I'll kick my heels up and count my gains.
I used to think,
Joy was the absence of sadness;
Of fear, suffering, and
But now,
I see joy as
Embracing pleasures in the pain;
The simple and sublime,
The now and not yet.
People, people everywhere, but
No life I enjoy.
Disinterest feigns my heartbeat,
Where is my joy?
Bekah Halle Jul 18
Life is not a race,
To be run, but grace.
To be lived and embraced.
Looked back on,
However long, or short,
However hard, and things re-taught,
Life is to be lived; completely,
Bekah Halle Jul 17
What am I beyond my industry?
Are we not building another Babel?
We babble on beyond comprehension, big-noting ourselves into oblivion,
in an attempt to reclaim the lost,
Our lost selves...
Could the career path lead us back to ourselves? Beyond ourselves?
To our true selves?
To be selfless, seeing others in loving kindness?
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