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André Morrison Dec 2018
Infinite universes spoken of in a finite verse
It's an injustice of the one's life's lack of justice; one's curse
There's a means of escape with no desire to pursue
When torment keeps dawning, you let it seek you
It's not beneficial to erase the weight on your ankles
When you're free falling into despair regardless
André Morrison Dec 2018
Starved of care & love
Head's underwater & I struggle to stay above
Because I'm empty inside, so I cannot float
The taste of metal on my tongue
& Lead passes through my throat
Waking up from up from those inner desires
Life's a cruel mistress & she never tires
André Morrison Dec 2018
I've got to concede, I'm in a ton of sorrow
Pray for a better tomorrow, I'm on borrowed time
I say I'm fine, but I'm dying inside
Pain in silence is a dire crime
Reaching the end of the line
That's not just because I have no one to call
Looks like the ground is going to catch me,
I have no one to lean on & I'm about to fall
Getting by is a tall order,
I'm mentally at the edge, I'm at the border
My anxieties try to govern me, but I try to ignore her
In a quarter-life crisis with a gaze of strife in my iris
Please end this, what I seek is at the end of the abyss
I promise myself that things will look up
But I'm always looking down
Because there's nothing to look forward to
André Morrison Nov 2018
If I spoke underwater about the things that I hated
I'd run out of gas and the water would be carbonated
It's belated, but I realise that everyone I've dated
Faded away because they found someone 'better'
I just guess that means I'm fated to be rated second
So this girl wants to get down with me
But doesn't want anything higher
Yet I'll keep running back & stand by her
Feelings of objectification
I guess my body is like a slum & I need some gentrification
André Morrison Oct 2018
Quick thought, fate deems me to be forsaken
Faith has been shaken, your love was just a ruse
You love to decide when you feel for me, you pick and choose
You make me feel blue, ironically that's my favourite colour
I have no clue what to do about you, because there will be no other
I understand that loves a mountain and you have to trek to the top
But the peak is below sea level and I don't want to drown, so I think we should stop
André Morrison Sep 2018
You're supposed to learn from your mistakes right?
Then explain why I opened my eyes
And didn't just stay asleep like it was one long night
Everyone says my future is bright,
But the bulb has gone out
And there's no replacement in sight
Guess I just gotta hold tight
And wander through these dark times
Maybe one day, I can go up in Life: a new height
To see the sun shine over the horizon
To flicker light into my eye which is oh so white
André Morrison Sep 2018
Searching through the fog
Looking for someone... don't know who though
Calling out, but I'm just talking to myself
Like a teenager's Tumblr blog
A girl appears in front of me and I mumble to her
"Are you the one?"
But she grins eerily and begins to walk away
So I chase her, hoping she'll stay
I promise her things; empty words to try and sway
She stops as I run by her side
Glides her finger against the corner of my eye
Brushes her lips against mine
As she says bye and disappears in the blink of an eye
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