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 Nov 2014
she said she fell
for the drunk me -

well, i liked me
that way-better, too

how very sad
- but true

i'd drink again
if i knew i could -
if it would do any good

- to lick her sweat
one drop at a time
all along the jawline

- making her salt mine
one more time.

r ~ 11/15/15
 Nov 2014
South by Southwest
I like the mornings when the showers will reign
I like the excitement when you give a girl the ring
I like the feeling when a dog licks my fingers
I like the feeling of love inside and how it lingers
I like the moon rising up over a lake
I like real kisses when I know they are not fake
I like to sit very still when I am alone
I like it when she makes it safely back home
I like the smell of freshly baking bread
I like the essence of her scent that goes straight to my head
I **** watching  her when she is asleep
I like it even when she has to weep
I like a lot and these are  just a few of the things
I like it enough to share with my friends
I like it now and so it must end
 Nov 2014
   woe my depressions, woe are the scary thoughts in my
dark. Alive are the witches, the goblins the eyes
of Satan. I sleep warily, tossing,
visions between reality and fantasy, never
Then and now I writhe
caught in thorn laden forests,
between trees that reach down shapes
of dark and clowns.
I sit directly within the growing
gloom and call them,
now to bring it on.
bring it on.
 Nov 2014
Ian Cairns
Yesterday tasted like teardrops
Each droplet the loneliest messenger
The saline was tougher than usual this time
It skipped my cheek bone
Lit up my taste buds like gunfire
And now my mouth is drowning in the vowels tomorrow has to offer

Yesterday felt like monster truck tire marks
On the junk car assembly line
Yesterday never felt this deadly before
Those weapons
The ones with dragons painted on the side
The big purple ones with names like Beast or Destroyer
With fire decals that looked fake enough to smile at
Were real enough to crush us
Crush yesterday
Crush everything we always wanted to be
And I've never been so ready for nothing to exist

Yesterday sounded like daffodils in December
The silence only former lovers know
Each petal looking for one last chance you know it doesn't deserve
Yesterday sounded like a good time to give up
To get the hell out of here
Yesterday makes a fool of the horizon
Pretending there is nothing worth searching for
Like there is nothing left at all

It’s morning
Today hits you in the forehead with a spitball
Grabs you out of bed
Points you to the windowsill
And smiles

You turn around
Bed just out of arm's reach
But today taps you on the shoulder
Leans in and whispers the good news mom used to leave you with at the bus stop
It blends in with the cool breeze for a moment
You go outside
Grab that jacket your grandmother bought you last Christmas
Zip it up right above your bellybutton
And remember the wind can give the best advice

Today brought you your favorite mixtape
The one you left in your high school locker
And today likes the stereo real loud
You cruise with the windows down all day
You drive west
Swear you can beat the sunset
You imagine you're driving a monster truck
And you destroy today
Take everything you ever wanted back
You see yesterday in the rear view mirror as you approach the beach

It's dusk

You smile

You jump right in the water and know there's no turning back
 Nov 2014
SG Holter
Dark were your
yesteryears, so
some corners of your warm
heart stay tainted still

I want to
rip the
black from your inner-

no matter how you

might bleed, curl it up
and throw it into the

abyss where the remains
of other pain-dragons slain

 Nov 2014
I was trying to write something including the line
it kissed with no desire to heal what it had broken
and so I wrote
it kissed with no desire to heal what it had broken
but I didn't know what
was so I changed
and I wrote that
he kissed with no desire to heal what he had broken
but I thought about
and I thought about what
had done and I thought about kissing
and the things that were broken but not healed and so I changed
and I wrote that
I kissed with no desire to heal what I had broken
and I payed attention to the broken pieces that
had created and the people that
had kissed and I thought about what
desired and never have
tried to heal what
have broken.
 Nov 2014
She was beautiful in the destroying an entire city but illuminating the entire sky kind of way.
 Nov 2014
Tame me not
for I am like the sea
tame me not
for I was born
to be wild and free.
 Nov 2014
Emily Dickinson

These are the days when Birds come back—
A very few—a Bird or two—
To take a backward look.

These are the days when skies resume
The old—old sophistries of June—
A blue and gold mistake.

Oh fraud that cannot cheat the Bee—
Almost thy plausibility
Induces my belief.

Till ranks of seeds their witness bear—
And softly thro’ the altered air
Hurries a timid leaf.

Oh Sacrament of summer days,
Oh Last Communion in the Haze—
Permit a child to join.

Thy sacred emblems to partake—
They consecrated bread to take
And thine immortal wine!
 Nov 2014
inside me
there is a door
rotating colors.

it opens
once I'm quiet.
my tacit breath smiles.

merge together;
like a submerged view

of the sun.
vagary spirit;
feeling umbuntu.
 Nov 2014
You are the literal universe
Not the center either
but the whole thing

Your blood is a galaxy
While your heart is a star
fuming with love and lust

But on your darkest days
Your eyes turn into black holes
Your soul turns into an empty void
destroying everything and anything you ever loved

Your bones that once structured your whole world
will crumble and turn into a dust of dullness

The scientist will diagnose you with a word
that will be meaningless to you but still makes your heart skip a beat

But know that you're not broken
Your body of the universe is just expanding and growing
in this rather cruel world where we all have to call home
Inspiration from a friend who told me this -
"You are not the center of the universe. You are the universe."
 Nov 2014
Mrs Ashley Somebody
Would that it would end
And leave me in silence here,
Tranquil and alone.
 Nov 2014
Mrs Ashley Somebody
If I annoy you,
Then let my words be few.
for the people who need to be quiet
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