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448 · Feb 2015
Your Heart
Xyns Feb 2015
And there it was
Beating in my hands

I didn't know
What to do with it

So I threw it down
**Leaving it in the sand
I'm Sorry, Dear.
446 · Aug 2018
Xyns Aug 2018
The bruises on my skin fade
But the memories remain
I don’t know how to survive my days
And I’ll never be the same
446 · Mar 2015
Xyns Mar 2015
I want you to know
That I don't love you anymore.
In fact, I hate you.

You should probably **** yourself.
Yeah, that'd be great.
444 · May 2014
Xyns May 2014
tip the scale
rip the veil

cold and lonely
If only, if only

beauty bought
***** socks

open bandages
blank pages

Just sit there
by yourself

read a book
take a look

in the mirror
your own fear

of the face
that you'll make

demons too real
for you to not feel

their horrid presence
all too malevolent

you're on your own
Sweetheart, you're really alone
444 · Apr 2014
I Wish I Knew
Xyns Apr 2014
I wish I knew what it's like
To be a teenager
I wish I knew what it's like
To be normal

I wish I knew what it's like
To be confident
I wish I knew what it's like
To have a mother

I wish I knew what it's like
To have a biological father
I wish I knew what it's like
To have a family

I wish I knew what it's like
To not fear tomorrow
I wish I knew what it's like
To not worry too much

I wish I knew what it's like
To have a home
I wish I knew what it's like
To be well off

I wish I knew what it's like
To be a teenager
I wish I knew what it's like
To be normal
443 · Apr 2015
Someone Just Like You
Xyns Apr 2015
I need someone to play the game
Someone to numb this pain
Someone to keep me sane

You, my friend, seem just right
I'd like to make you mine by tonight

I need someone to lead me on
Someone to be less alone
Someone to help me move on

You, my friend, seem just right
I like the way you make me feel alright

I want someone to shake me up
Someone new to change things up
Someone to keep my chin up

*You, my friend, you will do
I think that I want someone just like you
443 · Sep 2018
Xyns Sep 2018
I needed someone to write about
So life brought me your clouds

Now I’m here, feeling down
Confused, just looking around

Curse that dreadful sound
Of a silent life without you now

Like an angel, Hell-bound,
I had to come crashing down
441 · Nov 2016
Drink With Me
Xyns Nov 2016
I want you to drink with me
Sit back, talk and think with me

I want you to drink with me
Lay back, smoke some things with me

I want you to drink with me
Open your mind, come laugh with me

I want you to drink with me
Hold me close, rap and maybe sing to me

I want you to drink with me
Hold my hand and imagine things with me

I want you to drink with me
Stare at the clouds and the stars with me

*I just want you to Drink With Me
440 · Mar 2014
Xyns Mar 2014
I can't think
I can't breathe
It's all so hard

I can only sleep
I can only scream
Everything else hurts

My brain hurts
My flesh stings
Body in a mutiny

Maybe this is detox
Maybe the caffeine is gone
I believe this is withdrawals
438 · Mar 2014
Xyns Mar 2014
Threaten my sanity
Rip my skin
Do what you please
I wont give in

The bullets don't scare me
Your words won't mar me
Yes, I'm terrified
But I won't leave yet

Tests like these must be passed
I've lived through worse
I can't be broken
And I'll be back

I'm addicted to the thrill
The pain, I can deal
Adrenaline is my drug
I'm a ******, I'm a ****

Let me be who I am
Stab my pleasure but let me breathe
Your blade is soft, quite welcoming
The blood, I've seen

I've tasted the end
I've created Armageddon
Chaos is practically my name
Fear is my life

I am prepared for this fight
Psychotically ready for the abuse
If I lose, All is well
I live for the roulette
436 · Apr 2014
Desperate {10 words}
Xyns Apr 2014
I grasp for the remnants
Of what I once was
435 · May 2014
Xyns May 2014
Desperation splattered against my face
From the onslaught of your apologies

Patience radiated from me
To the flood of your guilt

Depression bathed the love
While I gave up on the battle that is my mind

My dear, I love you still and forevermore
But I now bear this ****** crown of thorns

Not a savior am I, for I yearn for one
Only a deeply tired peasant, longing for rest

Now I cannot simply dream a dream
My reality has taken refuge in a nightmare

Being wary of spoken adoration
Longing for my previous joy to return
431 · Sep 2014
Back When
Xyns Sep 2014
I never colored my hair
I parted it down the middle
My glasses were always *****
I never wore makeup
Hoodies were my closest companion
My ***** had not yet grown
My **** what flat as a table top
I didn't really have friends
My only escape was self harm
Baggy clothes were all I wore
I barely ever spoke
I held more secrets than I could count
I was miserable.

Thank God It's Not Back When
430 · Mar 2015
Wasn't In Love
Xyns Mar 2015
I'm not in love with you.
I never was.

I was in love with the ghost
Of who you were in the beginning

I was in love with the idea
Of what we could have had

I was in love with the thought
Of who I wanted you to become

But now
I'm not

I'm in love with the fact that
I'll never be in love with you
429 · May 2015
10 Words
Xyns May 2015
I get such a rush
Everytime I feel your touch
424 · Mar 2014
Her Mountain
Xyns Mar 2014
You were all that she wanted
Her everything
Her reason to keep going

But then you decided
To throw away that façade
To show true

You knew you had her
You knew it all too well
She wouldn't leave
She'd never tell

You're her mountain
That never ending climb
Her anguish
419 · Apr 2014
Xyns Apr 2014
My ears are always listening

My mouth is always explaining

My arms are always open

Yet you always run away
419 · Sep 2017
Xyns Sep 2017
Maybe I've had an increase in confidence
Or perhaps this is something that I just think is common sense*

You see, the only thing I expect is respect and curtesy
I give it; thus, I expect to receive in return common decency
Don't act sincere then suddenly change on me
I've noticed that it happens constantly
And that's something I just can't stand to see
What I'm asking for is simply sincerity
Just be you around everyone and also around me
It isn't that difficult, honestly
Though, I've learned that to most people it seems to be

I've learned that the Real really are a rarity
It's unfortunate to have that type of clarity
I'll treat you the same way you treat me
I'll always stay the same, how I was initially
And all I expect is respect and always sincerity
That's common decency
At least that's I how I see it, you see
But I see some people don't see it like me
And I think that's just a tragedy
419 · Aug 2017
Picture Perfect
Xyns Aug 2017
I wanna frame your every flaw
Hang them like paintings on my walls

I wanna capture your laugh
Before the wind carries it to the past

I wanna freeze your bright smile
To keep it with me for every slow mile

I believe you're worth it
To me, you're picture perfect
417 · Nov 2017
Xyns Nov 2017
It goes
1 pill
2 pills
Now 3..

..It takes 4 pills
Just to get some sleep

Not to mention how many lines
It takes to ease my mind

And roll my *** out of bed
Baby girl's sober; she's dead

It goes
1 pill
2 pills
Now 3..

**..It takes 4 pills
Just to feel like me
415 · Jan 2015
So Far..
Xyns Jan 2015
"I'm Mr bright side
Glass is half full.
But my tank is half empty
Gasket just blew."
415 · Jan 2019
Xyns Jan 2019
Things won’t feel good all the time
But lately I feel I’ve lost my mind
And like I’m losing what could be mine
On top of hating when I should feel fine
412 · Mar 2014
Xyns Mar 2014
It's as if the summer never came
A cold winter storm
And according to you
I was to blame

It's as though the world covered in snow
An icebox heater
And according to you
I should know

It's like a mountainous glacier settled
Our hearts buried beneath
And according to you
I'm who melted

It's as though your soul froze me out
A cold, burning hailstone
And according to me
It's your turn to pout
411 · Apr 2015
Just A Taste
Xyns Apr 2015
He whispers in your ear
"Just one time.
Just a taste"

And so you do it.
Just a taste

He whispers in your ear
"Just one more time.
Didn't you like it?"

And so you do it.
Just a taste

He whispers in your ear
"Come one. Do it.
Don't you love me?"

And so you do it.
*Just a taste
Because, for him, you'd do anything.
409 · Aug 2017
Xyns Aug 2017
I read some old poems today
And I remembered you
I recall that letting things slip away
Was something I thought I'd never make it through

I read some old poems today
And I remembered us
I realized I couldn't let you stay
Things were so bitter, we didn't even desire lust

I read some old poems today
And I remembered you
Then I had the epiphany
That I had actually forgotten you
408 · Mar 2015
Xyns Mar 2015
I'd rather
spend my life
and regretting it

than stay
**end it
406 · Apr 2014
Memories (My Childhood)
Xyns Apr 2014
I remember when I was 4.
I remember the terrors.
I remember waking up to the fighting,
The mini wars.

I remember being locked
Outside all day,
While they snorted and smoked.
I remember being lonely and
Depressed most of my life.

I remember seeing that gun
Held to my mother's head.
I remember the fear.
I remember when they left.

I remember the cuts on my thighs
And how hard they were to hide.
I remember the last time I saw him.
I remember the pain of watching
Him smile and as we left.

I remember the beatings.
I remember the feeling of being used.
I remember it all in such great detail.
404 · Nov 2016
Xyns Nov 2016
This is a thank you to every single person that reads my poems. And an extra thank you to every person who claims to be a fan. This site has been one of the best outlets I've ever had because of you guys. Thanks, man.
402 · Nov 2014
You still have faith?
Xyns Nov 2014
Oh. So you're back.
I knew it.
She didn't cut it
So you've come back around.

You still have faith in us?

Where was that faith
When you left me?

Where was that faith
When I begged desperately?

Where was that faith
When you moved on from me?

It wasn't there.
You left.
**So now it's my turn to bail.
391 · Jul 2020
looking away
Xyns Jul 2020
You could give me the world
And I'd still be cold
Staring through the screen door
Full of
387 · May 2014
I Don't Hate You
Xyns May 2014
i don't hate you

i just hate

the way you made me smile so much

the way you showed me new things

the way i gave precious things to you

the way that you told me you loved me

the way you called me cute

the way you made me think you were true

the way you kissed away my pains

the way your hair was always perfect

the way you seemed to be worth it

the way you acted just like me

the way your smile changed anything

the way your voice lifted my spirits

the way your happiness made me happy

the way you made me feel like i could fly

the way you became my everything

the way i dove in head first

the way i fell head over heels

the way you made me think you were different

the way you treated me like i was special

the way you made me love you

so you see, i don't hate you

i just hate everything about you...
386 · Jun 2020
Xyns Jun 2020
He's a Taylor Swift song
Dancing with me in my wildest dreams
He's Sam Hunt and Kane Brown
Giving me a taste of Heaven
Only to disappear when I wake up

He's my delicate heart
Stranded in the ocean
Surrounded by waves
And currents taking him away

He's still all that I need
Even when he doesn't want me

He's Cajun Louisiana
Delicious king cake
Living in sunny California
Giving me the darkest days

He's my white wine nights
When I'm all alone
Praying for his family
Though he won't be mine

He's the smile on my face

The feeling I chase

An unattainable embrace
384 · Jan 2015
Ya Know?
Xyns Jan 2015
Ya know,
I think I'm dead inside..
379 · Oct 2014
Xyns Oct 2014
You are nothing
That I'd fight for
Because I already fought.
I did all I can do
So now I give up on you.
379 · Nov 2017
Xyns Nov 2017
Little knots

Dull thoughts

Sit as it rots

Boiled in pots

Inhabited lots
378 · Jan 2015
I Miss You.
Xyns Jan 2015
I miss you.

Not this you.

The You I first met.

The You I understood.

Not this you.

I miss you.
376 · Oct 2014
Your Page
Xyns Oct 2014
I go through your page

over and over

And it makes me feel

Like you're here

i miss you

But all i have is your page

And sometimes your voice

from far away

I don't get to touch you

No hugs can be given

I don't get to see you

All i have is pictures

on your page

So when I miss you

I read your poems

And I remember you

*I'm going to go look at your page
375 · Mar 2014
Xyns Mar 2014
Tears don't sting anymore
Whiskey bottles not crowding the floor
Eyes wide open
To the words unspoken

Heart doesn't ache anymore
Burning pages I've already torn
I stopped fighting
But you're not winning
373 · May 2015
It's Been Such A Long Time
Xyns May 2015
It's been such a long time
The emptiness is getting worse
I wish you were still mine
Dealing with this **** really hurts

It's been such a long time
The brokenness is getting worse
I wish there was still time
To go back and make us work

It's been such a long time
The depression is getting worse
*It's been such a long time
373 · Sep 2017
Auf Wiedersehen
Xyns Sep 2017
Sitting here at the keyboard
Fingers soar
Wrists damaged
I try to write something
Anything at all
That could express
What I feel right now

But it's not that simple
There aren't really words
None English,
None German,
None Latin,
That could adequately describe
How broken I am on the inside

I'm not really healing
Like I thought I could
And I'm not moving on
Like I know I should
I'm just burying you
Like I'm used to doing

There's so much confusion
So much pain
So much distrust
I'm ashamed
It took so much for me
To love you the way I did
It took so much
To break down the walls
And let you in..

But I did it
And I trusted you
I believed you
And look now
Here we are
Broken, alone
Torn apart
Maybe not you
But certainly me
Once again
I'm left, weeping

Auf Wiedersehen
I hope I never
Have to see you again
373 · Sep 2017
Xyns Sep 2017
Life is an up and down roller coaster of disasters
Full of twists and turns and some dastardly *******
Pacifists passing fists passively; are they real or just actors?
We're not on the same page; we're in whole other chapters
You might just find that you're the most complicating factor
And in any moment that things can flip backwards
The best cure may be to forget and get plastered
When you've realized that there's nothing you've mastered
373 · Apr 2014
Xyns Apr 2014
What's so wrong about it?
About making love
To the man you adore more than your own life

What's so wrong about it?
About wanting
To take his name before he can be stolen away

What's so wrong about it?
About loving more
Than rejecting the chance to lose happiness
Why is all of that condemned so much?
373 · Feb 2015
Xyns Feb 2015
"I'm supposed to be in love
But I'm numb again"
371 · Mar 2014
Xyns Mar 2014
You might have stolen my trust
But you didn't drain my strength
You couldn't if you tried

You might have broken my heart
But you didn't tame my spirit
You wouldn't know how

You might have left me damaged
But you couldn't ever shatter me
You never knew my pieces
371 · Mar 2014
Xyns Mar 2014
Smooth whiskey, sweet wine
Been so long since I've called you mine
Drunk calls, words slurred
All is grey because the lines have blurred
Double vision, tipsy steps
Sipping up every drop that's left
370 · Jul 2017
You Must Be Blind
Xyns Jul 2017
Honestly, sweetheart, I don't see
Why you can't see
That you belong with me
And you want to belong to me
I go back to you; you come back to me
You're just as hooked, baby
That's clear to see
Oblivious, you try to seem
But, love, you can't lie to me
You're simply scared of me
Because I've evoked feelings
And you were sent reeling
You feel confused and guilty

You admitted I'm on your mind
I know you wouldn't rewind
You and I are the only two of our kind
Others like us are hard to find
You'd rather not leave me behind
I was yours; now you're mine
That fact has you in a bind
As we met, the planets aligned
There's no need for me to remind
Naturally, we were intertwined
Different than the rest of mankind
*Basically, you were made to be mine
So, darling, you must be blind
367 · Dec 2014
Xyns Dec 2014
"Do what makes you happy."

If I knew what made me happy
I wouldn't be in this situation.
366 · Mar 2014
Xyns Mar 2014
If I were to disclose the pain that is inside me
You'd never believe
You'd call me a liar, an attention *****
So I keep it to myself

I smile for you, I laugh
I hold my head high every second
All the while, I'm crying inside
Breaking within myself

But you'd never know
You'd deny it if I told you
Everyone would
So I only write about it

I hide it away
Lock it up inside of me
Simply cry myself to sleep
When I'm alone

Never would you know
How broken and crushed I am
How this life has taken its tole on me
You'd never see it

Ask for help
I'd never do such a thing
That would require someone who cares
I can't find that anywhere

So I'll stay this way
For the rest of my existence
You'll continue to greet my smile
And ignore my suffering
366 · Mar 2014
Going The Distance
Xyns Mar 2014
Your taste, so sweet
It's addicting
Your skin, so smooth
It's relaxing
Your words, so true
It's amazing

I've fallen a trillion times
I'm in love with them
Words you say

Miles, I'd travel
Across jagged gravel
Broken glass
Novels, I'd write
All day and night
A love story
Just to see your face
Hold you
Any time or place
Meet you

There's not a word
I wouldn't say
There's not a thing
I wouldn't do
There's not a lie
I wouldn't tell
Just to Stay In Love With You
366 · Mar 2014
Xyns Mar 2014
And when we met
I fell in love
And when I strayed away
I became empty
And when I saw you cared
I broke down
And when you said it hurt
I changed forever
And when you walked out
I lost the best part of me
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