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Oct 2016 · 2.4k
The Conning Of America
Alan W Jankowski Oct 2016
A con man rolled into town,
With a funny looking wig.
Made a lot of promises,
Everything will be really big.

He claims he doesn’t like immigrants,
Says they cause a lot of strife,
But you certainly would never know,
By looking at his imported wife.

And he doesn’t like Muslims,
And forget it if you’re black.
And as for those pesky Mexicans,
He’s sending them all back.

He says he has a really big plan,
To cure America’s ills,
But you got to wonder about a guy,
Who can’t even pay his own bills.

He has experience in business,
His bankruptcies total four,
And with a temperament like his,
We’ll soon be in another war.

Spews a whole lot of hot air,
That he can improve the current state,
Never says anything definite,
But don’t worry it’ll all be great.

He wants to close the internet,
And the border to the South,
But if he’s going to close anything,
Please let it be his mouth.

Oh he makes a lot of promises,
And they’re all as fake as his hair,
And the saddest part about it,
Is his followers just don’t care.

Just my thoughts on the subject...and this is about as political as I'll ever get...
Apr 2016 · 3.5k
Don't Feed The Trolls
Alan W Jankowski Apr 2016
To some the world revolves around them,
And nothing else can matter.
They’ll do anything to reach that end,
Including endless idle chatter.

They walk around like “Hey look at me.”
And are only happy when you do.
They’re like an exhibit for all to see,
Like an animal in a zoo.

Nowadays they’re on the net, joining many a site,
And they bully everyone around.
They’ll be on the computer, day and night,
If some attention can be found.

If they start with you, pay them no mind,
It’s the best thing you can do.
I can guarantee their words won’t be kind,
When they start attacking you.

They’re attention ******, as they’re known,
Or trolls as some may say.
They’re like little kids who’ve never grown,
They always have to have their way.

So take my advice, and don’t feed the trolls,
Because they’ll just create a scene.
They are the cyber world’s lost souls,
They are evil and they’re mean.

Inspired by some recent events on another site...
Mar 2016 · 2.1k
Starting Anew
Alan W Jankowski Mar 2016
Flowers bloom, the Winter thaw,
Outside the songbirds sing.
With the arrival of the bluebirds,
I know that it is Spring.

But listening to the bird’s songs,
And watching the flowers bloom.
I can’t but help myself,
For feeling a certain gloom.

For I find myself a bit jealous,
As the flowers start anew,
So often I wish I could do the same,
If I just knew what to do.

This was written for "The Year Of The Poet March 2016" on Inner Child Press...
Alan W Jankowski Mar 2016
This day is yours, it belongs to you,
Do anything that you desire to do.
Watch your favorite shows, eat your favorite food,
Do anything that puts you in a good mood.

Your friends are here to celebrate too,
This day is yours, it belongs to you.
You’ve been working too hard, you need a break,
Sit down and have another piece of cake.

Open the presents your friends have bought,
You can see they’ve given this plenty of thought.
This day is yours, it belongs to you,
So spend it joyfully with your favorite crew.

Just here to wish you Happy Birthday,
That’s really all we have to say.
And may your dreams all come true,
This day is yours, it belongs to you.

A birthday poem written by request of a friend over on Facebook...
Feb 2016 · 1.4k
She Fills My Loving Cup
Alan W Jankowski Feb 2016
She’s hot and wet when she greets me in the morning,
I know of no better way to wake up.
And when I need her she is always there,
She fills my loving cup.

It is an affair that has been going on for years,
And she will continue to comfort when I’m old.
When I am down she perks me up,
She warms me when I am cold.

Dark and bold she comes to me,
More beautiful than any sunrise.
Like a gypsy with her magic charms,
She has the power to open tired eyes.

Though some folks may criticize her,
Pointing out her mother’s a Columbian nut.
And yes, those South Americans are a bit hot-blooded,
But I just smile and say “So what?”

For coffee and I are partners in life,
From her I will never stray.
And should anyone try to get between us,
They will surely rue the day.

I believe that more than a few here can relate to this one...
Alan W Jankowski Oct 2015
Two young brothers are left at home,
All by their lonesome selves,
The older one notices a new toy,
Sitting high up on a shelf.

He climbs up and brings on down,
What he believes is a toy gun,
He thinks about the games they’ll play,
Boy this sure will be fun.

He aims the ‘toy’ at his little brother,
And shoots him in the head,
But that gun was not a toy at all,
And soon the three-year-old is dead.

When a child dies,
All the stuffed animals cry,
Alone on a shelf,
They sit by themselves,
In a cold lonely room,
Like a final tomb.

Johnny’s tired of being bullied at school,
But every dog has its day,
Though all his classmates seem so mean,
Johnny will make sure they all pay.

The next day at school will be different,
From a knapsack he pulls out a gun,
Suddenly he starts shooting his classmates,
Shoots them in the back as they run.

Soon most of the class has been shot,
And their young bodies are lying there dead,
With one bullet left in the chamber,
Johnny puts the gun to his own head.

When a child dies,
All the angels cry,
The tears flowing down,
On the sad little town,
It’s a cold, cold rain,
But it won’t numb the pain.

For Jose this is the biggest day in his life,
It’s his gang initiation in the ‘hood,
He must seek out a rival gang member,
With a couple of shots he’ll be good.

Jose packs his piece and extra clips,
And his driver takes him to the spot,
He takes aim at his helpless victim,
And another is dead with just one shot.

But that one bullet it ricocheted,
You hear a young mother scream and cry,
As she realizes her young son is hit,
On a cold dark street he is left to die.

When a child dies,
The whole world cries,
All lives matter, big and small,
I ask you people, heed the call,
Please stop the hate, before it’s too late,
For the future of us all.

Written for the upcoming book "World Healing, World Peace Poetry 2016" on Inner Child Press...
Apr 2015 · 3.7k
An Enemy That Haunts My Mind
Alan W Jankowski Apr 2015
Dedicated to combat veterans and PTSD sufferers, wherever they may be...thank you for your service...*

An Enemy That Haunts My Mind...

In the middle of the night I lie in bed,
Fighting an enemy that’s in my head.
An enemy that’s always there,
An enemy that won’t play fair.
An enemy that haunts my mind,
An enemy that is not kind.
The price paid for doing good,
Of doing like I’m told I should.
Serving my country in time of war,
Who could ever ask for more?
And now even in my deepest dreams,
All I hear is the sound of screams.
Why was I the one to survive?
Why was I the one left alive?
I ask myself every night,
As I relive every fight.
God, please call me home,
Don’t leave me here all alone.
For when I thought the fight was won,
I’m finding the battle’s just begun.
A soldier who was trained to ****,
Finds a battle that’s harder still.
Fighting an enemy I cannot see,
And finding out the enemy is me.
An enemy that haunts my mind,
An enemy that is not kind.

Recently published in a charity anthology to benefit veteran's's the website....
Nov 2014 · 2.5k
All Hallow's Eve
Alan W Jankowski Nov 2014
It’s All Hallow’s Eve and there’s little sound,
Except for a few goblins dancing around,
An old witch creates another evil spell,
Summoning demons from down in Hell.

The old hag stirs her boiling stew,
Adds eye of a newt, and another shrew,
The cauldron bubbles over the roaring fire,
The smoke rising up, higher and higher.

A black cat watches and suddenly screams,
It’s enough to haunt anyone’s dreams,
The old woman smiles an evil grin,
Her wart covered face personifies sin.

Looking around the spooky room,
Perched in the corner is a wooden broom,
Later she’ll get on it, and will take flight,
As she rides off on All Hallow’s Night.

Somewhere another victim will await,
Helpless to control their coming fate,
Another body that will soon be cold,
Another life that will never grow old.

Just another night’s work for an evil crone,
It’s what you do when you’re bad to the bone,
For another year, she will take leave,
And be back again next All Hallow’s Eve.

This was written tonight for a Facebook event sponsored by author Fran Ayers called "Halloween Poetry And Flash Fiction Scare Fest"...the works will be published in an eBook as well btw...
Alan W Jankowski Sep 2014
I wish it could be different,
I wish there was another way,
If only for the sake of your children,
I would have liked to stay.

I came into your life a few years back,
When you were looking for a man,
I’ve tried to help anyway I could,
But I’ve done all that I can.

Your kids took to me from the start,
And they always called me ‘Dad.’
You even told me more than once,
That I was the best they ever had.

But you just used me from the start,
And there were signs along the way,
Cheating and lies, barely disguised,
It was the same thing every day.

I just can’t go on wasting my life,
Giving you my best years,
Too many nights I ended up alone,
Lord knows I’ve shed some tears.

Your daughter’s at a tender age,
And I hate to make her cry,
It’ll be years before she understands,
Why it has to be goodbye.

Tell your son I’ll miss him,
And tell your daughter too,
I’ll have to say very frankly,
I hope they don’t turn out like you.

I offered you my heart and soul,
And you left it on a shelf,
The time has finally come to pass,
For me to take care of myself.

Don’t bother trying to look for me,
For I’ll have somebody new,
The one thing I can say for sure,
Is that someone won’t be you.

Jan 2014 · 5.3k
Colorado Calling
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2014
Moved to Colorado the other day,
Told the wife I needed to get away.
I guess she didn't think that I'd be gone long,
Since all I packed was underwear and a ****.

The decision to move was easy to make,
In fact, it was a piece of cake.
Ten long years with that naggin' *****,
I definitely knew it was time for a switch.

One day I just realized that I had enough,
So I grabbed a bag, and packed my stuff,
Didn't even bother to say 'Goodbye,'
All I could think about was getting high.

I knew I belonged here, it was in my blood,
To live in a state where I can buy premium bud,
Yeah, getting away was really the point,
You might say I traded the wife for a joint.

Just bought me another bag of ****,
Seems I got everything here I need,
Once I smoke me another blunt,
I'll forget all about that evil gal.

Now the smoking be really fine,
The 7-11 is where I dine,
No one to be a constant pain in my ***,
While I'm sitting here smoking up my grass.

It's nice to be here on my own,
Sparking up yet another bone,
On days I don't want to roll,
I can just pack me a bowl.

These days I got a smile on my face,
A huge grin you just can't erase,
No nagging ***** to drive me insane,
Just hangin' here with Mary Jane.

I'd like to sit around and conversate,
But with Mary Jane, I got a date,
And if you happen to run into my ex-wife,
You can tell her I finally got a life.

Sometimes you just feel the urge to move...I think ya'll know what I mean...
Jan 2014 · 1.9k
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2014
He was the voice of those who had no voice,
The spokesman for the oppressed.
He became a true hero to the downtrodden,
Who had been denied their basic human rights.
There were those who tried to stop him,
But he proved himself a true force of nature.
Because you can arrest the man,
But you can't arrest his vision.
And while they could lock him in a cell,
They could not lock away his ideas.
And while they could put shackles on his body,
They could not put shackles on his dreams.
And those dreams live on,
To the very ends of the Earth,
In every classroom where black and white
Learn side by side.
In every place of worship,
Where young and old gather together,
In every peaceful demonstration,
Where tyranny falls, and liberty reigns triumphant.
And in the cry of every newborn,
That they be born into a world of hope and tolerance,
Where equality and civil rights are the norm.
For you can bury the man, but not his beliefs.
And though his voice may be silent,
His spirit will live on and on.

This was written for the print anthology..."Mandela, The Man, His Life, Its Meaning, Our Words" be released by Inner Child Press in early 2014...
Apr 2013 · 1.8k
Opinions And Advice
Alan W Jankowski Apr 2013
People always offer opinions and advice,
As to what you should or shouldn’t do,
Though they can barely manage themselves,
They seem to know what’s best for you.

An old friend offers relationship advice,
As he talks about his latest divorce,
He always blames his latest ex-wife,
And I just nod and say “But, of course.”

Another friend offers financial advice,
Talking stocks and bonds on the phone,
I’d probably take him a bit more seriously,
If he hadn’t called to ask for a loan.

A neighbor cornered me the other day,
Bragging about her new diet,
If she wasn’t still 400 pounds herself,
Perhaps I would like to try it.

Another comes over to share with me,
Their latest sure-fire scheme to get rich,
It’ll be something totally different next week,
And they’ll be back with a whole new pitch.

Whether who to vote for, or what to wear,
Or to what church I really should go,
Where I should live, or what I should eat,
They always act like they know.

It’s amazing how people see problems in others,
Without knowing that much about me,
But somehow the problems in their own lives,
Are something they can’t really see.

This one could be the story of my life...just sayin'
Nov 2012 · 1.6k
Poetry Contests
Alan W Jankowski Nov 2012
I have entered so many contests,
And I’m starting to wonder why,
Just sitting here thinking about it,
Makes me want to cry.

I always try to do my best,
To make my words compelling,
I make sure not to use text speak,
And I even check my spelling.

But it seems that whatever I do,
My words just get neglected,
And though I start with high hopes,
I always end up feeling rejected.

I wish I knew the judge’s address,
Or at least of their PayPal account,
Then I could at least send them a bribe,
Just tell me the correct amount.

Just once I’d like a great big trophy,
That I could stand up on the floor,
Or even just a paper certificate,
That I could put on the refrigerator door.

Just once I’d like to hold my head,
High above the crowd,
Be able to phone my mom,
And make her really proud.

But, now I enter another contest,
And I’ll probably crash and burn,
I should probably take up another hobby,
But, I guess I’ll never learn.

This won a virtual first place trophy in a contest on a poetry site...the theme "poetry contests"...
Oct 2012 · 2.7k
Political Banter
Alan W Jankowski Oct 2012
Once again it’s that time of year,
When political banter seems the rage.
When otherwise normal people,
Try to come off as some worldly sage.

I have friends who are really nice folks,
Any other time of the year.
But, once they start with the political rants,
I really don’t want them near.

Of course, their views are always right,
How could it be any other way?
And you too could be right like them,
If you just listen to what they say.

Some people take it all quite seriously,
And engage in rather spirited exchange.
As if convincing all their Facebook friends,
Will bring about a world of change.

But the more I hear all this political banter,
The more it makes me think.
That the only party I want to join,
Is one where I can get a drink.

Yes my is that time of year again...and a rare glimpse of my political views...
Alan W Jankowski May 2012
The world remains heavy of heart,
And saddened on a February day,
For a man named Trayvon Martin,
His young life was taken away.

So many questions remain unanswered,
But there is one thing that’s fact,
A young man lost his life that day,
In a senseless and violent act.

But now some are calling for more violence,
And their cries are heard across the land,
Crying out for vigilante justice,
To take matters into their own hand.

For vigilante justice never works,
And more violence is not the cure,
For how much more must we bear?
How much pain can we endure?

For violence should not beget violence,
And hate should not beget hate,
And only the one above we call God,
Should be the judge of a man’s fate.

For I ask you people to end the hate,
And the hurting of each other,
For in the eyes of our Creator,
We are all Sister and Brother.

We’ll never know all that happened then,
But we do know one thing as true,
A shot was fired, and one man stood,
Where moments before were two.

So please people may we learn from this,
And stop the violence and pain,
So a young man named Trayvon Martin,
Will not have died in vain.

This was written for a print anthology titled "A Gathering Of Words, Poetry & Commentary For Trayvon Martin" and released May, 2012 on Inner Child Press...When I first saw this sub call I have to admit I was a bit reluctant to contribute, I thought there was a bit too much controversy surrounding the situation at the time, though I believe justice was served in the end...and I tend to avoid controversy, btw...

Anyway, I chose to write about the indisputable facts...that a young man was dead, and there was an apparently escalating call to violence...
Alan W Jankowski May 2012
It seems that lately I can’t get no peace,
From all those so-called Grammar Police,
Who for some reason think that I should care,
The difference between there, they’re and their.

They want to analyze everything I say,
Just waiting for me to lie when I want to lay,
And I really think they just do it because,
They want to further some petty cause.

So, what I do is I mess with there head,
I write the word red when I really mean read,
And I couldn’t care less if they throe a fit,
Should I confuse the words elicit with illicit.

And it really don’t phase me if I’m derelict,
By writing something like “cause and affect,”
I’ll just stare and say “Whatcha gonna do?”
If I want to write that the sky is blew.

Though I really shutter at the very thought,
I’ll try to be discrete and not get caught,
But if they should arrest me and throe me in jail,
Just bee sure and come and post my bale.

Yeah, all you Grammar what I gotta say...and btw, this one was inspired by an article Craig Hart, editor of The Rusty Nail, posted on his Facebook page...
Apr 2012 · 2.2k
I Had A Dream
Alan W Jankowski Apr 2012
I had a dream just the other night,
That people would no longer fight,
No more wars to be lost or won,
That everyone could live as one.

I had a dream just the other day,
Of streets where kids could safely play,
And treat each other with respect,
And never come to know neglect.

Where children grow in a loving home,
And would never face the world alone,
To live in comfort, and without need,
Regardless of their race or creed.

That the God we worship is all the same,
No matter what we call his name,
And honor each other’s right to choose,
Regardless of their different views.

And if my dream should ever come true,
It will be up to people like me and you,
And I dream the day should come at last,
Where hunger is a thing of the past.

For I dream one day the human race,
Will make this world a better place,
Where fighting and wars will someday cease,
And our children may know a world of peace.

Here...see this for details...
Apr 2012 · 1.0k
I Want My Poetry...
Alan W Jankowski Apr 2012
I Want My Poetry…**

To be far more than just a rhyme,
An idle way to pass the time,
As you take in my words like a drink,
I want my words to make you think,
To make you examine your very soul,
And help you reach that ultimate goal,
I want my words to inspire the masses,
To join together and unite the classes,
To inspire people to make a start,
To see the good in another’s heart.

To do what’s right, as you should,
And bring about the greater good.
I want the words that I write,
To fill others with delight,
To satisfy your every need,
To free the world of hate and greed,
To wipe the tears from your eyes,
There for you to silence your cries,
My words your comfort in time of pain,
To bring you sunshine instead of rain.

And if some day I can’t be by your side,
Let my words be your guide,
It is my gift I give to thee,
And as you read them, think of me,
And even though I can’t be there,
I’ll think of you and say a prayer,
And if my words should bring you peace,
And from your troubles provide release,
It’s what I want my poetry to do,
To be my gift, from me to you.

Note: This was written for a print compilation recently released on Inner Child Press in time for Poetry Month April, 2012...the name of the anthology is "I Want My Poetry To"...
Feb 2012 · 1.8k
For Our Love Is Eternal
Alan W Jankowski Feb 2012
Some loves may come your way,
And captivate your mind,
And some loves may touch your heart,
With words so sweet and kind.

But, your love has touched me deeper,
More than you'll ever know,
More than merely capturing my heart,
You're etched upon my soul.

A love that will forever burn,
Like an eternal flame,
And long after we both are gone,
Our love will always remain.

For our love is eternal,
Forever, come what may,
A love that can't be measured,
Like the hours in a day.

And someday amongst the heavens,
Written with stars across the sky,
On the list of the greatest lovers,
Will be the names of you and I.

Just felt like writing another love poem this month...a 67Goat poem...
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
The darkness descended upon the night,
So heavily you could hear it hit the ground,
The birds still sang their songs by day,
But I could no longer recognize the tune.
My feet ran furiously,
But I gained no ground.
I reached out,
But no one was there.
I looked upon the faces of the crowd,
But no one seemed to know me.
And the truth was,
I barely knew myself.
I got down on my knees and begged forgiveness,
Guilty of what, I do not know.
My emotions seemed frozen into place,
Like the time that appeared to stand still around me,
Every minute that passed seemed like hours,
And days crawled by like eternities.
And yet I knew the journey had just begun,
For I am at the entrance to a long, dark tunnel.
And as I stand before the cold darkness,
My thoughts weigh heavily upon my mind,
Like the heaviness in my heart,
But venture forth I must.
For I must escape this place that holds me,
With every fiber of my being.
And things will never be the same.
I pray that things will never be the same.

Some people get depressed around the holidays...not sure this will cheer anyone up though...
Jan 2012 · 1.5k
The Teacher
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
I want to teach my dog,
Some tricks that are new,
Like sit, fetch and heel,
As a dog’s expected to do.

But after many hours,
Things are not going good,
For despite all my efforts,
She won’t do as she should.

She can’t fetch to save her life,
And it’s just a little ball,
But instead of carrying it back,
She’ll just let it slip and fall.

My nerves are starting to fray,
It seems that I’ll never win,
Far from concerned with her failures,
She’ll just stand there and grin.

I’ll take her out for a walk,
Hoping by my side she’ll stay,
But she’d rather sniff the flowers,
That grow along the way.

And if I try to get her to sit,
And stay until I call,
Now she wants to play,
And go and fetch her ball.

As if having fun is more important,
Than doing what you should do,
Sometimes I have to wonder,
Who should be teaching who?

Just don't tell my dog she might know more than'll go right to her head...btw, this is probably the only poem I've ever written both a rhyming and non-rhyming version of...after getting various opinions, it seemed the rhyming version won out...
Jan 2012 · 1.9k
The Letter
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
I poured out every thought upon the page,
Filling it up with all the rage and anger,
That you have instilled inside me.
My pen literally quivered,
As I held it in my sweaty hand,
Yet the words flowed swiftly,
As venomous as any snake,
And almost as deadly.
As I poured the last of the wine into my glass,
I reviewed my handiwork.
Three pages of anger.
Three pages of hurt.
An expression of all you’ve done to me,
As best as I possibly could.
I carefully folded the letter,
And stuffed it in the envelope.
And with quivering pen,
I wrote out your address.
It was late, and I’d post it in the morning.
I went off to bed that night.
The next day I spent quietly around the house.
It was cold outside,
And it was warm by the fire.
In the afternoon,
I opened another bottle of wine.
I sat pensively for some time,
Just watching the flames dance
Upon the logs in the fireplace.
Amidst the crackling of the timbers,
I picked up the envelope.
I stare down at your name upon it.
I take another sip of wine,
And remove the letter.
As I begin to read it again,
I am reminded of everything you’ve ever done.
All the hurt you’ve caused,
To myself and my family,
Comes back again over three pages.
My blood starts to boil again,
And my palms start to sweat.
There is a damp thumbprint on the page,
And the edges of the letter are damp and frayed,
From holding it tightly in my hands.
I lean back in my chair.
I know I am not ready to forgive.
I don’t know that I ever will be.
And God knows I will never forget.
In fact, I hope you rot in Hell,
And if I could deliver you there myself,
Lord knows, I would.
But, I can never stoop to your level.
I can never stoop to your level.
I sit for some time just watching the fire.
In a while, I pick up the letter,
And walk over to the fireplace.
I toss it upon the flames.
I sit back down and sip my wine.
And as I watch the letter burn,
The sparks crackling,
And the black soot fall upon the logs,
I know I can never stoop to your level,
But, there’s a part of me that says to myself,
“God, I wish that letter were you.”

I think we've all wanted to write a letter like this at one time or another...and forgiveness is not always easy...
Jan 2012 · 1.7k
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
At family gatherings throughout the year,
There are those who add to the holiday cheer,
Those who brighten up your day,
Every time they come your way.

Most are a pleasure to be around,
As fine as any friends I’ve found,
But, there are a few I’d like to loose,
If I could only pick and choose.

Some that are a pain in my rear end,
I’d like to delete like a Facebook friend,
Others who insist they are family,
But sure don’t look a thing like me.

Others who are annoying beyond belief,
Whose only purpose is to bring me grief,
They’ll have to get along on their own,
They are not going to get another loan.

The problem with relatives is understood,
You have to take the bad with the good.
Though some I wish would get lost at sea,
They probably think the same of me.

I bet there just might be a couple of people here who feel the same...:)
Jan 2012 · 1.9k
Girl, Will You Marry Me?
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
We’ve been together for so long,
And I think the time is right,
Something I just need to ask you girl,
And I need to know tonight.

So much has changed for me,
Since you came into my life,
I need you so much, you see,
And I want you for my wife.

So girl, will you marry me?
As I’m down here on my knees,
It’s with you that I want to be,
I’m asking you baby, please.

I never thought I’d find someone,
As sweet and kind as you,
Someone I can love so much,
And loves me so much too.

So many years I’d been alone,
Without someone to care,
And when I finally did find love,
It was like an answer to a prayer.

So girl, will you marry me?
As I’m down here on my knees,
I need you so much you see,
I’m asking you baby, please.

I’ll have to say, the joy you’ve brought,
Has made my heart sing,
And my heart would sing a joyous song,
If you would wear my ring.

And we could spend our lives as one,
Until our dying day,
I just need an answer from you,
Just answer when I say.

So girl, will you marry me?
As I’m down here on my knees,
It’s with you that I want to be,
I’m asking you baby, please.

Another quick song idea...though I was awake when I wrote this one...
Jan 2012 · 1.2k
Did You Ever Feel The Same?
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
I remember when I first laid eyes on you,
You were the best I’d ever seen,
I’d never seen a woman like you,
I was wondering where you’d been.

And I recall our very first date,
As I stared into eyes so blue,
I felt myself falling in love,
Head over heels for you.

But there’s so many unanswered questions,
And I’m not going to place the blame,
I just have to wonder sometimes,
Did you ever feel the same?

And I recall that very first kiss,
And I remember from the start,
It was like Cupid shot an arrow,
Aimed straight into my heart.

And I think about the times we loved,
And how you held me tight,
How you set the night on fire,
And how it felt so right.

But there’s so many unanswered questions,
And I’m not going to place the blame,
I just have to wonder sometimes,
Did you ever feel the same?

Now that I’m left alone,
With so many tears I’ve cried,
I wonder why you did me wrong,
I’m wondering why you lied.

And I think about all those tears,
As another falls from my eye,
I have to think if I cry any more,
My tears will all run dry.

And there’s so many unanswered questions,
And I’m not going to place the blame,
I just have to wonder sometimes,
Did you ever feel the same?

This is actually a quick song idea that came to me while taking a walk...
Jan 2012 · 1.2k
Steal This Poem
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
You probably were a bully,
Who never did well in school,
Stole other kid’s lunch money,
And thought it was really cool.

And now you’ve moved on,
To stealing other’s work and time,
All without a hint of remorse,
As if it’s not even a real crime.

I’d like to think people like you,
Deserve a special place in Hell,
For when you steal an author’s work,
You steal a piece of them as well.

So now I’m going to dare you,
To try and steal this poem,
Post it on another site,
And try to call it your own.

And if you think you can do it,
And never will get caught,
The only thing I can say to you,
Is you’re dumber than I thought.

Go ahead, make my day...this one is in response to the very real and very persistent theft problem of my poems and fact, it's what lead me to Hello Poetry...someone had posted a few of my poems here under their name, they are no longer here, but I figured I'd check out the site and maybe stick around a bit...
Jan 2012 · 1.5k
Paris Will Never Be The Same
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
I returned to Paris as in days gone by,
Now that I’m here, I’m not sure why,
For the city that once felt like home,
Is a joyless place when you’re alone.

I can’t help but recall the older days,
Of sipping wine in corner cafes,
Romantic dinners by candle light,
That lasted well into the night.

The walks along the river Seine,
Huddled together against the rain,
Hand in hand we’d stroll the street,
Stealing kisses, so discrete.

Now as I walk along the avenue,
I think about the times with you,
But the city we both loved so dear,
Is a lonely place without you here.

And though I yearn for the times of old,
Now the city just seems so cold,
I made my return but I’m sorry I came,
For Paris will never be the same.

Paris will never be the same...Where is Paris anyway?  The 22nd 67Goat poem, for anyone counting...
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
Don’t tell me that you need me,
And I’m the best you’ve found,
Because if you really needed me,
You at least would come around.

Don’t talk to me on the phone,
Saying words I want to hear,
And giving me more excuses,
Why you can’t be with me here.

Don’t tell me that you love me,
And how much you really care,
But when I really need you,
I can’t find you anywhere.

Actions speak louder than words,
And for all your fancy talk,
It just don’t mean a thing,
If you can’t walk the walk.

Because it’s not what you say,
As much as what you do,
And if you can’t understand that,
I’ll just find somebody new.

Not sure what to say here, so I'll just let the words speak for themselves...and the 21st 67Goat poem, btw...
Jan 2012 · 2.0k
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
An honest man who worked real hard,
And did his best throughout his life,
To clothe and feed his proud family,
His four children and his wife.

Born in the early twentieth century,
He knew that times were often tough,
But he always did whatever it took,
To ensure his family had enough.

A gentle man who spoke with kindness,
And ungraciousness was never heard,
Who still believed in God and family,
And knew the value of a man’s word.

Some would say he was old fashioned,
He rarely drank and did not smoke,
But he was always there to lend an ear,
And always the first to offer a joke.

A kinder, gentler, more honest man,
Could never be found anywhere,
And I know as sure as there’s a Heaven,
That you will find my Grandpa there.

An idea I've had for a while...dedicated to one of the kindest, most thoughtful men I've ever met...
Jan 2012 · 1.2k
Happiness And Purpose
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
Is happiness something far out of reach?
Something for which we must strive.
Like some far off destination,
Where we hope someday to arrive.

Or is happiness just a commodity?
Something that can be bought,
Or is happiness something we all can learn?
Something that must be taught.

Is our happiness in short supply?
That may someday come to an end,
Or is there enough to go around?
That we can share it with a friend.

There are many things we’ll never know,
Like an envelope that’s always sealed,
And yet as we pass through life,
The answers are slowly revealed.

For we‘re all here for a reason,
As we pass from young to old,
And the longer that we live it,
The more answers will unfold.

And though we entered the world that way,
We were never meant to be alone,
And though we may often try,
We can’t do it all on our own.

For I believe happiness is our purpose,
And a purpose made to share,
To help make happy the ones we love,
And show them that we care.

And whatever our purpose in life may be,
And only time will truly tell,
My only hope is that I’ve served it,
And served my purpose well.

This is actually the first poem of mine to come out in a book...a friend of mine wrote "Happiness is not a destination" on his Facebook status...and I read it and wrote this poem...
Jan 2012 · 3.1k
The Facebook Poem
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
I’d heard about social networking,
And how it was the next big thing,
So I just had to take a look,
And ended up on Facebook.

It only took me a little while,
To fill out most of my profile,
But I have spent many a night,
Figuring out the rest of the site.

I never realized I had so many friends,
The friend requests never end,
All the people I can’t stand at work,
And now the biggest high school ****.

I have to admit I’ve learned a bunch,
I know what all my friends eat for lunch,
And it really helps me that I know,
Everyone’s favorite TV show.

The work on Facebook never stops,
I have to water my imaginary crops,
Send get-well wishes to Farmville quick,
My friend’s imaginary cow got sick.

I now realize my chances are dire,
Of ever building a Mafia empire,
And perhaps it is a bit of a shame,
My It Girl will never go on to fame.

My kids' statuses tell me of their life,
At dinner time I get poked by the wife,
I try to keep my friend count nice and fat,
So, I even signed up the dog and cat.

I guess you can say my life’s complete,
I have more friends than I’ll ever meet,
On Facebook I can roam far and wide,
And I never have to go outside.

Admit knew this had to be coming...inspired by a comment by the owner of another site about how she did not understand Facebook because "there is no water cooler, and people just talk about what they had for lunch"...
Jan 2012 · 1.6k
The Jerk At Work
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
My job I really don’t mind,
It’s the people and the work,
Especially the guy next to me,
Who personifies the word “****.”

I wish he would do something,
Anything to earn his pay,
Instead he just gets on my nerves,
And my nerves are starting to fray.

This **** is looking for a better job,
And keeps asking me for advice,
Do I look like a Google search bar?
But instead I just try to be nice.

He actually asked me for a referral,
And I looked at him just fine,
I’d like to give him a referral alright,
To the unemployment line.

This ***** better start to realize,
And I hope he does somehow,
That the next job he’ll be applying for,
May be the one he’s holding now.

This one was inspired by a comment a ******* another site made about a was not actually written about one of my co-workers, past or present...though it could have...
Jan 2012 · 2.0k
When Friends Betray Friends
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
When friends betray friends,
With words less than kind,
It tears apart the friendship,
And all the ties that bind.

When friends betray friends,
It hurts you to the core.
All the trust and love,
It all goes out the door.

Like an ice cold sword,
That tears through your heart,
When friends betray friends,
It will tear your soul apart.

All the love and friendship,
Built up from the ground,
When friends betray friends,
It all comes crashing down.

And all that peace and harmony,
Built throughout the years,
When friends betray friends,
You’re left with only tears.

Jan 2012 · 1.5k
My Love Did Sometimes Wander
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
My love did sometimes wander,
And my thoughts did often roam,
From the one who held them dear,
And gave my love a home.

But I was young and restless,
And my heart would long to play,
Never thinking of the one I’d hurt,
When my love would go astray.

They say if you play with fire,
You sometimes will get burned,
And though the lessons were often hard,
The lessons did get learned.

For I know my heart belongs right here,
With the one whose love is true,
And if my thoughts should wander again,
They will wander back to you.

Just another poem of love, infidelity, commitment, remorse and whatever...
Jan 2012 · 911
No Help At All
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
I sit at my computer desk trying to think,
I pick up my coffee and start to drink,
I've been up all day and into the night,
Wracking my brain for something to write.

Just sitting around all day at home,
Hoping to write the next great tome,
But my progress has been terribly slow,
The words simply don't want to flow.

I realize to reap the glory and wealth,
My novel is not going to write itself,
It's my own project, I understand,
Though I wouldn't mind a helping hand.

I look at my dog and she starts to stare,
If she has any ideas, I wish she'd share,
I'd gladly give her any credit due,
Even buy her a bone or two.

But she looks at me with nothing to say,
It's clear that she just wants to play,
She goes to the corner and fetches her ball,
I can see that she is just no help at all.

Some dogs are just no idea where this one came from...
Jan 2012 · 985
Leading Me Along
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
Don't think I don't notice when you look my way,
Just standing there, like you got something to say,
Like a girl who's looking for someone new,
Like a girl looking for something to do,
And I heard the word that's going around town,
That your last lover been putting you down,
But, if you get with me it won't be long,
Because I ain't gonna let you lead me along.

Your heart's been broken and you're on the make,
Heart's broken and you're looking for one to break,
The real world to you has never been so kind,
Now you're searchin' to see what you can find,
But if you're looking to do me like you've been done,
I can tell you I ain't gonna be be the one,
Don't go messing where you don't belong,
Because I ain't gonna let you lead me along.

Love to you has always been just a game,
Let me tell you, I can play just the same,
I've been heartbroken many times too,
And the next time ain't gonna be by you,
Because the games you play ain't too cool,
And I'm not going to be your next fool,
So don't go messin' where you don't belong,
Because I ain't gonna let you lead me along.

This was a quick song idea actually...yet to be put to music, btw...
Jan 2012 · 1.9k
Neon Sign
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
I guess I really can’t blame them.
How could they be expected to know the truth,
When all they see is some well-rehearsed smile,
That I have been putting on in the morning,
Like a clean shirt.
I think I have it down to a science,
I’ve been doing it for so long.
I’ve polished my act to where I almost fool myself sometimes,
Yet at times the sadness slips through to the world.
My mother asked me the other day if I was doing drugs again,
As if that ever really worked,
Things should really be that easy for just once,
I think to myself, ‘How could they not know?’
And yet at times I think maybe I should just tell them.
But, how do you express the hurt that goes deep inside?
How do you express how you really feel?
When you don’t know how you really feel yourself.
Sometimes I just feel so numb to the world,
Or maybe, it’s just the fear of the unknown,
As if it could really get any worse.
Maybe I’m just afraid of giving up my hurt,
When at times it seems that hurting is all I’ve got.
Perhaps the only thing I do well.
Yet at times I’d really like to tell someone,
But how could I make them understand?
Sometimes I think I should just hold up a big neon sign,
That says ‘Hurting’ in big, bright letters.
All electric blue with just a tinge of blood red,
And then maybe someone will notice,
And then maybe someone will care,
But then again, why should they?
Why should they care?
After all, it’s not their job,
They don’t get paid to care.
But wait…I know what I’ll do.
As the storms begin to build inside my head,
Like a thief robbing me of any peace I might have had,
And as the thunder starts to clamor in my mind,
It’s very dissonance drowning my every thought,
I’ll walk boldly into those very storms,
With my neon sign held high above my head,
And as the thunder bursts around me,
And the pouring rain soaks me to the skin,
And when the lightning bolts brighten up the sky,
I will no longer fear a thing,
For as the lightning strikes my neon sign,
And the electric shocks surge through my rain soaked body,
And the pain overtakes me from head to toe,
It will be the first time I’ve really felt anything in years,
Perhaps for the first time ever.
And as the last bit of life drains from my wet body,
I will be free at last.
And as my soul leaves my lifeless form,
To venture forth into the unknown,
And the unknown will welcome me with open arms,
Taking me in like a true friend,
And the unknown will provide me with shelter and comfort,
Perhaps for the first time ever.
And as the rains continue to pour down upon me,
All the hurt shall be washed away,
And all the pain shall be felt no more,
For all my struggles shall cease in an instant,
And every unrequited love shall remain so,
And every broken promise shall remain broken,
And all the hatred directed towards me shall miss its mark,
And every resentment harbored shall be set aside,
And every tear shall be forced to find a new home,
And as I look down upon my dead body,
I can watch all my so-called friends gather round,
They’ll probably rummage through my pockets,
And fight over who gets my new sneakers,
Then again, why should they care?
After all, it’s not their job.

Oh yeah, this one's a bit dark...I know, I's in part the precursor to a story idea I had called "Elizabeth Duncan" and a year later is still not written, btw...this poem was actually inspired by a South Park episode, the one with Britney Spears, where she unsuccessfully tries to **** herself by shooting herself in the the show, she's rather unsuccessful, but blows off the top of her head rendering her rather incapable of speech...when she gets out of the hospital, everyone around wants a piece of her, trying to get her back in the studio, etc...all the while making comments on her "new look" and how she must be on drugs again...basically, considering every possibility except that she might actually be a human being who is hurting and in need of help...anyway, I could certainly relate...and judging by the reaction this one got, quite a few others can as well...
Jan 2012 · 2.7k
Party Favors
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
Party favors do not a party make,
Nor that fancy bakery cake,
It's not the table set so fine,
Nor that bottle of expensive wine,
Not china set on polished wood,
Or gourmet food that tastes so good.

What matters is the people gathered there,
Family and friends you know who care,
With whom you can share a laugh and a smile,
It's what truly makes life worthwhile,
For with time spent with loved ones you can be sure,
Of cherished memories that will always endure.

Jan 2012 · 1.4k
Let Me Be The One
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
When life hands you so much sorrow and pain,
And takes so much with little to gain,
You're like a train that somehow left the track,
Can we ever get the good times back?

Do you recall when the world was so new?
And there seemed no limit to what we could do,
Harking back to those simpler times,
Of children's books and nursery rhymes.

Can you remember those simple joys?
Childhood dreams and children's toys,
How did we ever lose our way?
Can we ever get back to that day?

Yet somehow those dreams all have faded,
Have we really become that jaded?
The only cure for lost love is a love that's new,
The only love that matters is a love that's true.

And here we are, two souls destined to meet,
Why should we ever accept defeat?
For us our lives have just begun,
We can do this together, let me be the one.

Would you believe another love poem originally posted under 67Goat?  I thought so...the 20th actually...
Jan 2012 · 3.8k
The Dirty Martini
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
The making of a ***** martini is truly an art,
***** and vermouth are merely a start,
But follow my advice and you can depend,
On achieving perfection in the end.

First the martini glasses should be filled,
With a little ice to ensure they're chilled,
Your next step as the martini maker,
Is to put some ice in the shaker.

Next pour in the *****, a premium kind,
For the perfect martini, use the best you can find,
Just a dash of vermouth is all it should take,
For the best martini you can make.

For a drink that's smooth and never rough,
The next step I just can't stress enough,
Grab the olive juice and begin to pour,
And if you think it's plenty, pour some more.

Put the lid on the shaker and give a few shakes,
Just a few seconds is really all it takes,
Now take the glasses and dump the ice,
And add a couple olives, plump and nice.

Then over those olives you can begin to pour,
And then start to savor what's in store,
For if you follow this little rhyme,
You'll have the perfect martini every time.

Just had to write this one for my girlfriend Nancy...:)
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
Why is it you run and hide?
And never show the hurt inside,
Where does all that suffering go?
The wounds that you refuse to show.

Locked like a prisoner in a cell,
Alone to bear your personal Hell,
A Hell from which you can't escape,
But really, it's your chosen fate.

Pain that eats you from the inside out,
Filling up your whole life with doubt,
You just can't do it on your own,
You were never meant to suffer alone.

Because when life's too much to bear,
That's the time for your burden to share,
Open your heart and let someone in,
Only then can the healing begin.

Jan 2012 · 1.4k
Them Poker Blues
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
Went to a casino the other day,
A game of hold 'em I was hopin' to play,
Entered the poker room and looked around,
Found me a seat and sat right down.

As I laid down my chips and started to play,
I hoped that luck would come my way,
For a while the cards were running cold,
Most of my moves were check and fold.

As the game continued on,
I realized half my chips were gone,
But before it could go from bad to worse,
I saw my luck was about to reverse.

For as I sat among those expressionless faces,
I was suddenly holding a pair of aces,
I knew the bank I soon would crack,
With this chance to win my money back.

As the dealer took three off the top,
And laid on down that three card flop,
My heart had suddenly started to sing,
As I saw on the table an ace and a king.

Now with aces three of a kind,
Thoughts of riches went through my mind,
With my luck now running hot,
I tossed a pile of chips in the ***.

As the dealer laid down another card,
Everybody stared real hard,
It was just me and another who called my bet,
And I didn't see him as a threat.

The final card thrown in the ring,
Happened to be another king,
Suddenly I couldn't help but gloat,
As I was holding a full boat.

With the full house I was holding,
There was no way I was folding,
With aces over I had to win,
So I decided I should go all-in.

For a moment I was in a daze,
As the other player called my raise,
But with confidence I began to stand,
And showed the full house in my hand.

The other player didn't say a word,
Sounds of silence was all that was heard,
As he exposed two kings, it really blew my mind,
My full house was beat by four of a kind.

I sat back down with a look of defeat,
After suffering such a bad beat,
And all my money having been spent,
I wondered how I'd pay the rent.

I thought of how I'd tell my wife,
And if she'd come after me with a knife,
I thought of ways to recoup my loss,
Like asking for an advance from my boss.

Lady Luck had done me wrong,
Left me singing this sad, sad song,
Some days you win, some days you lose,
Some days you sing them poker blues.

Don't you just hate when this happens, the sad tale of a "bad beat" and I'm sure some of you Hold 'em players can relate...I might try putting this one to music someday, if I feel real ambitious...
Jan 2012 · 823
That Someone Wasn't Me
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
I saw you walking just the other day,
As happy as can be,
Out walking with someone the other day,
And that someone wasn’t me.

Oh girl, what you trying to do?
You know I’m a jealous guy,
Just tryin’ to get my attention,
Or make me want to cry.

Oh girl, what you trying to do?
You’re breaking us apart,
Now you’re not just messing with my head,
You’re messing with my heart.

I know you can’t really be with him,
What you trying to do?
You know you can do a lot better than that,
And I’m the one for you.

I saw you walking just the other day,
You thought I wouldn’t see,
Out walking with someone the other day,
And that someone wasn’t me,
And that someone wasn’t me.

Actually, this one was a quick song lyric idea I had...though maybe it should remain just an idea...
Jan 2012 · 974
Life Is But A Journey
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
You know that I must leave you,
The end is surely near,
We both knew this day would come,
Please don't shed a tear.

Life is but a journey,
Beginning with our birth,
I'd like to think it continues on,
After we leave this earth.

But I do have one big fear,
And it's not of the unknown,
But rather that my leaving here,
May find you left alone.

So, until we meet again someday,
I hope that you may find,
Someone who will share your life,
Someone sweet and kind.

But your happiness means more to me,
Than you will ever know,
And though I wish there were another way,
For now I have to go.

My only hope is you find the strength,
That you need to move on,
And may you once again find love,
After I am gone.

For, I know there must be a Heaven,
I've seen it in your face,
And someday we will meet again,
And once again embrace.

About a guy who loves his wife so much, his only concern is her happiness after he's gone...I have to say this one got a bigger response than I could have thought...and the 19th 67Goat poem, btw...
Jan 2012 · 2.8k
Childhood Lost
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
What is the price of a childhood lost?
And who is the one to pay the cost?
For the child who's often left alone,
And forced to grow up on their own,
Left at home without a reason why,
While mommy goes out to get high,
For the child who lives in constant fear,
Who wants for love, but none is near,
And left to cry throughout the night,
With no one near to hold her tight,
No sheltering arms to wrap around,
Or childhood comforts to be found,
When compassion is a forgotten word,
And loving thoughts are never heard,
When hopes and dreams have all been tossed,
What is the price of a childhood lost?

This was actually inspired by somebody's book which came out in late 2010...and if I think of the **** title, I'll post it here...:)
Jan 2012 · 1.4k
Alone Again
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
As the setting sun denies its light,
And the darkened sky cloaks the night,
As the full moon castes its gentle beams,
I'll be alone again, with my dreams,
And if my dreams shall come true,
I'll be alone again, holding you.

No, my girlfriend didn't leave me...just wanted to write a short poem...and the 18th 67Goat poem, btw...
Jan 2012 · 4.8k
Trash Talk
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
They hang out all day,
Ain't got no plans,
With nothing to do,
And time on their hands.

In everyone's business,
All over town,
Just talking trash,
To bring them down.

Talk more trash,
Later on the phone,
When they should be out,
Takin' care of their own.

They only go out,
For a free meal,
Too **** lazy,
To go out and steal.

Ain't got no job,
Ain't got no pay,
They just keep talkin',
With nothin' to say.

People so petty,
It's hard to believe,
That they actually,
Live and breed.

Sitting on the steps,
With nothing better to do,
But you better watch out,
They're talkin' about you.

This one was inspired by my neighbors and done with a bit of humor...I think we all have neighbors like this, eh?
Jan 2012 · 1.0k
I Can Only Be There For You
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
You're going through a lot right now,
This truly is an ordeal,
I can't begin to imagine your pain,
Or how you really feel.

I know how important your body is,
And you're as beautiful as can be,
And no matter what the future brings,
You'll always be beautiful to me.

I wish I could take away your pain,
And make your body new,
But I can only be there for you,
To show my love for you.

This was written by request of another site owner, actually more of a suggestion...for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in 2010...the 17th 67Goat poem, btw...
Jan 2012 · 1.9k
I'll Never Understand
Alan W Jankowski Jan 2012
The one thing I will never understand,
Is man's inhumanity to his fellow man,
How people who call each other sister and brother,
Could be so hurtful to one and other,
How people can treat each other so mean,
Without understanding where they've been,
Who would lead each other into war,
Choosing to be the problem, not the cure,
Who have the power to guide another man's fate,
With hidden agendas mixed with hate,
Who think nothing of causing another man pain,
If there is a dollar somehow to gain,
Who would send another man off to die,
While widows and orphans are left to cry,
Though they may play the part of an impartial judge,
They'll soon condemn you for some long-held grudge,
Stepping into the night like some heartless thief,
Their only goal is to bring another man grief,
Manipulating others they seek to control,
For a bit of power, they'd sell their soul,
Yes, the one thing I'll never understand,
Is man's inhumanity to his fellow man.

Alan W Jankowski Dec 2011
Let the world always remember,
That fateful day in September,
And the ones who answered duty's call,
Should be remembered by us all.

Who left the comfort of their home,
To face perils as yet unknown,
An embodiment of goodness on a day,
When men's hearts had gone astray.

Sons and daughters like me and you,
Who never questioned what they had to do,
Who by example, were a source of hope,
And strength to others who could not cope.

Heroes that would not turn their back,
With determination that would not crack,
Who bound together in their ranks,
And asking not a word of thanks.

Men who bravely gave their lives,
Whose orphaned kids and widowed wives,
Can proudly look back on their dad,
Who gave this country all they had.

Actions taken without regret,
Heroisms we shall never forget,
The ones who paid the ultimate price,
Let's never forget their sacrifice.

And never forget the ones no longer here,
Who fought for the freedoms we all hold dear,
And may their memory never wane,
Lest their sacrifices be in vain.

There is now a video interview with me talking about this poem, filmed Sunday, Sept. 8, 2013 in front of City Hall, here in South Amboy, posted along with my poem, on various Gannett news sites on the East Coast on Sept. 11...

Oh, could say a few things about this's been in print at least 15 times that I'm aware of, and probably far more...and was used in more 9/11 ceremonies this past tenth anniversary than I will ever know...the stuff with the school kids, scout troupes and the like is always touching...made a list actually of some places it appeared...
Yeah, this one got pretty big...and it's only the first year...
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