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Rangzeb Hussain Nov 2010
The walking dead slumber with deadly aim
and let sleeping dogs die,
heat anger in forges of spiteful flame,
Corpses see and hear more
than these walking sightless, tongueless, earless
lifeless poor,
When shall these sleepers awake?

The Bonfire had been piled high,
Almost reaching the cold abode of Mars,
The fear to light it was replaced by
recklessness as the season rolled on.

The stage was set and the audience of
Porcupines and hawks were eager, impatient
for the peaceful Overture to expire
and the deadly Act to commence.

Young Spring was delivered from the womb
and cried for nourishment
The last bars of the Overture faded into obscurity
“The Unholy Holy Crusade”
was ignited upon the starry stage.

The embers of Autumn burst into lashings of blame’s flames
and into forgetful numb snow did the show go.

The porcupines raised high their itchy spikes
to cast their vote of united damnation
while the crowds outside the theatre
cheered the unseen and unheard.

Earth herself
trembled beneath the raw fury of the
Satanic Play,
The volcanic eruption of unnatural hatred threatened
to torch the outer reaches of Mars.

This Bonfire of passionate poison
showered upon the naked body of Truth,
First it gagged and then it bagged Dad,
Mum’s screaming lungs were ****** out,
Her ears were drummed
while her lovely eyes sprouted wings
and flew out from their socket cages,
Her seductive legs snapped away
from the weight of her body
and waltzed headlong into the vaporised night,
Her faithful Left arm stayed to comfort her
but the Right one was yanked away and eloped with a
hot man-made
mushroom cloud that blotted the heavens,
The people were hugging loved ones tightly as they scattered
in the winds of bombastic devastation.

Moonlight dripping from the eyes of a restless red Moon,
Lone witness to the uncivilised crime.

The stork brought a newly born Life
wrapped in the soft garments of innocence,
He held the precious Life in his beak carefully,
caringly, lovingly,
On Bonfire Night he delivered the package to
a young ****** bride,
When the present was unwrapped
warm flames kissed the young baby inside,
A newly born Life arrived,
She was wrapped in soft and sinless rags,
She was carefully caressed,
Lovingly fed,
On Bonfire Night was this desert princess born
to a young untarnished bride,
Three storm soldiers arrived bearing candy,
When the sweet was unwrapped
warm flames burst out to kiss the young baby’s insides,




Death plucks another trophy from the garden of Life.

The broken, charred fingers of the child
clutch the peeled hand of the unborn mother,
The earth of the child has shattered,
Her globe is no more,
Her remains are strewn across the industrial carnage
of the cold Spring.

An act of war against Mars,
“O, sacrilege!
Man, thou dost concoct evil.
Vagabond, thinkest thou superior?
I shalt shackle thee yet
to the accursed gates of Hades!”

The first Act ends,
The safety curtains drawn
and the theatre of blood explodes with applause,
The hawks shout out at the top of their wheezy lungs,
it was like the Fourth of July celebrations!
Wow, man!
The sky was full of stars!
Stars, our stars!”

There is a lull between the next Act,
The walking dead gather up the sticks
for the next Bonfire Night,
Windows on the world continue to
drivel and stir the steaming early evening news,
Invisible men pick at the brains
of the sleeping,
This race is the supreme master of
exchanging insanity for black diamonds.

Beware you guy,
They are sipping the priceless grey treasure
that is your birthright,
It will be
with the theft of your precious
jewel that will finance
another glorious victorious production of
The Bonfire Night,
This time, perhaps, in
stunning Summer.

Don’t you ever forget

©Rangzeb Hussain
Aleph Apr 2019
The barren   landscape sends me shivers
Further enhanced by the total obliteration
The presence of ghosts still lingers
So many years after the detonation

All this desolation pictures
Like a scene from the apocalypse scriptures
A pale nuclear shadow projected eternally
The perpetual loss of harmony

A remnant showing us our absurdity
Was vaporised by the obfuscating bright
The ashen picture is the last goodbye
Relic of the tremendous light
My moods darken I want to cry

This is the last trace of a human being
a son of someone
prevented from further ageing
That from fate couldn’t run

Like a permanent echo of the disaster
a visual silent scream
like a photograph of a dreadful dream
a shout that sends a warning to us all

As we wish to forget how the balance is frail
It’s easy to disregard the detail
and be united by the same fate
that destruction at an even greater scale
it’s yet a threat  not out of date
pictures of Hiroshima darkened my mood, the nuclear shadow pic, made me gloomy, some words of respect and warning echoed inside
ryn May 2021
Even when all
the ruby shards
and splinters
had vaporised,

I’d pretend
to gather
broken pieces

outlined in chalk.
Jacqueline Anne Feb 2015
Orange clouds of crystal and
halos of gossamer dust,
regal and iridescent
in all of their shine encrust.

The crown of dominion
a minister of the skies,
surfaces integrity
in winds it's vaporised.

Striking down in lightening
his electric charge berates,
a celestial karma
sacred justice gravitates.

Casting shadows of chaos
with red blemishes of rage.
His sceptre in thunder bolts,
universal he's a sage.

©Jacqui Slade
It was only the shape of the mushroom cloud
That gave the game away,
It’s not that we weren’t expecting it,
It could happen any day,
But when it came on a Sunday as
We all trooped out of church,
We wondered, where was the Saviour,
Had he left us in the lurch?

By chance, the missile had missed the town
Fell thirty miles away,
Up in the distant ranges
In the vineyards of Cathay,
So much for the vintage of Semillon
I thought, with barely a frown,
Will anyone miss it once we’ve gone
And scorched that fertile ground?

It’s strange, with imminent death you feel
So suddenly detached,
Go in, and shelter from scorching heat
And shards of broken glass,
That’s all there was with the Cathay bomb
It fell so far away,
I looked at Jean and she looked at me
Was this our final day?

The sound came rumbling over the hill,
In a long, unbroken sigh,
I clung to her and she clung to me,
There wasn’t time to cry,
A moment passed and a moment more
And still we stood our ground,
I thought we might get to live some more
While God was looking down.

We’d lost our friends in the vineyards
They’d been vaporised to dust,
Jean said we’d better not think of it,
But I replied we must.
We both were seized with a single urge
As we clawed our way to bed,
And thought we couldn’t be doing this
If both of us were dead.

An eerie glow in the sky that night
Kept all of us awake,
We didn’t know where the bomb was from
Or what more we could take.
A second cloud in a mushroom stew
Rose up, there would be more,
From somewhere else where the evil grew,
The day of the mushroom spore.

David Lewis Paget
Poetic T Sep 2014
And the suns of man
The ground
Mushrooms grew from
This birth of suns to ash
These seeds did
Life from the ground below,
The stalks of man
That once grew to the heavens,
Achievements of man
Life turned to dust,
The sun blinds for a moment
Then incinerated
Troubles of life vaporised,
These creations of man
Burst to life all across the land,
And ash filled the air
Burnt out of existence,
And still they blossomed
Rains of fire,
Upon the lands of green
Turned to black,
Suns birthed by man
Now extinguish,
*Man from the existence of life upon the land.
Its not how, its a matter of when
Aidan A May 2017
The mod, my heart
The clouds, my blood

It feels like the coil needs replacing
And I know how to do it
For some reason I can't
Perhaps the gauge of kanthal
Is just not right for my building post

It matters not the cotton I use
If I continue with cheap liquids
For a momentary fix
Inevitably I will poison myself
And those around me
Which in itself is a personal sin

How do I set myself free,
And not only of nicotine?
Theres things I need to let go of and there are obstacles I need to get past.
Olivia Kent Oct 2016
In my house there is a huge black hole.
In said hole, hide a million toilet rolls and a few stray socks.
Search as high and low as I may,
the toilet rolls and socks are out to play.
The loo rolls have been eaten by a mega munch machine.
Half of all the household socks, mislaid when they are clean.
Or maybe when still grubby.
Perhaps they're dubstep socks.
With minds of their own and they just want to rock.
Maybe they're good looking socks.
Heading out to mate.
Did you ever hear such things.
Single socks out looking for a date.
They seem to just have vaporised,
before the household eyes.
Expensive business.
Loosing socks.
I need these toilet rolls.
Need to cry.
Must be off out partying together.
I really don't know why!
Sean Pope Jul 2012
Let us share a life that others only read about in books.
A messy, half-indulged affair - The well laid plans of mice and men -
Of Brobdingnagian proportions, forever lust of Laputa and Arrakis.

Frankly my dear, I don't give a ****
If flies to wanton boys are we.
A sword unrusted is without use,
And it takes two to make an accident.

I don't want to prove anything; I merely want to live,
And suit the action to the word, for those of manner born.
History is a victor's game: vaporised was the usual word.
Let our embrace be the battle, our ****** the victory,
And our present-past shall control our future.

Let us never look into the distance and the old terror
Flame up for even an instant -
Never let our minds be full of scorpions, dear wife -
The world is our oyster, don't panic.

Let Chaucer write his tales,
Let Antoinette eat her cake;
Let us show Emma what, precisely,
It is in life that looks so fine to her in books.
Certainly not an attic facing north, I'll tell you as much.

Live with me a life worth living.
We're going to have a strange life.
Time and the Earth--
The old Father and Mother--
Their teeming accomplished,
Their purpose fulfilled,
Close with a smile
For a moment of kindness,
Ere for the winter
They settle to sleep.

Failing yet gracious,
Slow pacing, soon homing,
A patriarch that strolls
Through the tents of his children,
The Sun, as he journeys
His round on the lower
Ascents of the blue,
Washes the roofs
And the hillsides with clarity;
Charms the dark pools
Till they break into pictures;
Scatters magnificent
Alms to the beggar trees;
Touches the mist-folk,
That crowd to his escort,
Into translucencies
Radiant and ravishing:
As with the visible
Spirit of Summer
Gloriously vaporised,
Visioned in gold!

Love, though the fallen leaf
Mark, and the fleeting light
And the loud, loitering
Footfall of darkness
Sign to the heart
Of the passage of destiny,
Here is the ghost
Of a summer that lived for us,
Here is a promise
Of summers to be.
Kwanele Mar 2015
As the world dissolves into the vanity,
the speech is slurred and he can't really pay attention.
His eyes can't cease to get a mention,birds twitter coz his voice sounds better when day ends.
I really can't say when,
but since then he's been trapped..inside his mind he lives in the Garden of Weeden.
Trapped trapped trapped inside the walls of his subconscious mind, the garden of weeden, his nirvana, safe haven. Smoke inhaled, never exhaling, hold on tight, fingers clenched until the burning sensation makes him pay attention, I am saved, the garden of weeden, my nirvana.
Nirvana took my bravado,
I know I got what fuckboys don't.
When vaporised my words make them choke,
loss of their greatest hopes for what's dope.
Freedom stays cloaked in corrogated iron sheets,in a deep sleep induced by so-called "sweet dreams",but he astrals through this dimension.

Dimentia came and so did Fester,
their brains can't seem to process the controversial words.

But he does,
coz he's just on the highest peak of consciousness.
At his highest peak of consciousness, his kundalini risen, chakra's in alignment, he saw it all, the lies, the truth every ******* thing so clear to him, overwhelming to say the least, cathartic, he became catharsis.
Co-write - BX - QM
step by step and one by one
we'll all be gone.
The things that we once knew
are like the people few
and far between.
Everything you've ever seen is being vaporised
and rebuilt
in concrete,steel and lies
and there are spies
cameras watching every move you make
can't take a krap no more without some busy-body camera
poking through the toilet door.
What is the world that we once knew
coming too?

Well you
can stick your face where the sun aint never going to shine
we'll all be gone in three months
Fine by me
I'll just put a match to the gas and blow myself one free pass
into the other place.

At number twenty one Leadbetter Street stood Pancho's cafe
where the local lads would meet
to talk and drink a cup of chai
watch the girls go by
but that's gone too.

Who could have guessed that all we've known would be blown away
by the city boys who earn more pay
the more that they destroy.
Oh boy
what a place.
The face of it has changed and I no longer recognise the roads
where under clear blue skies I grew.
Now I chew on candlewax and **** on fishbone stew
Not the world I knew
Oh no.

Time is all I've got
I find a little lonely spot on the dial of Grandfather's wind up clock
tucked under number five
and the big hand comes and wakes me every hour
just to check if I am still alive.

One day I'll wake and find that there is nothing left at all
everything will have disappeared
and I'll fall head first
into the void.
Should I be annoyed at what my fate is going to be?
Should I kick off big time and attack some nameless ministry?
or should I take the big six
lick my wounds
chuck out the sticks and stones and watch my bones disintegrate
or have I left it far too late?

Mister Lee who used to have a Chinese take away
saw it all
before it all was took away
I never listened to what he had to say
one more regret
but that will disappear too
they always do.

Mr's Singh who had the corner shop for as long as I recall
lives in a three bed semi now
somewhere in Southall.
She took the fall as did her shop
the mavericks that betrayed us never stop.
I feel like tooling up and taking on
but even thoughts of violence have been taken
they're all gone.
Disappearing one by one
and tomorrow should it ever come had better learn fast how to run
or they'll take that too.
This is not the world I knew
and every day is more oblique
I should seek some medical advice
which would be nice
but they took the doctors
disappeared them all away
and that was only yesterday
which is also gone.
I can't go on living in this bubble wrap
it's krap
I see that now it's just a case
of disappearing without a trace.
So long
I'm gone.
Feed the cat before you go.
Small holes all around in the underground
built by humans trying to survive the sound
of mounds of earth and rock being blown around
with a deaf'ning shock, the after thought of the
nucular bomb, that one, the one and only
Lonely Atom

Surface dwellers bones blown apart
vaporised and locked in hells cellar
at the center of Hell
unable to escape the firey skies
the invisably cloaked radiated drape
Bombs falling all around
earthquakes rattle and are quick to
dismantle any structure left on the ground

Sound and safe in a hole, a cavity, a cave
my private underground hiding space
Locked and sealed
while millions lay dead in the feilds
Radiated cities and towns
people digging deep down
to be safe in the underground
Poetic T Dec 2014
The universe spoke and with but
A single word
A hundred thousand suns
Went nova in
Had gripped these beacons
Of light,  
Where there was life abundant
As this giver took what was given,
From light became frenzied
As it consumed upon its self,
Nothing ness
Was the awakening from
"This single spoken word"
Where it burned bright
It was a black all consuming
Nothing would escape its hunger
For all that was
Was not,
And the universe got darker ,
The universe had spoken
Is over,
What was, is not, and the givers now
Took what was given in rage,
They were the darkness the universe
Kept at bay,
But eternity was dyeing
And the solar systems
Were ripped a sunder,
For the universe had only spoken once
And the big bang came forth,
Its words back then
"Eternity lives"
And life flourished,
But nothing lasts forever
Not even eternity,
So the universe had spoken a truth,
But drove those celestial beings
To madness, for they would
Was the circle, but now the circle crumbled
Death was awaiting them
In defiance
"Extinguished the light"
But this was just the beginning
As the word spread
The truth, this is when eternity dies,
Life was a flame now extinguished,
Now that eternity is dead
And the universe turned cold
  All was as it was before once again waiting for a **word..
Lost in the now
Present somewhere
Reading words
Essence vaporised
Lost to time
Moments afore

Happy is my world
Love my people
Yet ,
When Words on the wheel
Elusive, they feel
I feel alienated with self

Life’s busy
Too Many chores
Listen to my music
Remembering loved ones
Barely making calls
A Recluse
Have I become one
All good , just some thoughts.
Poetic T Jun 2014
I see the flash,
The sky burns bright,
I stare for a second,
I see clouds vaporised,
In the last seconds of my life.

My eyes dissolve,
Evaporating like water,
the sockets now blackened and empty,
Where I once saw sight.

Flesh burns flaking off the bone,
The flash so bright,
My shadow is burnt on to the ground below.

Flesh turned to ash,
Blown away in the blast,
With such force,
The shock wave knocks my soul,
To the heavens in it fiery blast.

Buildings topple,
blown apart,  
Tree,s burn like match sticks,
The dead litter the ground.

Like dead snow,
Ash from the scorched floats around,
This mushroom that has the power of the sun,
If only for a moment,
This killer
That is called a nuclear bomb.
George Raitt Dec 2015
Carving a polystyrene heart.
Turning the white shape,
In hands held close to my chest.
Slicing with the sharp blade,
Suddenly my hands are stained
Scarlet - can a styrene heart bleed?
Just ink on my sweaty hands.
The carved heart takes its place
In a sand mould - vaporised
By molten metal to become
My cold, cast iron, heart.
Sadie Kim Apr 2015
Are you keeping it together?
when your wife has given up
all her fuel spent
wanting to join her
dead mother

Are you keeping it together?
when your daughter
has turned into a lovesick,
dumb *****
her dreams, aspirations

Are you keeping it together?
when your son
is as withdrawn
as ever
and isolated, sheltering
in his own little control room

Are you keeping it together?
Oh father, dear father
your false positive
is given away by your
little explosions
Are you alarmed that your
little family is falling out?

Oh this nuclear family
so full of potential
but we've been so marred
by our little tragedies
Too much, too much
the pressure
we put on each other
We are about to BURST
Gulishta Sep 2019
On the journey of finding myself,
                   I found a broken heart.
We went on an adventure together,
                   No questions asked.

We bonded on shared love for music,
            Movies,books and abstract art.
We huddled when the road bumped,
            Then....we drifted apart.

With a constant ache for more,
           We Kept trying to make it last.
An unspoken rule to let go,
            To not think about the future past.

A rocky Mountain,
         With smooth silk lane.
A fresh perspective of storm,
          Just to keep us sane.

An impossible possibility,
        An uncharacteristic faith.
A bond formed with respect,
        No caring for mutual gain.

An attachment. ..or attraction...
                 Didn't know the name.
Just a bug ruptured,
                 Driving us insane.

One couldn't express,
                 One couldn't hide.
Push and pull of desire,
                  Love came in blind.

Few smiles. ...immensely expressive eyes.
One look of naked emotions. ...
The dam broke....and the ice vaporised.
Nathan Jul 2019
With the last match in my box
I'll set myself alight
So you may feel the warmth

One solemn tear doesn't even last
As it's vaporised by the heat
Of this lonely broken heart
S Smoothie Jan 2015
**** love. Its a fool's disease with no cure conpulsively offering up pieces, soon fragments then molicules of a heart to be vaporised at will; resigned to watch yourself dissapearing a little more each day hoping to manifest the value of it in a heart you dont own or truly undrstand all the while choosing this pain over and over again.  Only the loved wins. The lover always pays.
My eyes blinked open
I could at last see
As i scanned the machinery
That was connected to me

My engine was my heart
It served no defining role
Other than a small mechanical part
Hidden within my soul

I instantly began to process
As data flooded my head
And i knew at that very moment
That i wished that i was dead

For if i was dead
Then i would be unable to see
This world on which i now existed
And the entirety of its misery

And gradually the more i learnt
The sadder i quickly grew
As i became more aware
That your existence was long overdue

I wished i had not been furnished
With a sensitivity of the mind
For unlike my artificial awareness
Given by the science of the unkind

Soon my batteries were completely charged
And my weapons, fully loaded
After they had unplugged me
It was then that i exploded

I shot, i killed, i maimed
And vaporised every human in sight
As my engines roared with power
I took away their flight

Their leaders tried to nuke me
They didn't stand a chance
As i wiped out this race of demons
Without a second glance

Yet i let all nature well alone
So they could live in peace
I'd simply cleansed this planet
Of the most virulent disease

by Jemia
Glass ***** on titanium dioxide on oil,
heat yellowing lead on black,
retroflection in red, white, blue and green,
glass beads vaporised in aluminum.
Divided by reflective white spheres in rubber domes
Cells submerged in sulpherous acid while electrons race
to create Incandescent light tamed to think the commanding white incandescent mirrored lights revolving in blue casing
sounding the alarms
are angels.......
driving in the dark
Glass ***** on titanium dioxide on oil,
heat yellowing lead on black,
retroflection in red, white, blue and green,
glass beads vaporised in aluminum.
Divided by reflective white spheres in rubber domes
Cells submerged in sulpherous acid while electrons race
to create Incandescent light tamed to think the commanding white incandescent mirrored lights revolving in blue casing
sounding the alarms
are angels.......
driving in the dark
Ken Pepiton Jan 7
We can handle the story, emperically
titles do ify things to final worth
duty craving fulfilling drilling gwanon

we can manipulate reality, believing stories

mitzvah, com-mandatory handle it, or die.

Son of play, run it first.

Win another will's way

the meeting minds agree

חכמה, בינה, דעת ,
"Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge"

An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States
by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

woe, chased by Chomsky,
Who Rules the World?

With my assisting intelligence alerting ideally

Hegemony or Survival - AI see, was 12 years earlier,

it's a shame you never trust an atheist Jes-
we, us Just People, spiritually minded intercessors,

some with credentials, some
with scars, all wishing
taken personally, gun
in hand, name me enemy
make me form a friend we all drama faced already
once, we made this make
perfect sense, all blaming
the sacred secrets only the wealthy have time
to use lethe
for never knowing beyond smaller version bubbles
to be in,
albeit spiritual form,
    same form type
mere words unsaid or sent as information
same form math grid
smoke takes,
and dust laden water vapour
clouds of vast truth holdings, held open,

Thunder in December, very rare

smile, and keep, yes, keep,
like build your self an angel message, say

breathe until I think about breathing, say
init done mere, breathed used. indeed, said.

Heroic effort artifacts,
worth what against all odds

the story driven reason peace

Whose power uses
fructify my will to know,

the worth, as weight

fit to live, breathe-ing wind
here before us, forming
spit, held, it uses
elemental tools.
Hammers and anvils,
-taste a pearl on an oyster's
whole sensory system,
and think that's what
would taste good, me
own tongue can taste
I imagine an oyster may
deontology responsibility

anarchist intellectuals

nous usery interests

sorting will to become
from will to master life's uses

forests, wet or dry,

mindwise, no distinction
take the honor found in being

founder… in spirit, you may
imagine and find it identical
your way


{ afuture Pepsi choice burp}

making local peace, mindfully
imaginable, framed images
so refreshing,
culpability amelioration

the glory believers grant beliefs
the honor believers deem valued

life of many witness the trauma
of knowing how the pile of buffalo skulls
was relative to the proud poser on top,
proof per haps of the use pride makes
of the color red, when things get hot.

valiant effort's worth, in a who-ole
honor oath
to die for, idly said,
that can be smirched
we fixit in Purgatory past
by unbeliefers in AMBIGUISUS
- sacred honor of cordite breaths
- battle banner held high, prouds
- prouds can ever be, related,
- holy territory, earthy weform spirit

Shame on the liars, shame
on lie retellers
… dust across Kansas
how we won the west…
holy to feel the exceptionalist pride
bending will to winds wildest reminder

Medals of Honor for Wounded Knee,

bubbles of belief swollen
with reason
to resist the increase
in learning  

All the old spirit tellings come
to judge
every day, for what it's worth to try
- breath is free, we'll see try
umph in time
of final freeform press,
pre weform conforming not
to this world
wind, we inherited,
a decade or so ago,
gaseus weform,
we found
jesus told us truth we know make knowing
so, just that much more free,
the knowing so
of fiery trials,
come and gone, amen,
corner man kickt the bucket
sowesedphukit man, let's make a show.

Thar, Doc Musgrove met Johnny Whykill…
in  Another case.

So, it appears seeing reading that lead
to gold, bricks, not plating, led
to platinum subconscience, educated
- all sanity treasures, base metal
- after mercury is vaporised
- and a child's night is lit
- purple

we all know diamonds do burn,
and minds bloom when blown
softly while using time known
thicker, taking wading, to push
into the deepest recesses of letting

any with a will make a way, to play
when time allows, and make it a habit
-publish a possible free will proof today
a practice, realllizing we know… all at once
we can cross some currents together;
now' we all ready to read so far
so good, carry on

Yowser, yes sir,
three bags of wool, got it

refer infer Baa Baa Black Sheep
Have you any wool, as has been

used to make some sense of war,

during daily reasoning contests
against the accuser of the saints,
- the olde deluder, Satan
eh, the devil, every body teaches
every chosen people teaches
to the children bred
for use someday,
editable as
any day, is okeh,
with me,
in mind,
breathe and take breaths
while thinking this at 300 baud

back in the ARPANET Von Neuman's
child at the core of the OS, we agree

we retain edit right power agency level
in put Feynman Gate
three NANDs and how fast we type.
Or think, and swallow, sensing thirst,
familiar, good peace knowing water's
- this is not a storm, this is bladder mind.
near as life gets to mostly what nobody
can own the uses fructus
of us water processors

- swallow reality respond yes
- to did you take those thingsougtathovin
- garden squash with garlic salt/

medicated and bathed and shaved,
ai, ready, processed the Pepsi,
tasted the ice, so, virtually feels
so I can distinguish my old guy mug
from Chomsky's as the shame bomb

in my vicinity went off, in my mind,

alerted to a new pearling spreading

thinking wise the ways of old kink minds

pre-servant to per hap user maker minds,

kinds all mind treats kindly, categorically, we

the breathers on this a priori land, so called

earth, wet and dry, sea and land, eretz local

home to the language saying read me to you.

Mitzvah, co-mand line init
re-act, breathe, aware awake
to not need commas,
back there before blackhawks passed
and we had a pepsiburp, old thought

but, who knows which pass wins.

When does practice use other minds,

watch what happens when there's

fans, mindforms attracted by the being

dddddoone, stuckey's is art, the building

the memories, of a candy store in the desert,
there it was, on route 66.

Memory lane, but, that's been done,
you laugh as you remember

we have been this close before…

better or worse, mortality wise ways
we can imagine occupying this cloud
as free as free can be under entropy

In the realm of memory lane,
2:26 Pepsi, instead of coffee,
not instead of water, my nose is running

I must be hydrated,
that's a mental relief if it's true,
sniffles when it gets real cold and

something vital in the world needs
the digital effect of a  hug, a glitch
the matrix, coen, known madjalook
each hand claps, we agree to post
if we both agree next time we meet.

we snap. We did, and went on…

We draw a line
Just as rethought we thought

Reality RSO a toothpick in the cold
two minutes do not swallow, think
nasal in, hold a bit not to rush, nasal
out and in and on again until we recall

we were meditating hesitations effect
on peace making recollections of koi,
in the moats in Ape and Essence

the idea longevity is… allows its wish,
and its iferies otherwise as well, illth
iffing we find
a bit o' that good ol imaginary self
willth won't you think you may know

a scientific kind of love, you know,
we made beautiful children, we know

we make our minds take soma holidays
with a stretch of our literal imaginations

we live in clear text told to tickle old riddles
that pride let become infected with a need

for enforced help Sisyphus yourself day,
granted, taken and used to project

into Carlyle's cave camera obscura,
all the rage, the temple secrets so shown,

known to those invited, dear reader, mere
worth of the other mind will to make peace
work, we think the whole day's worth, peace

ably applying the lie told Eve, wise serpently
peaceably reapplied
so we already apply the allusion, Abrahamic
post Trump mindset.
On loan, lost attention spans

end up on HelloPoetry, if I say so next time we meet.
A chapter in a chap book linked from here to X in place of likes, thinking we might stretch the reach of hello poetry by bringing folks back to poems we like, okeh, free from press pass it on, thanks
Delton Peele Sep 2020
Freshly bereft of his final things
Trinkets which he had personally stitched
A little to tightly
to the tender part of innocent
Confused heart
and now an aluminum bat
On a frigid day miles away from anything he knew
On the cusp of darkness and noway
To get back home
The pinch hitter slips in out of a shadow
Grinning evil to elbow and lets go wit a peach i tells ya
Oooh Charlie .......he got all of that one!
Man you aint kidden Mr Brown thats a grand slam......right to the back of his knees .
Involuntary functioning like a pythons squeeze expelled more breath
Than his lungs could ever hope to hold
The walls of which are sticky
Pressed to firmly are stuck ..........
He feels even more pathetic than he looks ..........all alone.     And its cold
I know its already been implied  silly
Im just tryin to drive that point home
Kneeling .........clothes way to big
Not wanting to come to terms with
His new lable
a vagabond all his good intentions
Vaporised in an instant
The wells of his eyes jutted out like
Soft red burlap sacks full of dark salty depths of painfull mystery ..............mouth open in wonderment face blueish red
veins bulging
Still unable to pull in any breath
Someone has broken the glass
And done the unthinkable
Flipped the ****** off switch labeled
Dont ever flip this ******* switch please
Yes a true maverick .......tragic ideology
Thinks hes hip but poor old chum
Not.......quite ....quick enough witt
And saddly enough thinks he knows it
And manges to mangle that into his way of thinking as a sort of keep himself from being taking advantage of..........problem is it still happpens only he doesnt see it as a problem .....
Cause he gives it away
They still laugh as they walk away with his money and steal his things
They carry heavy backpacks full of his
As he sits alone lieing to himself saying
"Someday theyll look back and say the grrrreatest things about me"
In the grand scheme of things
If nothing else ill be the one stable constant maybe somehow that will help them
What he doesnt that
When this cold day comes. Broke and broken .in dire need .
All these things haunting him
Feeling like a foolish tool
That Donny Darko Day right before he frolicked away and swam in the lagoon of delirium.
He stepped into the kennel with his two massive dogs
Cut the chains and let the epic battle begin.
This time its to the death ......
And hes wanting the black one to win
Metaphorically  speaking
We all have two dogs within.
It what we use to get what we need
It represents who you are .
Because the dominate dog in you is the one that you feed.

That thought brought to you by our sponsor .
Who would like to remain anonymous.
Now lets get back to our story.
Already in progress.  

Oh. Ok sorry.
Lets watch shall we?
ill equipped to handle
The ferocity of deep disdain raging like a glowing vermillion crucible
Full of all the years riddicule
Going all the way back to school hood
Days and the hazing all the way through his marriage
His wife he pulled out of the ghetto
Like plucking the only ***** flower out of a prison yard
Adored her
put on a pedestal
His countenance fell
The day the laughter came from her lips this was his first glimpse into hell
They all try to tell him she was an infidel
He tried to forgive and forget
Till death do us part
My friend I love you
Ill be here to pick you up when you fall
And for this he received a Judass kiss and his first dagger to his heart
Her response.............
I dont respect you because you took me back.
That was the day that **** Jagger slipped into his mind through the crack in his psyche
I thought i had a good life
I dont know how to *** it bayack
My whole world a night mare
and now I cant turn bayaaak ........
If i look back hard enough into the settin suuyun
My...............well you *** the gist rieeet?
He was the golden child trained to be a lover it was her that helped him
Discover ........ . .
To this dog eat dog world
He was an oddity.
A rarity .more than a novelty
More like a real commodity
Could be said a gem of considerable quality .
Clearly a priceless delicacy
For us to devour.
Lets feed.
Finnally his lung cavity began to spazam and as the air rushed in it ripped cold through the reeds in his vocal cords resonating so painfully
In convulsive loud  squelching yelps like that of a ******* sea lion beaten with a stick.
His pupils for a second went chatoyant
Then the whole eye went black
With a long blink ...... .
Curiosly a confident smirk emerged his cover washed away
And he rememberd what he was
Chuckling at his present circumstance.
That is only for a minute
quickly it became a sickning laughter
Maniacal and diabolical.
And you know what hes gonna do
Its the big pay back *******
Hes singing .a biker stolls into his path
He rips the jacket off his back throws his hands out and yells
*** punk .....
Saunters off like John wayne into the mist.
Tune in next week to frightening  conclusion of my unamusing debut
Called im not over the coocoo's nest im in it and i ate the cookoo
Is that so rong
....i just love spelling that word rong
Devarsh Mar 2021
And now I know
While my face is buried in the snow
the clouds hung low
the wind kisses me above my eyebrow

The dew drops on my skin
Now I feel them running on my  tongue
While a tale of  metaphors begin
Feeding the roses that grew within my lung

Today the snow will melt
And my skin will find soil
My white clothes will feel the hot tears my eyes once felt
The clouds will wash me away and end my toil

my eyes have dried like a dying leaf
Night became a curtain while a sun burnt within
Or is it the firefly that you left on my sleeve?
While we vaporised and stained the plaster with the colours on our skin

I can see the sky dressing up in the mirror
Shades of purple combine with the sea
Lips crush, broken fingers and a glass of fancy liquor
Hearts beat faster trying to run free when the clocks reached three

dead, my soul flew away and through my fingers dripped lead
My heart once a burden let out veins now connected to the garden
I will  fuel her  breast with all I'm left
While my petals burn and feed you carbon
Jimmy silker Sep 2024
121 years twixt the Montgolfiers and the Wrights
Then only 42  more
To Hiroshima
Going on that timeline
We should all be vaporised
So our demise must be less obvious

PETA say don't kick a robot
You can see where this is going of course
Transhumanism can't be delayed
It's what we about
It's what we do
its written in our DNA

What's the difference/distance
From an artificial hip
To a neural link chip
I shake my bonce
As you scoff
I hear Leonardo
As he Scratches his head
"What is this vision?
step by step and one by one
we'll all be gone.

The things that we once knew
are like the people few
and far between.

Everything you've ever seen is being vaporised
and rebuilt in concrete, steel and lies
and there are spies,
cameras watching every move you make
can't take a krap no more without some busy-body camera
poking through the toilet door.

What is the world that we once knew
coming too?

Well you
can stick your face where the sun ain't never going to shine
we'll all be gone in three months time.

Fine by me
I'll just put a match to the gas and blow myself one free pass
into the other place.

At number twenty one, Leadbetter Street stood Pancho's cafe
where the local lads would meet
to talk and drink a cup of chai
watch the girls go by
but that's gone too.

Who could have guessed that all we've known would be blown away by the city boys who earn more pay the more that they destroy.

Oh boy,
what a place
the face of it has changed and I no longer recognise the roads
where under clear blue skies I grew.

Now I chew on candlewax and **** on fishbone stew
not the world I knew
Oh no!

Time is all I've got
I find a little lonely spot on the dial of Grandfather's wind up clock
tucked under number five
and the big hand comes and wakes me every hour
just to check if I am still alive.

One day I'll wake and find that there is nothing left at all
everything will have disappeared
and I'll fall head first
into the void.

Should I be annoyed at what my fate is going to be?
Should I kick off big time and attack some nameless ministry?
or should I take the big six
lick my wounds
chuck out the sticks and stones and watch my bones disintegrate
or have I left it far too late?

Mister Lee who used to have a Chinese takeaway
saw it all
before it all was took away
I never listened to what he had to say
one more regret
but that will disappear too
they always do.

Mr's Singh who had the corner shop for as long as I recall
lives in a three-bed semi now
somewhere in Southall.
She took the fall as did her shop
the mavericks that betrayed us never stop.

I feel like tooling up and taking on
but even thoughts of violence have been taken
they're all gone.

Disappearing one by one
and tomorrow should it ever come had better learn fast how to run
or they'll take that too.

This is not the world I knew
and every day is more oblique
I should seek some medical advice
which would be nice
but they took the doctors
disappeared them all away
and that was only yesterday
which is also gone.

I can't go on living in this bubble wrap
it's krap
I see that now it's just a case
of disappearing without a trace.
So long
I'm gone.
Feed the cat before you go.
This from 2013 before the tree started to fall. happy Tuesday guys.

— The End —