There is a girl
A light slowly burning out
Trapped in a world
Stuck between dreams and reality
With wings, she could fly
But anchors hold her down
Feathers clipped
And dreams destroyed
Every time she runs
Every time she sets herself free
They bring her back
They lock her up again
She's not sure what she wants
But she can feel it
And she can see it
Just out of her grasp
Oh, how she longs to stretch
To grow an inch or two
And reach out for it
And make it hers
But they tie her down
They hold her back
They tell her no
They say she can't
But underneath her hopeless eyes
There is strength
Such as a tiger would hold
So strong, yet so weak
She is different
And they do not like it
They don't understand it
But she knows the truth
Because the reason they hold her back
Is because they want what she has
They see her light
And if they can't have it, it needs to die
And the girl, she knows
She sees that one day they will forget
They will leave the door open just a crack
And in that instant, she'll be free
They'll see her soar
Higher than they ever imagined
So high they cannot see her
And she'll be free