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26.5k · Jun 2014
Emotional Abuse
Dark n Beautiful Jun 2014
Your kind of love cripples me
I am weak,
I am sad,
I feel hopeless
You make me feel like raggedy Ann
Red braids and strips stocking
Cherry lips with white and blue smocking
A fabulous smile with twinkly eyes
I am flawless today
However, tomorrow I will be worthless
I am emotionally abuse
By the master of deception
Mr. Lover
Don't Let Anyone Steal Your

21.2k · Apr 2010
The Vagina
Dark n Beautiful Apr 2010
The ******.
They say that beauty is in the eyes of the
beholder, however the ******
is a gold mine.

Women do not even know
what their possess
many a nation have gone to war,
because of this ugly beauty,
the seven hundred wives of
King Solomon and his three
hundred concubines
a great example of what
the ugly beauty can do.

Infidelity is on the rise,
so many lies,
since the ****** is an embarassing subject
why men lie and killed for it,
For this remarkable commodity

A ****** is like a Van Gogh painting,
it gets lot of attention.
A weapon so powerful
It can break a man down to his lowest
it has a language of its own.
silly words like sup, sup, sup. during loving making
However, that was supposed to be the primary appeal
of a beer to men.

The ****** and a beer have so much in common
they both get their men all the time,
a smooth transportation,
in addition, the lamentation,
****** you are surely number one!
Men incredible dreams,
No matter how destructive or fulfilling,.

Dark@beautiful/or Darknlovely
12.4k · Mar 2015
In Memories Of A Brother
Dark n Beautiful Mar 2015
From the warmth of her womb
to a wooden coffin
the cloth of her **** laid lifeless
Gone to soon, gone too soon

The pain was more than she could bare
after losing her only son
to the rough street of Chicago
where the kingpin rules
and the prosecutes parade
the dark corridors in dark suits

It's a mother worse nightmare,
when the law enforcements,
is train to **** and asked question after.

In fear of their lives,
however, two wrongs,
cannot equal to right.

Our judicial system defenses team toss
them back to the mean street
with only criminals intents on their minds
another careless proceeding gone wrong.

so, here I am
back to the crime scene
9.8k · Sep 2018
Down Hill: Hartley Forde
Dark n Beautiful Sep 2018
Another Version

Hartley Forde

You can’t see the wind,
But that old mango tree,
Outside my window,
tell me it’s there..
I never travel with a raincoat,
Even though I hate getting wet,
Then here comes the aches and pain
And I started to wonder,
was it because I got a little insane..
I thought that I could
Have run faster than it pours
I haven’t heard of
any aircraft that outrun  a jet plane yet,
But, not so anymore,
I never leave my coat and cane,
When I am on a stool,

Oh dear, what has happened to me?
Am I aging? I am not young anymore,
Nor grey, nor old: for age is just a number,
But when the toil of the day
Merges with the aches and pain
With sighing sounds I start to wonder:

I still dance the night away, with my social tunes,
And waltz across the floor to all-time favorite of Strauss
See how I step back in time with the reggae beat,
Lighter than a feather on my feet,

Smiling, with my pearly teeth from ear to ear:
Life just isn’t fear: because age is just a number
That’s when the rubs and oil granny left me:
Come alive again in the neck of time,
to soothe the pain of my aching joints
I smile once again and said
“Oh dear, what do they say again,

Age is just a number and life begins at forty,
Because, I am just starting to be naughty:
Downhill !

written by:
Hartley Forde
Dark n Beautiful Apr 2015
I just want to write a poem no one ever thought of writing
It must have the same effects as walking on the moon
It must trend faster than a meteor as it  hurdles through cyber space

I refused to love any man, who dislikes my poetry,
My man must support my passion ..
not only the warmth of my body
but the passion within this poetess, my secretive mind he must be able to balance:
Without wondering why a woman like me is so naturally secretive
I am always embracing the dark side of my creativity
Dropping little hints here and there throughout the years,

Sidney   J. Harris once said something that left pondering thoughts
He said “When he hears somebody sighs,
'Life is hard,' he’s always tempted to ask them, 'Compared to what?'
I would simply say dog-gone it: Compared to struggling poets whose tries to make a living as a writer

While an upcoming rapper like Chief Keef
signed a several-million dollar deal
with offending lyrics in today music industries:

I just want to write a poem no one ever thought of writing,
With lots of intense emotion bursting through each line:
Because a poem can’t exist without a poet's multiple voices
and most of all his divine missions
9.0k · Nov 2014
The Infinitives
Dark n Beautiful Nov 2014
How many times have I brought to the table
My Island flavors?
How many times have you read
my inner thoughts:
how many times will I share them again and again

It all began in 2004 from the moment I walked in
You wasn’t there and I didn’t really care
You ***** more than a female
you took on a huge responsibility
so you went out and brought the  singular noun, pronouns
adjectives,  plural verbs, preposition and the infinitives

For a New York minute you should have
brought Heather Taffet  the grave digger for security measures
My poesy is my poesy
The sun always seems to be a symbol of life.
and life is worth living.
8.8k · Apr 2015
I Was In Love With A Poem
Dark n Beautiful Apr 2015
I was in love with a Poem:

The poet lured her victims into her wild kingdom of
Word, words, words, that
became the forest of ****** illusion
verses and verses that I never encounter;

In this kingdom I never notice the Sunrise before Sunset
The chanting before the protesters
Lightening before the winds
suddenly brought on by the rain,
That triggers the mighty storms:

The poetics effects of Similes, Hyperbole,
Understatement and personification devices got my attention
Pages after pages,
line of words that opened my eyes,
The mighty pen, a trending poem,
and there I was a loyal reader
With an amazing cup of hot coffee

The poem took me through
this much-modernized tale of
Alice’s rabbit hole adventures

Poems are to be read aloud,
loving making is meant to be private
So is mourning for the dead:
Some things are just meant to be...private

My love for the poem and
my admiration on its poetic views
Is more than human emotions,
than my stimuli of brain ***
I read the poem while sipping my coffee,

Birth, death, politics and religion
***, drugs and empty souls : human emotions,
This much-modernized free verse poetry can causes multiplies  *******
Dark n Beautiful Jun 2015
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
Love leaves a memory no one can steal. ~ Author Unknown
It rain heavily on the river in Kerala the next morning
I think it was a sign of things to come,
I remember our walks by the water

The warmth of the sun as it dampen your hair
this brought out your winsome boyish smile
as you playfully tossed a small pebble into the water
It became an instant Kodak moment for years to come:
We were so in love with nature that summer

I remember every moment how we held each other hands
Your loving touch, your kiss, your blue eyes
So trustworthy was I: Your lies were accumulating.
and my foolish heart was pumping harder and harder

Like a gallon of water in the desert heat: you made me fell in love with you
your love for me was like a battlefield and I were the unexpected enemy

I am still very fond of my captor, I smile from ear to ear- each time it rain heavily in Kerala
If you know your enemies and know yourself then you are on top of things:

Until death leaves a headache no one can heal: Quote:
And love no matter what: leaves lasting memories.
6.5k · Jul 2014
Dark n Beautiful Jul 2014
The truth about this ****** thing
it creates more headaches than
our thirst is getting more and more difficult to quench

so you lay there feeling empty
while his head sunk deep into your pillow
he slept,
you pondered

your thoughts turn to
a time  when it was you
and the pink *******....
I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves." - Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951
6.1k · Dec 2013
Nelson Mandela
Dark n Beautiful Dec 2013
We have heard of so many leaders
Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi
so many fallen heroes
Then we heard of the man who destroyed apartheid
In South Africa,
And quickly the word Nelson Mandela
pops into our heads
The dark and the light
the sadness, the pain,
Then there’s Nelson Mandela legacy
turning the other cheeks against your aggressors
everybody and every nation needs inspirations
but to win:
a soul is require to
become such power leaders like them

R.I.P Nelson Mandela
Anti-Apartheid hero
5.9k · Dec 2015
Burning Incense
Dark n Beautiful Dec 2015
When I see things that is so inhumane
I just have to close my eyes, and shake my head
I am part of a team there,
but I am not happy to be on board
A failing system that’s ruthless
So I put on my gloves,
and do as much as I can
Else I would be living that lie.

When I see things that is so inhumane
I just tighten my jaws and shake my head
To the things that disgust me the most
I burn incense as a symbol of prayer for the helpless
Dark n Beautiful Aug 2018
You must never **** the spiders,
While, they are woven their poems into the likeness of thunder?
Kidnapped the poets, instead of the poems
Therefore, I asked of you to stop all useless riots
On poetry, read them, embrace them, and
Learn from them: poetry is disciplined
And disciplined is the most misunderstanding word
In the dictionary: but somehow it is said that

riots is the language of the unheard:
we must never embrace racial riots,
or racial profiling: reach out to racial equity
stop allowing the messages of hate to go viral
plants row of trees, in the name of love,
I recently came across, ants yes, I said ants

When army ants need to cross a large gap, they simply build a bridge - with their own bodies. Linking together, the ants can move their living bridge from its original point, allowing them to cross gaps and create shortcuts across rainforests in Central and South America.

I recently saw human fighting each other, I recently read somewhere
Where children were locked away in cages
McALLEN, Texas (AP) — inside an old warehouse in South Texas, hundreds of immigrant children wait in a series of cages created by metal fencing. One cage had 20 children inside. Scattered about are bottles of water, bags of chips and large foil sheets intended to serve as blankets.

We must never **** the spiders,
While, there are woven their poems into the likeness of thunder..
5.6k · Nov 2014
Sunday Night Sex
Dark n Beautiful Nov 2014
The End of Desire
It over it far from over
Satisfaction is not the end of desire
Sunday night ***
Can leave you speechless
When he said
“sorry honey"
I have a headache
What a way to **** the moment
Dark n Beautiful Oct 2015
I don't have any emotions anymore
Sometimes, I don’t know if I’m having a feeling
Or I am dreaming, while I am awake?

Some might think that my mind
is exploring my emotions
while looking for happiness,

So I decided to bake a melodrama cake
Nope! I meant mel-o-cream butter pound cake
The ingredient is my path to getting my feelings back
Egg, butter, flour, sugar, raisins,
baking powder and a little milk
I just want to transfer my feeling,
with some logical thinking..

  Somewhere, deep within a non stanzaic,
and syllabic poem forms by the minute
It’s going to trend like this cake,
which is going to be bake with love

Poetry is everywhere,
creaming my butter and sugar is poetic
because butter and sugar never stick together. It also
reminds me of Nana’s golden brown patties, tasty and spicy
Adding the eggs, nutmeg, baking powder, brings out the
natural female traits in this Island girl,
without my empowering dreads

The raisins and the baking powder remind me of
The Rise of Radical African American Activism,
And all that rises, rise in due degree
so poetry is everywhere
it's  in everything we say and do.
4.4k · Dec 2014
Making Love
Dark n Beautiful Dec 2014
We capture an image of a Saturn moon on the lake
However, how can one capture that moment
When my body response to your touch,

An instant transformation of the goddess within
The purring of the tigress,
the moan of the dying deer
those sounds were bewitching to your ear
you softly whispered to me
“If my heart fails let it be
Heaven wait”.
let your warmth be a challenge
of spoken words as you orchestrated in my mind
  an euphony...
4.2k · Sep 2014
Dark n Beautiful Sep 2014
Trustworthy. ****. Rare to find. Loves being in longrelationships. Extremly energetic.
Amazing in bed, the BEST lovers.  Quote:

so who are you talking about here
a man or a woman
because none of this fit the description
of my any woman or man
I have never  known..
4.2k · Apr 2018
This Organ Vagina
Dark n Beautiful Apr 2018
This ***** ******:

They say that beauty is in the eyes of the
Beholder, so does this ***** have eyes?
the power of evil and bad,

Today we see what it can do
Many a nation have gone to war,
Because of this ugly beauty,
many family units has been tread apart
Because of its evil doings,

The seven hundred wives of
King Solomon and his three
Hundred concubines was
a great example of what
the ugly beauty can do:

Infidelity is on the rise,
so many lies: so many shortcoming,
Lucy ****** is an embarrassing subject
why men lie and killed for it?

this remarkable commodity: with
****** is like a Van Gogh painting,
It gets lot of attention: the baseline dimensions
is still a mystery: A weapon so powerful

It can break a man down to his lowest
It has a language of its own.
silly words like sup, sup, sup.
the same sound effects of a cold beer going down
the gullets: the smoother, the  esophagus: pleasers

The ****** and a beer have so much in common
they both get their men all the time,
a smooth transportation, in addition, the lamentation,

****** you are surely blissful:
Men incredible dreams
who wouldn’t want to own the team?
No matter how destructive or fulfilling:

* Ô, the wine of a woman from heaven is sent,
more perfect than all that a man can invent.”
― Roman Payne
* Quote
Dark n Beautiful May 2013
How long my days, my nights listening to swagger jaggier
Since the seagulls, dance broke the sand-bags
Last year have been widely criticized as the torture year
How long my days, my nights listening to swagger jaggier
Last year hurt more than ever
the attitude of the unions lecture
How long my days, my night listening to swagger jaggier
Since the seagulls, drove the dagger deeper.

Author note...
sometimes in life we just have to take the good with the bad
remembering the storm of 2012..
I was aiming for:   The Triolet  Form of poetry
3.9k · Jul 2015
Dark n Beautiful Jul 2015
Thorn amongst the weeds
As for what was sown among thorns.
It wasn’t the pumpkin vines: Little did I know:
I watched him daily watering the young plants;
Pulling the dried weeds, and
adding more manure soil to the garden
It took several weeks for me to see a garden full of beautiful
pumpkin leaves and flowers

Little did I know:  it was more than vines,
It came with those neuro-protective qualities,
and can also influence pleasure, memory, and thinking:
However, what’s is good for the goose
not necessary good for the gander.

So there I was a little Miss Goosey goosey gander,
Whither shall I wander? Upstairs and downstairs
Or hide behind the old shed, and indulging in high-caloric treats,
Not everyone who uses marijuana becomes addicted.
Nor everyone who writes a piece is a poet, but a good story teller.
Dark n Beautiful Nov 2015
As ***** as a three balled tomcat
Very *****
Very full of ****** desire

You can fake that loud sound during ***
However, no need to fake that sound
With your first meal of the day
Oh so yummy! Oh, so hungry for that touch
So here I am as ***** as a three balled tomcat

What if everything were revealed about my whereabouts
Especially last night, was I somnambulism?
It’s time to get myself together. I was all over the place
I have to channel my energy today into something useful;
I have to stay soulful, I have to stay focused
I might be a night walker

However, If a man awakes the sleeping tigress within
He better be ready to calm its wicked, wicked ways
A woman isn’t complete without the
Amen, hallelujah, thank be to glory moments
As she reaches the maximum of her
Amazing, mind and body-blowing experience
I have to challenge them… did I lose my self-respect?

My midnight blue satin dress
Someone said that it’s a wicked, wicked tease
I know that it controls my every mood
Staying ahead of the curves, surveying the scenery
Swaying down the Avenue living dangerously
Down where the palm trees sway against the breeze
Here I am as ***** as a three balled tomcat.
but I can surely make the bad boys good for the weekend
3.7k · Jan 2015
Seasonal Lovers
Dark n Beautiful Jan 2015
My love and I were just seasonal lovers
I lost all faith in him
he was a scourge to his sensitive pride.

Today we are in a different country
Our smiles is now upside down
Our laugher is seldom heard,
Between us is the Brooklyn Bridge,
When he uses to look at me
his brown eyes tell his soul

It’s going to be colder outside,
For lovers like us,
He with his flannel pajamas
And I with my heavy pink robe and
fuzzy slippers
it's going to be a lonely winter
3.4k · Sep 2013
Force Ripe
Dark n Beautiful Sep 2013
All Blames goes back to an old time religion
Mother without tears, no end
A father without fears, no courage
Poverty is a sin
That can led a nation into abomination
Breeding cattle can solve a herdsman problem
However, how can one sell his daughters for dowry?
Does it worth it to win the lottery,
Then lose it all the next day
My heart goes out to the innocent children .
Child Brides..
3.3k · Mar 2015
Dark n Beautiful Mar 2015
A Stranger amongst strangers
when the poet is a stranger
he become a danger to the future
You were here; I was there

Healing the world with prayers and lyrics
Just another nightmare
As the world shun another poet
The poets disappear another forgotten poem

Within each new poet there is a new idea
the poesy, the artistry, blend within hidden words
Fade poems curl like a half moon.
Fading, fading, gone too soon
Dark n Beautiful Oct 2015
She had her own signature scent,
A lasting aroma, that lingers in every corner of her home
As the strong winds picked up the scent,
and move it quite a distance.

She carefully prepare the mixture from the earth
Cuss ,kuss grass, Jasmine, rose buds and roots,
Before she prepare the mixtures with that special touch

Like a fine wine from the winery,
“One more drop of Rosemary oil, she would say
This would make the scent last for eternity,

Old Granddad he would make silly jokes,
His word usages, madam chemist, a witch with a spoon,
But in the end, she would always made a special potion for him
We would carefully select the flaky mahogany woods shaving,
with combinations of fresh vanilla leaves with extracting oil with oils
Those homemade perfumes from flowers had lots of potential.

Granddad hand craft the wooded bottle stoppers with his chisel,
It was a joy to watch, the old Irish typhoon working and smoking his pipe
Old Alan baffler was Nana nickname for him

She would scold and speak harshly to us
for touching the those colorful luring bottles
“Don’t open those bottles, you malicious children
Else a witch would appear: She would often say,
For me, my nana was an old chemist,
with old decade’s wooden sticks.
Preparing the mixtures like a fine wine,

I am forever grateful for those memories
I should have follow in her footsteps,
Her secret potions, her gift,
Is worth millions of dollars today
Looking back on yesteryears , good parenting
and good memories
3.2k · Feb 2014
Winter Of My Hardship
Dark n Beautiful Feb 2014
I married him for all the wrong reasons
his dashing good looks
leave something to be desired
the  added addition
to his bank books,
which was a God sent
in this winter of my hardship
And by this all being tragically said
Never once have I  bothered to check out the family tree
indeed wasn’t
a sensible adjustment
I divorced him for all the right reasons his
Cheating and dealing
and his inexperienced *******
This was worse than any dealing
Dark n Beautiful Apr 2014
May the birds of happiness
Always sing your songs
True friends stay together

Have you ever bumped
into a friend expectedly ,
You stop, you greet
You exchange small talk,

However, as they walk away
for a moment you wish
You wore a veil
just to avoid that road block
Without the willow sigh of... oh ****!

Suddenly the memories
Of your friend resurface;
You slowly looked back and wave goodbye
With a pleasant smile upon your face
Was that Betty or Mesha B?
Memories are supposed to last forever
True friends stay together

However, it's so hard to remember the names
of old friends from your past
  Without losing that gap of time and place
A loss or change, healing or new beginning
When everything changes; it changes everything

However, as the conversation end
With “Oh isn’t it a lovely day”
It was so good to see you my nameless friend
despite the memory loss
3.0k · Jun 2015
Guinness and Milk
Dark n Beautiful Jun 2015
Guinness and Milk
You can blame me for everything
However, not tonight
You cannot blame me for having this
Cold, cold glass of Guinness and milk
So come on!   cheers.
Lets forget this blasted day
However, I ain't looking forward to tomorrow
***** workplace
2.8k · Jun 2014
Forget Me Not
Dark n Beautiful Jun 2014
The ******
Eye contact is key when giving a compliment
We give a compliment to the eyes
The hair, the lips, and most recently
the curves,
However, behold a beauty
Behold a gold mine
Behold an ugly beauty
Once consider to be so divine
most men speaks in tongues
as they feast upon this beast
a low carb appetizers
that never seem to please
white meat or dark meat
so juicy , sometimes sinful
a mystery, a blessing

this remarkable commodity can make one lose ones focus
2.7k · Nov 2020
Setback N More
Dark n Beautiful Nov 2020
The week has to have a weekend
Days have to have a tomorrow
And goodbye to yesterday’s/
In turns will bring the months to an end/

What do we have to face
moving forward setbacks and  more
worried looks in the bystanders eyes..
When all is set and done, we have to say grace
We have to look up every morning and whisper to the skies.

The news broadcaster’s never speak of genuine love,
They only wishes to be littered,
While, begging folks to do their part
The cooing of the dark lonely dove
a symbol that there’s is no more  love in ones heart
during the these stressful day/

Ten o’clock curfew at night,\/
Essentials workers must only be seen at dawn/
No more than ten to twelve people on sight/
And large outstanding gathering must be gone/

Black Friday’s deals, window shopping strolls
Everything seem on hold, the biggest black hole of 2020/
And nothing spoke to me: not even a 60 inch flatscreen TV/

Let’s take a page from the Jewish customs
Bury the dead in the next seventy two hours/
All November traditions is limit/
Thanksgiving Day a Tic, tok

All Saints Day, All Souls Day, Mischief Night, Bonfire Night
Once you take down the statues, of useless figures
Would History of the injustices will be erase/
The world is hurting,
Dark n Beautiful May 2015
Your kind of love cripples me
I am weak,
I am sad,
I feel hopeless
You turned my life into a contest
Two for the price of one, plus a dollar:
You make me feel like raggedy Ann
Red braids and strips stocking
Cherry lips with white and blue smocking
A fabulous smile with twinkly eyes
am I the next Ms. Amy Winehouse?
I have let my mind become one with my thoughts
like an overpower incoming tide,
I am dying on the inside
I am flawless today
Eventually, tomorrow I will feel worthless
I am emotional abuse by
the master of deception and that’s you
I was your candy, yet you withdraw the cane
Leaving the flavor all sticky- icky
My long distant Lover
“Long distance relationships do not rely on physical love, long distance relationships are driven by the love that inspires your heart, mind and soul.”
― Anonymous
2.6k · Sep 2014
Tigeress Within
Dark n Beautiful Sep 2014
In the wee hours of the morning
If a man awakes the sleeping tigress within
He better be ready to calm its wicked, wicked ways

A woman isn’t complete without the
Amen, hallelujah, thank be to glory moments
As she reach the maximum of her
amazing, mind- and body-blowing experience.
I challenge you… Have I lost my self-respect?
2.6k · Sep 2014
Something about you
Dark n Beautiful Sep 2014
Something about you
beautiful lady,
Something that you
change in me.
Something about your
hair just falling,
Something that won't
leave me be.

Something about you
beautiful lady,
Something in you
that speaks to me
Something about your
brooding nature
Something underneath
no one else can see

With sad eyes
green as an ocean,
won't you smile
sometimes for me
My eldest daughter..
2.6k · Nov 2013
I amn't A Steam Pleat Teen
Dark n Beautiful Nov 2013
I’m not a hideous wall flower;
school girl steam pleat, designer girl,
Nike or Jordon’s silly Preteen, air heads
I’m gifted, provocative,
I am the teen princess.

I able to fuss, blush and rebel,
I’m awkward, backward,
I am Peppy long stocking;
I’m all that!
I am teen of the pack;
I am not likely to turn back
I am your commercial, billboard cover story

Smarter than you can imagine,
I am passionate,
but a little old fashion, yet modern,
bold and witty,
Oh yes!
I’m so ambitious, super delicious, super fly
with an upbeat modernize Hollywood red carpet style
I speak in a youthful way;
that’s my urban thesaurus

I am not curse, the curse that invades your privacy,
sometimes, I am sluggish and  downright lazy?
I am mommy baby and Daddy maybe
However, I’m no wall flower
Dark n Beautiful Jun 2013
People build million dollars homes
Far away from the city dwellers
To be free from ordinary folks
Are well known loners

They even tried to own the high sea
Unfortunately, it belongs to all nation and mankind
It’s  known as freedom and seafaring power to all

In hopes of a segregation
without the unnecessary advocating
they build swimming pools;
and Bob wire fences

It’s hard for many of us to create duplicates of heaven
Without the approval of the mighty one
These efforts would remain tantalizingly and unreachable
Like the keys to the golden gates;

Some of the loners that goes down to the depth of the ocean
To do business in the water, have failed miserably
after they have seen the works of the all mighty

However, with all their money and the power
They is no escaping from your neighbors
There is only one thing that separated us
is death
2.4k · Jan 2015
We Gave
Dark n Beautiful Jan 2015
We gave because we feel that we must
We gave because we know it’s the right thing to do
We gave because we were corner into giving
We gave from the kindness of our hearts

Giving is not always a fear exchange.
occasionally we get shortchange
Giving is a guilty conscience: you give me something
I have to return the favor. Some givers like to
stay out of the limelight:  that’s me
it’s best way out :  no acceptance speech

No you
“shouldn’t have,
it was so generous of you
You are so kind to think of me".

Giving is like uncut rough diamond,
it never sparkles until it polish
A diamond was believed to protect the wearer from the Devil, as well as the Plague: Quote
Dark n Beautiful Apr 2015
The poets became the underwear sale men
They tried to sell their poems to the optimist
Whereas an Queen of African Pop singer exposes her body on stage
While belting out loud outrageous lyrics, because she was a crowd pleaser

Long poems, short poems
Old century poets, modern contemporary poets
We all have the right to sermonize your words into magical dust,
The contemporary poets stood on the balcony reciting,
Some onlookers’ claps and some Jarred

Today’s youth is being waste away faster than their elders
Chanting, raving ranting rapping lyrics from the balcony
making a mockery of the old century poetic poets
The poets became the underwear sale men
as they tried to sell their poems to the optimist
However, legendary John Lennon’s scribbles, letters and poems have proved a hit for Sotheby’s after exceeding their pre-sale estimates to sell for almost $3 million in New York.
The former Beatle’s nonsensical poem, “The Fat Budgie”, sold for $143,000 (£85,000) despite being valued at the much lower price of $35,000 (£21,000).
Handwritten manuscript “I Sat Be lonely” took four times its estimate and went for $137,000 (£82,000), while a corrected typescript called Neville Club surpassed its £12,000 (£7,000) estimate to sell for $100,000 (£60,000).
2.4k · Nov 2014
Silence is a Sound
Dark n Beautiful Nov 2014
Silence is a sound
Silence is a text message
With just a smiley
Knowingly he cares
Silence is an image of the meadow
Waiting for the natural sound of the wind

Silence is reaching the top of the mountain
you look around in slow motion and said I did it
God **** it I did it!
Silence is just golden,
Silence is a sound
2.4k · Apr 2015
Compassion , Compassion
Dark n Beautiful Apr 2015
Compassion, compassion

  Poets, viewers, poems with injurious remarks
Why we do the things we do?

We were born to suffer together
a poet who asked his viewers to feel his pain
Throughout the lines, while tearing down the barriers
that separate and divide the poet and the readers

I bluntly said to that poet, one heart, and one love
If I was to say to that poet:  death is good for some people
They deserve to die a painful death,
Am I asking too much of the poet to show empathy:

Who gave him the right, to steer me through his attitude and guilt
Who gave him the right, too asked of me to join a sympathetic crusade?
right now I'm in the process of turning empathy off and say buzz off Man!
No one was harm in the writing of the piece.....
love being me.... one love, one heart my viewers... love my "Hello Poetry Group...
2.3k · Jun 2017
I've Know Liars
Dark n Beautiful Jun 2017
He bluntly crucified my friend
I’ve known liars, I‘ve known thieves
I’ve seen crooked lawyers in action
I was shocked by the jurors reaction
  I have study the body languages of the fibbers
Read between the lines of the tell-tales

But to concocted a preposterous but believable story
Just to feed it to the judge: That is so cold, yet so bold
I always believe in the old saying,
Only fools represent themselves in the courts of law
My heart bleeds for my dearest friend
His soul have grown weaker than elastic knicker

Akiane Kramarik  said
"No matter what happens around us, or to us, through love,
our soul reaches immortality, conquering all dimensions and all destinies

He had bathed in the forbidden sea, where the mermaid had warn him
Not to entered:, Where the daughters of Lucifer lured  kindhearted men from good homes

He builds their house near the sand, and it slowly sank
He looks out to the Atlantic Ocean,
for guidance and saw the raging waves

Then he remembers nights of unsettling dream:
He have known liars, he have known pain,
Somehow, it was hard for him to stay afloat in
the murky water  I’ve known liars

  I have listened to both sides:
but earlier this week the judge was so quick to chooses sides
Is this the end for my friend?
When a poem tells a story. some might say that it's a prose
some might say it a journal entry, some might have to read between the lines with ease.
2.3k · Jul 2018
Some Ghosts Are My Exes
Dark n Beautiful Jul 2018
A little nod to Kiki Petrosino

The heart ceases to beat. Because
Some ghosts are my exes
neither angry nor kind
their faces spiral like
old windmills that clings to dry autumn leaves
looking for a place to land:

Not all ghosts are my exes
I remember them as stingy, and womanizing
Some were wolves in sheep clothing
Not smart but conniving species,
They capture your attention, like
a slow moving sunrise, then lure you
Like a vampire before dawn to have his feed:

But that isn’t all, some of my ghosts who
Walks amongst the mortal grinning
Asking to be friends, to forgive, to reflect,
Not a clever move, my ghostly friends,
just deceiving: Tactics

As a wise man once told me,
No one can hurt me without my permission…
So some of the blame, of misfortune lies on me
2.3k · Aug 2018
Dogmatic/Donald Trump
Dark n Beautiful Aug 2018
We must never **** the spiders
While, they wove their words into the likeness of thunder
You only watch the news to find out
Where the con artist stands,
He opens his mouth and nonsense comes out
He twitters like a bird and the sound of a dog bark echo,
Lowlife, unhinged, bigoted, racists, misogynist,
How do one goes from eating at his table:
To coming in through the back entrance,

And whether it matter to us or not;
We got to see what division can do to us
Some might even say, salacious and ridiculous
I think it’s a game change, with the wars of words
Bishop and knight checkmate!!
your move my dear..
and by the way :
You are fired!!
Dark n Beautiful Dec 2013
He board the train at Newkirk
that was his train; that’s his life
a backpackers hostels retreat
to hell with the rest of us...
**** all the haters
**** all the on- lookers;

that seems to be his street attitudes
he slowly force his way between the passengers
they scattered like crows: the stench was so nauseating
we all held our noses:

but he kept on smiling
to hell with the world
they run the city subway cars
No 2, 3, 4, 5, Q, B
was he half a man for being homeless

I felt empathy,
I felt uneasy
But he kept on smiling;

As he sang love and happiness
One of Al Green famous songs
You be good to me
And he is good to you.

I got off that train with a sense
Of happiness being able to go home
life can be so bittersweet
for the poor unfortunate souls

the love and happiness,
he once shared.
Fade many moons ago
so he kept on singing
“Everybody needs an inspiration
Especially when the nights are so cold
Dark n Beautiful Mar 2017
I buried my father:

In the St. Augustine Cemetery
I visit at the old gravesite of the deceased annually
I saw the quiet grave keeper still standing there looking dazed and confused
By the looks of things:
My father resting place
still soaks up all the tears

My mother and other siblings said to me
That to visit any one grave site wasn’t their kind of thing

I buried my father underground: It have been so long
Since then, the birds would come to the house of my father
Looking for breadcrumbs from days old bread
The dead will not be forgotten, his name will lives on

When I was a toddler, he fed me white rice with butter
Sprinkled with black pepper and grated cheese:
With my weak voice I was say “thank you: he was so please

I buried my father in the St. Augustine cemetery
It’s one of the saddest places to visit,
Unlike seasonal passes tickets
So adjacent, those graves: so annoying those wild crickets

He might be far away from his home,
but not from our hearts
Everything on his grave seem so square and flat,
But the most outstanding piece was the letters that read
R.I.P:  what I saw was (Rescue Innocent Perry)

Sometimes, I wondered about the dead
About their done deals: their final feast
I buried my father there, but not his memories

I saw the old mahogany tree still standing tall
the pieces of kindling wood, he made for grilling,

I will  always remember him, and I know he might be
Thinking of me, his poetic daughter especially on that day
when I accompany him to cut the branches from the
old Mahogany tree, just to make backyard wood fire
For the family breakfast, lunch and supper
I buried my father: the naïve share cropper:
Memories, sadness Mahanay tree, death , wood fire,
family, sharecropper
2.2k · Feb 2014
Nana's Bread Pan
Dark n Beautiful Feb 2014
I look through Nana's broken window so many times
However, today it seems so different
watching the blackbirds in the
avocados trees pecking at the fruits

Nana harvests the best ripe avocados pears
The color of dark burgundy, and green
All came from that old worn out tree;

Every year we would carefully inspect each pear
before packing them in the  brown barrel
they were moist and delicious on the inside
so easy to peel , those lovely ripen pears.

Here I am today about to,
open the last mark box of Nana's things
I unfold the last item slowly;
All wrapped up in old newspaper
was her bread pan;
the one with the two handles
an old  burnt crumb lodged in the corners of the pan
I smile, I weep,

Hello! To you too Nana
2.2k · Mar 2015
The Intruder
Dark n Beautiful Mar 2015
A yellow belly cardinal launches itself at my window
Pecks away at the old window pane,
Should I chase the intruder away?
Or should I make him the subject of my next poem
He became my inspiration, and I his adversary
It slurred whistled phrases calm my inner soul

After a while the pecking annoys my daughter’ cat
So, here I am compromising myself and not caring
Because I am about to compose a piece:
About war and peace: title
Fluffy and the **** bird
I took out my camera and zoom in on its beady eyes,
and realize that it was as blind as a bat

Teeth-chattering, tail going from side to side,
doing the war dance this **** cat,
A blind cardinal with a sweet melody
what more can I asked for, but to watch and learn
from the intruder, the spoil feline and the observer,

A yellow belly cardinal launch at my window
Pecks away at the old window pane,
Should I chase the intruder away?
Or let my daughters’ cat razz it?
2.2k · Dec 2013
Making Love To My Poems
Dark n Beautiful Dec 2013
Making love to my poems

making memories that last forever,
come sit beside me and let
your words be mine forever,

Let's wipe away the tears
of yesteryears ,
modern words activates the sound of your voice
words of where are.. thou,
and thou shall dead and buried.

Who are you ?
Where did you come from
My shining star

Forgive my grammar,
forgive my nouns
however, you can read between the lines
as you your hands slipped  off the key board  and onto my legs
and it became long verbs.

my uncontrollabe fingers nervously trace each pronouns
as I cried out  "my God, "oh my Lord,
Come into me, come into me,
shield me from all the adjectives

I felt the couplets of a word forming
suddenly, my train of thoughts  turn to L'Allegro

A Haiku comes together,

It is very cold
on the dark side of the moon
moon peeks through black clouds:
like burning desires to perform an illusion
of tigers mating under in the hot sun
as the female purrs unleashing the animal within man

Music, ecstasy, is what I am feeling
I am blind  my love,
you are so ******* kind to me,
Yesterday is dead

Tomorrow is promise to no one
so there's nothing to fear
hurt me with your words,
like alliterations as I make love to my poems
only my eyes can see your beauty
with each line, meter, tones and sounds

hiding your feelings from others is my destiny
to preserve you,
let your warmth be a challenge
of spoken words as I orchestrated
an euphony...

Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh dun duh
"How do I love thee let me count the ways....Quote
2.1k · Feb 2016
Like whisky to a newbie,
Dark n Beautiful Feb 2016
Like whisky to a newbie
She said *** with her is so amazing,
Should her lovers take her words for granted?
  to the echo chamber, an invitation of uncertainty awaits
on the others side of love.

Just like any property a ****** is still a risky investment
Just like any investment could be,  
Another extremely shameless plug
As she pumps up the volume,
Like a female rebel on the run from the law

They love everything about this Island beauty
Like whisky to a newbie, her poetic euphoric vibes
  take them higher and higher, as her fans dance the night away
Dark n Beautiful Sep 2013
Father for thy, promised blessing
Let there be no more uprising
  Forgive the misunderstanding
God of love eases all suffering

Thy high counselor spoke of war
Those bazaar bandoliers and cigars
Clearly, there is no escaping
God of love eases all suffering

It’s sad to see the frantic cries
As thousands of torture soul dies
Stop the tears, regret and lies
Glory to God, and praise thee

The French kyrielle is composed entirely of quatrains (a quatrain is any stanza with four lines). There is no set number of stanzas, although generally a kyrielle contains three or more. The rhyme scheme is up to the poet (aabb ccbb ddbb etc. is frequently used), but it must be the same for all stanzas. Also, the last line of all stanzas is the same. Kyrielles generally have eight syllables per line, although this is not a requirement.
2.1k · Sep 2018
Ceiling Thoughts
Dark n Beautiful Sep 2018
A little nod to
Joseph Seamon Cotter, Jr.

As I lie in bed,
Flat on my back;
There passes across my ceiling
Last year’s thoughts and flashing lights of passing cars*

Three hundred and sixty days of things: clusters:
Horrifying stories of battered women and abuse children
Sickening parents with mental issues trended across the globe:
And a new seasons of Law-in order special Victim’s unit on Netflix
Teenagers and adult on a summer cruise: party hard:

Sunday church goers grasping the holy bible so tight to their *****
like a stick of dynamite golden heirloom
Girls under twenty in their fashion nova curves club outfits

Leaving nothing to the imaginations: the old men will live longer:
According to National Statistics estimates: without their pacemakers

As I lie in bed,
Flat on my back;
There passes across my ceiling,
Last year’s thoughts and flashing days of
Mishaps and misery on my job
As this coming year draws nearer, I pray
That I will find a way
Out of this path I have chosen.
2.1k · Oct 2018
The Character In Some People
Dark n Beautiful Oct 2018
Let a fool be a fool
Matthew 7:6
Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine.
If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.

I think a lot about the character in some people
The character of a person in
the dictionary sense of the word:
Is not the character in my book: per say:

Writing reflects the character of a person like nothing else.’

The characters in my poems, is never about me
it's about my wiliness to come to term with them:
For the past two years, I took on this character
Who am I, what was I thinking and who told me that I could
have taken on such a huge responsibility:

Friendship is better for business than business is for friendship.*
I have proven this quote to be so true:
I have always appreciated when someone give me something:
I would cherish they gift to the end:

Years ago when I was a teenager,
When things were rough, my cousin and I would
borrowed each other stuff… clothing etc.
I remember my favorite blouse, I lend it to her
I spend almost all my wages just to buy the top
She took forever to return it to me:
So one day I build up the courage to asked her for it
She promises that in a week time she would return it:
a week passed, joined by another and another,
I took it upon myself to go to her house
To bring home my favorite yellow expensive top
There and behold as I walk in her back yard: in the sink
I set my eyes on my yellow silk top: in a pile of *****
Dingy laundry, my heart stop for a moment
green and moldy, lying there,
Crying out to me: rescue me!
I just couldn’t believe my eyes:

She never had respect me or other people belongings:
It has been over thirty years, and I still have the pink
robe my boss had given me after the birth
Of my first daughter, I cherish it,
I appreciated the thought behind her wonderful gift
When someone give us something:
We have to considered how that person care
Enough to get us a little something:
a token of their love

I thinks a lot about the character of some people
How they like to used us, and when you can’t
Come through for them, they sulked
They feed on others sympathy:
Don't help people who won't help themselves:
Just walked away: take it from this character:
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