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3.0k · Oct 2015
Far Away Lover
Chiibe-The-Rebel Oct 2015
I lay in my bed and think about you
I love you so much I don't know what to do
I feel your warmth at my side
The pain in my heart moves to my eyes
So far away yet always so near
You are the reason I am still here.

I await the times when we can talk
I await the times we can finally hold hands and walk
To feel you for real... so close to me
The happiest person in the world is what you would make me.

Your eyes shine like a million suns
You shine more brightly than anyone
Your smile so sweet can't help but make me smile
It stops my world even for a little while
I await the time when my hand is in yours
To hear you say those 3 little words.

There are still no words I can say to describe
My heart it aches and my eyes they cry
But when we talk my heart flies
you always wipe away the tears I cry.

Even though you aren't here
And I miss you so much my dear
I'll love you forever and ever
I'll always love you my far away lover.
My Long distance boyfriend wrote this for me... Love him! <3
2.3k · Nov 2015
Night Terrors
Chiibe-The-Rebel Nov 2015
At 3:20PM, I collapse into my bed with my Ipad light blaring.
I daydream of happiness.
Taken away from me by every day people,
Who I was made to learn their names.
Drawers left open with their contents spilling out,
As I stuff my clothes in there,
In an effort to clean up.
It doesn't work.

Jumping onto my bed to avoid the ghouls lurking underneath,
As shadows jump out at me in my mind.
Too afraid to close my eyes,
My insecurities are shown in my eyes to those that look.
These are Night Terrors.
I don't have to be asleep to get them,
It doesnt even have to be night.
When I'm alone, bullied and afraid.
They come.
These are Night Terrors,
That show in the light.
That play in my mind,
Every day, Every night.

Sleeping is stressful,
But as the day progresses, you wish for your bed.
But when you get there, you're wide awake.
Being at School is stressful.
But when you get to your bed, you wish to be there.
But when you're at school, Your will is broken.
Everything is stressful,

When You Get Night Terrors.

That show in the daylight.
In English Class, In High-School. We're currently doing poetry ( Yay! The teacher LOVES mine apparently x3 ) and the latest is 'Free-Verse' So I thought to post it on here and see what you guys think!
2.1k · Jan 2016
Kylo Ren
Chiibe-The-Rebel Jan 2016
The darkness in his eyes
A true reflection of his pain
Led away from the path of light
He truly had no gain

As he walked from his family
Never to return, he mourned
As he looked into his dying father's eyes
Pretended that he didn't see forgiveness

He's truly broken
Inside, just a shell
Just a mad dog without a leash
As he watched as his Father fell

His mask hides his youthful face
Hides it as if it's a mark of disgrace
His lightsaber is as unstable
As his emotions, running wild

Many joke, his heart is a fable
That he's merely a metal figure
Programmed for Snoke's doing
Nothing is secure

He cut off his path to the light
But there
Is still hope
Of redemption
Okay 5:30 AM and Star Wars themed. Cause Kylo Ren is a punk pitch I had to write a poem about.

Yay Darkness.

Edit: F*ck you autocorrect
1.6k · Oct 2015
Beauty Of A Woman
Chiibe-The-Rebel Oct 2015
The beauty of a woman Is not in the clothes she wears,
The figure that she carries,
Or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman Must be seen from her eyes,
Because that is the doorway to her heart,
The place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman Is not a ****** mole,
But true beauty in a woman Is reflected in her soul.
It is the caring she lovingly gives,
The Passion that she shows.
The beauty of a woman with passing years -- only grows and grows.
( My boyfriend wrote this for me, all credit goes to him, Love him. )
1.3k · Oct 2015
Opposites Love
Chiibe-The-Rebel Oct 2015
Love is pure,
Love is sweet.
Love is light
Love is a treat.

The dark and the light.
Opposites interwine.
For you and I
Have reminisced our dark times.

Love is eternal,
Love is bliss
I cant wait
For our first kiss.

Sweet like a rose
Handsome as a dove
Ugly or pretty
Your mine, to love.
Yay! My boyfriend and I are pretty much opposites but the exact same, so I made this for him, he said it was good!
1.2k · Oct 2015
Do I Deserve To Die?
Chiibe-The-Rebel Oct 2015
When I cry, In the dark.
Am I considered a shark?
A beast, A inhuman being,
Who isn't more then they are seeing.
Am I an evil soul,
Not deserving Love or TLC?
In my Fragile moments,
Am I allowed to succumb to feelings?
Am I witch, A ***
For not being a *****, or bad?
Am I, an idiot or ****
For not agreeing with the 'popular' every little bit?
Do I deserve to die?
For trying not to cry.
Do you know I try to die?
Every morning, every night.
I bring out my knife.
Place it against my skin

And Cry for all thats lost.
Warning: Swearing. Sorry. Only way to express this.
Okay, Kinda Depressing.
1.1k · Oct 2015
Forever Stay With Me
Chiibe-The-Rebel Oct 2015
Don't let the miles between us
Keep our love apart
Just listen close and you will hear
The beating of my heart

No distance, will ever keep
My heart from loving you
There are no more tears for it to weep
For a love that runs so true

I'll be there with you one day soon
To love you everyday
And then my heart will sing a tune
And you will hear it say

I've finally found my one true love
As true as one can be
And now you're all I'm thinking of
Forever stay with me
901 · Oct 2015
There Is No Try
Chiibe-The-Rebel Oct 2015
Inspiration, Music to my ears,
Don't got any, need some ideas.
What rhymes well, What sounds nice?
If i don't do well, I'll face the plight.

Do or Do not, There is no try,
I listen to this, and sometimes It lets me fly.
Free-fall writing, helps my spirit,
Trap me with demands, It'll lower my merit.

I'm trapped in expectations and greed,
I'm giving you what I can to save me.
My poetic muse, trapped in clues,
God himself, can't remove my blues.

But I still do,
Not try.
If all you do is try,
Means you don't believe...

You can truly succeed.
Wrote this during class, Because in English we are doing poems, ack. Atleast I'm good at it, *shrugs* May The Force Be With You! Because of the Star Wars Reference In The Poem
796 · Oct 2015
Touches My Heart
Chiibe-The-Rebel Oct 2015
The sun glistens on the water 
Making it sparkle and shine 
It almost seems alive to me 
This touches my heart

I hear a loon cry 
All alone in the night 
Her song haunts me 
This touches my heart

I see a rose growing in a bed of sand 
Struggling to survive 
It seems to cry out for help to me 
This touches my heart

I hold a new born baby in my arms 
Opening it's eyes to a strange new world 
It's crying for it's mother 
This touches my heart.

All of these things touch my heart 
But none near as much 
As when I see you smile
( A loon is a bird )
My boyfriend made this for me and its the sweetest thing ever xD <3
736 · Oct 2015
I Know.
Chiibe-The-Rebel Oct 2015
I know I'm not poetic,
Just typing what jumps out to me.
Its not prophetic,
Its easy you see.

People say its hard to write,
Rhyming all the time.
I defeat that, with a fight,
All you need is to Rhyme.

I'm messed up,
Mix-matched too.
But its not anything like the flu,
Its just me, and thats true.

This is just a poem,
Making the truth shown.
Beautiful and solem,
No need for post-pone.

In the cascading shadows of the moon,
I'll be there holding your hand.
Whether it be morning or noon,
I'll be there for you, My friend.
I wrote this for my friend, Its true.

I find poetry beautiful, I can't explain it. It's like a soft story or musical in the slight rhyme and flowing in the lines.
731 · Oct 2015
Lonley Without You
Chiibe-The-Rebel Oct 2015
They tell me love is blind,
but before  I met you I was resigned.
If love is not able to see,
Then why can I see the happiness you brought to me?

In the darkest depths of my mind,
The sparks of love defeats the dark trimes.
When the lonley bird chirps at me,
All the broken pieces I breed.

Break away, In a breezy haze,
As the bird acknologes my prays.
The bird sees my lonley thoughts,
Swoops to me, lonley memories naught.

One day, When the birds are gone,
And my sanity has all but torn.
You'll be here by my side,
Holding my hand and letting me hide.

Love is delicate,
Like a flower.
My love for you grows and grows,
Like a translucent tower.
I made this, I own it, I love it, Its a reflection of me and my love life.
May The Force Be With You.. Cause I felt like adding a Star Wars line.
672 · Oct 2015
Poet's Dreams
Chiibe-The-Rebel Oct 2015
Can make poetry.
But it takes a soul,
To make a poet's dreams.

Through darkest nights,
and gloomy days.
Thou shall send me,
On my way.

In the slump
Of the dread
Of the mist
That's filling my head

I wish I could be the optimist,
Happy and care-free
Trying to miss
I've changed, not in a good way.

Do you see me,
Outside the Library.
Or in the School halls?
Do i carry a knife, To add to my strife.

Try to splat my blood on the walls,
Do i look like,
A suicidal freak?
Or am I suddenly, just very meek?

Kids in our day and age,
Immature and Happy faze.
Shouting " Not fair "
To a week-off social media.

Am i one to seem?
To scrape the knife
Over my skin,
To make me bleed?

Do I look like
Someone who loves
Sight of blood
Taste and shroud.

Appearances are deceiving
To my make-believing,
That everything will be alright.
Cut my tongue, taste the blood.

I worship my knife.
It smells like my blood,
Tastes like it too.
Love it, I do.

In the darkness, gloomy depths
If you could see my mind.
You'd see the secrets I hide.
Would you be shocked?
.... My Life.
606 · Oct 2015
Chiibe-The-Rebel Oct 2015
Look at the stars tonight
As we see the same light
And in that moment
It will be alright

If you miss a falling star
I'll catch it for you
Keep it in my heart
And we can share it too

Keep holding on
As life goes along
Pain is short-lived
As you are so strong

I will hold your hand
And look in your eyes
But it is only then
That our star will shine
My boyfriend sent this to me, and I thinks its interely sweet and adorable of him, He's such an amazing poet. Better then what I could do anyways x3 <3
502 · Oct 2015
Here With Me
Chiibe-The-Rebel Oct 2015
When it hurts so bad,
why does it feel so good?
I wish this all made sense,
I wish I understood.
Not having you here with me is tearing me up inside,
but I can't stop thinking about you no matter how hard I try.

You know how I feel about you,
and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you,
but it's so hard to do when I can't even be next to you.
Why does it gotta be so complicated?

Loving you feels so right,
but at the same time,
knowing I can't have you keeps me awake at night.
I just want this to be simple,
I just want you here with me,
to look into your eyes,
be held in your arms...then I'd truly be happy.

Right now this distance between us is out of our control,
but I'm still hoping one day soon,
I'll get what I'm wishing for.
Boyfriend wrote this for me, I honestly thinks he spoils me with these. <3
440 · Oct 2015
Be A Friend
Chiibe-The-Rebel Oct 2015
Be a friend. You don't need money; 
Just a disposition sunny; 
Just the wish to help another 
Get along some way or other; 
Just a kindly hand extended 
Out to one who's unbefriended; 
Just the will to give or lend, 
This will make you someone's friend. 

Be a friend. You don't need glory. 
Friendship is a simple story. 
Pass by trifling errors blindly, 
Gaze on honest effort kindly, 
Cheer the youth who's bravely trying, 
Pity him who's sadly sighing; 
Just a little labor spend 
On the duties of a friend. 

Be a friend. The pay is bigger 
(Though not written by a figure) 
Than is earned by people clever 
In what's merely self-endeavor. 
You'll have friends instead of neighbors 
For the profits of your labors; 
You'll be richer in the end 
Than a prince, if you're a friend.
My boyfriend wrote this, not me. But he wanted me to post it.
308 · Jan 2016
Chiibe-The-Rebel Jan 2016
My house is not new, but not particularly old
But it feels as though lifetimes are weaven through its folds
Memories, so simple we forget
It stores them all, like a safety net
I remember when we had party
One of my relatives, couldn't find her car keys
I remember when the moon was blood red
I was outside, looking until I was forced to bed
I remember when I laughed so hard I cried
My sides hurt so much, but I just sighed
All these memories, the house never lets them go
Simple, small but wonderful
My house, my home, my memories.
And they never go.
Okay, I wrote this at 5 AM probably gonna look back on it and be like. " What the f*ck I just wrote? " later. So...

— The End —