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3.5k · Oct 2013
A Gambling Game
Chase The Moment Oct 2013
"A Gambling Game"

Mark the Number
Time rolls In
Another Toll

Chance they Say
No         Beat the odds
Caving in, Weakening

All your chips In
A chance of fate
No            luckwins

Another Round
Last cards In
Streak     Bro Ken
Nothing  Spo Ken
Spin.        DiceCease
  All still

Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
1.8k · Jan 2022
The Room
Chase The Moment Jan 2022
A room full of possibility

Hopes and dreams
my heart light as a feather

Rainbow cacophonies of my soul  

But the colors only dance in my Dreams,
for my heart feels dark and laden with stone

Like a photograph,
so remiss of light

As I yearn with my whole self
and somehow… more

Picturing your sweet face ,
the warmth of your being

Yet here in the harsh light of truth
the door remains closed

Too hard to bare the empty promises
the ache I bare in my heart

I could fill an ocean with the tears
I have cried, begging for you

My heart yearns to lull you to sleep

To gaze into your perfect eyes

Mother and baby connected before

The door lurks in the background

Does the door unlock, all my Dreams?

Or maybe…

It’s just .. another … room

Copywrite 2022
All Rights Reserved
1.5k · Sep 2014
Consumed By Time
Chase The Moment Sep 2014
As I lay myself to bed
Monsters roam my head
Thoughts run ramped

No disregard
To morn
Slumber hides away

Heart pounds like a drum
Light will greet before
Dreams come

My aching head
My sorrowing heart
My glistening eyes

The question
The answer

Silent as the new moon
Death has no voice
Life has no answers

Tic tock, tick tok
Times up
On life's clock

Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
1.4k · Jan 2015
Naked Without My Second Skin
Chase The Moment Jan 2015
I    miss   you
Is not enough

No words are
For the way I feel
Of you

I don't sleep
I can't sleep

I'm cold...freezing
Though my room
Is a blazing sun

And my window panes
Are pelted by the storm

Much like my tears do
To my cheeks

Because I am missing my second skin

The way you wrap yourself
Around me and within me
Completely absorbing me

Breathing you in
Until I am High
On you

Trying desperately
To remember
Your scent

As I live

Remembering Your

Until Our Love
No longer has to be kept
At Bay

Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
Long distance relationships are hard
1.3k · Jan 2015
Hiding in Plain Sight
Chase The Moment Jan 2015
The monsters are coming
They’re clawing
My door

There is no chain
Nor key


Hide n Seek
Is their favorite

They’re Strong

Till they feast

Food being

In stock

Just when
I think
I am safe

Their shadows

I scream
Silent Fear

Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
This is the feeling of depression creeping in and consuming you, and you trying to fight it but it overcomes you anyway.

This is partly inspired by "The Monster." the song by Eminem and Rihanna,of course I had nothing to do with the song.
1.2k · Jan 2015
Destination to a Journey
Chase The Moment Jan 2015
He said go there
I went
He said ‘see the colors’
I saw only gray
He said ‘feel the sun’
I felt the harsh wind
He said ‘close your eyes
I saw                  darkness
Boom,     Boom,     Boom
Whoosh                   Whoosh                Whoosh
Crash                               ­                       Crash
A rhythm from the sea
No  A      heartbeat    from me
Now  See
Eyes         Open        Wide
Sun  A’  Glow
Colors            Iridescent             Jewels
  L   L
     I                   I
         g                               g
      h                                           h
      t                                                 t

         Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
    All Rights Reserved
Live life with eyes wide open
1.1k · Feb 2015
Imprinting Ourselves
Chase The Moment Feb 2015
Relationships are fingerprints
Each becomes

Whorls spinning into seamless
Chaotic cosmos

Never Removed

The world
Leave a

CopyRight©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
1.0k · Jul 2013
Anatomy of a Bro-ken Race
Chase The Moment Jul 2013
When we realize

that beauty is not skin deep

That pain goes far beyond cuts and bruises

That there are other ways to see the world besides just with our eyes

That trust is the hardest thing to give and break

That" love " is not just a word, but a way to live

That in order to heal another, we must first heal

      We can finally begin to understand ourselves

Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
798 · Jan 2015
Nature Embodied
Chase The Moment Jan 2015
Moon Light
On pale skin

Rushing river

Fallen Snow

Silent stars

Lonely lovers

Imminent light
Good Night

Gratifying Gray
New day

Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
726 · Jan 2015
Empty Shell of a Person
Chase The Moment Jan 2015
The Map of Her Skin
The scars on her wrist
Whisper           Secrets
Of                      When

Her Reflection
Showed a Monster
Clawing to Escape

Her eyes saw
Shadows Dancing
Fire Behind Lids

Tears fall down
Her Hollow Face
leaving dewy trails
In their wake

Doctors left to
Pick        Up
Shell-of         A-girl

Take a breath
They    said
Hold    it in
Release, release

Let            Go
It seems so simple
A Laughable cure

Time Heals
All Wounds
This Clock   Stopped

For this Girl
To treat Herself
Find her    Own Method

Fill    the    Empty
Block the   Hole
Anything you Find

Stuff it in
Shove it in
Try it all

Deadly Concoction
A    Welcome SIN

Blood from lifeless skin
Water from empty eyes
Oil from burning heart

Light the Match
Let go

Fire Burn
Burn  Burn
Her   soul

A Welcome distraction
Away            from
The               Gaping Hole

Gnawing at
Her               Insides

Her               Despair

She               SCREAMS

Caving         In
Succumbed to Begin

Of   Flawless   Skin
Give her peace
For  ONE Day
Let her feel

Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
This was awhile back, when I was in a very dark dangerous place, time has passed and so has the intensity of these emotions but they still cling to my skin from time to time.
664 · Jan 2015
Re-write Myself
Chase The Moment Jan 2015
The father I go
Lines mark my time

Trees whisper their

It feels like a vacation
Like a dream
While you awaken

Foot taps anxiously
To an unknown beat

Stare out the window
Making wishes on clouds

Its just beginning

How can I call it home
When I get lost every turn

When I don't see the land
Which shaped me
Like my mother’s
Loving hands

When people talk
I just hear sound
Not melody

Like I did
Nestled in my
Old apple town

I see a blank page
To be filled

Memories to be made
New places to discover
Friends to be had

Its time to put
My old book on the self

Take out a pen
And re- write myself

Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
This was written a couple of years back as I was going into my Freshman year of college
646 · Jun 2016
The ring
Chase The Moment Jun 2016
It lies on my 3rd finger
It glints in the sun
It's the color of the ocean

It makes me smile
It makes me cry
It's full of love

It's full of life
It's full of death
It's the happiest day of my life
It's the sadist day of my life

CopyRight@2016 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
A poem about the story behind my engagement ring
619 · Jun 2016
The Dance of Time
Chase The Moment Jun 2016
She dances in the cloak of death
Her heart palpitating
time ticks onward

She dances in the cloak of light
Her eyes sparkling
time ticks onward

She dances in the cloak of despair
Her feet forlorn
time ticks onward

She dances in the cloak of hope
Her breath intoxicated
time ticks onward

She dances in the clock of birth
Her hands trembling
time ticks onward
Not sure if I should call it "Stretching time" or "The dance of time"
575 · Jan 2015
Lasses Brine
Chase The Moment Jan 2015
If I put my tears
In a bucket
Sailed them out to sea
The bucket would
Bare  Down

The Blue

A tear
Wish, kiss and
Time   I     Said
"I    love     you."

Down, down, down

Fish won't pass it by
They know danger
Of Lasses Brine
It would join
The others

In The

Where pails
Lost time

Your pain
Eating away
My memory

A graveyard of
Once loved
But no longer in heart

A rocky

Pebbles will wash
The shore

With a rumble
A tumble
Sharp edges no more

One day.      FAR.    I  fear
I will  tred back to that

Pick up a stone
Your face

I will not shed

A smile will play
My lips

I might
Close my

I might say

But now you
are just a fond

No longer sound
Makes  heart

Adding you instead
To my
Treasure chest

Knowing that you
Was best

Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
Created this awhile back. As most would guess it is from a break up. It turns out I was right because I have found my true soul-mate.
562 · Jan 2015
Forlorn Nights
Chase The Moment Jan 2015
Winter licks at window panes
Frosting forlorn nights

Snowflakes whisper
Lonely souls
Who reach out to night

Flakes frost over
House and home
Icing quite lanes

Snow dances
Lightly down
Lulling The world to sleep

Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
Trying to appreciate the things I can not change.
531 · Jul 2013
Sorrow's Suite Case
Chase The Moment Jul 2013
I was happy
I even laughed
Made memories
With my minds eye

I felt love
I saw beauty
I felt relief

Started with a subtle
Increased beat
Then the waves came again
The heaving of my chest
The flow of my tears
The haunting images

You followed me
When I was starting to feel

You should have packed
A suite case too
and taken your own
Away from

Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
455 · Jan 2015
Hurricane Heartbreak
Chase The Moment Jan 2015
I want a place
A place to be free
Free from pain

I still feel your arms
Your lips
Your heartbeat
Your words
Your hands

Our Fingers interlaced
I remember shinning
Like the sun
Now I shadow
Like darkness

Stars still twinkle
Dim though is their light

Once sound sleep
Now I beg to keep

Felt the storm
Refuse Remains
Cleaning up

Finding Scattered
Finding Shattered
Broken up


Breathe now
Stand now
Breathe again

Step now
Run now


Wish please grant

Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
This was a very long time ago in my early years of highschool. It was a breakup again. The lesson to learn from this is even if things feel impossible and you want to end it, it is not important in the big picture of life.
431 · Oct 2013
Worth the Sacri-Price
Chase The Moment Oct 2013
When we realize that beauty is not skin deep

That pain goes far beyond cuts and bruises

That there are other ways to see the world besides just with our eyes

That trust is the hardest thing to give and break

That" love " is not just a word, but a way to live

That in order to heal another, we must first heal

We can finally begin to understand ourselves

Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
370 · Jul 2013
Searching The Dark
Chase The Moment Jul 2013
Dark, dark, dark
I'm looking for the light
It's as black as the night

As the days grow longer
I become more somber
Searching, hoping, praying
For an escape from the darkness

Tiny, small, minuscule
Pinpricks shine through
Stars against a black sky
Draw me in again

Flickering, shimmering, glistening
Just out of reach
But I still see
Still feel there light
Just hold on for one more night

Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
348 · Sep 2014
Cut You Free
Chase The Moment Sep 2014
If I had only known

You would still be snug in your're bed

Your laughter would echo through the room

Instead of just memories

If only my words could have shaped the blades of shears

And cut you free

To live such a lonely life

The mask upon your face done up too well

Doubts plague my thoughts and poison my heart

I wish you wrote

How was I supposed

How you could do this, I will never know

I would have liked to say

I Need to say


Copyright©2015 Kelly Chase
All Rights Reserved
For my beloved Aunt, forever in my heart.
201 · Jan 2022
Secrets of Winter
Chase The Moment Jan 2022
In early Winters morn

Shimmering, floating , becoming

Purely Fey

Moon guarding night sky

Cresting Winters Pale crown

Glowing outward light

Shimmering, floating , becoming

A soliloquy of snow

Bells of winter’s breath

Awakening our world

Glowing Ethereal,

Radiating Warmth

Warmth of new day

Shimmering, floating, becoming

First Snow

CopyWrite 2022
All Rights Reserved

— The End —