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9.5k · Nov 2014
Cameron is real Nov 2014
Rabble  rabble rabble babble babble babble I'm gonna lay down a little rap my mind bout to snap freak on all this I was raised on hi my name is I'm ****** in the head I laugh when I find a loved one is dead no wonder why I'm single palms so hairy its scary running around with a ******* looking sick  like I'm running a marathon ******* in the air as the judge tells me I'm getting the chair life ain't fair I'm not sorry I'm so crazy get off me can't you see I'm not alone I got voices in my head as your girl in my bed come get me I wanna die but just know once you try me you never gonna be the same I can't be tamed I'm like a god no I am god can't you see I'm more power full got more skills that **** and slay dragons I'm a knight not in shining armor but ****** and beating watching as your fat *** is eating up my rhymes let me tell you about my times......
That's all for now
4.6k · Feb 2015
Cameron is real Feb 2015
We are the unwanted the ones who hid in the shade
We are the unwanted the few with a crimson glazed blade
We are the unwanted the left behind
We are the unwanted and we will no longer cry
We are the unwanted and today is are time
Here I made this enjoy or do t that's up to you
1.5k · Nov 2014
Cameron is real Nov 2014
Mom, Dad I'm getting tired
Can I just lay here for a while
And sleep the pain away
I'll just close my eyes
and it will all be better
Wake me up when,
1.4k · Nov 2014
live that life
Cameron is real Nov 2014
You really think you cool running around like a fool thinking youre funny screaming I got money you got me at a loss acting like yous a boss trying to **** when you nothing but bug you have no education smoking **** everyday liven that life you say but you don't get paid you're broke this life you live is just a joke don't ever step to a real because blood you'll choke I'm not saying not to have fun just do t run around pulling a gun acting  like a **** cause you will never be get a job and get paid you're better than that fake *** life you liven turn it around and start given but you can't and you won't cause you are nothing but a joke
1.1k · Jan 2015
the one she is to me
Cameron is real Jan 2015
Youre nothing sick and sad
Eyes dark as old blood
Skin pale and cracked
Breath of vomite and bile
a voice that makes ears bleed
Skin and bones is all you are
Disgusting and vile
Others may not see it
I know its true
Remember when I loved you
Love can be painful
979 · Mar 2015
For my Brother
Cameron is real Mar 2015
This is my last will and testament
I have done many Terrible unspeakable things. By far the worst is what i have done to you my baby brother. Who knew know better. I leave all i have to the love of my life. The only one insane enough. To stay by my side, all these year.
My only regret is never telling you who i truly am and, what i did. I was 17 you just a boy of 12. Mother and father took you to your favorite movie. I left home to do your chores because i was born out of wedlock named with a ******* name, and hidden from the world. I took your beatings and punishments. Never speaking out never. I hired the man just to scare you, mother and father. It wasn't supposed to end the way it did. I'm sorry Bruce. I'm sorry i left you the way i did. I'm sorry i made Alfred promise to never tell you. The one thing i will never regret is what i made you and I.
Love your brother Joseph Kane
The Joker
909 · Mar 2015
Hand in Hand
Cameron is real Mar 2015
My body lays at the
Bottom of this frozen lake.

Her voice called out
Come find me my love i'll be waiting at our spot on the lake.
The love i thought i had lost found me once more
I run with only a rose
In hand darker than the black night sky
I find myself in the middle of this frozen lake where our love was first found
Screaming her name a cold hand reaches out of the frozen hell she is kept and drags me to the depths hell to drown on the waters in which i left her to die
now we lay together frozen in hell hand in hand
This is pretty dark hope you enjoy
820 · Feb 2015
Cameron is real Feb 2015
He walks a road,
looking for truth
when he finds himself,
lost and cold.
He turns to the one thing he lost
"my love,
are you there?
Can you hear me?"
Silence is all he heard.
He goes down to his knees,
he began to sob,
cries louder than the screams
of lost souls.
Slowly he fell in to the silence
and became a part of it
So a big thanks to hannah for helping with this one youre the best my dear
796 · Dec 2014
Cameron is real Dec 2014
She awakes torn apart from the pain deep in her heart mind full of self hate she can't wait till the end gun to her head pulls the trigger sleep softly my dear no more pain for you in the dark close your eyes tight for soon you'll be alright no more screams that haunt your beautiful dreams
776 · Nov 2014
our world
Cameron is real Nov 2014
Lord forgive me for I'm about to sin my wickedness has yet to begin better line up those hearses cause I'm killing mother ******* with my verses this world is so ****** a cops defends by shooting a black guy and everyone loses there **** mind they riot and fight for there right but when you say our soilders have to live on the street they won't help and never make a peep learn before you speak and don't pretend to defend the weak
774 · Nov 2014
my bad
Cameron is real Nov 2014
Whoops my bad I'm sorry for the way I act its not my fault I never got to meet my dad no **** that i don't need him my legacy is about to begin let's go everyone come with me let's have some sin I dont give a **** because my flows legit better keep your mouth shut or you'll get hit I'll split your lip then I'll unzip and **** this whole rap game itll never be the same while you're sitting back smoking your **** I'm over here planting my seed you cant stop this perfection is what I **** you don't wanna be on my list you're ******* with the best better put on your bullet proof vest my word coming at you faster than a 50 cal so sit back and listen for a while
684 · Nov 2014
pain of the lost
Cameron is real Nov 2014
Eyes full of blood not knowing if I'm gonna make it but **** I gotta try bones broke but I won't stop I have to make it to the top even though I have nothing I work so hard just to see it all fall apart should've known from the start I aint no rapper or a **** but I can end your life with this gun one shoot it stops no more pain dont take this life in vain start doing good be who you should make a better life before you end up dead I know I'm sick in the head but you don't know what I do you have no clue let me make it clear I'll hit you with my truck and treat you like a dead deer all I want is a nice life something I want to wake up to but because *** holes sit home liven off the government to you a bullet I sent and say the next one comes faster you bastered I got this pain in my soul and dark side that wants to make them all die and no matter how I try he's gonna take you and make you pay take back what you say ***** or end up on my hit list weighting this I'm getting ****** cause all you thing think I'm wack so you better watch your back I'm coming and no force can take me just wait and see
664 · Oct 2016
Life in a nutshell
Cameron is real Oct 2016
You wake up to a painful alarm.
Feet hitting the floor you start your day.
With no feeling you shower and dress.
No breakfast needed.
The drive to work slow but rushed.
Work starts with a shouting boss.
More more more more.
Work drags on.
Tears welling up.
Work starts again.
Numbness and empty paper work.
The days end.  
The drive home slower not rushed.  
Home finally.  
Sleep bed darkness.  
Blank dreams filled with screams.
You wake up to a painful alarm.
604 · Jan 2015
please dont forget me
Cameron is real Jan 2015
Do you remember laying next to me in my arms for the first time how it felt to hold my hand when I said that I loved you remember when I would text you good morning beautiful hours before you'd wake can you remember how I would stay up all night just in case you needed someone to talk to remember when you left and you said you would always love me remember when you told me that you are in love with him and you were sorry that you broke my heart remember when I couldnt breath with out you
572 · Jan 2015
Cameron is real Jan 2015
Im So cold my soul it grows old blackness in my eyes can't see past the lies I want to be heard but its hard with no voice this life and how I live is my choice you can't tell me what's right  and what's wrong  I've been singing this for far to long
I really don't know what I'm trying to write I'm in a haze from being sick I dont even know what to name it
543 · May 2015
Cameron is real May 2015
She has a soul untamed, and eyes just the same.
Wings sharper than any blade.
A heart holding by a string.
Love is what she brings.
With a beautiful personality that sings.
She know no bounds heartbreak is all she found.
Waiting for her one she sits alone. On this road.
She smiles knowing she will be loved.
Because shes all i really want.
538 · Nov 2014
I am nothing
Cameron is real Nov 2014
I am nothing I have nothing I was born nothing and I will always be this way I can never change what I am but I will be better than you for you are below me you are less than nothing but we are the same we strive to have more and be better but we never will be we will only get worse than nothing and when we finally see what we have done there will be no turning back we will sink deeper into our nothingness and once we are all gone we will ask why and we will never find the truth and we will be stuck with our nothingness
You are nothing but so am I
521 · Jan 2015
Cameron is real Jan 2015
Waking up is like winning a game of chess with death you close your eyes at night and just lay their lifeless not moving not talking just their your heart hardly beating lungs just breathing mind off in another world then you wake and your body comes back to life death lost this round but will he win next time
488 · Mar 2015
what time is it
Cameron is real Mar 2015
A boy and his dog by his side
as the car swerves by
Mother in tears
with the pain of lose.
a father gone
no longer able to hold on
to the world with out his Son
A boy with his dog by his side
in the hospital bed gone to the world and lost in his own mind and its adventure time
448 · Oct 2016
Bliss of Night
Cameron is real Oct 2016
The night is real
Come out and feel
Touch the moonlight
Let it show you it's alright
Dance in the stars
And let the shadows hide your scars
Move with the grace
Show the smile on your face
When the sun begins to rise
Lay your head down close your eyes
Keep them shut tight
For we can dance again tonight
Cameron is real Nov 2014
I'm sorry
I never meant for this to happen
It is not your fault
will you forgive me
it is just to hard you are so far away
so are you just gonna stay mad at me
you never talk to me i miss you
sorry i was busy
of course i like you
oh you mean like that
399 · Oct 2016
Cameron is real Oct 2016
Follow me to the hill and find what I've seen. Follow me and all will be well. No worries in your mind.  All will be explained in time. Follow me to the hill and you will see. Just beyond the hill is our home. Walls built not with brick but bone. Follow me and see the dead.  To see them all rise and your soul fills with dread.  Follow me from the beginning to end. For tonight we all feast on your head.
386 · Nov 2014
Cameron is real Nov 2014
386 · Nov 2014
Cameron is real Nov 2014
I scream at you I'll make you cry they and keep up with me I bet you can't I spit so fast that you'll fall fast on your *** I can put you on blast watch me melt these words like no other as I bend over your mother you can touch me I'll make you bleed then I'll plant my seed and laugh at your grave I am brave come try me so you can see my words are my weapon I'll take over the world and you'll be in tears and you'll be my slave for the rest of your years just try me
Just venting out the best way I can
378 · May 2015
Cameron is real May 2015
Warriors on a battlefield facing each other.
One just as wise as the other. Sword to sword hit for hit matched.
Not knowing who the other was. We fought to death, laying said by side helmets off we see.
We see the one we tried to slay was the one we loved. Destined to be together but never able our bodies die hand in hand.
But our souls live on waiting to be together once again.
370 · Nov 2014
Bound by Time
Cameron is real Nov 2014
4:30am wake up rub eyes get dressed coffee needed 5:00am out the door have to hurry to work 5:55am just made it 6:00am work starts mindlessly working 9:00am coffe break 9:15am mindlessly working self doubt beginning to creep in 12:00pm lunch break no money so I just sit at the table 12:30pm back to work self hatred works its way in 3:15pm leave work to head home 4:10pm  finally home self hatred and doubt working my mind 7:30pm hot bath to ease my mind 8:20pm water is no longer warm 8:45pm neighbors hear a gun shot 9:30pm man found dead single gun shot to head apparent suicide 10:15pm note found says no longer am I bound I am finally free
To be clear I wrote this with no interest of hurting myself in anyway
355 · Jan 2019
Truthful and Thankful
Cameron is real Jan 2019
I'm sober
Father of two beautiful boys

My wife
My first true love
My bestfriend
Always loving always for giving
She has always been my one and only
Being Truthful and Thankful
I love you
For my wife thank you for bringing me back from the edge of darkness
349 · Nov 2014
play the best you can
Cameron is real Nov 2014
The taste of her lips the feel of her hips the way she loves me makes me want more my hands on her the soft moans she makes the whole room quakes love passion and lust screams and pains a must
333 · Oct 2016
Cameron is real Oct 2016
First I'm sorry there's no reason for my actions. All I can say is I did it and, and it made me happy it made me better. Nights filled with screams and pain. Days with the false impression of love and hope. Slowly I walk to a place of good just to feel.  Nothing I do from here out is your fault. Just know i am trying and I'm sorry, what I do next will be swift and easy.  Just one pull and it's done.
332 · Dec 2024
The March of Madness
Cameron is real Dec 2024
I trudged through the muddy trenches, my boots sinking into the mire with every step. It was my 40th day on the front lines, and the relentless drumbeat of war had taken its toll. The constant bombardment, the screams of the wounded, the stench of death – it all blended together into a maddening cacophony.

But it was the boots that really drove me mad. Boots, boots, boots, boots – the sound echoed in my mind like a mantra. Every step, every march, every endless day was a reminder that I was trapped in this living hell.

I tried to focus on the faces around me – the lads I'd grown up with, the ones I'd laughed with, the ones I'd seen die. But even their faces blurred together, replaced by the incessant march of boots.

My sergeant, a grizzled old veteran, noticed my distraction. "Keep your wits about you, lad!" he barked, as he kicked me forward. "We've got a long way to go yet!"

I nodded, but my mind was elsewhere. I thought of my family, my friends, my old life – all distant memories now. The only reality was the mud, the blood, and the boots.

As night fell, the march continued. Boots, boots, boots, boots – the sound grew louder, more insistent. I felt my grip on sanity begin to slip. Try – try – try – try – to think of something different, I told myself. But it was no use. The boots had taken over my mind.

The air was thick with the acrid smell of gunpowder and smoke as we pushed forward, our boots sinking into the muddy earth. The sounds of war surrounded us - the staccato burst of machine guns, the screams of the wounded, and the cries of the dying.

But amidst the chaos, I started to notice a different sound. A sound that sent shivers down my spine. The sound of boots marching away. Not our boots, but theirs. The enemy's.

At first, I thought it was just my imagination playing tricks on me. But as the days passed, the sound grew louder, more distinct. It was as if the ghosts of the enemy soldiers we'd killed were marching away, their boots echoing through the desolate landscape.

I tried to shake off the feeling, focusing on the task at hand. But the sound persisted, haunting me like a specter. I started to wonder if I was losing my mind, if the trauma of war had finally caught up with me.

One of my comrades, a grizzled old veteran, noticed my distraction. "What's wrong, lad?" he asked, his voice low and gravelly.

I hesitated, unsure of how to explain the strange sound that haunted me. "I hear boots," I said finally. "The enemy's boots. Marching away."

The old veteran looked at me with a curious expression. "I hear it too," he said. "It's the sound of the dead, lad. The ones we've killed. They're marching away, leaving us to fight another day."

I stared at him, shocked. "You hear it too?" I repeated.

He nodded. "Aye, lad. It's a sound that'll haunt you for the rest of your days. But don't worry, it's just a reminder of what we've done. What we've seen."

I nodded, feeling a sense of unease settle over me. The sound of the boots continued to echo through my mind, a haunting reminder of the horrors of war.

In that moment, I knew I was doomed. The war would consume me, body and soul. And the boots – oh, the boots – would march on forever, a relentless reminder of the madness that had taken hold of my mind.
As the days blurred together, the boots grew louder, more insistent. I couldn't escape the sound, no matter how hard I tried. It was as if the boots had taken on a life of their own, marching up and down, up and down, inside my mind.

I started to see things. Boots everywhere. Boots on the trees, boots on the ground, boots floating in the air. I'd try to reach out and touch them, but they'd vanish, leaving me grasping at nothing.

The lads started to notice a change in me. I'd zone out in the middle of conversations, staring off into space as the boots marched on. They'd try to snap me out of it, but I'd just shake my head, unable to explain what was happening.

One night, I woke up to the sound of boots marching in my ears. I sat up, convinced that someone was walking around the trenches, but there was no one there. The boots grew louder, more insistent, until I was screaming, trying to block out the sound.

The sergeant found me, curled up in a ball, my hands over my ears. "What's wrong, lad?" he asked, shaking me.

I looked up at him, my eyes wild. "The boots," I whispered. "They won't stop."

He looked at me, concern etched on his face. "You need to get out of here," he said. "You're not well."

But it was too late. The boots had taken over my mind. I was marching, marching, marching, with no destination in sight

I eventually lost track of time. Days blended into weeks, weeks into months. I'd find myself in strange places, with no memory of how I got there. The boots were always with me, marching, marching, marching.

One day, I stumbled into a field hospital. The doctors looked at me, shocked, as I marched back and forth, back and forth, my boots echoing off the walls.

"What's your name?" one of them asked, trying to grab my arm.

I looked at him, my eyes vacant, and only a whisper left my lips "Boots my name is boots"

They sedated me, locked me in a straitjacket, and threw me into a padded cell. But even there, the boots kept marching, marching, marching, driving me deeper into madness.
301 · Nov 2014
just think
Cameron is real Nov 2014
You come home and no one is there its quiet very quiet you yell out to see if someone is home but nothing you walk to your room and sit on the edge of your bed and you hear someone laughing you walk out and nothing no one is there its just quiet you begin to feel cold you walk to the door its dark already where did the time go the laugher comes back you turn and you see it standing there smiling at you soulless eyes empty and lost starring into you it moves to you but you can't move you're numb the quiet has you in its grasp you're trapped never to be free again lost in a cold quiet world tears run down your face as you try to scream but no sound can be heard you are no longer here you are gone never to be found
300 · Oct 2016
Cameron is real Oct 2016
If it was easy everyone would do it.
To forgive and forget. Not my strong suit, but I try. Not many times have I gave up. Today I have. Not only have it given up, but I'm stuck with what I've done. No about of sorry and please I'll fix it.  Will ever work to mend things. Let me move forward and make life better. Only if
298 · Nov 2014
Cameron is real Nov 2014
I talked to her today
I said hi so did she
She smiled
My heat stopped
I asked how she was
She had sad eyes but said she was fine
She asked the same
Never been better
I lied
I smiled so did she
I turned to walk away
She asked maybe we can talk more
I stopped
She bits her lip
I just say
296 · Nov 2014
Cameron is real Nov 2014
Is this life real do we have control over what we do when we say I love you is it the truth why do we say one thing then do another why do we hate some and  adore others do we have control over who we are
I'm stumbling over my words I don't what I'm doing any more some one tell me what and who is real I can't handle anymore of THIS
Just a bunch of words
293 · Nov 2014
Cameron is real Nov 2014
I live in a world of hate and pain no one knows the pain of trying to move on to find what I truly want in this world everything is so cruel and yet we never really change we just do what we always do hurt the weak and find the rich life is a ***** and I can nothing about it
275 · Nov 2014
No more
Cameron is real Nov 2014
I can no longer fight for I have lost all sight of what is truly right I feel a sickness coming over me like no other so cold and yet I sweat my body numb I know I'm alive be look dead to some no longer can I walk words unheard can not talk if there is a god show me my door for I fight no more
274 · Nov 2014
Cameron is real Nov 2014
Before the pain
Before all the tears
Before the yelling
Before all the fighting
Before all the blood
Before all the lost
There was you
259 · Nov 2014
i should
Cameron is real Nov 2014
i should just say what needs to be said
i should stop putting myself down
i should just do it
i should live life the way i want
i should run away
i should leave it all behind
i should never of said those things
i should have never fell in love
i should find what makes me happy
i should feel young
i should help others
i should laugh more
i should find a way  
i should smile more
i should just start over.
248 · Nov 2014
Just 1 more
Cameron is real Nov 2014
I drink to find the answers if I get to the bottom of the flask I'll get what I need to keep going just one more and I know it will tell me if I stop now I'll never know if I don't have one more it will never become clear just one more and I'll learn the truth the reason why she left
91 · Dec 2024
Cameron is real Dec 2024
Ah, Madness! She's a wild and unpredictable force, a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts that can sweep you up in her chaotic dance. Her eyes burn with a fierce intensity, flashing between bright moments of clarity and dark pools of despair. Her words tumble out in a torrent, sometimes sweet and melodic, other times sharp and discordant. She moves with a jerky, unhinged grace, as if her body is pulled by a thousand conflicting strings. Madness is a shapeshifter, transforming from a soft whisper to a deafening roar, always keeping you guessing. Embrace her, and she'll take you on a journey through the depths of the human soul. But beware, for Madness can be a cruel companion, leading you down paths that twist and turn, testing your sanity at every step.

— The End —