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archwolf-angel Jan 2016
Her world was perfect
She had nothing to lose
But she lost her footing
She fell through the loops

Millions of wasted
Millions of sigh
Thousands of crying
The days went by

She started to scream
They came to haunt
She was losing her mind
Be it dusk or dawn

Uncover her weakness
Uncover her whole
Make sure she falls
Through every hole

Dozen of screams
Dozen of woes
*Help me please
Don't leave me alone
Appreciating little things.
archwolf-angel Aug 2019
Living a life
When the voices in your head are a little louder than your own
No one knows
The things you have tell yourself everyday

Staying strong
Because you are expected to
"Don't be a disappointment"
Because it makes people upset

"Fake it till you make it, it works."
She told me
And all I felt was sadness
Because it dawned on me

That everyone lives in fear
Of being the 'let-down'
And we all stopped caring
For ourselves

Because 'we'
Are used
To always
That's why I want to be different.
I want to say,
"**** it."
archwolf-angel Mar 2017
She sits there
On a maroon throne
With rubies and roses
Thorns in between gold embossments

Flaming red hair
Bright like the sun
Murderous bloodshot hues
With fiery intent and raging nerves

Burgundy lips shaped seductively
Flushed cheeks with a tint of coy
Decked in a suit
That made her look like she was ignited
Like she had been set ablaze

*And she sits there...
On her maroon throne
With her bleeding heart
On her scepter

With only blazing emotions
Running through her veins...
archwolf-angel Feb 2017
A breath taken in
Deep and heavy
I breathe in again
To remember it

Hid my face
In your neck
Closing my eyes
To savour it

I fall asleep at night
Cuddled against cold pillows
Reminiscing you
And your scent surrounding me
archwolf-angel Oct 2017
I am a shadow
I am anonymous
I am discreet
I am a secret
archwolf-angel Jan 2016
Subtle sighs in the midst of breaths
The words I hardly say
Voices travel around your thoughts
But forever keeping myself at bay

The taste of the dreams
That I have lost
But new found fate
I have come upon

Watch me fly
Above the skies
See me soar
Way up high

Subtle screams in the midst of living
Life will only keep scarring
Do not fret
Fill yourself with hope

We will always be building bricks of stone.
archwolf-angel Apr 2016
Forged under the stars
That watched over us
Little figures
Little smiles

Twisting fingers, twirling arms
What would it become?
A bond between us maybe
Joining in sync before dawn

Bite sized wonders
We travel around the world
Under the moonlight
With imaginations running all over

Comforting laughters
Crazy minds
The things we could come up with
Amazing and wild

Take it and let it flow
See where we could go
Our world formed in absolute bliss
Together, peacefully

Do it again
Mess around with your brain
It will keep going, let's run away
As we allow ourselves to indulge this amazing **shadow play
Given a word by ryn - Shadow Play. Thank you!
archwolf-angel Feb 2017
The lights were tinted pink...
Her body brazenly smashed against the wall
His hands all over her
But he was just *one of those other guys...

Her mind a blank sheet of paper
Merely awaiting the pay check at the end
She said words she didn't want to say
She did things she didn't like to do

The door slammed shut as he left
And tears rolled down her abused cheeks
Her phone buzzed one time
His name beautifully popped up on the screen

"I'm at the door."

The lights were tinted pink....*
As she let him in
He held her tight in his arms
Whispering gently

"Let's pack your bags. You're leaving with me."
archwolf-angel Nov 2016
Silence became dominant
As night falls upon me
Your voice whispers
In the memories of you and me
archwolf-angel Jul 2016
Sitting through seasons
Passing through days
I sat on my porch
Going into a daze

The wind blew gently
Caressing my freckled cheeks
A droplet of cold
Rested upon my skin

It started to snow
So beautifully
Even if the wind blew strong sometimes
I love it

I buried myself amongst the pure white ice
Rolled around and play
Laughed all day and night
Building snow mans and mythical dreams

I've fallen in love with it...

Opened my windows one fine day
The snow was gone
The weather grew warm
My heart sank
Like that melting snowman

*Soon, my love
Time will go by fast
Winter will come again
To be with your icy heart
Time flies faster when you are having fun.
archwolf-angel Jun 2016

It will be...
Their turn to speak...

...Of *these resonating heartbeats

Angels will find freedom
To grant them blessings...

Zealously sweet stories
Written in stone
For their everlasting comfort
And peaceful memories
archwolf-angel May 2017
So much to be said
So much to be done
Yet the silence keeps killing
And actions stay down
archwolf-angel Apr 2017
He hummed the tune under his breath
Tapping to the rhythm
And the lyrics seeped out his lips
As strings were strummed

The words hit
Like lightning on a sunny day
Straight into my heart
And I made a silent wish

I wanted him to sing it to me
Looking into my eyes
Holding my hand
Like he mean it

I want to be...
... his little songbird

Just like how
He had became mine...
archwolf-angel May 2016
Spring is here
The world begins again
A new season of adventures
Without buzzing night lights

She opened her eyes
Dimmed lights shivered
A gentle touch awakes her
A touch of love
He was right there
In front of her

I found you
That light I love
You found me
Ever so near

They took flight
Side by side
In love, no less
Only beautiful bright lives living
A destiny broken
Because of their will
To find that love
They held so dear

They do not know
What is to come
But now it's clear
This chance, here and now

There is always hope
In the fights of our lives
Once we've conquered
We will break what they call
'Our destiny'
Then that will make us

....springtime fireflies.
It was said that fireflies die after summer ends due to weather conditions. But it was also said that, if a firefly survives till spring, it would be because they had the will to live for something special.
Your destiny is in your own hands.
archwolf-angel Feb 2017
"I can't be bought
But I can be stolen with a glance
I am worthless to one
But priceless to two
What am I?"

My breath froze in place
And time stood still
As he waited

Hazel hues quivered
Soft as ever
Gentle and meek
A smile formed with all strength

"It's love."
I answered.

He nodded with a smile
Taking a glance
And I was pampered by his gaze
His sight in place

He said.
Inspired by the riddle in the beginning, which I saw Ed Nygma used on 'Gotham'.
Happy Valentine's Day. ♡
archwolf-angel Mar 2017
The words trailed off
Like the gentle wind
They left me stranded
Wondering what's at the end

In the pages I fall
So to speak
In the stories of you...

...And I never want to leave
archwolf-angel Jun 2016
Freshly painted seasons of endless woes
Vanishing faiths and worn out beliefs
Yanking them together
Burying them beneath

Venomous insides of a youthful mind
Hateful demons dwell, unjustified
Release them back into the wild
Knowing they would be back soon enough

Catching another breath
Picking up once more
From yet another reckless fall
Only to prepare for the next war that comes along

But by then it would be different...

*For the fallen had been wounded
They will only know
To lick the next blood and move on
than before
What doesn't **** you makes you stronger.
archwolf-angel Dec 2016
Reality behaves
And listens to my wayward mind
How nice would it be
To have these dreams come alive
archwolf-angel May 2017
In her arms
He falls into a slumber
First with a frown
Then it faded into something better

In her arms
His hands wrapped around her
Legs intertwined
His breathing slow and meek

In his arms**
She closes her eyes
Her fingers tracing his features
Admiring his most child-like moment

In his arms
She sings a lullaby
To chase away his demons
So the sweetest dreams could be by his side
archwolf-angel Nov 2016
If there be a choice given...
Which would you prefer?
What would you choose?

I would rather...
The rain than the sun
The dark than the light
Happiness than money
Freedom than anything else

Love than feel nothing
Hurt than emptiness
Ask me again...

It will still be
You than not knowing at all
archwolf-angel Sep 2017
Someone once told me
That a stage was the best place for us to escape
We could express truth
No secrets
No hiding places
Just sweet and safe honesty

The stage
Soon became a place I called home
A blank piece of canvas
My own creation
My own world

Spotlights in line
My voice heard
Loud and clear
I lived a life...
...tedious but fulfilling

But my monologue ended
And I left the stage
I did not turn back...

*...And now I'm homesick
I gave up my dream of being a theatre actress, and now I will always look back and regret it.

Will I regret... giving you up?
archwolf-angel Nov 2019
Disarrayed and wavy
The lines I see

Fogged and blurry
This scene before me

Bless and happy
The feeling within
Nothing else matters as long as you are happy.
archwolf-angel Mar 2017
There is something about him
Yet I don't know what it is
It makes me feel fuzzy
Like butterflies in me

There is something about him
That makes me gravitate towards his presence
It makes me want to stay close
In silence or in everything

There is something about him
That calms my being
My demons quiet down
Just so that I could hear him

There is something about him
Because every time he holds my hand
I feel safe
Like I'm at home, cuddled in my warm bed

There is something about him**...
...and I still don't know what it is.
I don't think I'll ever know.
archwolf-angel Aug 2016
Disabled in sight
Yet always up for a fight
Her strength and determination
Convinced him a life worthy

He met her
And fell in love
Painted beautiful pictures
Promised her
One day she would see the world
His hand in hers

He will never forget
That heavy impact
Blood dripping down her forehead
Her body limped
Her hands, out of reach
His consciousness left him

Trapped in a space
A place he could not escape
He saw her
Revealing her hazel brown orbs
Pupils shifting and sharing gazes
A smile on her face

Her hands, however, still out of reach
Him, she still could not see
Cradled himself into reality
Knowing the truth to be...

That just maybe
She could see
That world he promised her
A colourful life so fine...

                       ...through his eyes.
archwolf-angel May 2016
Another second
Another minute
Another hour


For the clock to tick by


For time to pass by...


*­Till I can breathe again.
Sometimes, time can be such a pain in the ****.
archwolf-angel May 2016
What is this...?

It is like taking a trip to another place
Settling into a holiday
Laying in the sun
Dreamily going into a daze

It is like running through an open field
With the breeze caressing your cheeks
It could also be like taking a deep breath
Exhaling negativity

It is like those wild escapades
When you choose to do something crazy
With your companions of insanity
Making a worthy memory

It is also like laughing heartily for minutes
Forgetting the world and its woes
And like sipping your first coffee in the morning
Letting the caffeine awaken your bones

It is like building yourself a pillow fort
Together with a cuddle buddy
Snuggling into each other
And then falling asleep

It is also like that moment of eye contact
Closing in into a kiss
The touch of a loved one's lips
Comforting warmth through your skin

Tell me what is it...
This feeling I get every time I see your smile.
archwolf-angel Apr 2016
May the stars watch over
Wishes made
Nicotine misted
Tears shed
Sacred hugs

May the moon promise
To seal lips
Cover eyes
Open up hearts
Clear minds

May the sun bless
Smiles exchanged
Gazes shared
Spread giggles
Utmost confidence

May the Gods be good
Anticipate more
Than what we have today
Shower blessings
Look our way

Because everyday is a new beginning
And tomorrow is promised
Challenges will always come our way, it's how you choose to deal with it. I made a promise, 'tomorrow' it will always be.
archwolf-angel Jul 2016
Music of moments
Accompanying my solo
Rumbles of noises
Companion to my pain

Sleepless nights
Even when you are asleep
Haunting nightmares
And painful dreams

Lost in the day
Confused at night
Pressuring voices
Clouding my mind

Tired hearts and careless words
Not knowing what is worth
Biting lips and controlling emotions
Looking for the right station

*Yet this gaze of love
Insanely, you would say
So much comfort within a single hold
A touch that consoles my crazy soul
archwolf-angel Apr 2016
Close your eyes
Locked up inside
A scream so sharp
One you cannot deny

Crossed arms behind your back
Still cuffed in
Your scream is forbidden
Forgotten your rights?

*Open your eyes
Look outside
You wish you could say how you feel inside
Freely speaking your mind

Free your arms
Holding her close
Tell me your secret
We will be alright
No one has to know this thing we know.
archwolf-angel Aug 2017
The wind was still
In my four walls I stayed
Wooden planks surrounding me
As I hummed my own song

The wind was still
And I heard someone humming along with me
I looked down from my treehouse
The boy next door smiled gently

The wind was still**
As our eyes met
He waved from behind the fence
And I waved from up top

The wind was still
Then it started to rain
A lightning struck
But at least
His smile will always remain in my head
archwolf-angel Aug 2017
It all starts small
And then it accumulates
It gathers within a small compound
And the feeling explodes

With impact
And great strength
It affects
And it continues to grow

It was oh so trivial
But before you realised it
It had already happened

*And in that heat of the moment
A little thing became...
archwolf-angel Apr 2017
In that one move...

You need to make a decision
To take that step
To release all that you have
To let go

You won't know
What is going to happen
But in that moment
You have made that decision

To fall back
To believe that you will be in safe hands
To annihilate all other questions

And just...

*Hoping you won't fall and bleed
Because of a pair of wrong hands
archwolf-angel Mar 2016
How are the stars looking tonight
The ones sparkling on your side
Twinkle twinkle little light
How do you always shine so bright

The heartbeat beating next to you
It always sounds so beautiful
He carefully brushes his hand on yours
He wasn't me, of course

Twinkle twinkle little star
How are you doing so far
It could have been me smiling with you
But I need to stop being a fool

Amongst the satellites, you still shine
Shine shine, oh so bright
Gently twinkling your little light
Still you make my heart race on sight

*Twinkle twinkle little light
Here I'll finally draw the line
You and me, it shall not be
I'll accept it, please just be happy
When this gentle love can't exist.
archwolf-angel Jan 2017
A word too strong to contain its own promise
Yet a gift so mighty
A word too vulnerable to face another
Yet willingly we send forth

A word which holds ultimate significance
Never to be used so easily
A word that carries the universe
Packaged so nicely

Where would this word stand in reality?
Does anyone believe in it?
Is it...
...Or just plain stupidity?
Is it possible to love unconditionally?
If you ask me, the answer is...
archwolf-angel Jun 2016
Jovial memories defined in space
A space we once called home
Tripping over boulders
Pretending they were stones

Wasted in smiles and chirpy moods
Joker of sorts, an identity pursued
What's left on the table after the fall
Knowing that you've given your all

Shattered hearts remained in place
A place we find, full of lies and doubts
Wearing out the last of yourself
Bleeding your faith out

Crashed and crumbled to the ground
A weakling I see, inside out
Who's left in this circle to see you through
Pulling out the true strength in you

Tears can be shed
Bodies can be limped
Hearts can rest
No judgement or pity

Only then, the message be conveyed
In the works of one's gaze to another
Granted allowance to fall apart

Bring down the facade
Bare your heart naked
Assemble ourselves after
Strengthened smiles will face one another

So be brave
And unfold...
People come and go.
But will you be there when I need to fall?
archwolf-angel Aug 2017
It's easy to forget
Many many things
But it's definitely hard to forget
Our story, our feelings
archwolf-angel Aug 2020
Since when...
Did we decide
That words could be sharpened
And used as tools
To pierce into other's confidence
And scrap their flesh of esteem

To put them down
And tell them it is their fault
For what happened to them
There is a difference between constructive criticism and criticism.
archwolf-angel Aug 2017
you know it's impactful
because it's wonderful
you know it's unforgettable
because it's untouchable
archwolf-angel Jun 2017
silence took over the gentle night
the pack dispersed to their duties
she approaches the river
oh so carefully

she watches her reflection
and sees a dangerous beast
just like what everyone sees
and they deemed her kindness least

she walks as a human being
but no one looked at her that way
they see nothing
but an animal, they say

the howls started to lead her away
to the shores where ships bring travellers
and her eyes waters
as the tribe welcomed them... they have never welcomed her before
archwolf-angel May 2016
We** suffocate in this chaos
Chained and bonded
By not really anything else
But our personal virtues

Are we insane?
Madness consuming our everyday
Still we choose to follow our heart
And fulfil these duties it conveys

The only reason we fight every obstacle
Though we sit and waste in sighs,
Is because we know that moment will come
When it's going to feel just fine

We will get there
A simple trip, out of this world, every time
When we are side by side
And we are the core
In another dimension
Just us
Taking our very own..

archwolf-angel Aug 2016
What makes a person
Valid for care
What makes their value grow
Love, goodies or solid gold?

What makes a person
Valid for rest
Never having to tip their toes
To be careful and wary of tests

What makes a person
Valid for respect
When people will stop questioning their abilities  
And for salutes to greet their days

What makes a person
Valid for a smile
A genuine brightness that meets theirs, unconditionally
One that settles them, no matter how horrible a day gets

What makes a person
Valid for mercy
To be immune to every fall in life
And learn to know
That they deserve way more than these daily tortures and fights
archwolf-angel Jul 2016
Keeping a vision ever since
A feeling to aim for
Living in that vision
Longing for it every day

Catching shooting stars
Eating aeroplanes
Blowing candles on a cake
Wishing the same wish in every possible way

Put oneself through obstacles
In hopes of a worthy exchange
Working towards that dream
That forms whenever eyes are closed

That one thing...
That moves...
Gentle and carefree
Happy and soothing

A sweet life in moderation.
Someday, hopefully.
archwolf-angel Jun 2016
Bricks of defense
Barriers and fences
Built up a wall
Blocked off the universe

Living by oneself
Damaging within
Admitted defeat
To what has to be

Breathing through each day
Fighting every war
Silently wishing
For a miracle to come forth

Someone picked the lock
The gates are opened
Welcoming solace
Tip toed into my world

Like an energy pill
A sight to cure every darkness
A touch to **** evil

Still, wars are never-ending
Yet it is this visitor
Whom have grant me allowance
To be
"You have visited by surprise, but I would like you to stay."
archwolf-angel Mar 2016
Another night of loneliness
One more night of the cold
Gently missing
Your hand that I want to hold

Another breath of nicotine
One more breath in sigh
Silently wishing
That you could be by my side

Another call of cheerful laughters
One more call disconnected in between
Desperately hoping
You are still thinking of me

Another goodbye by the plane
One more look of your face
Naively anticipating
The day we both remain together in one place

*In love, in smiles, in happiness
To the ones who are living apart from their loved ones.
It's tough, but most things are. In hope, all will be worthwhile.
archwolf-angel Oct 2017
she wants float off
into the blue sky
and leave behind
all the familiar faces

she wants to disappear
into thin air
and avoid
all the complications

she wants to walk away
into the darkness
and shut out
the world
archwolf-angel Jun 2016
Racing in the blood
A war in your veins
Breathes multiplied
A chill remains

Clenching of fists
Heavily battering eyelashes
Chattering of teeth
This is going to take a while...

Clearing thoughts
Cleansing minds  
Strengthening a heart

Piecing the puzzles
Connecting messed up lines
Untying the knots
Take a look...

...there is a warrior in my hazel eyes
archwolf-angel May 2017
we** are everything but broken
we are nothing but beautiful
archwolf-angel Aug 2020
What if it's time?
What if it's a sign?
What if we don't belong to each other?
What if we were not meant to be?
What if... is time to say goodbye?
I am scared. I don't want to say goodbye.
archwolf-angel Aug 2017
what is it like?**
to smile in front of a crowd
but going home, to an empty room
then crying to yourself

what is it like?
to laugh out loud
to show that you are okay
even when you are not

what is it like?
to counsel the weak
but knowing that you cannot even
keep yourself afloat

what is it like?
to live each day
beating yourself up
thinking you do not deserve anything

what is it like?
to say 'I'm fine'
because you want to be a hero for others
but you are shattering inside
archwolf-angel Aug 2016
What is love
If it was never told
Told to the person
You dearly want to hold

What is love
If it could never be
Be the dream you pursue everyday
Even when you are asleep

What is love
If it was never felt
Feeling like butterflies
And tingles of joy

What is love*
If it was never known
Known to be the closest thing to magic
A belief we hold close

*Love could be a million things
And it comes in many different forms
And the type I know
Is keeping that wonderful person
In your heart
Safe and protected
Feeling that person's happiness...

                                   ...Even if they will never be yours
Sometimes, loving someone means making the biggest sacrifices.
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