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May 2015 · 542
for you, darling
Abigail Kruke May 2015
I’ve always thought you were like the earth after rain,
dripping, slipping off beaten leaves
strong and steady,  
with light purples gracing,
all around us wrapped up in each other.
You are soft greys filling each moment,
hiding under cedar stairs to hear the thunder voices scream
fighting metal to find the comfort in negative spaces.
You are lightly dancing to beat up records filled with grease
filling me with old spice, and ****** hair gel.
You are clear fall days, falling
keeping us safe from our demons,
who bite and claw, filling the air with their blood.  
You are a burning laptop hiding under the blankets of a movie fort,
the comfort of laughter in dark.  
You are dusty old barns
with sunbeams breaking through in midday,
old worn playgrounds
where small children play.  
You are the empty church,
when others have left
stiff wooden benches
and soft candle rays
bathed in incense and leftover wine.
You are the spring time
changing each day
you are the winter
remaining the same.
You are the flowers sitting outside
striving for sunlight
through the darkest of times
You are the warmth of tea
after the day's hours.  
You are the thoughts in my mind,
the first words spoken in a long time.
you are the only thing keeping me going.
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
save me.
Abigail Kruke Apr 2015
will you thread us a thousand dreams for a better place?
Apr 2015 · 995
Ode to Modern Poetry
Abigail Kruke Apr 2015
How can I write poetry about you,
when you've never compared
my eyes to
the sea during a storm.
or told me I have galaxies inside me?
Apr 2015 · 753
not your little girl
Abigail Kruke Apr 2015
killing your little girl dreams one by one, with his hands and eyes like cigarettes.
blood filling cheeks.
tugging and pulling.
Whispers of some things only for you.
you've killed my little dreams...and I love you for it
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
Louder Than Bullets
Abigail Kruke Mar 2015
The loudest things I've ever heard
Are the unsaid words inside me.
Screaming to be let out,
To touch your ears,
While I hold them back in fear.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Abigail Kruke Mar 2015
The still room is filled with people,
Whose held breath, will never tell their stories
And it is,
sometimes silent is violent
Mar 2015 · 851
a different kind of drug
Abigail Kruke Mar 2015
My parents warned me about drugs on the streets
and bad things.
But they forgot to tell me about beautiful boys
with blue eyes that cut deep
Oh they forgot to tell me how he would make me feel.
you **** me.
Mar 2015 · 1.6k
3am thoughts about him.
Abigail Kruke Mar 2015
my parents warned me about drugs on the street
and bad things,
but they forgot to tell me about
beautiful boys with blue eyes that cut deep,
and whose hands can take a soul,
oh god, how they forgot to tell me
how he’d make me feel
Mar 2015 · 5.0k
Abigail Kruke Mar 2015
peaceful, calm  
pouring, pounding, dripping
cloudburst, drizzle, vapor, condenses
murking, glooming, falling  
shimmering, thin
Mar 2015 · 519
Not So Long Ago
Abigail Kruke Mar 2015
Oh how I remember..
"come dance with me in the old green field"
letting go of the the things we feel
let our bodies sway to a soulful tune…

with these colors pale,  
and your eyes aglow
tell me the secrets of long ago..

follow me down to the river slow
use those tired hands to mend our souls..

I’ll go down to the old green field
and hold fast to these things I feel
let my body sway to this soulful tune..

those colors pale
my eyes misty blue
remembering the things that I told you..

I’ll walk down to the river slow
take these tired hands
and try and mend my soul..
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
dance with death
Abigail Kruke Mar 2015
Roadways upstairs, collide in my mind
Drowning my tomorrows, yet they found how to survive
Living divided, between things living and dead
I'll take my dance with death,
for I no longer mind the chance
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
I want
Abigail Kruke Feb 2015
I want to be the cold
tracing your body
shaking your bones

I want to be the warmth
kissing your skin
leaving trails of want

I want to be a thought
filling your mind
touching your heart
one of these days I'll show these to you
Feb 2015 · 719
(our) innocence
Abigail Kruke Feb 2015
butterflies share secrets in your garden.  
while the fresh air fills our lungs
free in the clear fall day today.
and as the warmth grows on
your sun kissed cheeks
I look at your eyes, laughing

warm breezes blow through my hair
the endless blue sky
almost as endless as dreams
stretches out over the hill  

the blushing trees undress themselves
as we watch, unaware.

the bursts of colors falling around our bodies
encases you and I in a world all for us

heart beats quicken
unsure of what to do

so we start breathing, reaching
for the same air
trying to find the secret reason inside of each other.
about you again
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
speak not
Abigail Kruke Jan 2015
loathing shapes swirl
inside this
an almost haven
two bodies
pressed onto white walls
glancing into
heartfelt eyes
But never seeing beyond.
hiding behind bright screens
fighting to keep the words in before they reach out
Jan 2015 · 343
beating hearts
Abigail Kruke Jan 2015
beating hearts that form today,
above the clouding of morning rays  
Fill city streets of wishing full,
expand the cores to every role.
the bringer of light with reader's notions,
forms his thoughts through written emotions.
in the future amidst on horizons bare,
pray light and dark be constant and fair.
love, city, nature, emotions, hurt, keeping, heart, rushing
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
City Slumber
Abigail Kruke Jan 2015
Possible endless cities sleep,
while their
keepers keeping, forever seeking.
Seaking, slumber - plundering out and under
forever saving shooting stars.
Saving them for lovers arms.
Arms to hold and arms to save
arms to push for better days.
So while endless cities slumber on
keepers, keeping as their time goes on.
Dec 2014 · 606
morning snow
Abigail Kruke Dec 2014
This morning, I sat in the car,
and watched snowflakes race each other down the window pane.
Each one flowing down a set path,
already marked for them by another.
And when they go to the end,
they collided with one another,
piled up
like cars on a highway.
And I noticed one,
who, tried to get away from it’s path, already set,
and it tried and tried against the cool grey sky,
but it couldn't,
and as the sun kicked through clouds.
The snowflake,
it too crashed into the others, trapped, at the bottom of the window pane.
And I watched as, more and more joined them there.
Forgetting for a moment
That, I was human..
As I watched them in their set paths,
until the sun
Dec 2014 · 371
I'd kill..
Abigail Kruke Dec 2014
the clowns across the street won’t talk anymore,
i want to be the cold,
the birds can’t sing with tongues on the ground,
*tracing your body,
shaking your bones.
Dec 2014 · 429
You and the Rain
Abigail Kruke Dec 2014
I don’t know,
what you and the rain have in common,
but I am thinking about
how blue your eyes are
and the way you say
“I love you”

Still, I don’t know,
what you and the rain have in common,
but I think I could sleep better
if I was in your arms.

— The End —