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Shivvy Aug 26
You won't care
You never do
So even after your constant reassurance
And your caring pretences
The indifference in your eyes
Also disappointment in your sighs
Shines through
Piercing me cruel
You say you are here to support me
To listen and see
Yet I feel lonely with a uncertain hue
All this thanks to you
Ever opened up to someone and instantly regretted it? Because you realised that they were not the right person you seeked for comfort.
You feel a stab of hurt knowing you were judged. Or that they just used your sorrow as timepass.
This poem is for them
Shivvy 1d
Laying in bed tonight
I have this crave or want
To somehow go in the past
And protect the child I was
Shivvy Sep 1
I crave to be so much
It haunts me in dreams I don't wish to indulge
A perfectionist, my heart wishes
But such a thought and my soul clenches

I crave to be the only choice
Not a second voice
To shine alone like the moon
But be a star soon

I crave to rule hearts
Have power to be unbroken in my palms
To heal scars
Loving the most darkest path tragedies cast

I crave to be at the top of every crest
Never fail a single test
To answer every question right
Be ideal to anyone in sight

I crave to be so much
Selfish and guilty desires proved such
When all my wants are pacified
Will i finally be gratified?
Shivvy Aug 30
September leaves on pavement granite, and bodies at war plight;
The dead don't always make a pretty sight
Shivvy 6d
In a forest
Of twists and turns and nothing honest
Everything is deceiving
The deep trees
Hide chaos unravelling
the leaves are dry as they rustle in the breezes
The footsteps are unnoticed
Nor a care is given to those wheezes
The lakes overflow
As it rains with such a might
Still no flood in fear that its not a strong sight
In plain view it's a secluded space
A good distant scenery that hides ugly grace
Plenty a tree and many a river
So much everywhere
Yet it feels hollow
There is always a hue of unknown sorrow
A dark ground that's sees seldom light
You will hear faint voices
In the vicinity when night
You can't escape this
You never will
And can't change it
But can pretend you did
Yet you'll not be freed
From this forest
One of a kind
The mind
Whose demons won't be tamed
As eventually even your soul is claimed
Shivvy 5h
After twisting a dagger at my back
For so long with no sound,
You made an unutterable attack
Did you think I'd never find out?
The secrets that left your mouth
For someone else to listen
And now as you try to enlighten,
I'm focussed on what I pen
Because I still love,
I still care,
And I could write it all here
Without you knowing
because you don't deserve to anymore.
How, I'm still so shaken
Yet I cant ask you anything
Because I'm still a craven
But if I could form a question
Perhaps the last time
I'd walk down the memories we nurtured
The most beautifully twisted curves
And ask just this that;
Cara, how did you get the nerves?
Shivvy 3d
So darling
In the moments that exist
With you on the pavement
When night
I want to look in your eyes
And say the words
I love you
With a voice that holds the softest might
Shivvy Sep 5
Did you ever pray to call me mine?
Because, cara, I?
I don't recall how many times I have tried
To push us away
As if my mind ever decided how my love swayed
To save myself
Even if my trials failed
To lock my soul
Though still indulge in your tainted fouls
To pretend emotionless
When I was bleeding with silenced howls
I have attempted everything
I could
And after all
I have prayed for us to be one
Like icarus craving to be near the sun
I have prayed to be held in your arms, when worn
Protected by you from dusk till dawn
I have prayed for my hopes to come real
To engulf me in a warm blanket for many years
And so
I wonder
If your efforts were just as painfully hopeful in time
Did you ever pray to call me mine?
Shivvy Sep 1
Once upon a time
I felt something for you
Love Or like
I'm not sure too

But it was welcomed
I was looking for this
Confident in it
I thought I was being cherished

You have a radiant smile
I noticed once
Brown eyes and a good heart
I thought about this for months

You cared so softly
Exactly how I liked
It should never end
I hoped day and night

And yet all that was apparently nothing
It was not as I thought
I Should've known
A devil doesn't come with horns

All those walls
Broken for lies
How you broke my trust
Can never be justified

I thought I was more mature now
That I could handle it fine
That I was naive not now but
Once upon a time
Shivvy Aug 27
Teen fever and dreamy reminiscence;
With our memories limited to polaroidan evidence
Shivvy Aug 26
Oh to be there!
In present right here
To live right now
Forget every other thing that makes you
crease your brow
To breathe in
And take this moment wholly pristine
To laugh or cry
But no pondering over past and future
with a sigh
To enjoy just this
with whatever does and doesn't exist
In present right here
Oh to be there!
Shivvy Sep 3
I'd still smile fondly, looking at you;
Knowing the future having us will never be true.
Shivvy Aug 26
I hear this voice
Influencing my every choice
Loud taunts echoing inside me
Hurting me with force I never see
The voice as it says bad
Won't stop even after I regret all I had
My heart squeezes, my chest pains
I wonder after all my agony, if it finally gains
Why must it be I?
Who cant escape, are the walls that high?
A literal war, and I don't seem to have a side
The voice in an unknown open field, I can't hide

Shivvy Aug 26
When did we stop?
Saying anything without a thought
Playing and eating as we want
Studying without interest loss
Making friends without cause
Laughing till stomach pain made us halt
Being proud at every small hop
Helping everyone to reach the top
Happy, uncaring, cheerful and what not
When did we stop?

So called maturity hits us all hard and suddenly the world seems to be holding so much unnecessary meaning
Xoxo ♡
Shivvy 5d
Try and pull me down
Chop my wings
To hear me agonizing
And then watch me walk on ground
Reminiscing the sky
But not being affected much around
Hear me say
You didn't pull me down

— The End —