I am not these crooked glasses,
that slightly hide my eyes.
I am not this bushy brow,
that furrows when I sigh.
I am not this auburn hair,
that will some day fade to gray.
I am not this mortal shell,
that was born to pass away.
I am not this sordid past,
that sometimes brings me tears.
I am not these hopes and dreams.
I am not these fears.
I am not the worldly wealth,
that gives direction to the day.
I am not the pastimes,
that help time pass away.
I am not this car.
I am not this home.
I am not this lack of friends.
I am not alone.
I am not a number.
I am not this name.
As time is surely passing,
I am surely not the same.
I was never yesterday.
I’ll never be tomorrow.
Today I cannot hold the past,
from the future I can’t borrow.
I am at my deepest core,
a never ending will.
I am what this mind would think,
if all its thoughts were still.
I am love unconditional.
Potential unconfined.
I am what my god intended,
when this soul was first designed.
It is only a reflection.
This man you think you see.
He appears bound by his existence,
but I, have always been free.