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Feb 2015 · 629
Emotions in the Dark
Dia Feb 2015
3a.m. isn't a time where you should be staring at the razor
Wondering whether or not you want to throw away months of progress
For one night of relapse
It's a time where you should be lost in slumber,
Dreaming of the day your deepest desires become reality
Like I dream of the day I'll give someone my heart and they won't drop it like it's on fire,
And they won't watch it shatter and think stupid girl, it's your own fault

Please tell me why the **** I'm not good enough for anyone
There's got to be someone who can fall in love with my dark soul
My under-rested cynical brain
These hollow eyes that show nothing but misery and pain
There's got to be someone who can ******* handle my dark and twisted insides
Someone who'll see the worst in me and want me even more

Deep down, I know it won't happen
It's just a fleeting dream and I don't expect anything to come of it
It's 3:45 in the morning and I hate myself
Jan 2015 · 1.2k
Reflection (Not A Poem)
Dia Jan 2015
Everyone's searching for something they can't find; wanting something they can't have. We're all stuck there, wondering what to do. Wondering if we'll ever find what we're looking for or get what we want. And then there are the times we realize that the answer is no and we stop searching, stop wanting, and come to grips with the fact that life is just not fair. It's a fault in human beings, thinking that everything has to go their way and that life has to be fair.

The scars on my arms have almost completely faded away. Is it strange that I feel a sense of loss? They were my company, my best friends. I could sit there and stare at them for hours, fascinated with how ****** up I'd become. But now they're leaving and I can either bring them back or find some new "friend" that will occupy my time and my mind. I'm not sure if I'm ready to let them go.

There's a post I saw on Tumblr that says "I'm sorry I gave you everything I had without making sure you wanted it." It reminds me of all the ******* in my past. It reminds me of you.

I'm not meant to fall in love or be loved. It seems I'm just destined for shallow infatuations and brief lust affairs. I'm wary of "forever"s because forever has always been measured in days, weeks, or months when it comes to me.

The worst part is that I can't blame anyone for leaving. No one in their right minds would want to deal with me.
My inner thoughts on my life thus far....
Dec 2014 · 558
Been A While
Dia Dec 2014
Things aren't the way they used to be
Used to have feelings but too many people ruined me
And I could blame them but it's clear to see
It's my fault. Should've never let them get near to me

Giving everything just to stay under the influence
Because I can't feel pain if I can't even feel my face
And I'm addicted to being numb and all the memories it can erase
I'm ****** up, yes, and I can't remember how I got that way
Sep 2014 · 4.7k
I'll Give You My Heart
Dia Sep 2014
I give you my heart of glass, shattered
Would you take this heart that's bruised and battered?
I know you've got the tools to fix it
And for your love, I'm desperate
I need you like the oxygen we breathe,
Produce similar effects when you're taken away from me—choking on sadness, the lack of you leaves me unable to breathe
Maybe I'm too needy, but really, can you blame me?
It was in my worst moment that you said you would take me
You wanted me when no one else did
Loved me, replaced the things in me that were amiss
You gave me happiness, fixed my trust
Is it even possible to love you this much?
I'm so sorry for the times I doubt you, but you have to understand
It's rare in this life that I'm given the upper hand
So it's not your ability I'm doubting, trust me, it's me
I **** things up as you've clearly seen

I love you I love you I love you oh my God I love you
Those three words just aren't enough to express what I hold for you in my heart
Regardless, please accept them. They're all I have and they can express even an inkling of what I feel for you.

I want to wake up with you by my side every morning for the rest of my life,
Just being near you will suffice
Drawing circles on your skin while you lay still sleeping
And you looking at me with a lazy grin on your face when you wake up and see me—as if I'm the most beautiful thing
I want you so much and waiting to have you is torture
But I will wait until the day I can finally wrap my arms around you and kiss you hello
We have more ups and downs than Jupiter has moons. And it always leads back to this
Sep 2014 · 1.6k
Dia Sep 2014
I deleted the poem you left me when you hacked in
I'm sorry I ruined our relationship once again
This is the second and final time you've broken up with me
It's time I just accept the defeat
I can't be who you want or what you need
I'm too ****** up for anybody
I'm sorry you wasted so much time with me
I feel like a complete ****-up
Aug 2014 · 727
What Now?
Dia Aug 2014
I used to reach for a spliff to numb the pain
Of when my chest started to ache
Or when my brain was about ready to explode
I'd drink until I couldn't remember my name
Just a quick shallow cut across my skin
Would lead to more and I'd be horrified to look at myself the next day

Now that that's all gone
What do I do when I'm choking on my tears at 4a.m. trying not to make a sound?
What do I do when the pain in my skull won't surrender to a couple aspirin?
What do I do when everything in my world is falling apart while everyone I know is sleeping...dreaming?

The voice in my head says
No one cares
And I'm beginning to think she's right
Wish I was numb
Jun 2014 · 321
Poem/Free Write
Dia Jun 2014
When I'm screaming your name over and over, artfully disguise my screams of pleasure as careful intonations of my love for you.

When you look at me, I don't mind if you picture the rest of our lives together. Just promise me that you'll make it detailed and fill our future with promises you can keep.

When we talk to each other, your words touch my heart the way the sun rises, bathing the sky in beauty.

I fell in love with you and I don't want you to break my heart, I want you to have it. It's yours now. I am yours now.
Jun 2014 · 4.5k
Sleepless Ramble
Dia Jun 2014
It's an anxiety attack waiting to happen when I can't think of a witty way to say something unoriginal; something that everyone has heard before, but that just now occurred to me to say. I can feel my thoughts racing, my heartbeat speeding up to pump blood to my overreacting brain that's now thinking, "How the **** am I gonna get these feelings out, now?" I can't think of a cunning way to use a metaphor--one that I need to be able to put this pen to the page and call all these thoughts in my head poetry.
What is the meaning of poetry? I feel like I should have some kind of figurative language in here, but my brain is fried. I'm too numb to process a **** thing. I'm so numb that it physically hurts and that pain is all that I can feel. That and the burning of my eyes from lack of sleep. This isn't poetry. I don't know what this is--random words strung together by a writer who's falling asleep at the page, who doesn't even know what sense is at this point. It's a's a ramble. Sleepless ramble
I was writing this last night..."this morning" at 1am and I fell asleep while writing it. I woke up and found this so I decided to put it up.
May 2014 · 1.3k
I'm Sorry
Dia May 2014
I can't sleep when you're mad at me,
I feel like a bad girlfriend
Why didn't I try to fix it immediately after it happened?

I guess I should say sorry, it's always my fault,
Isn't it?
But I hate being the one to start apologizing
Why am I always ruining ****?
I know you'll tell me, after we make up, that I didn't ruin us
That we're still us
I know that. But I still ruined something

I'm sorry I'm insecure and I'm still nervous around you
I'm sorry I feel everything too deeply and get hurt by the smallest things you say or do
I'm sorry I'm sensitive. I'm sorry I got mad at you
I'm sorry for my one word answers, that was the wrong thing to do

I'm sorry I didn't immediately tell you I'm sorry
I'm sorry for writing this poem instead of checking if you're still awake so that I can tell you that
I'm sorry
12:45am and I can't sleep even though that's all I want
May 2014 · 662
Wednesday Night
Dia May 2014
I don't care if he's perfect or not
I love him the way he is.
He may not think so,
But I know that all he has to offer
Is all that I need
I don't care if it's not much,
Because just having him call me Darlin'
Is enough
Just having him
Is enough

I want to tell him how much I care
But I'm afraid I'll become even more attached
And it'll break me when,
Like the ****-up I am,
I ruin this thing that's barely gotten the chance to start
And push him away and make him leave

And the sane part of me will just sit back
And watch me ruin this great thing
10:11pm last night. He was tweaked...wanted to OD and **** himself. I talked him out of it. This poem was kind of inspired by when he said "I have nothing to ******* offer you".
Apr 2014 · 622
Dark Thoughts (Not A Poem)
Dia Apr 2014
Does anyone notice that I don't really have headaches? That I just blindly take these pills, wondering, as they slide down my throat, if they can possibly numb this dull pain inside my chest?

Why is it even possible to be this unhappy? I don't think I've ever cried so many times a day; so many days in a row. My eyes are never dry anymore—I'm always on the verge of bursting into tears. Meanwhile, the teachers think I'm wearing sunglasses indoors just to be rebellious.

It's a terrible feeling when you greet your parents and your mother ignores you. It's also a terrible feeling when you come home from hell (read: school) and she looks at you in disgust and even ignores your friend's "hello", forcing you to explain that it's not you she hates, it's me. I'm sorry. All this because you made one mistake. I should have died at birth. I wish I had. Perhaps then, I wouldn't be such a disappointment to everyone I come in contact with.

Would it really be so bad if I killed myself? The thing is, I would make an effort to stay alive, but I'm just so ******* tired. I'm tired of all these tears, letting everyone down, being so insecure, being treated like complete **** and then being expected not to be fazed by it. I'm just ******* tired. I'm tired I'm tired I'm tired I'm tired I'm tired. And I'm hurt.

Suicide could be the answer if I let it be. I just want peace.
Bunch of thoughts swirling in my head. Needed to get some of them out.
Apr 2014 · 1.8k
Dia Apr 2014
I want to cry; he's more than 500 miles away
That Class A drug is begging
To, once again, flow through his veins
And I can't do a ****** thing to help
Because I'm here and he's there and that's how it stays

He calls me baby and tells me not to cry,
But I just can't help it
I want to curl up in bed with him tonight
And help him through this. But I can't.

Babe, this *****.
***** when you can't help someone you care for through troubling times
Apr 2014 · 23.2k
Prom Dress
Dia Apr 2014
My thighs are stinging and bleeding
My head so badly aches
My breaths come out as heaving
My hands shake

I tried on my prom dress
And it made me break down and cry
So full of regret,
I guess I'll just stay home that night
Did you know that I'm unhappy?
So depressed that I want to die
No one cares enough to help me, though
I'll just try to keep to myself; it's alright
I look disgusting in my prom dress and it depressed me so I wrote a poem about it. *shrug*
Apr 2014 · 349
Untitled For Now
Dia Apr 2014
I let you slip through my fingers
Without thinking about the consequences
Here I am, missing you already
While someone else gets to call you baby and taste the words at the tip of your tongue
Is it too late to tell you that I'm sorry?
Is it too late to show I care about us?
I pushed you away but you had to have known how I felt about you
You had to have known that the care I held for you in me
Was so overwhelming that I just didn't know how to put it into words--so I never tried to.
But I did love you. I still love you
And I'm sorry that I feared your rejection so much that I never told you until we were through
Apr 2014 · 643
About You
Dia Apr 2014
I wrote a poem about you,
But I can't let you read it
Because I'm under the impression that if you say something,
You have to mean it
And I don't know what I mean anymore
Dia Apr 2014
When we made out in my car
Did you mean it when you told me
That I'm perfect?
Were you lying when you told me
That I was the first girl you've ever cared enough for
To cuddle with?
Your kisses made me melt as if my insides were fire
Your hands on my waist—
The security I felt with you was indescribable.
I love being with you
You lure me out of my shell.
You make me feel as if I truly matter to you
Every time you allow me the taste of your lips
And I love that

But this is too good to be true...
Isn't it?
12:02a.m. Late night thoughts
Mar 2014 · 6.4k
Falling For You
Dia Mar 2014
I'm falling now
And I'm afraid of what's happening
I fear getting hurt
So I keep my heart under lock and key
I won't let myself want you
Because I know where that may lead
Heartbreaks and nostalgia, ****
How much worse can this be?

I won't leave my heart out anymore
Just so it can get broken
But I'm fascinated with the words you speak
Do you see my dilemma?
Should I just accept the pure possibility?
Mar 2014 · 371
Dreams of You
Dia Mar 2014
I had a dream about you last night—
You let me bury my face in your chest as I cried
We stood there and you wrapped your arms around me
As if this all came naturally.
I told you to let me go; I didn't want you seeing me a perfect mess
But you said you don't like seeing me upset
I had a dream about you last night.
Do you even care?
Feb 2014 · 547
Sans Titre
Dia Feb 2014
I’m ****** and insecure
But underneath this frigid heart lies emotion
I don’t mean to be cold and distant
But my compassion seems to be frozen

I just want to know that I’m enough
That someone will take me as I am
I can’t be alone forever
Though I lie and say I can

I need someone to love who I am
And who I can be
I keep searching for that
But I keep coming back empty
Feb 2014 · 501
I Am Fat
Dia Feb 2014
I take selfies from the chest up, positioning the camera in such a way that my fat arms don't look so fat.
Full body pictures? Are you stupid?
I've got enough meat on my bones to feed the hungry children of a third world country but
At least I have a "great personality"
As if personality is the first thing that people see when they see me. I know what they see
Lack of self control, heaping mounds of disgusting fat
My long sleeves serve two purposes
1. To hide the hurt that I need to release from my body through my wrists
2. To hide the stretch marks on my fat arms.
I'm sorry. I just don't understand how you can tell me to love myself when I know that you, yourself, can't find a single thing about this bloated anatomy to love
I am anxious about eating in public because I already look like I've had dinner for two with no room left for desert
I hug myself to cover my stomach when I sit, because that's when I can't really **** it in.
I'm fat.
So I don’t blame anyone for not seeing that I limit myself to one meal a day and that when I'm really feeling adventurous, I'll eat two and throw up the extra
My first and last real crush laughed in my face when I decided to say "*******, social anxiety!" and tell him that I liked him.
"Who knew fat people could feel anything but hungry?"
I wonder if he—or anyone, for that matter—cares that I can't look at myself in a mirror without criticizing every flaw
That I can't look at myself without crying
That I can't look at myself and name one physical thing I love about me because I don’t find that the phrase I am beautiful should ever be uttered by my lips unless the word not is in the middle.
I am not beautiful. **I am fat.
Jan 2014 · 336
Loving Touch (Haiku)
Dia Jan 2014
Won't you come outside?
It's cold and I've been waiting
For your loving touch.
Jan 2014 · 306
5 A.M. Observations (10w)
Dia Jan 2014
I sleep way too little
And love way too hard
Jan 2014 · 524
3 A.M.
Dia Jan 2014
I always feel more depressed at 3 a.m.
That's when most of the negative thoughts start pouring in
My fingers itch to hold that cold steel again,
I have to force myself to stay in bed

This world is so unforgiving
Do I really bother people simply by living?
Sometimes, it slips out--how unhappy I am--but then I say I'm just kidding
3 a.m. is lonely as hell; I would gladly talk if anyone would hear me
Jan 2014 · 394
Dia Jan 2014
Nobody was ever there for me when I broke down, but the razor was always in reach. I'm sorry.
Nobody ever sat there and listened to my problems, but the alcohol helped me drown them.
Nobody ever stayed up with me when I was having panic attacks, but the pills helped lull me to sleep, albeit a restless one.
I know that I'll need to let all of that go but they are always there for me in my times of need

But, truthfully, I think the only reason they don't abandon me like everyone else is because they're inanimate.
Jan 2014 · 313
Dia Jan 2014
If I'm living a dream,
Wake me up *fast
Jan 2014 · 523
Dia Jan 2014
On our arms are etched the scars from the battle where our minds won
When the only army we had to fight it was our already weakened willpower
Dec 2013 · 531
Nights Like This
Dia Dec 2013
On nights like this,
My bed is uncomfortable
The softly playing radio is just too loud
My blanket makes me too warm,
But I don't like sleeping without
My t-shirt feels too tight,
Though it's two sizes too big
And my skin is overly sensitive,
Making me hyperaware of every wristband on my wrist

On nights like this,
My pillow is just too lumpy
And every light is too **** bright
I wish I had someone to talk to,
But I hold my pillow as I cry
I stay up well into the next morning
And, in my head, I make lists
Like Reasons I'm so Lonely and How The Hell Did I Get Like This?
Dec 2013 · 577
Just Thoughts (Not A Poem)
Dia Dec 2013
How does one's life get so bad that they resent every morning they wake up, cry each and every night and regret every breath they take? I just don't get it. How--why--does this almighty God character let people spiral down so deep in their miserable existences that they want to **** themselves? Why does He let them go through with it if they're going to hell because of it? Isn't He compassionate toward us humans? Doesn't He want us to have eternal life or whatever?

If He knew that so many people would suffer so badly, why didn't he just **** everyone and start over? I'm sure we wouldn't mind an easy life in the Garden of Eden.

I wasn't really going to speak about God, it's just where my thought process took me.

Anyway, really, how does someone get to that point? To the point of jumping off that building, of cutting the artery, of swallowing that myriad of pills they've been saving up, of holding the gun to their heads before pulling the trigger? How does it happen?

I don't know, but I feel like I'm awfully close and I don't like it. If I knew how people got to that point, I could try to avoid it. Alas, I do not. That's what *****: a lot of people don't. And that's why so many people get there without ever realizing where they're headed.
Dec 2013 · 430
Butterfly Project
Dia Dec 2013
I drew a butterfly on my wrist
To stop this habit which persists
But I broke down and started to cry
The butterfly was torn apart and I had to lie
Once again, I had tried to get myself out
But my thoughts were much too loud
My butterfly, Wes, lived only two days
All he was trying to do was help me change my ways
Dec 2013 · 542
This Close
Dia Dec 2013
The loudness inside my mind
Is preventing me from going to bed
It's hell--
Having to sit here while the words,
Pictures, music, faces and events
Whirl through your mind like a tornado.
There's a dark cloud trapped there, constantly raining on my mood.
Through it all, I sit,
Peaceful as if in the eye of the hurricane,
I sit and let my mind eat away at me and pretend that things are still alright
And hoping someone will see that they're not
Hoping someone will notice that I'm this close...
Nov 2013 · 359
I Have Friends
Dia Nov 2013
I have friends
Not people I can talk to when I'm having a breakdown at 3 a..m.
Not people I can count on for important things
Not people who will support me through my worst times.
Who won't judge me no matter what
Who will try to help me.
I have friends
Not people who will love me unconditionally
Not people who I can call when my family is talking **** again
Not people who truly care about my well-being.

I have

Lucky me
Guess it's personal.
Nov 2013 · 307
Hell (10w)
Dia Nov 2013
I want to **** myself
But I'm afraid of hell
Oct 2013 · 317
Dia Oct 2013
Monday morning, or Friday night.
I don't care what day it is—I'd rather not be alive
Oct 2013 · 353
Dia Oct 2013
I love the way his brown eyes light up
When he speaks about the things of which he is fond.
I guess you could say I love
Oct 2013 · 366
Stay Away (10w)
Dia Oct 2013
I **** everything up
I suggest you stay away
Oct 2013 · 498
New Friend
Dia Oct 2013
He says that
I make her smile like he's never seen
I told him that
I can't let her or myself get too attached to this budding friendship
Because, eventually,
*Everybody leaves
Oct 2013 · 256
Dia Oct 2013
I don't want to live with these feelings anymore
I'd rather be dead than let these emotions eat me away to the core
I know I don't want to live, but I don't know if I'm sure.
Maybe I'll stick around a while...just a few days more.
Sep 2013 · 337
Canvas (10w)
Dia Sep 2013
My wrists are
A canvas.
And I...
Am an *artist
Sep 2013 · 544
Not Ready
Dia Sep 2013
I want to feel your heartbeat on my cheek
When I rest my head on your chest.
But, at the same time, I'm afraid
Because I know that that heart beats for me
And that's not something I'm ready for with you
Sep 2013 · 498
Dia Sep 2013
We connected like puzzle pieces
But we took it too far too fast
I'm trying to straighten out the creases
I mean, it's not like we would last

The last thing I want to do is confuse you
To say yes, and continue to do
What we're doing and pretend it's okay, too.
But it's not. And I know I can't blame it on you
Sep 2013 · 372
Prove It (10w)
Dia Sep 2013
You'd call me beautiful
I'd ask you to
*Prove it
Sep 2013 · 458
I Hate High School
Dia Sep 2013
I will become an impassive wall
And I won't care to answer when called

You'll see me again someday,
But that's not a promise I'm willing to make

I'm going to be gone for a while now, okay?
Oh, don't look like that! I'm just going M.I.A.
I'll only be gone until everyone forgets my name,
And when I come back, I hope things won't be the same

High school is full of idiots who play frivolous games,
Who don't understand a word that I say
It may sound pretentious, but I'm better than they are in many ways
And my sharp mind will still be here after theirs has long since frayed.
Sep 2013 · 637
I'm Fine :)
Dia Sep 2013
Is fine staying up the whole night crying,
Hating myself so much for everything I am and everything I've become?
Is fine pretending I'm emotionless in the presence of others?
Is fine allowing my heart to get trampled on over and over again
Just hoping that once, I'll find the one who won't break it?
Is fine taking pills and drinking alcohol,
Not caring about the effects but just wanting to escape my own mind for a while?
Is fine depicted in all the scars on my wrists,
All those times I needed someone and no one was there?

If so, then alright.
I'm *fine
I don't like it though...may work on it
Sep 2013 · 358
Up To You
Dia Sep 2013
You are lovely
You deserve more of me
Because your ways are so high above

You deserve more than what I can give you
Darling, I have far too many issues
To love you as you should be loved

You can wait for me to fix myself
Or you can find your interest in someone else
I'll leave it up to you, love
Sep 2013 · 499
Writers Block
Dia Sep 2013
Staring at the blinking cursor,
Waiting for inspiration,
But then I realize how
My life really is

The blank page mocks me
As it slowly fills with meaningless words
That I don't even remember thinking
Let alone typing
Sep 2013 · 1.5k
I Blame Me
Dia Sep 2013
He left because I was a pretentious *****
I couldn't leave him be without mentioning college
And now he's gone and my life is drab
I know it's my fault that he's never coming back.
I apologized a thousand times, but he didn't care
I don't know why I am the way I am. It just isn't fair!
I tried my hardest not to **** it up this time,
But I guess it was meant to end.
I feel like I wasted all that time
Just to lose another friend
Personal one :/
Sep 2013 · 666
Tap Out
Dia Sep 2013
I'm out of breath
Panting like crazy
Got me wet
Nice and slippery baby

I can't think straight
My thoughts are jumbled
If you keep this up,
I'm bound to crumble

I can't form words
I'm left speechless
You got me pinned
As you pepper my body with sensual kisses

That **** body's got me quivering
That mischievous smile has my body shivering

Our bodies move  in sync
As sweat falls down in rivulets
My screams are silent but
They're louder than what you'd expect
I bite my lips to retain my sanity
The deeper you go,
The more you get out of me

I'm getting to my end
I'm out of control
All the sensations are taking their toll
A knowing smile, you can tell you've won
You made me tap out.
I'm done.
Sep 2013 · 433
Dia Sep 2013
Fury is bubbling up inside me like a volcano ready to erupt,
But all I do is smirk
Because if I let it go,
I'll say things I'll never be able to take back.
And I won't regret it,
But they might.
Sorry it *****.
Sep 2013 · 534
Dia Sep 2013
The lights are dimmed low
Our bodies moving slow
You hear my soft moans
As you have all control
A soft touch here,
A whisper of a kiss there
Has me running my hands all over you and pulling on your hair.
You chuckle at my submission
As we switch to the next position.
In the dimmed low lights,
I can see your body glisten.
You smile cause you know I'm your prey.
I can see the predator in your eyes as you've come out to play.
So pin me down, show me who's boss
Cause at this point I already know I've lost...
My friend Branda's poem. I thought it was awesome so I wanted to put it up
Sep 2013 · 1.7k
Your Seduction
Dia Sep 2013
Your dominance shows like a beam of light
I can't contain myself though I try
Your loving just feels so right
Your cool fingers drawing circles on my thighs

Resistance is futile, I must submit
Sighing as we change positions; we're a perfect fit
Let me stay here with you—you're perfect

Fingers combing through your hair
As you whisper ***** secrets in my ear
The sun is coming up as we play our game of truth or dare
You whisper: stay in my arms right here

And I am more than pleased
To follow your instruction
Because I don't desire to leave
I am drawn by your seduction
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