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 Dec 2014

Blinded by the light
Stood outside to stare
Counting clouds in groups of two
If only I were there

Dreams may come in circles
Rounding out the bend
Ovals in a cornered box
Wanting you again

Laughing through the sadness
Easing past the fear
Bandages of cotton call
Wishing you were here

Singles by the double
Threes improve the score
Adding up the right and wrong
Needing you once more

Pens run out of ink
Pencils break their lead
Chalkboards need to be erased
I’ll love you instead

Poems have their verses
Often they do rhyme
It really matters not to me
As long as you are mine
 Dec 2014
Phoenix Rising
starry eyes with a bold stare
the universe isn't frightening to you
admirable because you are the one percent
the one percent who lives life to the fullest, one hundred percent

curls that your head weeps down
that resemble the salty ocean waves
skin as pale as a snow flake
with sun kissed spots on your crinkled button nose

translucent personality
angelic intentions
a golden silhouette of a heart on your wrist
a kiss that takes and gives air
 Dec 2014
Phoenix Rising
Portals we call 'experiences'
We merge into the mindsets of our various friendships
Feasting like parasites, off of bliss and bruises
Walking out one door into another
Farewell to old parties
Tiptoeing out of other people's stories
I can't recognize who I was before
I am who I am now
"I can't believe I said that"
"I can't believe I did that"
Words we repeat throughout this journey
Rippled reflection from pulling my head out of the water
Drip drying pasts fading fast
Sober psychedelic experiences from our God within
Telling us to awaken the light we have been given
 Dec 2014
Phoenix Rising
I love you, Mother Dearest
Your warm floral dress is my origin of choice
A tall beauty with intricate patterns on your skin, begging to be noticed
You fed me breaths and I grew tall- not as tall as you, but boy was I strong
I took my strength and I buried my heart into you

I love you, Mother Dearest
My heart grew where I planted it, it didn't take much to thrive
The soil was so clean
And you were chipping, but your mind stayed pure
Death was around the corner but you weren't afraid, you told me "It's no different from life, you just become light"

I love you, Mother Dearest
I know you are gone, but you aren't
You can hear me, but you can't answer the way you used to be able to
Clones of beautiful individuals take your place while you make your way up top
If I had the choice, I'd pick the sun too

I love you, Mother Dearest
Mother of all trees
Life supporter
Understood all

And I love you, Sun.
 Dec 2014
Argentina Rose
You may not have been birthed in the soil,
and granted,
you will not blossom
when spring melts winters wake
but inside of you
grows a thousand gardens
full of exploding stars.
You are of the earth
and your ashes
have been constructed with stardust,
and set free with the wind.
So you may not have a pretty face,
and your body may hold stories
of too many moonless nights alone.
But if you reach inside,
you will find a forest
for a ribcage
and a restless ocean heart.
So don't ever let anyone tell you
you are nothing.
You are a galaxy
holding a million different planets,
and my dear,
that is not nothing.
 Dec 2014
Phoenix Rising
Earthly intelligence
Love is the apparatus of universal existence
Nothing more, nothing less
All we ever needed to know is already inside of us

Eyes are useful, but sometimes blinding
Spread your forehead open in the name of light
Reality is perception
Perception is you

You are the creator
 Dec 2014
Hailey P
It hurts, doesn't it?
My one word responses and unanswered texts?
Now you know exactly how I felt
When you decided you didn't care anymore.
But now you miss me and I couldn't care less.
Just Remember, I used to care.
Rage at Everything
Afflics the Sensory Receptors
Of Your Mind.

Except when you talk with certain Friends
laugh with your TV Shows,
Find a Tool you've left behind

To Determine Fault in all things

Blinded by Hate
Always Bothered
No time to Visit or Date

Irritation towards Feelings that
Others may Have
Not interested
No concern
For the Path of Emotional Ruin
Left behind


You have become This Blind

Might as Well
You just Might as Well
You might as Well
With All your Anger

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
Free Verse
Anger truly causes a separation of the Soul.
 Dec 2014
Hailey P
"I notmally like darker hair on girls,
But with you it's different," he says.

I've noticed.
I've seen the way you look at it,
When I'm playing with my hair,
As I'm twirling it around my fingers.

The look that you give.
It is the look of a dog,
When he's staring right at you
While you are eating something.

The look of wanting. Desire. Temptation.
And you want to play with it.
You desire my golden locks.
As if the colour had anything to do with your temptations.
From being told "I don't usually go for blondes"
 Nov 2014
eunsung aka Silas
the world explodes in
the infinite now

in this one single moment
I experience infinity
where I live the truth that
I am always connected to everything
we are connected by the great tapestry of life

my heart explodes with joy in
the infinite now
 Nov 2014
I can't turn my sadness into beauty.  
I try and try and try but the truth is,
there's a certain kind of darkness
and a certain kind of evil
that can't be romanticized into a poem.
Not all feelings can be explained by vomiting up random words into a
college ruled note book paper.
We use words to make our suicidal thoughts sound normal.
Sound acceptable. Sound beautiful.
But suicide is none of those things.
So stop putting the idea of suicidal solutions into the minds of 13 year old boys and girls.
We constantly tell kids that suicide is not the answer,  yet we make the idea seem so appealing.
We paint a pretty picture of
slit wrists
coke lines
anti depressants
hospital beds
and grave stones.
But they are not works of art.
They are grey and cold and empty.
So stop using shades of red, yellow and pink, stop describing the warmth of pain, the way drugs and sliced skin fills your emptiness.
Tell it how it really is.
Instead of writing how good each cut feels, try writing about how bad it actually hurts. how its an addiction.
Instead of writing about the freedom you feel while high, try writing about the way you feel when you come down.  The way the pain crawls right back up your throat,  the way drugs actually ****** up your entire life.
Instead of writing about your sweet dreams of death,  the beautiful idea of taking your own life,
Try writing about the fact that you are terrified to die.  That you want so badly to live. That you don't want to give up.
Stop making the hurt you feel sound cool and trendy.
Tell the world what it's truly like
because lately people have sewn the words
"Beauty" and "pain" into a cute little pink sweater in white lace.
This isn't a poem.  This is a rant.
 Nov 2014
vamsi sai mohan
Ever since You infused into my Being

My eyes have not known rest

Eyes open I see only you in all

Eyes closed I neither know

thought nor contemplation or Dream

Just your wild Dance unnuanced

Or the death defying stillness

My eyes know no rest nor respite

With the all seeing One infused in Me.

This blessed restlessness

This relentless assault upon My Being

Please do not stop, Do not stop.
A poem written by my guru....I love it so much.....
 Nov 2014
jeffrey robin
/   \

                                                       < peace  >

•           •

the long Time


( Years )


Lonely boy

( who even
                                                sees ?)

Are you even
                                               Here ?

( is anybody            HERE ? )


Resting easy for awhile


Highway song

( Loveliness )

Soul revealed

( Tender heartedness )

The mountains still contain some semblance of the Dream



Water from the sky

Nectar from the gods

Child from the very womb of all creation


Look !

See !

And the lonely boy upon the Trail

Shall feel your presence

And come Home
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