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Yenson Aug 2018
Build me a slow boat to Timbuktu via China
Heave down a fleecy cloud and let me float to Nirvana
Hunt me a unicorn and let me ride to the Enchanted Forest
Find me a giant eagle and let it lift me to Outer Mongolia East

'please don't leave me here amongst demons with human faces'

Show me a Church and I'll show you a hall full of Sinners
Point out a wife and I'll reveal a liar and a fake and none dimer
Call a Doctor and its a Monster who betrayed the Hippocratics
That Government Boss is a cruel heinous snake without ethics

'please don't leave me here amongst demons with human faces'

See that Preacher and see a spineless hypocrite back-stabber
That lover was nothing but a sick deranged false **** twister
My dear acquaintance a heartless corrupted shyster unhinged
A Newsagent full of pitiless, gloomy, vile, psychotic joy-suckers

'please don't leave me here amongst demons with human faces'

That friend of years a bloodsucking Judas who betrayed and stole
Uncles who rained terror with sadistic pleasures in parts unwhole
Show me nieces and find two-faced ******* with poisons in veins
Neighborhoods full of silent killers and Rapists of truthful genes

'please don't me leave here amongst demons with human faces'

A vicars' daughter wielding angst axes better than a viking
The pathetic Moors zombies tearing flesh on masters beholding
The dead-eyed Arabs salivating madly or at daggers drawn
Contemptible Men-kids with pin ****** used as King's pawns

'please don't leave me here amongst demons with human faces'

Build me a cottage in rolling green fields with blue skies
Find me a fair maiden with a true heart and warming smiles
Show me a place that holds fairness and justice real and dear
A world with humanity we're all sisters and brothers for care

'please don't leave me here amongst demons with human faces'

copyright@LaurenceA.9th August2018
Back-stabber count your silver coins,
all thirty pieces do enjoy.
For thou have torn it from the ****
of he whom thou deem to destroy.

Conveyed before said holy male
who fears to take decision home.
Responsibility he doth bale,
forth-giving this to man of Rome.

Upon to Pilate do I see.
Should I relinquish my belief?
Will mine own peoples see me free
instead of murderer or thief?

In my defence nought do I speak
to only God do I ask praise.
Forgive me not for thou art week
and power to thee is but a phase.

Upon mine head a crown of thorns
secured firmly into place
as harassed by unfriendly scorn.
Holy blood, bathes holy face.

Barbs of metal scourge my all,
unlawful hurt do I withstand.
Burdened with weight I make a fall.
Samaritan doth lend a hand.

Rods of steel fix flesh and bone
to that of mans' wooden *****.
In painful agony, though not alone,
with Holy Father I connect.

Hoisted aloft on knoll of high.
Visible means to fear their weight.
Drawn upright, that I may die.
Design to clear of human slate.

Soon this pain will free of me.
My passing so that they may live.
Exalted father thou can see
this son gives all a son can give.
First printed in the 2011 Anthology. Suspended in Ink.
Amaranthine May 2017
Wanna stab me?
stab me either on heart or brain....
I will prefer brain over heart...
Memory loss will help me to forget you
& Certainly my heart loss....
Stabber will be you
Winner will be ME.

But you prefer heart over brain...
Because when I will lose my heart
Definitely I will forget you....
You are the one
Who resides there....
Your existence will go with my heart....
So again
Stabber will be you
Winner will be ME.

Wanna stab me?
Don't stab anywhere else...
Because if you'll spare my heart & brain
I promise this agony & pain,
I will repay you with equal love &
With more gratitude.......
So again
Stabber will be you
Winner will be ME.
Wanna stab me?
Stab me in both brain & heart....
I promise I will return to meet my love
By being a Phantom.....
So again
Stabber will be you
Winner will be ME.
What to say dear? love always wins.....
& I love my enemies too... Once upon a time they were my friends..... Dedicated to them......
#stabber  #heart  #brain  #winner
Lawrence Hall Oct 2018
De-Colonize This Space

Drum circle protests genderplop demands
Indigenous discount store camouflage
We demand persistent stereotypes
Solidarity initiative project

Take back the people’s cultural statues
Ethnographic curatorial practices
Red spray paint fire imperialism
Repatriate the Iphone Starbuck’s cups

And don’t forget the “Hey! Hey! **! **!’
Because we’re, like, artists and stuff, you know?

2. De-Colonize This Space Too

Guns and cholesterol made America great
Fat white boys in discount store camouflage
Duct-tape the Bible and the border wall
We won our freedom with our Kalashnikovs

Fake news back-stabber not a war hero
Lock her up get ‘em outta here yuge deal
You RINO losers can grab my MAGA

You snowflakes are sissies, you millennials too
But ouch! my heel spurs hurt, oh boo-hoo-hoo!
Your ‘umble scrivener’s site is:
It’s not at all reactionary, tho’ it might be drivel.
Yenson Aug 2018
When we finish with you
you won't know who you are..........

Hey, Mr and Mrs Salt  of the Earth
of Majority Wins Avenue, Socialist Estate
Wigan and George Orwell Park
Red City London

do you want to hear something
please give me a bit of your time

I know I am not a white thief
I don't go breaking into my neighbour's house
and stealing from them

I know I am not a drunkard
begging borrowing and stealing
so I can get wasted and drunk again

I know i am not a liar or bands of liars
who go around destroying innocents reputation
slandering and vilifying to cover my tracks

I know I am not an envious jealousy ridden inadequate
throwing mud and obnoxious falsehoods to damage
an innocent person good name and character

I know I am not a psychotic sadist degenerate
getting neurotic satisfaction from causing pain
and distress to another

I know I am not a weakling and a lily-livered coward
a back-stabber and a faceless ***** who is an anodyne
bully incapable of face to face confrontation

I know I am not a shriveling gutless wimpy poltroon
hiding in a gang of samenesses  engaging in a shameless
war against one man

I know I am not an uneducated or semi-illiterate half-wit
riddled with ignorance, prejudices, bigotry and ill-thoughts
notion without rational validation

I know I am not a wanton hedonist who is unable to resist
satisfying lust or seeking pleasures regardless of more
pressing responsibilities

I know I am not a two faced hypocrite, a fraudster or cheat
who misappropriated and behaves without conscience or
considerations about others

I know I am not a cheap, small minded, vengeful, hateful
and irrational follower who joins other like-minded fools
in a unjust and unfair actions and deeds

I know I am not a wicked, perverse, heartless, soulless, cold
and pitiless damaged human who acts without measure,
compassion or due consideration

I know I am not a sneaky, conniving, twisted, disingenuous
sadistic, cowardly conspiratorial plotter who acts with others
of same kith to cause hardship, pain, sufferings to another human

I do know That I believe in hard work and earning a living honestly and when I had the opportunity that was what I did
I did not steal from anyone and then blame my bad choices
on them

I do know that I treated everyone I came into contact with
or related with fairly, on merit, without prejudice, sincerely, honestly and with due respect, except if they are house burgling
drunkard, wastrels, anti-social and Racists neighbours.

So dear Mr  and Mrs Salt of the Earth, friends and Defenders
of Crooks, Burglars and All with nefarious activities, wrong-doers and the Shameless

I do know at least that I am not any of the noted above, if this
thus mean exclusion from your Union and banishment from life,
I accept my sentence..........  

I thank you for reading

P.S.  Please feel free to come and **** what's left of ME!!
Rahul Luthra Jan 2014
Backstabbers and the moon
are basically the same
they're pretty from the outside
but have flaws from within
You look from far away
so you don't know the truth
They lie and then walk right past you
without another look
What pleasure does it give you
To torture me like this
You play with my heart as if
it gives you eternal bliss
I thought you were my friend
You'd stick with me to the end
But you back stabbed me and ran away
You come in my life like an
angel of the lord
And you left me stabbed
and impaled by a sword
you lie right through
your teeth
I was too late
to see the monster beneath
But now it's all revealed
Never gonna trust
a soul again
All because I made
an enemy my friend
Never gonna trust again
what pleasure does it give you
to see me broken down
My heart shattered in countless pieces
now all over the ground
All that you can do is pretend
Never gonna trust again....
Lenore Lux Dec 2014
Dance barefoot to the lowly beach
below a chorus of cars
singing sweetly as the set sun drifts
below, in purple, rolling the world to
a swirl of stars
Under it I hold truth in my arches
to find glass to bleed color into gray,
into black, just as in my hands I hold you
It's as if severance finds me over again
where I curl on the boulder I last saw your face
In bare footsteps I seep into ether the memories
of a bitterness, of a love that left,
in hopes that I wake up
here again, living with the comforting notion
that the endless sea and sands, surrounding this
beach will bring me back to the surface
as I suffocate.
I suffocate.
Inspired by the words of a new, mysterious acquaintance. Thank you, mystery woman.

"The sand goes on forever behind us, and the sea goes on forever ahead." -- Shrimoyee
cheryl love Aug 2013
As the song says you are unforgettable
In every way.
Your perfume, your smile,
Your pickle stabber.
Your only tooth
I'd run a mile
To tell the truth
But there you are.
Captured in the psych ward
The crazy father figure

Today was a weird day for Ron
As he entered the coffee shop ******* about the short sleep
Night he had after the police brought in a crazy father figure in mate at the bendigo police station and at 11 pm
At night Ron was awoken to get in his car to drive out to bendigo and pick him up and take him to the HDU
And put him into the solitary cell untill morning and Ron then said
We have to spend all day trying
To find out his story and then after
Ron finished his cake and coffee
He went back to the HDU and started to hear his story, so he can be put on the right medication
And be healed and he started off saying he was Robert jones and
He had this pact to daddy one if his school friends who was a bit unstable, but mainly because he wanted to bully him and then Ron asked why did you do that bad Robert said well, I hated what other people were doing to him, so I wanted to get him out of this weird situation and keep him with us heavy metal young dudes and Ron said
Are you sure he likes heavy metal,
Not everyone likes heavy metal ya know, and Robert said, he likes heavy metal, and another thing too
He never felt hostile when we listened to it, but then Ron said, ok
Did he show you he liked sports
And Robert said yes, but he drifted away from that and I hated how he was treated at school, I wanted him to have a cool life and Ron said ok
Why did your mate make this so called (quotey fingers ) complaint
And Robert said yeah but he is dellisional cause as my name suggests I am like a daddy to him
You see he lost his father when he was 12 and I felt sorry for him and
Another thing too I became a good mate, like taking him to footy and taking him to concerts and getting in trouble with the security at night clubs and also joining in on his family  picnics , you see Ron there is nothing wrong with me and then Ron said why did the police choose your friends word over yours, there must be an actual reason and Robert said
He is a fucken back stabber, that us what he is, a fucken back stabber
And then as Ron was trying to figure out that Robert should go on largactil and haliperidol and see what it does and then day after say Robert told of all the bad stuff that this mate did to him like tying up a young girl
And punching his brother Tom in the gut and breaking his entire guns and roses collection and then Robert said he is the fucken one who should be in this HDU, not me and Ron gave him the medication and went home watched TV and ordered a pizza and fell asleep in front of the TV as usual and the next day he went back to the HDU to talk to Robert some more and made him more angrier when Ron said that they have to keep him there for a while but Robert was no snitch and
Said I am no experiment you see
So just medicate me and then let me go but Ron said ok and at the end of the day, Ron went to the coffee shop and spoke to the owner for hours about not really listening to his problems because his hands are tied and Ron was puzzled saying I gave him the medication and I am letting him explain his problems and now
I say my hands are tied and then Ron went home and got on the Internet to find out what illness he has, but he fell asleep looking and then watched a man with similar problems on YouTube and yes, I think this might be the answer to his problem and then he fell asleep on the couch and went to work the next day determined to beat Roberts problems and he will

Sent from my iPhone
Gabrielle Ayoub Dec 2013
Why did you spend an eternity in the past when now moments spent are few
Why did you fill colors in my life just to now leave me all blue
Why did you make me so addicted to you that now I think of you in whatever I do
Why did you put me in this position where our love cannot come true

God help me forget this precious treasure
Oh how did I arrive to this torture

In this moment I can see clearly
I know you back-stabbed me, you are no longer my friend
You played with my sensitivity
And now you pretend that you never cared, this is the end

I will erase everything about you
Everything you touched and smelled
I am moving on to live without you
I know your love was all pretend
Lenore Lux Dec 2014
I gave my all to you
- Now, now, girl, that's no fault of anyone
had almost opened up
- Too little too late in this case
I was giving my energy to you
- Now, now I'll be sure to wave as I walk on by
and had almost opened up

Detached from a source of cord so miserable,
so maybe when I wake up I can roll right out of bed
believing in me, believing in the purpose in
my carriage, instead of putting you first and on the
pedestal which should have been reserved for better.

I said it.

I gave my all to you
- Now, now, girl, that's no fault of anyone
had almost opened up
- Too little too late in this case
I was giving my energy to you
- Now, now I'll be sure to wave as I walk on by
and had almost opened up
Josh C DeWees Nov 2013
We've climbed this mountain
A mountain of homework and back stabber
We may not have climbed together for all of it
But we climbed together side by side now
All the people trying to tear us down or drag us off
But we won't let the other fall we keep each other on the path
We've climbed this mountain
We can see the end

But our enemies can see us
So near the top we threaten them
They take aim attempting to knock us off
Insults and snide remarks fly at us like bullets
Violence always creeping towards us a dog of war
We have been civil far to long to these brutes of failure
We strike back now
The harder they hit us the harder we hit back

The mountain of high school is almost over we're not falling now
Take aim my brother with your ****** rifle aimed at their deepest weakness
Locked and loaded to tear them apart in front of everyone
To rip their heart out for all to see
Don't worry I've got your back
My machine gun of cynical secrets gleaming for support.
They won't drag us down
They can't pull us back down
We're at the top and moving on from this high school warfare
Sean Kassab Jun 2012
Sing to me a story of a thousand hungry knives, and a thousand innocent backs, and a thousand angry lies. Then sing me the destruction of a thousand mangy lives, the broken hearts that bled for nothing through a thousand crying eyes.  The river of tears created was a thousand miles wide, and you could swim to your death in your vainest efforts never reaching the other side. There is no escape from what these knives do, no place to run and hide. So sing to the music you must face, or you will die without your pride. Because when the knives are ravenous they’ll have their taste, but it won't be from the front or the side.
Riot Apr 2014
it's easy to stab you in the back
when you turn around
Vanessa Gatley Dec 2014
With your  knife
     You cut me deep
      I was there for you
  SO oh don't say I wasn't
     Now u replaced me
    my heart my spot
       Cried that it will never
    Be the same again
       U should say sorry
   Not me cause u caused pain
    Maybe I do talk about you
    To other people but its because
      You've mad me this way
      Mad about who you have become as
    A person not the same girl I used to
      You were the only one i told anything to
      We hugged I hug no one else ever but you
     I'm just surprised and happy that at least
      you still have my journal I got you
        While you write down ur thoughts
          Like I do
Alex Webster Mar 2011
To be compared to a godess, a golden creature in a shining bodice.

(Is this what girls want?)

to be as fair as aphrodite, grace and beauty and lovers mighty.

(and to be an adulterous back stabber!)

to have athena's dilligence wisdom and intelligence.

(and to be a moody cow who cow who cant take critiscm)

or put hestia to shame, purity kindness a maiden without blame

(a symbol of female submission)

then may your wish come true and have all the blessings of a godess

(most of you already have there curses)
Nathalie Hill Mar 2023
i never thought remembering
would burn this much, nor that it would consume my sleep at night.
I remember how happy and sentimental
cute clingy songs made me feel, because my pathetic heart felt every lyric.
I now find myself skipping those songs because they remind me the pain of you. That last taste of your lips that used to give me comfort, but none of it was real. How could you sit there, look me in my teared up eyes and lie to my face? I wonder how many times you touched me, kissed me knowing **** well you did not love me anymore, these questions torment me on my daily basis. Therefore I keep myself busy to distract my thoughts from you,
I can heal all i want, but how do i get this feeling of betrayal off my skin? I find it very ironic how you used to blame me for the sins you were comitting. Broken promises and blood spilling, but you're perfectly fine.
That's such a *******.
These memories became a wound on my soul and you my stabber but i gave you the dagger, i regret you all the time. We became a tainted memory id like to fully erase from my being.
TiffanyS Oct 2014
I'm done putting faith in
Back stabbing *******
Who never gave a ****
About me

You never gave a ****
Never gave a ****-
About pretty
little me

Stop pretending that you care
This is not a love affair.
Your love- I shouldn't
Have to share

But you never gave a ****
Never gave a **** -
About pretty
Little me

I am -
Such a fool
Will never be more
Than a broken power tool
McKinley Aug 2015
try to admit
there's more behind it
than a simple irritation
Conversation just chat
falls flat
or creates between us friction
I'll pull in
away you shy
eyes get colder as you give out a sigh
I ask where you've been
I hoped for you to have thought of me
but you proved to me there was no guarantee
Poetic T Mar 2014
I showed you friendship, I
showed you trust, I gave you
respect, but you gave me
none of the above, I tried
my best which wasn't enough.

I helped you and in turn you
stabbed me in the back, not an...
inch but to the hilt, if you could
you would have pushed it further.
Unable to pull it out because you
stuck it in so deep in to my back,
where was the trust.

How could you betray me, was it a
must, could you not respect me

Having this imbedded hurts enough,
but the help that was given repaid
this way hurts the most with the loss
of trust.
Tianah Fisher Apr 2013
I stand here 23 chromosomes of a woman because my father isn't man enough to stay by the egg.
I’m built of 205 bones all covered in sorrow because to me I wasn’t good enough for you,
but my mother says it takes a real man to be a father and you,
you’re not a man.
You’re a coward that I have accepted into my life too many times that now you’re nothing but a  ***** donor.
I was your baby girl your flesh and blood till you threw that away for some stupid ***.
I rock your absence from the day you said I wasn’t yours .
Now I see you more like a back stabber.
You said you loved me,
but why would you put your hands on someone you said you loved.
I’m scared with the cuts you put on me and memories that I have nightmares from. You were supposed to be my hero,
my only man in my life,
my first true love,
but instead you’re nothing to me,
I hate you,
I hate your name
I hate that I’m related to you.
You’re an embarrassment, a disgrace! You can never get me back to being your baby girl
I hate you
I hope you rot in jail
and thanks to your stupid selfish ways I have a new man in my life.
He loves me unconditionally. He’s the man you couldn’t be.
He’s the one that held my hand through anything
and helped me ride my first bike without the training wheels. 
All the precious moments and memories that you missed, he made up for.
For that I call him dad.
He’s more a man than you could ever be.
I thank you for not being in my life, Dad.
You have me a chance to know what having a real man and dad feels like.
He replaced you faster than you could say
I’m sorry.
Pebbles Mar 2011
So here we are
I never thought you would stab me in the back
But hey
What are friends for
You always were one crazy sucker
I remember the time
You made me promise to love you forever
We sliced open our veins
And shared our blood
You said
I was your blood brother
You are no brother of mine
Back stabber
No I'm not your friend
I am nothing to you now
but a memory
One that will defianately
Not keep you warm
Within the womb of your old age
Not now
Because sweet friend
The last time you said cut me here and share
I forgot to sew you up again
I forgot to undo
The thing that we had created
I was fed up
Bored to death
Has such a nice ring to it
I wont cut myself anymore
Not now your gone
Don't forgive me
Please I never want
Even that from you
I hope your bleeding brings you
All the desires and twisted peace
That you deserve
Daniel A Russ Jul 2010
Peering up from the precipice, a cyclops! – a
Many-fanged and mono-eyed beast,
Flesh a sickly sea-shell and putrid yellow as a
Series of pustules pulse rivulets of green-black blood,
Staining scarred surfaces and shadowing engorged strength.

Reaffirmed grip on haft,
I plunge the sticked-spike a shade-shy of horizontal,
Missing the mark obvious but finding purchase,
Shattering clavicle and spraying sinew in a perverse sort
Of macabre rainbow arc, yet met with instant,
Abject terror: spear now not merely stuck but gripped
By mine beholden nemesis, and he shifts, twists the
Leverage and I, trained in the art of never-surrender-never,
Have not his primitive power to resist and thus fall,
Giving way to laws of momentum – and the world shudders.

Eyes-wide as fist-eclipses-sun, a quick scramble,
Desperate-probing-reflexive grab for the half-arm length stabber,
Unsheathe, roll, aim and ******:
A scoring glance, slicing more pox and pus than
Bone or gristle, but desired effect achieved:
Nemesis rails, howling, orb clenched and pointing skyward,
Arms guarding reflexive at bloodied torso, leaving precious,
Glorious goal unguarded:
A backwards roll, leaning into the earth like Atlas,
I push, spring, and the world gleams in high-contrast
Blood-red and silvered-steel-sword as I’m propelled skyward –
Blade-and-hand acting in concert, a conductor in a symphony
Of prospective gore seeking to punish the cyclopean’s dissonance,
I plunge deep, scoring a bassonic rumble from
His jugular and cacophonic crackings as his cerebral
Column gives way to the superior song.

His shuttered eye now open as he slumps, falling to the
Ground ilke a dead god, it develops a strange sort of calm,
As if he’s hearing his own song of slaying – but that
Sizzling, that pig-eating-slop sound, that wasn’t my song –
That must be his, and awareness dawns as adrenal sets –
Blinded by blood and battle, I’d neglected to heed
The refuse of the beast’s bilious eruptions,
Blown back from the force of my blade, and now, immersed
By the nauseating, liquid-green mass, I am devoured from

I lay now, eyes alternating skies, and weep that I
Am sapped entirely of strength enough for noble suicide:
I shall die here, propped astern like a failed Atlas, a
Boneless, gibbering mash of grit, guts, and warm, soupy glory,
muted and deafened to the howlsong from above of vultures.
sankavi May 2018
Two faced.
Smile at me, act like everything is fine.
Turn around and tell them how much you hate me when i'm not there.
back stabber.
I'm sorry I was never enough for you.
I'm sorry i'm cold.
but you doing this to me has only made everything worse.
When you begged me to stop cutting, I never imagined you'd be the reason that I would tear my skin to shreds.
Amy John Jul 2013
Suffering sadness,
Trapped in your own dillusional sense of a fictional reality,
Created by a minipulative enabler,
Every bump,
Belly ache,
Sore throat,
Something more then what is.
False accusations turn into a desperate desire to develope a deeply fatal disease.
Harmful self punches and bites,
Create bruises on your body.
Everyone a false ****** up mistake.
Not a **** up, but severely ****** up.
Dismissing the only one who saw through the ******* and still loved you.
The only one who helped you.
The only one who tried to make you see.
Not a friend.
But to you, just an immature drama queen.
Why fight for a back stabber?
A liar?
Someone who has never been there for me when I needed you most.
The opposite of love is indifference,
To hate is to feel emotion.
No hatred.
I pity you.
You will be forever alone.
No one will stand by you as I stood by you.
All will see through the *******.
Once they see,
No one will stay.
You have no one.
I feel sorry for you.
Captured in the psych ward
The crazy father figure

Today was a weird day for Ron
As he entered the coffee shop ******* about the short sleep
Night he had after the police brought in a crazy father figure in mate at the bendigo police station and at 11 pm
At night Ron was awoken to get in his car to drive out to bendigo and pick him up and take him to the HDU
And put him into the solitary cell untill morning and Ron then said
We have to spend all day trying
To find out his story and then after
Ron finished his cake and coffee
He went back to the HDU and started to hear his story, so he can be put on the right medication
And be healed and he started off saying he was Robert jones and
He had this pact to daddy one if his school friends who was a bit unstable, but mainly because he wanted to bully him and then Ron asked why did you do that bad Robert said well, I hated what other people were doing to him, so I wanted to get him out of this weird situation and keep him with us heavy metal young dudes and Ron said
Are you sure he likes heavy metal,
Not everyone likes heavy metal ya know, and Robert said, he likes heavy metal, and another thing too
He never felt hostile when we listened to it, but then Ron said, ok
Did he show you he liked sports
And Robert said yes, but he drifted away from that and I hated how he was treated at school, I wanted him to have a cool life and Ron said ok
Why did your mate make this so called (quotey fingers ) complaint
And Robert said yeah but he is dellisional cause as my name suggests I am like a daddy to him
You see he lost his father when he was 12 and I felt sorry for him and
Another thing too I became a good mate, like taking him to footy and taking him to concerts and getting in trouble with the security at night clubs and also joining in on his family  picnics , you see Ron there is nothing wrong with me and then Ron said why did the police choose your friends word over yours, there must be an actual reason and Robert said
He is a fucken back stabber, that us what he is, a fucken back stabber
And then as Ron was trying to figure out that Robert should go on largactil and haliperidol and see what it does and then day after say Robert told of all the bad stuff that this mate did to him like tying up a young girl
And punching his brother Tom in the gut and breaking his entire guns and roses collection and then Robert said he is the fucken one who should be in this HDU, not me and Ron gave him the medication and went home watched TV and ordered a pizza and fell asleep in front of the TV as usual and the next day he went back to the HDU to talk to Robert some more and made him more angrier when Ron said that they have to keep him there for a while but Robert was no snitch and
Said I am no experiment you see
So just medicate me and then let me go but Ron said ok and at the end of the day, Ron went to the coffee shop and spoke to the owner for hours about not really listening to his problems because his hands are tied and Ron was puzzled saying I gave him the medication and I am letting him explain his problems and now
I say my hands are tied and then Ron went home and got on the Internet to find out what illness he has, but he fell asleep looking and then watched a man with similar problems on YouTube and yes, I think this might be the answer to his problem and then he fell asleep on the couch and went to work the next day determined to beat Roberts problems and he will

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she is a devil within
she is one of hells gifts
to our mother earth
coz she has no worth
she is a devil...

she lied to me
broke a promise
she'll never be forgiven
she is a back stabber
she cant be trusted
if you look at her
youll see that she is a devil within

shes got black eyes
with black nails
she has no life
so she'll always fail

she's conceited
loves dark colours
I dont know why
she is family

coz she is a devil
a devil
a devil
as you can see that this poem is dedicated to a family memeber of mine. she kinda deceived me and it made me feel sad and detached.  but we eventually  made up and b l a h...
gray rain May 2016
I can't wait for Tuesday
but don't want it to come
the confrontation on that day
will find out who was wrong

I personally don't care
who was telling the truth
This very rare
An occasion that has something to prove

Which one is the back-stabber
I have no reason to worry
Which is the one holding the dagger
who made up this ******* story

I did
but I trusted you
with it
what did you do

To let it slip
you had a grip
You helped me through ****
then you left me with it

you betrayed me
what happened to we
it ended
and you're befriended
This is kind of angry but I am, so it tells the story.
Savanna Mar 2013
There are some days where knowing what I lack
Rekindles an anger I don't know how to lessen
As I try to reach the knife lodged in my back

The blade sunk deeper and deeper over time
As the stabber kept holding on
Holding me back as I tried to climb

There was no fixing it, no hope
All I could finally do was leave
Believing space and time could help me cope

But bad days still appear suddenly before my face
Where I'm reminded of what I try to ignore
That the role of a mother can't be replaced

It takes so much effort to fake it again and again
To tell myself I don't need a mom, I'm fine
But words can't always hold back the pain

Of the knife she left in my back
Kyle Dal Santo Aug 2017
You can't have two best friends.
You can't have two best friends.
I don't know how else to say it.
It's basic physics, the law of the land.
Einstein would agree.
You can't have two best friends.
Which means, I've been fired.
Demoted, fired, busted down, left for dead.
Remember when we use to play Left For Dead?
You better not ******* play it with him.
You better play a new game, you traitor.
Brutus, Judas, Benedict Arnold.
You pancake, flip flopping *******.
You front and back stabber.
Do you tell everyone you met him on the first day of Kindergarten?
Bet he's the one you went to summer camp with.
Or jumped the fences at Blink 182 concerts.
You can't have two best friends.
Remember when you asked me to be the godfather?
Remember when you asked me to be the Best Man?
I do.
If our brotherhood wasn't dead already, it sure is now.
You Not-My-Brother-From-Another-Mother-Mother-******.
You buried it, not me, but really I don't blame you.
God knows what a burden I've been, always was.
Be nice to have a best friend right now, more than ever.
Must be nice to have a best friend.
Mine went with the more expensive brand.
Do me the courtesy of admitting you got bought out.
At least then I'd forgive some of it.
Tell me he's a better friend, I won't believe it.
You. Can't. Have. Two. Best. Friends. *******.
That ****'s in the bible, remember?
When we were in Catholic school from Kindergarten to High School together?
I guess not.
Jesus would not be happy with you.
You can blame me all you want.
I know you do, because I know you better than your real brothers.
Don't believe it? Challenge me, I dare you.
And if I ever get married?
You'd still be my Best Man.
There's no one else. You're still my best friend.
Even if I don't want you to be.
Even if I'm not yours anymore.
Kyle D.
betterdays Apr 2014
here sit i
a skalded-babe
at a prison-box of
metal and wood and plaster.

chained for the span
of the elf's glory passing,
i shuffle leaves of wood
from in to out.
i move the hamsterwheel forward inch by inch,
or i runabout in a
with my cheesy,
tailess-rodent, biting
and chewing away,
for the need of budget burning yeilds.

if lucky some snail mail
may come to relieve
the electronic humdrum.
if not,... i suppose,
i can knock on the world wide, spiders-door, enter
the ether-frame...
and see the cat, playing
piano, badly in fortissimo.
or be a mouse-jockey
in the web-led rodeo

then when the elf's are done

home to hearth,
i will run,in the rover of the land.
to sit by whale road on
golden sand.

and go make fodder for
the artisan-sawdust-man and the child.
for us to eat with carrot-comb and steak-stabber
before sitting down
for a night in with the
napowrimo day 13
prompt; write a poem using
kennings (kennings are compound words)
i took a wry turn with this one, it only sort of fits the brief.
Mitchell May 2011
Stick in the mud bringing itself a drink
Through the rat fink back stabber reminder stinks
Upstairs there was a lady
I think all these drinks are gone
Yeah there was a lady upstairs
She said she knew the way
To make any man made
Wore ten gold earrings on every little finger
The sound they made when hitting each other
Was like an angel drifted through
A spraying sprinkling water sprinkler
Shell fish big eyed laid back young in her hair
She whispered nothing out loud
But every ****** man in the crowd
Leaned in as if they had heard
A smile creaked onto the cook's face
As the wood on the tables bent
From the mass amount of all that human stench
We are the masses of morons bleeding day in and day out
And yet we sit and writhe and wriggle
Refusing to leave and ignoring that we decide to stay
Replenishing our souls with the liquor bowl
We trudge through the muck unfilled and filled
Day through week through month through
Seconds of frying eggs, golden n ' laying themselves
Because around here there ain't no ****** ducks!
Sister muck, she lives upstairs
Leaves her trinkets in a jar for she is the one
That started and will end this hellicious bar
Packed up her stuff in a huff while her buff
Started the car to go quite far
To the moon in blankets cause' they just couldn't stand it
A fake for the feathers tarred and dressed in leather
A foreign affair apple pear was the color of that girl's hair
There were so many reasons to stay but I knew my way
Was not to rest easy
In that golden flecked white pitched tent
Golden and brown
A beautiful deadly bay
zebra Mar 2017
i was five
she stood before me for the first time
looking down
like a great bird with ****
and a face that said
made to kiss
a mouth that said
warm lips
enter here
pour your heart into me
and aquatic sharp eyes
pulled me into her soul
where i happily lost myself

i was smitten
rapturous in love

spilled through my small body
and ravaged me
cherry pepper hot
an electrical storm
thunder shock lust
quiet despair

lust for want
and despair for
what must be denied
i knew even then
i would never crawl, over, through, or into

looking up into her blue eyes
inhaling her countenance
i inquired
whats under your dress

she replied smiling

we where in love

my face piqued
with heat and blood
my heart trembled
my legs weakened
my feet got hot
my little *****

i thought dance
do the **** ****
i want to kiss your feet
i will toss my self
under your dress
mouth first
to taste you
your love slave

my father married her
i could hear them laugh and **** at night
i would imagine it was me
**** in hand

somewhere their marriage turned
an inferno of bickering
and snarls
the critic
and mom
the back stabber
a war that lasted decades

my love and admiration
for my father
the hero
turned despot
withering to hate

mom finally
from a life she didn't want anymore
but before she did she looked into my eyes
calling to me
from deep to deep
lover,lover, lover

i dreamt of her last night as i often do
we made love  
she covered me with her body
and i wept and kissed her
thinking she was mine

— The End —