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Emanuel Martinez Mar 2013
If (WO)men are the ones that suffer an exacerbated amount
Of the violence, the ****, the abuse, and everything that comes
with and from struggle and alienation;
it is because of their femininity that men at times
have come to believe that their contributions soften institutions.
That at times throughout history neither capitalism, neoliberalism nor revolutionary experiments like that of Cuba have placed femininity as compatible
with progress or resolution.
In which case femininity must be hidden, silenced, or displaced with no purpose or place to belong.

Thus everyone closely associated with this femininity such as homosexuals, transgendered (WO)men, and "effeminate" males, (ignoring, subverting and negating the lesbian identity because of their gender) have come to be marginalized by a structural system of exclusion.

(WO)men carrying the highest burden for originating the associative distinction

Homosexuals battling to find love by constantly having to assert their masculinity

Transgendered (Wo)men afraid of expressing their through identity.

Lesbians fighting to legitimize their own identity separate from the directives ascribed onto them by virtue of being born women.

Males who are labeled effeminate because of their sympathy toward those who struggle and are alienated.

And every other individual who refuses to deliver to give a marker to their identity and a degree to their femininity.

Hold fast in your femininity and embrace the rancor that society grants you
As a homosexual I speak with you brother and sister, not for you

Realize that our self-ascribed degrees of femininity and identity are as revolutionary and transformative, and thus necessary, as those of Che Guevara, Mohammed Ali, Harriet Tubman, or the Dali Lama.

That because we have decided to embrace our degrees of femininity, problematic to any movement, at one point or another, we have inadvertently decided to align our selves with those who are alienated the most by the systems in which they live.

So that in this way we must make our struggles deliberate and political. Let our degrees of femininity become legitimizing banners of solidarity for anyone who suffers in any corner of the world.
March 10, 2013
Damien Moody May 2015
The African American Blonde Bombshell on ya TV screen. It is I, ya younger victim of the bullying you caused me to suffer in our younger years together and now I am the #WCW on ya Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. She's bad huh. Too bad you lost ya chance with her and if only you knew her top secret. Maybe I should give u a chance to apologize and give me the love and respect you wouldn't give Adrian. Now that I am Alexis you want to cater to me and get my ******* down to my ankles. You want me to be ya main chick and you wanna put a ring on it. Well little do you know I am the Transgendered Barbie I always wanted to be. Oh now your surprised. Didn't know I was born a man.......or should I say your punching bag because you loved to use me to hide your real sexuality. Now the jokes on you.
During my Childhood.
a New Hampshire father of twin boys named Joe taught me that friendship, love, and respect,
meant wrestling.
He was a burly man
with glasses and a salt and pepper beard
Who loved guitar hero, dunkin' doughnuts and Motorcycles.
One day joking to his adult friends I heard:
"I'm a lesbian trapped in a mans body"

Now, Joe did not mean this the way
we think of it in this community.
He was not transgendered.
probablly didn't even know they exist.
He was simply saying.
"I have an attraction to girls who will never love me, because I have a *****,
and Isn't that tragic enough for a punchline?"
Though a young boy,
I identified with that.

In middle school, the media convinced me
that gay boys were getting all the ladies.
So I needed everyone to know I was gay.
that way, they'd be my friends,
and get naked in front of me.
It worked.
However, I still could not get a girlfriend.
And I did not want a boyfriend.
because again, It was all a 10 year old me's
Con just to see girls undress.

A year or two goes by
being gay
To get a girlfriend.
when on the television:
I see Tila Tequila.
A bisexual Bachelorette reality Show.

Wait! I said to my mother.
"Sure you can! I do.
This one time, aunt spider and I"
"Mom! That's enough."

So in my living room,
Surrounded by fold-out tables
And chicken parmesisan
I pronounced myself bisexual.

I had the best of both worlds! I could watch girls undress, AND have a girlfriend.
This was not relevant however, for a while.
As I still had not developed social skills.

Enter highschool awkward bisexual boy.
I'd never actually been attracted to a man before...
But I wasn't ruling it out.
zero percent of the woman I fell for seemed to like men,
Or more accurately, me.
I was resonating closer to the
"Lesbian trapped in a mans body"
line then ever before.
I probablly asked out every female senior, every girl I grew up with.
every girl who looked at me, to go on a date.
All to be turned down.
Except one.
I entered college with a monogamous Long-term relationship raising A beautiful Nerd girl's daughter.
Seemed like I had it made.
Young parents.
Both bisexual.
Together we flushed out Every kink and curvature of what pleasured us.
Then two years later.
My grandmother died,
I lost my job of four years,
She left me,
taking our daughter with her.
Devastated, I turned to the most destructive of known vices.

I went on first and last date after parking lot hookup after rooftop romance with these girls.
Writing poetry all the while to document my stresses.
I was no longer "A lesbian trapped in a mans body."
If anything, I was a lesbian
Thriving! In a mans body.

This came up at a party once
We were playing rockband when I said it.
A woman spoke up:
"You're devalueing the phrase for transgendered woman who use it!
It's dissrepectfull."
When I tried to explain myself:
That it helped me rationalize
years of rejection
laugh at my own failure.
Build the foundation
for my optimistic attitude
By saying it's not me.
I just like lesbians.
it made my failures a predictable Punchline.

But I was weak.
They convinced me.
I stopped identifying as
"A lesbian thriving in a mans body."
from then on, I was a man.

Years have passed and I've given a lot of love to a lot of people.
Learned a lot about my preferences
Sexually, romantically, personally.

At the momment:
I am a:
Hetero flexible

But deep down I know.
Even though I'll never say it.
Because it isn't really true.
Or maybe because it's offensive.
Or maybe because i'm scared.
I'll always be a lesbian
Thriving as a man.
The Trumpoet Jul 2017
Johnny wants to be a soldier. Johnny had a *******.
Johnny now is Jenny and The Donald says it's wrong.
Jenny loves her country and she wants to serve and fight.
Trump says she's not worthy and no longer has the right.

Susie was born as a girl but knew she was a guy.
Susie now is Sammy and he only wants to fly.
Went to join the Air Force - Was rejected on the spot.
Knew that he was qualified, but Trump says that he's not.

Trump was born an ignoramus - still is one today.
Never served the military - always got his way.
If you're not the same as him you are the enemy.
You're not worthy if you're poor or a minority.

Started with transgendered, better watch out if you're gay.
Blacks, Hispanics, women, he would love to throw away.
When nobody's left the military will be grim.
Trump will have nobody left who wants to fight for him.

If you're an American and if you long to serve,
better not be different or they'll label you a perv.
If you say you're boy or girl and ready for your chance,
all that matters now is the equipment in your pants!
You can also see this and my other Trump poems at:
Link to video of this poem:
Written: July 29, 2017
Love Jul 2014
I. Sexuality (textbook definition) - capacity for ****** feelings.

II. Sexuality (urban dictionary) - having been born liking either males or females. Sexuality encompasses being gay, bi, straight, lesbian, *******, or transgendered. Sexuality is the drive designed in humans to what they are attracted to. Most people mistake the word lifestyle for sexuality which is why there is ignorance in our country.

III. Sexuality (to homophobes) - a sin unless you like your opposite gender. No exploring your sexuality before marriage. If your sexuality is anything but straight you're going to hell.

What is sexuality when you develop a sexuality before you even know what *** is?

How is something a sin when it's developed before you reach kindergarten?

I knew I liked girls before I knew how read.

How did I choose to be gay when I have no recolation of ever making that decision?

So the question I come to ask myself is what, I rather how is sexuality?
Poorly written but it expressed my thoughts.
Smoke Scribe Mar 2015
Part II  of "Got 0 Followers"

aim high
to keep
it low

such an
Awesome Awful
others infect
you with

don't, yada yada,
ya wanna be like
Tom, **** and Jane,
even Harry, a transgendered
friend and fellow (ha) outcast,
all with a good job
prospects of a
goodly tented long life?

so ya write poems
to nobody
about nothing and
you are pleased
to be pleasing just yourself

in writing you have
nothing to prove,
so read them
like keepsakes
ya like,
keep 'em & me hid,
in the shoebox
under the closeted
pile of ***** clothes,
special designer outfits concocted
so they keep my remains,
privatized and unsanitized,
my equity,
disguised as disgusting

but for god-sakes
don't follow me,
you want to curse us
both with
Expectations of Expectations,
then comes with
illiteracy of

then the literary
that always follows,
leading to

the first derivative of the infection of affection

then comes
and it instantly it's too late,
you're *******,
right up the mental heine,
lost condemned
ruined annihilated
crushed subverted
crushed into
mental death camp suffocation of more, please ma,
can I have some more?

**crap, why did you have to go and follow me?
Francie Lynch Jun 2015
Super Bruce
Was a man,
He transgendered
And others can.

Caitlyn Jenner
Was a man,
She'll succeed
If we understand.
Good luck, Caitlyn.
jeffrey robin Jun 2015

///               yin         yang                 ///

( thru the rainy day )

Truly trans specied


///                      Evolution                  ///

we are so very

Alive !


we MAY somehow survive

(  Possibly )


After pleasure fades

After the drive in theatre closes

And the young lovers return

To their suicidal realities


And we know

It won't ever feel so good again


yin and yang

together on the midnight fire escape

Await the dawn



Growing into righteous power

eyes that behold

Earth and sky


Rejecting thoughts

That some shall live in love

While others die



Is to give your life and love away

For free


The Ferris wheel

Spins round and round

Up and up

Down and down


We move together on sacred ground

Growing stronger every day
JA Doetsch Feb 2012
HaHA, I've done it!  I've created a device
That can tap into my subconscious
and translate it for all to hear.

I will win the Nobel Prize!
I will be rich beyond my wildest dreams!
People will LIKE me!

So let's see here....I put on the cap, set the throttobombulator to 8.
Adjust for fuzzy dialation...set the circuit threshold to .79, make
sure the lucid translation synapses are firing...and yes.  The next
words you hear will surely be written in History books one day,
much like Thomas Edison's first phonograph recording, or the
first telephone call!

Neural connection is active.  Transmitting


Oh dear.  This can't be where's that 'off' switch?


Oh My...Ladies and Gentlemen, It's clear that my invention
is experiencing technical difficulties.  If you would please be patient---


SmashPieceSmashof GARBAGESMASH

DoNT LikE iT?  tucK iT bAcK!!

Connection Lost*

I...erm...clearly have some more work to do before it is ready
for the *****--er..public.  I have run into some...translation
errors...and need to re lubricate--CALIBRATE a few things.

Please don't tell my mother.
I'm aware this is quite lewd,  It was necessary to make the point.  Hopefully people find it as humorous as I intended.
I almost don’t want to voice my opinion
because I like staying in the back of the mix
but it’s hard to do.
Straight from the mind, the mouth,
of a transgendered person,
this is honesty.
I know that there are a lot of people going on about the bathroom laws right now.
It’s ridiculous we even have to get to laws for bathrooms.
They’re for
but it generally doesn’t stay at that.
Gossip, vomiting, crying, ****, ******, etc. Things you’ll most likely, in this century, find in the walls of bathrooms.
People are posting the meme, about the ******. Trying to mix it in with these laws.
A ******,
who is a man,
and someone who is transgender, don’t fall into the same category, and even if it’s made to better the judgement of hate and redirect the criticism of keeping transgender people in a specific bathroom,
don’t compare.
Because he is a male, he is a ******.
We are not the same.
Now, recently, people are posting about the mass shooting and connecting the two.
Saying how the last thing they want to hear about is how dangerous a transgender person is in bathroom now.
And they’re correct, because it’s always the last thing on my mind. I hate myself, so you don’t have to.
I have enough hate in me for myself so everyone can leave me be, knowing its strong enough.
I don’t want to be me, I don’t want to be like I am and I live with that everyday. I haven’t been able to make peace with myself and love myself, yet.
But I hope I can eventually.
I just wanted to put this out there, so people can see this side of things. From someone who is transgender.
The last thing on my mind in the bathroom is: you.
I do not want contact with anyone in there.
I fear you. I am scared to be there.
I feel threatened. I feel in danger, not you.
You should be ashamed to feel such resentment towards someone you don’t even know, because I am in the one in danger, not you.
I feel ashamed I am afraid of you and that is embarrassing to say,
but I am.
So don’t dare make it about your safety, because you are the last thing on my mind,
I promise you that.
Being misgendered, being *****, being beaten, being murdered, slandered, assaulted, accused, uncertain, hated, dehumanised, alone.
These are what I am thinking about when all I have to do is ***, but all I wanted to have to do was get groceries.
Or get McDonald’s, get cat food, my car fixed, an outfit, take my husband lunch, take my daughter to the park, etc.
I have a family I love, very much.
So yeah, you are the last thing on my mind when I just have to use the bathroom, and don’t even want to need to use one in public because I am so afraid for my safety and wondering if this time, is going to be the last time I walk in one and don’t get to go home to my family because of who I am.
I am sure people have reasons to fear what they won’t know or understand,
but understand this.
I know you have your own fears and your own needs and expectations, but so do I.
Don’t fear me, in the bathroom, because my fear is actually greater than yours,
I promise you that.
And honestly, that is the last on my mind, anyway.
**I just have to ***.
Arber Selmani Aug 2013
That’s just a catastrophe
When I get lost and you cannot find me
When I'm a catacomb, and you think I'm a synagogue

Love isn’t what you think
It's not you ******* up everything I do
It's not even me trying to write about your stupidity
It's not my family, hating you ever after

Do you think we can have a baby?
Or can you imagine both of us as partners in crime?
Wait, shut up, am I being selfish,
Cherishing myself to death, blasphemously

You have to know, I am a boy
I am a girl sometimes
I am transgendered, but that doesn’t mean I cannot cry.
I can hurt you and the feeling will equal to your mother’s death

Zoanthropy, I can be.
Authority, Military, Nudism, you and me.
I can make you ***** and smile
This ongoing process I get every day from coexisting with your picture

Who the hell are you, anyway?
Do I already know you, felt you, grab your genitals?
Isn't that a pity, cause I still play the sensitive type
While I'm the ***** ad the pure prostitution
Bobbie Bachelor Dec 2014
You wanted me to be happy
But you didn't like
That I played football

Because I was a girl

You wanted me to be strong
But you never liked it
When I cried

Because I was a boy

You always tried to say
That because I was this
Or that

That I could only be what society wanted me to be

I ignored you
I walked my own path

I cut my hair short
When I was a girl
I wore my hair long
When I was a guy
I didn't care
I never lied

I am me
Male or female

Now you know why I dress up in jeans
And act like a tomboy
Now you know why I wear a dress
And act like a drag queen

The mirror never defined who I was
My spirit did
I knew this
Even before I was born

Sure I struggle
With being trapped
In the wrong body
But that's okay

I was born this way

And it's okay
To be bi
Or gay

It's okay to be transgendered
Bipolar in love

We were born
To change
Dre G Dec 2012
last night
while you were preparing your
ammunition, i felt you
tugging at the tips of my hair.
out of all the strings in all
the universes, ours shook with
the same vibration.

last night
while you were preparing your
self for death, i was talking
to eric (with a c) from
the suicide hotline in new
york city. he told me i am
bright and successful, i wish
he had said the same to you.

this morning
while i was swimming in trazedone
dreams of new york city, a
woman, not too far from there,
felt her womb close like a
wing. the energy and matter her
body lent to an extension of
her bloodline was returned into
the universe. it has become the
brightest star, it has bloomed from
a poppy flower bud on a rocky hillside.

this morning,
while i was deep inside the caves of
my soft synaptic clefts, a
woman risked her everything
for the breath of two young children.
somehow, in the deep wood of my
slumber, i finally forgave my vice
principle. i finally forgave the vices
of my father.

this mourning
did not begin at 9:40am, that is just
when it culminated. you cannot tell me that
you don't feel it too. the rocks falling from
the sky yesterday were an omen.
the transgendered youth taking their
own lives are an omen. the carbon becoming
the atmosphere, the oil engulfing
the salted seas, the corals dissolving
in acid baths are all a shouting omen.

when the mayans calculated
the cycle's ending, they gave us
the gift of the wheel. the nature of a
circle requires revolution, the presence of an
ending requires a beginning.

how do we honor the gift of the maya?
how do we create a cycle of light?

that pressure on your chest is a
fear that you cannot do this
alone, and i'm telling you
you can't. how lucky we are
to have each other. how lucky we are
to have a new moon, the universal connection
to all sentient beings, the snakes that
slide slowly down ancient aztec temples,
the star that rises without fail in
promise of new freedom.

how luck we are for the teachers
how lucky we are for the artists
how lucky we are for the martyrs
and murderers and storytellers
and the collective unconscious!

if every single hand picks up an ember
from this wreckage, the power of our muscles
will turn them into diamonds, the sparks
upon our fingertips will turn us into healers.

imagine what seven billion healers can cure.
John F McCullagh Jun 2013
We all have heard of Lady Jane,
A Queen of England who briefly reigned.
Then Mary Tudor took the town
And soon thereafter took her crown.

There’s been Queens like Liz
whose reigns won’t end.
Disposable Queens like Anne Boleyn.
These days, with thrones in short supply
It’s the crown of Beauty
For which girls vie .

Denise Garido had thought that she
had won cosmetic Royalty.
They gave her roses
and placed her crown.
Then one day latter
It all came down.

“A error in math!” the pageant proclaimed.
A drunken judge had misspelled names.
Far from being Queen as thought
Ms. Garido had come in fourth!

It’s Humiliation of a sort
To find out one is an afterthought
To be named Queen just for one day,
Then have the honor stripped away..

The actual winner was quite buff
and had gone to Vegas in a huff.
At least Denise, you needn’t cry
You beat out the Transgendered guy!.
Denise Garido stripped of her title as Miss Canada Universe after a reign of 24 hours
ConnectHook Sep 2015
We live in times of innovation.
Winds of change affront the nation;
wind most welcome – by a few
(the masses know not what to do
with engineered progressive change,
their morals slow to rearrange).
And thus, in ornithology
we find an apt analogy…

Phoenix-like the vulture rose
in rainbow raiment, from repose
Its plumage all askew – a freak:
a mutant with a painted beak
borne of winds but lately blown.
This strange new hybrid (yet unflown)
did twitter forth an avian boon.
It preened its plumes and croaked a tune:

“I represent that rarest fowl,
far wiser than outmoded owl…
A dazzling swan of change am I
brought forth to liberate the sky!”

(Yet more appeared a fractured emu;
fair is fowl post-op… they tried to
cross said emu with an ostrich!
(What the hell – the surgeon got rich
changing apples into – mangos;
altering the twos to tangos…)

Fresh from gender suicide
he moulted into she. Beside
herself (itself?) with grief, regarded
previous selves as false: discarded
Sir for Madam overnight;
fixed it, mixed it, made it right.
Since God was wrong the first time ‘round,
Man (or something) thus is bound
hormonally to tweak and mutate,
hastening rebirth’s freakish due-date.

A manly bass – and yet the face
was poorly paired in his/her case
Soprano ought to have resounded –
yet the voice left one confounded.

Rainbow bracelets notwithstanding
this was clearly modern branding
(on the forehead – like a beast?)
well, Jesus said the truth at least:
that angels are of neither gender
(hence no need to check the member.)

Lest we offend endangered species
I commend transgendered theses –
paired with warning and a fable
as they turn the feathered table:

We may nurture fair to foul
while nature shrieks a hideous howl
but foul to fair cannot return;
thus trapped, both Eve and Adam burn.
Parker Mar 2018
To impeach or not to impeach: that is the question
To bar myself against his merciless beliefs
Or to deal with a worse evil by the name of Pence
His speeches of deportation and his turning of the laws
With his tiny hands and orange face is deplorable, despicable!
The destruction by the racist himself to LGBT+’s civil rights
Has wrought havoc for the transgendered, has instilled fear into us
To impeach or to keep
Pence, a sidekick, a partner in crime to the man in question, a worse evil
Hatred of us, boiling beneath his republican skin
Conversion therapy becoming an option, scarring and scaring the youths
Homophobia on the rise after the biggest triumph for us
Laws passed in June of 2015 no longer holding meaning
This man spreading his opinions to the new generations
To keep Mr. Trump would save us from a meaner man
But what would save us from the man who helped make America racist again?
There’s misogyny, bigotry, and racism filling the office
Violence, arrogance and white supremacy filling our country
Supported by Russia, the KKK, and racist republicans
Trump has taken this land into violence, fear, and hatred of one another
He has made public shaming against those with disabilities appropriate
And his voters have accepted this America as a great one
People are beginning to revert back to their prior nativism views
But to us Pence is a worse evil
Threats, pain, and fear still running deep within our communities
Shootings, violence, and property damage are just to name a few
Running rampant in our communities, egged on by this Vice President
Though Lord Voldemort may be terrible
Behind him is a line of Red Racist Bigots to replace him
Due to this, the Evil Man will have to be kept
And impeaching cannot take place
I wrote this last year when we had to make a poem matching Hamlet's soliloquy about an issue in the world today. These are my own personal opinions and I don't wish to demean anyone else's. Thank you for reading.
The Trumpoet Jan 2018
We've reached the end of year one
and Trump says he's done more
than any other president
from any time before.

So, what are the accomplishments
of Trump and his intrepid crew?
Well, here now is a partial list
of what they did, or tried to do.

They lied about inaugural crowds
and introduced "Alternative Facts",
inspired a worldwide women's march
to protest Trump's disgusting acts.

Hollowed-out the E.P.A.,
deemed climate change a Chinese hoax.
Paris Accord and regulations
gone, in puff of toxic smoke!

Wrecked the State Department and
Muslims, he said, must be banned.
Insulted NATO and U.N.,
brought shame upon his own homeland.

Attacked the mainstream media.
Railed and ranted of "fake news",
unless it came from Fox and Friends
and others spouting all his views.

Gave praise to Russia - Putin too.
Investigations started.
Comey started digging and
was forcibly departed.

Poked and taunted Kim Jong Un.
International drama!
Obsessed with slagging Hillary
and Barack Obama.

Battled healthcare, N.F.L.
and Planned Parenthood.
Tried to ban transgendered troops.
Claimed that coal is good.

Would not condemn the Neo-Nazis
down in Charlottesville.
Filled his swamp with sycophants
up on Capitol Hill.

Puerto Rico half destroyed.
Paper towels he gave.
Huge cuts to the National Parks,
decreasing land to save.

Claimed that Trump saved Christmas and
gave massive tax cut presents
to the corporate oligarchs
with crumbs tossed to the peasants.

Debt ballooning! Conflict looming!
Divisions far and wide!
G.O.P.'s not stopping Trump.
Have they even tried?

Claims to be a stable genius;
A smart and big success!
What legacy will Donald leave?
What awful, dreadful mess?

These were just some accomplishments
of which I have kept score,
but they just scratch the surface.
I could rant for hours more!

But haven't we all had enough
after Trump's first year?
It feels more like twenty!
Let us hope his end is near.

This was my Year One "trumpoem"
that I wrote for you.
Hope I won't have to write another
after year two!
You can also see this and my other Trumpoems performed at:
Written: January 14, 2018
jeffrey robin Dec 2010
aint no slave like the free one

the transgendered whatever seems  weirdly queer

the civil rights we talk about!!!!!!


but we love the poesy!

we love

mere words!


i seen you

and i

never forget



you were  a child once who had a child



im sure of something



blow away!!!!!!!!!!!!

all of our


and point our ship to shore

and our hearts unto eachother




Damien Moody May 2015
Who am I? Do anyone know or even care to find out? The man with wigs and weaves all over the place? Am I the man who have dreams of being transgendered? The man who for years wish he was born a female? Who am I? The man who can wear eyeliner and lipstick but still keep his ****** hair? The man who is barely friendless and only cares about certain family members and himself and his only friends are on social media? Who am I ? Why am I this strange person? Why was I bullied for more than 14 years? Why was I abused because of my sexuality and looks? Why do bullies abuse me? Will I ever know?
Sam Temple May 2016
Just beats on amazon prime groove train taking my mind
Unwinding inside the ride I applied tide and sideways glanced at a passing fancy
Take a chance on me and see the reality of freedom in an American slum war vet bums with their hair in buns growing hipster beards for fun better run to the PX and demand *** from reckless transgendered
Next step Freddy Fender Tejano  rockers walls crashers in bobby socks fighting ***** behind the block building wielding cash money slinging organic honey skinning bunnies on a sunny Tuesday
The blues swaying my body as I rocksteady the cracked Levey with a disheveled teddy bear in tow
Can’t touch this flow like the raging river goes and a runny nose when the allergy shows if you didn’t already know MCDJpjs can still touch his toes
Homeboy I am limber yoga instructor over for dinner Charlie sheen style winner and I grin with a thousand watt smile
sometimes one is stricken with a need to do one is such a day
jeffrey robin Mar 2015

Fell in love

With a

Transgendered zombie

From outer space

Who came from the

Past or the future

( I couldn't tell which

Because our idea

Of the space/ time dimension

Was different

Due to a different concept

Of quantum physics )


After a while

( or before a while )

It / he / she

Was gone

And all I can say





Aditya Roy Sep 2017
They spend their days applauding the rich
To keep them off the streets and make use of their glitch
Is it a disability or a glitch that snatches away their rights
Or that keeps off the sky to reach the city of lights
Where a baby can be born without a risk of a bad eye
By the simple gesture of clap turned bad whereas the birth of the baby should be celebrated with cheer and rye
But I guess that’s just the humor thicked with wryness
But we find many a homosexual whom we kindly and unknowingly address as Your Highness
The abundance of homosexual conquests to give away any hope of the lord to ignorantly receive him
Chopping off their manhood with a sword at every whim
In the bloodiest fashion reminiscent of all that’s wrong in the universe
If we could just find a reverse
It isn’t just the transgendered who feel the curse of their face
What about the acid victims bluntly speaking who won’t make it in the rat race
The media may portray them as heroines
But when the danger is past their past leads to what is simply a couple of street coins
It’s all in a visage
The idea of making money right is just a mirage
It falters with circumstance and birth right
If you were born developed enough for this world success is in your sight
Looks like transgender people have no place to go
The government should know
So why not the army so they can push the agenda of war too
But it seems like they have no country to fight for you
So don’t be afraid of them
They are born at the hem
Of a ship that signals a rough life that doesn’t soothe by a deep REM sleep
So they aren't any less capable because they still deal with deeply rooted social stigmas that would make anyone working through that weep
This is my fireback to support Transgenders in the face of Trump's fire.
Michael Parish Nov 2015
I am stealing but I realease
All  silence in your cries

The loundness with out voice
mans a womens and his transgendered child

Our bonfire is a flooded river!

We tried to quit
and paid dearly
for free love.

Lived under the sea with our lungs
died to live and woke to sleep
away towards the outward inward reversal.  

Until we realized you and I came together in the middle. We parted and fused our metal.  Made islands come together easier then a boat ride.
James Floss Oct 2018
If I had a cape
I’d have escapades

My spiffy metal suit
Would be in pursuit

I’d write wrongs in bulk
With the build of the hulk

I’d echo-locate
Every reprobate

A transgendered Wonder
I’d end their plunder

Return the cash
In a flash

End the pain
We sustain

Save the world
As it whorled

Super trouper

jeffrey robin Feb 2015
she wanders lonely streets

///  • |

Why aren't you there ?

                                                we are so busy hiding from ourselves
                                                  We are so enamored of our pain

in the grand promenade
On the brightly lit avenues

In the safety of our conceit

In the AMERICA of our choosing

In the mindless chatter all around


Subtle days
We stagger so un-righteously
Toward death and peace


We have so many fine excuses to choose from


( so rich we are ! )


We are all transgendered


Human beings in the bodies of thieves







Are you there ?
jeffrey robin Dec 2014

                                           ^  ^^ ^


nuclear war !

Bombs are falling !

My broken heart !


We sat together in PoliSci. Class

Talking about **** that don't matter no more


We fall in fake **** love

It don't matter no more !

We liberate the transgendered

But the radiation eats us to the core !

nuclear war !

Our lives are scarred

Even that

( Even our pain )

Don't matter no more
Steven L Herring Feb 2017
I'm glad I live in a country where I can ***** to no end about every ******* thing I can think of.  

I love the fact that there are gay nightclubs within walking distance to my home and that there are transgendered individuals in and out of my house 24/7.  

I love the fact that my wife is Catholic and isn't afraid of Muslims.  

I love the fact that I have more firepower than I would ever really need (really...I ******* do!).  

I love the fact that I can question any religion I want to and attend a service of said religion if I want to as well.  

I love the fact that I can order a dido and a bible from amazon and have them arrive in the same box together within 2 days.  

I love the fact that I can call 911 right now and have a fire truck, a cop, an ambulance, and a medic all show up within five minutes of each other and keep my silly white *** alive if I'm dying.  

I love the fact that a woman just ran for president to try and take over for a black man who was president for eight years.

I love the fact that I live in the craziest, most free country in the whole ******* world and that no one can take it away from me, because I'm surrounded by other people who feel the same way. of the free and home of the brave!
Jeffrey Robin Apr 2016

... Oh say can you say

anything at all ... (?)

Or perhaps

DO something

? (?) ?

• +•


|||        the rain it falls ||| for 1000 years       |||

( ... And the days are long  MY LOVE ... )


///:) _ oh god ! What have we done ? _ ( : \\


( we ****** )


The child on the tenement fire escape

She will be dead

Very soon

Underneath the ****** moon

Oh look !

( it's DONALD TRUMP !!!!! )



[[ question ]]

If the DONALD declares that he is transgendered

And is really a she

And he wins the election.

Would he / she

Then be considered our


Female president (?)


Ah !!


Times !!!!

We live our loves like

Mere bumps  on a log

Hoping no one comes and ***** on us


The superficial days !

Even our pain is superficial


( Tiny little scratches on our arms ! )


Whimpering little boys and girls

Singing so adult - like !

Psalms of terminally broken hearts !!



When we die we are truly dead


with visions

Of naked bodies

Floating thru our


Empty heads !

Wake up my sister's and brethren
Under hell spells we're dwellin' souls sellin'
In fear of death sailin' coke dealin'
To make lost ends
From corporate jobs everyday they Rob
Our freedom nobody even get mad at em
They rather be mad at you
For exposing em
**** how can Malcolm be right
The opressors have us hating one another
Of skin color killin' the pains of mother
Nature too much buildings
Tryna take the riches to the skies ceiling
But them pillars finna cave in
Cuz nature has a funny way
Of letting mankind know they just prey
Thinking we better than but everything I see spirits getting a crackling
No jokes to tell only fear is to be reincarnated in a cell
Gestations waitin to be put back on this sinful earth again
Gotta watch my sins cuz I know the be watching
Me exposing all this treachery but somehow I'm looked at as the enemy???

Now lets a take look through history
See I know my history I peep games since the age of three
Why they dont like me
Cuz I wanna better the black community
Lied to me about slavery
When this country was built for free
Along with Indian and Mexican
Before it became American
Its used to be Morocco **** the bicentennial
I see truth through millennial
Got Gods visions everything that Sittin now is going to venom
Death shares a beautiful paradise
Since the world's cold as ice
I gotta get a slice naw I want whole **** pie
Exposed my third eye from a bad high
**** I'm trippin' so many forums missing
Giving me religion for a false uplifting
God comes from within my body is a  temples
so how is God sitting in a catherdral?
Nothing but the devils
Tryna take you where they gone go
Too stuck on demographics and dough
Don't Chase the cash flow cuz you bound to follow Evil principles never seen a camel walk through the eye of needle
I'm tryna build your intellectual
But too many heckle you
Belittle you but still don't believe you
Until their numbers up
Now they facin' the sushine prepare for the eternal vestibule

Now that the ******* running the ship
Seas contaminated and corrupted
Society been abducted over the past decades
**** I feel like life's an arcade
I see the sin cascade
seems like they want real men and women to fade
Got transgendered men acting like women
And women acting like men
Feminine infused with masculine
Who am I though ?
I'm just flowing with my paper and pen so
What the **** is happening ?
We going backwards
check the clock time was never adequate
Its all made up just like the Vatican is
They rapin' those little kids whos really innocence
Now you'll see Billy be mentally confused
Cuz he was sexually abused now he loves the same ***
Not even a vaulable  
To recreate life evidence is substantial
Push what's wrong over  right
Nobody question anything projected in our sight
Givin' prefigured destiny I got a telepathy
From one of my ancestors tellin' me
Destruction Comin soon to cursed thee
The ground is soiled
from bloodshed and war spoils
Hell just waiting to boil Over
Notice summers getting hotter
Winters gettin' cooler
Close to thousand years of him being locked away
The keys was tossed into the abyss darkness manifest
Now he's out to dissmiss
Givin' false hopes of bliss
And so many idiots fall to this
Messiah never gave a **** blessing
Think about it blessing means
Is "be" "less" of you if you
understood the code of linguistics You'll see your just a statistic
Being played by the serpent
With his skillful mystics
He been had his fingerprints
In this society
they say he ain't real
then why does music influence minds so powerfully?
Bemused the fools still hyped mentalities snipe
Brain dead spiritual headed
Into a derail from cells traveling at an alarming rate
Death soon to take your fate
Now awake
Before it's too late....plaooooww

— The End —