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André Morrison Sep 2018
Searching through the fog
Looking for someone... don't know who though
Calling out, but I'm just talking to myself
Like a teenager's Tumblr blog
A girl appears in front of me and I mumble to her
"Are you the one?"
But she grins eerily and begins to walk away
So I chase her, hoping she'll stay
I promise her things; empty words to try and sway
She stops as I run by her side
Glides her finger against the corner of my eye
Brushes her lips against mine
As she says bye and disappears in the blink of an eye
André Morrison Jul 2018
His best friend was his subconscious
To request an audience with his accomplice
Loneliness he had to accept, alone he was,
I digress. Nevertheless, he kept his pain in silence
Feeling trapped in his own head, like a mental asylum
Instead of unconcealing the sorrow
He kept things unsaid, so his state of mind would remain unread
And would embed the notion that life has stopped dead
And would endlessly pray for a better tomorrow
If a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?
If not, is a lonesome man who is crying in pain not exist because no one is around?
The thought of waking up to another day of isolation
Drowning in his misery, he needs help to breathe
Rehabilitation would be as simple as love and attention
To help give this man a life where he can believe
André Morrison Feb 2018
The only person that listens to me is my external dialogue
You call it schizophrenia, I call it a duologue
But in reality it's just, it's just that in a group of two
I am my own leader, subject, enemy and compeer
Born out of a fear of being alone, my mind began to sere
And unintentionally planted a voice into each cerebral hemisphere
André Morrison Feb 2018
I stay awake; long into the night
I do not wish to end the day alone
I stay in bed; long into the day
I do not wish to start the day alone
André Morrison Oct 2017
Why am I in this state of limbo where:
I'm not happy enough to be grateful that i'm alive
But also not sad enough to wish death upon myself
André Morrison Oct 2017
Which do I choose?
When given the choice of either:
A bullet to the head
Or a knife to the heart
How do I choose?
When I know the result from either:
Will be the end of me,
As well as impossible to recover from
Why do I choose?
How did I get myself into this. either:
From being in a state of limerence
Or finally finding someone who appreciates me
What do I choose?
I need to make the choose and either:
Use my brain, take the knife and perish
Or follow my heart, take the bullet and be in forever pain
I don't know what to do
André Morrison Sep 2017
Heartbreak...Why use such a term when it's the mind that is on the verge of collapse? Mindbreak is the term I've coined

I was Drowning in the fear of abandonment,
Feelings of paranoia pinned to your conscious,
Heart shaken by the very thought of being alone once more
My love for her being pure white, but marked with stains of doubt
I was in awe of you, yet so afraid of you
Moved by how you would make me feel content with life
But terrified at how you could take all that away from me
...And then it left me
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