Believing in love...
Believing that it will last forever
Is what broke me before
Believing that I was loved
And that that wouldn't change
Made it all so much harder
When it blew up in my face
Believing the words "I love you,"
And "I won't stop loving you,"
Led to my dislocated heart
So how could you blame me
For inevitable insecurities
Surrounding those words now?
Because I love you...
I cannot get enough of you
But every time I ask for a kiss
Or declare that I love you first
Internally, I am petrified
That you could reject me
As damage is more than done
On my self-esteem, on my heart
And I love you so so much
I just wish that didn't scare me
As I'm sick of feeling vulnerable
For the sake of being happy
And you make me so so happy
But that scares me every day
Because I will love you forever
Way to not live in the moment lol