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Autisma Feb 9
Lay the letter on me
Ranch me up from the forest to my knees
Abiliant to the crust of the core of mirth
Transparency in a transient form travels
But only to the oath and back
Numb from all these accolades
The buzzing and brilliant mostly only echoe
But unapparent to that is the medial, meloncholy underscore
That trips the fur, fuzz wire
Glamorizes and ramps up the cystelege
On a whim
To anarprize the lullabyest of cork cracking imbecile
Or crocodile?
Or water sprout?
Or canker?
Or ram?
Or slizzered....!?
Or hypnosis?
Or information extraction?
Or a packet of crisps?
Or gentle soothing of genitals?

The valancy coveted the gold and green
Wearing what was wherein like apaloosa
Where the kindred of communicative enjambment could
Be splattered like a fly
And to prophesie
All the where's fly off out the stage
The contours gave engarcia to the guwaffed and few
Yet, Still there were standards
Multitudes, censure, and what has been written above ensued!

Poonanny God Lord man.
I enjoyed our communication earlier
Love Jesus x
Autisma Feb 9
Bulbous tunings fetter out the cold wise looks
Of a dancer
Who even lost her grave
Either/or the menace in the deviation
Traces nothing back from obliviation
But forwards into oblivion
Where dust and scar are alike
And cannot attack the divine e
Autisma Feb 9
Gray dunces
Atrium art
Uncurled unfolding
No smarts
Well wishing
When unconditioned
Either bleeding
Or passing through the
Spirit realm when not
The cannisters of anachronistic
Sailing can frankly rot.
As when I have an alien in my body
Nothing can be discerned
Although with my eyes I see clearly
My reactions may disappear.
Autisma Feb 9
Toucans worn out verily
By the haust in the horizon
Spical specialities leak out
For a dug at consumerisation
Frank the rafter
And John the son
And the pigeons which crowd about us
Their business not minded at either end
The city's walls run dry
And a cat lady sleeps
Illuminating the want of her children
Through making sure they play their part

Tuners or tongue rings
There's a gift for all
If you're willing to stop a minute
And listen to your call.
Autisma Feb 9
the crust of the pie can be taken with all sorts of sauces
cut offs, remainders, brought in for the muscle to feed on
when the salty slides out of view, to a seemingly chaporpned
shore bank

there's left a brain without any collusion at all
and the fern which grows beyond the gate is just a trite little

among the ponds and frogs, however, princes run
only prevented by structure and rules

although because of this girl there was far less damage done
than the damage those other people who died did this morning.
and i think they all know why.
Autisma Feb 9
What's for dinner? Again. Wrinkled noses from my shifty eyes.
The game is 80% still in action according to God.
So what is the wait for? The science? The anxiety?
As preposterous as it may sound it is as it's not which is how it seems.

Joy is truth.

Amen Lord.
Autisma Feb 9
Laughter corroded the pang of the heart
Ghostly in its precision of fallen bareness

The strings allocated to the puppets legs
Flashed in his memories as she walked

Danger preceded the meeting of the cat named Satan
No mist descended, one tried to escape pain
Then they didn't know their true name.

Counting the devourment of numbers and numerical advantage
Took rockets of species away from bars
And without intimately landing them home
Left crustations flabbergasted at the lack of sand

  For it had all been taken away
Just because it couldn't be counted.

The rooster crows, and an angry man dies
The starlight issues encouragement to its glove, the moon

Who is standard in its emphasis of atmosphere and agriculture alike

The mining for gold was stalled because the thought gehuerth opened up another barrier to a scene beyond musicals and one that perhaps didn't even need music.
......certainly not death anyway.

Amen God.
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