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sltd Jan 2016
She's hurt,
Mentally and emotionally.
But everyday,
She walks with a smile,
Because that's who she is,
The girl who never stopped smilling

You are the moon who lights up my dark nights,
The water thats satisfy my thirst,
The wine that makes me calm and brave,
Coz' I am an addict,that can never be rehabilitate
Coz' you're the drug, who does not run in my veins nor in my brain
You're infected in time,and you let me take my time
You make me feel like,not smilling is a crime
This is my dream,it did come true
How i really wish we can do it like,
Bonnie and Clyde in reality part two
just another hangover overdose
Through airy roads he wings his instant flight
To purer regions of celestial light;
Enlarg’d he sees unnumber’d systems roll,
Beneath him sees the universal whole,
Planets on planets run their destin’d round,
And circling wonders fill the vast profound.
Th’ ethereal now, and now th’ empyreal skies
With growing splendors strike his wond’ring eyes:
The angels view him with delight unknown,
Press his soft hand, and seat him on his throne;
Then smilling thus: “To this divine abode,
“The seat of saints, of seraphs, and of God,
“Thrice welcome thou.”  The raptur’d babe replies,
“Thanks to my God, who ******’d me to the skies,
“E’er vice triumphant had possess’d my heart,
“E’er yet the tempter had beguil d my heart,
“E’er yet on sin’s base actions I was bent,
“E’er yet I knew temptation’s dire intent;
“E’er yet the lash for horrid crimes I felt,
“E’er vanity had led my way to guilt,
“But, soon arriv’d at my celestial goal,
“Full glories rush on my expanding soul.”
Joyful he spoke: exulting cherubs round
Clapt their glad wings, the heav’nly vaults resound.
  Say, parents, why this unavailing moan?
Why heave your pensive bosoms with the groan?
To Charles, the happy subject of my song,
A brighter world, and nobler strains belong.
Say would you tear him from the realms above
By thoughtless wishes, and prepost’rous love?
Doth his felicity increase your pain?
Or could you welcome to this world again
The heir of bliss? with a superior air
Methinks he answers with a smile severe,
“Thrones and dominions cannot tempt me there.”
  But still you cry, “Can we the sigh borbear,
“And still and still must we not pour the tear?
“Our only hope, more dear than vital breath,
“Twelve moons revolv’d, becomes the prey of death;
“Delightful infant, nightly visions give
“Thee to our arms, and we with joy receive,
“We fain would clasp the Phantom to our breast,
“The Phantom flies, and leaves the soul unblest.”
  To yon bright regions let your faith ascend,
Prepare to join your dearest infant friend
In pleasures without measure, without end.
Adrian Dec 2014
Here I am sitting, hurting and aching.
I am Jealous indeed

I am Jealous because,
You showed me value but you suddenly took it away.

I am Jealous because my love was ignored
I am Jealous because I gave my all,
and I couldn't convice you of my love.

I couldn't convince you,
that I love you.

I am Jealous because you yelled on me with anger and rage
and the next, a photo with you smilling.

I am Jealous for I could not trace logically,
For I could not see the source of your hatred.

Deeper than your hatred for me,
There's a reason why,
There's a reason that you blinded yourself to my good deeds.
That you saw none of which i gave you that was good.
Love, time, strenght, service, you saw none of these,
In your rage you only saw my folly, in which is not even valid to say.

I am Jealous, for you say you loved me,
yet another you said you never did.
and yet you said you can lie to hurt me.

Which one is true. I am torn.

I am Jealous that my small mistakes are drilled through my being
While their's, they are justified beyond all senses.

I am Jealous, because you made me feel special,
you made me feel like I am no other,

I am Jealous because you convinced me you'll never leave me
Yet now, like a nobody, in which you threw away.

Perhaps I may assume the best from you,
that you threw me away, because you wanted my heart safe.
Because, I brought out the monster in you.

How is that, I do not know...
All I knew was that I loved you with a sincere heart
Lakhana Mnyani May 2018
Love is kind
Love is patient
Love is not proud
Love is not rude

Love is beautifully
Love keeps us alive
Love doesn't get easily angered
Love doesn't ask why

Oh i recalled new beginnings of our love
Our first time we met
In the garden of Celebration
Our affection began
We made promises
We left a mark

Atmosphere so cheerful and cloudy
Birds singing so nicely
Sun smilling on us
People passing by, smilling

You shared stories
They were all worth it
Your hushed voice massaged my heart
Like a nice song breaks through my eardrum
Your eyes full of love
Took all my attention

The way you stared at me smilling
Melts my heart
I knew by then you the one
Our eyes connected like a magnet
I wanted to kiss first but was bit shy

Boom out of the blue
You pulled me closer
Our lips met
We kissed
We worry nothing
Was just me and you
Our moment
Our Galocher

Brea Brea May 2013
I wanna kiss it
but its so hard
not sure how to bring it against my lips
and then my fingers up and slip
So soft
the place you make between my shoulders as they stand
the truth in your presence
the defautl in your eyes
unlike the lovely demise
in the powerful
but full of histories of deciet and self succumed lies
in a cloud on a pillar high
this is where I thought I might die
but death isnt the only escape
when beauty surrounds you from your mistakes
filters in through your insides
it leads you to a moutain top so high
the snow fall cleans you of your ***** hide
kiss you touch ouy
never call you mine
because I know better

not to contain higher things
clip thier wings

I gave my heart, I gve my soul
to the wronged of those

may I rest by your side
my ribcage exposed
to the love you know
from my touch
from my gental spirit
the light from behind my eyes
that reaches and finally does it touch
you heal me inside
you slip your sweet medicine between my lips
you swindle your breateh of life
I dont fight you with my hips
into my worried eyes
I fear not
not any more
so long as you are here
I can let go of this rope
lay your worried bones next to mine
and I'll do my very best to buy us this time
may the clock stop
as it does for the dead
because we are heaven lieing in your bed

kiss me once
kiss me twice
and I'll kiss you thrice
my worries drop as does this plunder
my thoughts roll from us like defeated thunder
I hold you whole
I hold you tight
I give you the same freedom, I give you the same rights
I heard you speak
of whats in your head
I'm smilling for the things you dont know that of which you said
fumbling in your sleep
you craddle my crown
as I dose myself in the sweet silent sound

I am fawn white
I am pure irridescent light
cloaked in darkness
hidden from sight
so that the goodness might prevail
even during teh trials of night

You, with orbs in your antlers
with moons on your tongue
you dont chase me
I realize I mustnt run
The power with in you
sends me still
even so, I am reeled
for the dangers I've met
for the dreams
I stir
I feel the safety in this allure
you sparkle in my eyes
from inside you
I see us side by side
standing tall
for authority we call

together we are safe
and with tired eyes
I will keep you warm and safe
to any and all expendeture
we are fair
a deiety in of itself
we are desired for being rare
Cloudy days always get to me to be honest. The sun shining but still chilling my heart right in the core. I Always dreamed of finding that special woman in my life and now I ask myself have I found her? It's like the loneliness is finally gone like a light at the end of the tunnel. There are nights and days where I ask myself why me of all people in the world but no matter what I ain't planning to lose you because you made an impact more then a friend. I feel comfort I feel love I feel warmth conning from your soul and I don't ever want it to end . We both have big dreams and big ideas and some don't go as planned but it's all part of the thrill all part of the journey. There are days where you leave me speechless without words and days smilling like a kid with a new toy. Baby your one of a kind like a shooting star each one is different but of all I only want one specfic star. Heh who knows what would happen in the future but it's a journey I want to share with you
Vilene Joubert Nov 2010
mY purp0se in LiFe ~
t0 hEaL thE 0neS tHat huRt ~
& fiLL thE eMptY sPaCeS
s0me maY nEeD!
Your 'bad'-weatHer fRieNd ~
I wiLL aLwaYs bE!!

& onCes uR sMilliNg ~
& mY j0b iS d0ne ~
I'll m0ve 0n t0 thE neXt oNe!

s0 d0nt ya w0rrY ~
wHen uR saD
I'll bE rigHt tHeRe..
h0ldiNg uR haNd! ;-)
Death-throws Oct 2016
Did you know when your ears are turned off,
I whisper "i love you's" in their Thousands.
Did you know that when your smilling at something cute,
that im smiling at you.
your the wind in the wings I didnt know I had,
Your the spark in my eyes I thought had died
if anyone ever tries to say "he doesnt love you"
then dont listen my dear, they're lieing.
The monster that lives in me,
Jealousy growing by each moment,
Makes life seem too greet for you, while I am drowning in pain.

I don't want to imagine your hands with him intertwined.
I don't want to imagine you with him sitting together, laughing and kissing,
While I am left cold.

Jealousy grows each moment I hear you calling his name smilling.
I hate it when I happen to see his pictures all over your phone,
Because you never once had a single picture of me there.
I feel poison burning in my blood stream.

When I think of how happier you're with him and not me, anger and hatred grows and I become insane.
Oh! I wish I could forget you completely.
I am still madly crazy in love with you .......
If only I never met you.
Nothing hurts more than to see you dancing with another man,
While I still crave for your love.
I love her oh yes I do and I will forever will.
Death-throws Jan 2017
I'm a little more then lost right now.
A little  more then scared
I thought I knew who to trust
But now I see no one  cares

My heart is aching
My future is shaking
I'm about to loose it all

But I know your smilling
Deep down,there's no hidding
You never really  cared
In one swoop my whole future is about to be swept away from me.
I have no friends
No family
No one who understands
Theres nothing i can do but sit here with my **** in my hand and watch the world burn around me
I saw her in the hospital talking
Her looks got me so amazed
Wanted to get close but I was scared she would push me away
This is my story which is a love tale
I loved her from the first day our eyes met
The first word I heard from her was are you from Sudan I said yes and she said me too
Which dazzled me cause I didn't suspect that and that she was the dream girl I wanted to be with .
I started to joke around with her and as she laughed my heart was filled with happiness and I couldn't stop myself from smilling
I started to give her signs that I am attracted to her and wanted to see did she love me the same way.
I was scared that she may refuse me since I have fallen in love with her and all my senses are calling for her.
Everyone was telling me get engaged to her but the problem was I had nothing but my love that I can provide and I wanted the money in order to make her and I happy as never before.
We had this one fight that I thought I lost her forever .
My heart started pumping and my body started shaking
All I can see was darkness with no light in front of me .
I couldn't delete her from my life or soul.
I was so attached that I feel unhappy anymore.
I wanted to chop myself to pieces just to hear her voice again.
She talked to me after 2 days when I found nothing beautiful anymore my heart starting to fade and nothing ment anything anymore.
We made up and took me sometime to woven my wounds
In the end I decided to confess my love cause I thoought if I don't I will go insane.
I found out more and more she is the girl to be.
The woman I wish to spend my life with til the day I parish or die .
This is the story of the woman I love and never want to leave.
The woman that my soul will always be with her as long as I live.
I love you sweat heart you are all I need.
Livi M Pearson Apr 2016
Pieces dropping like crystal rain
Scattered out like paper snow
Please make my stanza a snow angel
Help my color blind eyes see emotions
The deep dark pain
The violet sympathy
For the maroon agony
Divided by the serene white line
A sign for hollow peace
Near green oak trees by the shallow midnight blue lake
Yellow sunshine lingering on the deep water surface
Peace an eye full of imagination
Taking a long dip
**** and engulfed in lifes wonders
Yet I watch colorblind but aware of you smilling at the sight
Kissing the natural misty air
Beauty of black and white
In the essance...
Of my vivid imagination
Rhiannon Jan 2016
I waited for you,
Your picture in a silver lockett,
That I wear heavy against my chest.

I bought you flowers on Christmas eve,
And the rain that poored ceased,
Then the sun came out to play.

I wrote you a poem,
One that you could not read,
But I swear I felt your gaze.

Then as I cracked a joke,
Smilling at your headstone,
I saw your famous grin,
As you asked,
"Why are you waiting? I've been with you the whole time."
Poet-Whisperer Jan 2015
Its been a while since I last fell in love
And god what a ride i must say that it was
From a rain into a storm, my heart ran amuck
Howling at the moon completely lovestruck
At first it was just hearty and so I thought it would fade away
But soon after Icame to realize that this aint no other dame
She was tiny and adorable, simple and just
Quite different from the rest I should say as a must
She was simple and around almost everyday with me
So how much I ever tried I couldn’t just forget about thee
A love like any other? Foolish I say
This might just be the one who may forever stay

Her eyes endearing in every possible way
Her voice so chirpy I could listen to her speak all day
And although this may sound simple and plain cliché
Im going in for this with the will to make sure she stays

She’s never dated before apparently is what I’ve been told
But many have tried and fallen out without goal
And me? What of me? Im simple as a stick
My heart can’t bare the fact of her reject
Still though I go on and take a few steps up ahead
I talk and get closer to her as days went by
I act like a fool cracking jokes silly as hell
Yet she laughed out loud whole-heartedly so to tell

And oh her laugh was one of a kind
So amazing that I burnt its very image deep into my head
Time went by the same old way
And soon we became inseparable and pretty close in a way
I didn’t want to **** it by asking her out
Im anyways a fool whats that great in a guy like me anyhow?
God im such a fool I dont even know why i tried
Now I’m just gonna be left broken hearted
And maybe go home and cry
But, you see, I forgot I was a fool
One so simple minded too
I walked up to her like any other day
And we began our usual routine woohoo
We talked about kittens and other adorably foolish things
When all of a sudden…
I take a deep breath and slap my cheeks
Ugh what am I doing? I look confused at her
But she’s as normal as ever and just laughed it off without a clue

Then out of nowhere god forgive me it was simply out of the blue
It slipped out at the tip of my tongue
“Would you go out with me this friday for maybe a dinner for two?”
It took me a whole ten seconds to realize what I had gotten into
I was embarrassed and in shock
Completely undone

I broke it, I killed it, I ruined it all
I yell in my head as the picture kept playing in a record
Like god, I do have my weaknesses and I do have my strengths
But this is not something that was meant to go like this

I look up at her and was maybe about to cry
When I see the end of her lips raised up to the ends of her sides
She was smilling like a fool, with a heart so content
Her innocence showing through the blush all over her neck
And I swear to god i thought she was about to run away
When all of a sudden she let out a sweet, soft, screaching “yes”

I was so pleased I nearly lost both my legs
Infact I actually fell down out of the happiness and my foolish attempt
My hearts strings tightened and I think a few tore
Cuz well… I didnt expect it to work at all
But well it doesnt matter because she said YES
And now we’re going out and well.. yea? Thats it I guess
Alex Bautista Mar 2013
You see a guy like me
Will enjoy weather like this,
I will smile and see
And have a face filled with bliss

Music is my reality
All means much to I,
In fact its more peacefully
Than bells beggining to chime

When I think of this girl
I would imagine her in front of me,
Bright and shiny as a pearl,
And us smilling at eachother like a couple of dweebs

So much joy
Yet so much pain,
I'm just a young boy
That has a lot more to gain
an0nym0us Feb 2018
So high, so bright
Someone who tames everyone's sight
Everything about you looks right
Looks that no one can fight.

Cold sweat
Heavy breath
Face turns red
Hidding it is a test.

This feeling
I can't stop smilling
Cheecks keeps blushing
And knees won't stop shaking.

Oh its been a while
Since the last time
I saw someone so fine
To my eyes, he brightly shines.

Indeed, Im afraid
But not too great
I tried to make it fade
But it always stayed.

I like you,
I really do
I just don't know what to do
If you turn me down too.

I think you are the finest
Best among the rest
The girl you like must be the luckiest
Why? I just said, because she won the finest.

I don't expect to be lucky
I dont need to be one, really
I know my limitations completely
Simply seeing you makes me happy.
I'm waiting for the next spring to come
As the rose blossom appears
In her royal look in the garden
I want to see you put off
All those thick woolen clothes

In the cold dry and windy winter
I want you stand smilling sweet
Your palms wrapped around your bare.

To wipe tears and to soak your cracks
Let your beauty be revealed
And to portrait you in my mind
Mind not O my darling
If I am bit
impertinent to you
And forgive me O darling
Thinking I'm only your admirer
In the next spring I want to see you
In your thin bikini to learn who you are.
Nikos Bogart Mar 2014
And they told me.. "Boy, you're no good."
"Which one of them?"
"All of them.."
"And you believed them."
"So what did you do? After they told you i mean."
"I shared my sorrow with this place for quite a few years."

"Close your eyes for just a moment. I promise, this won't hurt you."
"Which was your favourite place? Before it all started going downhill?"
"I.. I never really had one."
"Hmm. That's not true. You did."
"Enlighten me then."
"A beach. It was really sandy, and the sun seemed to take days to go down. It felt soothing, right? I find it hard to believe you forgot all about it. Are you afraid?"
"Of what?"
"To admit it. How much you loved this place. Would something bad happen if you tried recalling it?"
"Then what's seems to be the problem?"
"It would be useless"
"I don't seem to understand"
"Nobody believes i deserve something as beautiful."

"Haha. And what do you believe."
"I believe they were all right"
"Is that so?"
"Let's go for a walk"
''I.. I can't!"
"May i at least ask why?"
''I just can't! I'm afraid!"
"Of what? If i return. If i try, i will die!"
"I've seen the future. I know what happens. Remember?" He got up from his chair and opened the door. Immediately the sound of waves and seagulls flowded the quiet room. There was a fresh smell of salt all around.

"How about we go for that walk?"
"This won't end well."
"Right.. Because they told you so. You're good for nothing.. Get on your feet. Now!"
"Okay.." They both crossed the door and his feet immidiatelly got sinked into the hot sand. The sunslight was blinding. His heart was racing, his feet were trembling. "We really shouldn't be.."
"Shut up. Would you kindly? Tell me. How come such a beautiful beach is empty? Theres no one around."
"People are *******"
"All of them?"
"Well, most of them."
"Hmm.. Is that so?" Suddenly some figures started appearing in the distance, walking towards them.
"What, what are you doing?"
"Let's put what you just said to a test. Shall we?"
"No, you don't understand. I can't. I don't want them!''

"I'm sorry." He looked at the watch on his rist. "It seems it's my time to go. He smiled kindy as he headed back, towards the door to which they both came from."
"And what about me! Huh? What about me?"
He offered him a formal smile one last time. "I Sentence you.. -He made a small pause- to life.." And he closed the door behind him.

The figures which previously appeared in the distance, where now almost next to him. Most of them smilling, others just looking curious. One of them took a few steps towards him. She was the prettiest of them all, with her dark hair and her white dress. Walking barefoot in the sand. She offered him her delicate hand. ''Hi. I'm Zoey." She smiled.
Even i can't really give it's meaning to you. I just wrote it about a year ago after a depressive episode. It ended. Bad times always end.
SirDlova Nov 2014
He was handsome
He was kind
He was sweet
He woulnt **** even a fly, he was very strict
Listen to this!
Now that I'm dead you say this??
Let me get out off this coffin and tell people what you said of me in my presence
That im so poor, I cant even aford to wear braces so I should stop smilling
That my dad had no job he lived of hustling
You even nicknamed him "Rick Ross"
That I had only one girlfriend and she was cheating on me

Yes I grew up in Zwide location
The streets of fallen angels
Yes I am a mamas boy, by that you were right
I dont want no priest that will preach lies about me
Let my mom tell my story
Let her cry, do not shhhwsh her
Let her feel the pain of lossing a child because she was the one who felt a pain when she was giving birth to me
And you weren't there
There is no use for you to put my picture as your Facebook profile picture, I'm dead now!

Say no lies for a soul to Rest in peace
So do not "RIP" me if you never knew me
Paul Hardwick Mar 2012
For my dear friend Louise.
Lou, it has been ages.
Since I talked with you.

Straight in like the friend’s we are.
And relaxes me in way’s that no others do.
I have seen little old lady’s say.

Well I do de clair.
Look at that happy frog over there.
Falling off that lilly pad.

Is he smilling?
How strange is that! !  !   !    !    !      !        !

Regards Just this wet frog!
Gift Of A Lady
troublesome but perpetual
long ways of tire
Problem Solved
After a day of quarrels and worry .
A fight with the road
Another in the market
office running
One in traffic.
Reach home is like
A compilation of all
Kids on your case
Demanding for their share
Lady needs your attention
Phone calls in progress
And assignments on hold
all need be done
Shortly in time

Going to bed is
To rest the tension
She cuddles all
The worries away
Massages the pain
Mechanical ironing
Out all emotions.
The essence of a bed
With a gift of pretty
And awesome nature
Caressing you to a
Better you
Smilling burdens
Off your shoulder
David Cunha May 2017
A smirk in the dark sipping the imaginary green tea of cleanse night.
Staggered, I fall backwards satisfied with my own senseless tongue
As fingers drop and slightly touch the thinest layer of dust.

Stars unseen but I imagine them perfectly smilling towards my eager to please the moon.
She laughs at my desperation to burn and leaves me staring at the empty wind.
I forgot to close the window and it's already 4 a.m.
cheska love Jan 2014
I am becoming the thoughts that are continuously running threw my head
They consume me! I can't sleep at night, I can't wake up in the morning, I can'
Do you know that feeling where your smilling on the outside but you're in so muxh pain on the  inside?
Not anyone knows,not anyone
Who you really ARE when your crying all alone in your room,when you're not faking it!  you're scarred and your lonely
There isn't even an......escape!
You're trapped
You want things to change. You NEED things to change!  
You wont something to look forward to in the morning!
You want something to go to sleep to at night!
itanola yusuf Jan 2016
I am the fearless butler
sent on a journey to the
land of no mercy to plant
a tree of memento

I see them and I smile cos
the cause of their joy is pain
I brought them the bitter sermon they rebuff but they ignore all in the name of their egoistic believe

I wonder why we have
few diamonds in the sky
there exist those we call life
but they cannot tell me what will be of me

I see being trying to set my
broth ablaze all in the name
of my trancedent bliss,
as the scorching heat from the
sun of the creator  beats them, so will the unscrupullous rain of life join and to all those creature that
effuse creation,and to all those being that exterminate the spirit the creator is given a dead smile as a signal that they will all seek mercy when it is quarterr to,when all will be too 'soon' for them

nature as revealed to me that which is the written candour
and here i give it out without
any hidden charges; to all those creature that know not their right from their left,I beseech ye my beloved run not the race of this world to get a name and fame
in this world which is ever ending
but run the race of this world
to get a name and fame in the world here after which is never ending

To all those that heed the warnings of the fearless butler
they will see th sun smilling shinning it lights in their darkness  but to all those that don't the sudden dark of yesterday will light no taste in their tomorrow.
now ye go content with what ye
have choosen, today is yours but tomorrow may not .
hazem al jaber Jun 2022

just for my eyes..
and to put a smile at my lips too..
and to a heart full of love to your smile..
please smile...
to let a roses bloom...
and to let a hearts fullblown..
and to let a soul beloved..
just by your smilling...
to let pens writes..
and to let papers writen..
and to talk about you a nicest stories...
to let your sweet-smelling go out..
and a flowers to sing...
and a moon to send his light...
to all lovers...
your smile surpass a moons' light..
and a suns' brightness...
and an emerald s' radiance..
and a diamond s' shine...
and a lady s' femininity...
smile o....
a lady of ladies on the world..
simle my lady...

hazem al ..
Frankie Castro Aug 2017
Could dedication
Cause suffocation
Feeling helpless
Causing stress
Frustration unlocks tears
Then anger appears
It doesn't matter if you're tough
Sometimes it isn't enough
The wall will crack
As every burden rides your back
If you fake smilling and being kind
What will you find
Would it change how cowards act
Would your integrity be intact
I don't know your life's perception
If you wonder about my intention
I see you a fighter scrapping along
Always on edge being strong
You must be exhausted by now
Take time breathe somehow
Do you really need to do it alone
Trust none even now you're grown
I understand how it can be
So I'm acting kindly
Remember no strings attached
Hi receive the empathy dispatched
Others will care because they can
Im one who does this fighting man
Have faith I promise if you could
Just breathe all will be as it should
I'm just speaking to you
The only way I know how to
Delton Peele Aug 2020
Cold chains around my neck Rob me
of my dignities
Im Rodney Dangerfield
not only can I Not
get any respect
I cant even get a ******* rain check
damage control in effect
im a wreck and can you hear me
I think Im major Tom
and here am
I floating in my tin can
rather be a
Pursuing all my efforts
In vain
Ev  er   ree  thang I do
Is what I was tryin not to do
a when I'm almost finished
I need some time not doin
an I look behind
I see some fool undoin
all the knots
I used to keep it all together
now are loosening
and as im
at around 120
an Im
an im
to gain a
better view
a new
of seein
whats happening
an im
way of
of saying
we got kicked
to the curb
how bout we sayin
weve been
set free
put all that ****
youve learned
put it up
in the rear view
flip it the bird
whistle whistle
were so outa here
like last year
ladies start your
hes off his leash
and running
on false pride
not in his right mind
has no idea what hes dooin
lets see who
can ruin him
this time
wheres the nachos?
the shows starting
back to you
oh well thanks
for the intro
dont mention
it is what it is
without further adu .....
lets do this
lost and lonely
if only i knew
everyone could see right
through my disguise
the wells of my
Oh .....
Life goes wrong
im gonged of the
gong show
things are getting
a little
I can barely see my friends
They look like they are all  doin well
I'm just so happy
My strife goes on
posture imperfect
feelin like a chump
walkin circles
lookin like a derelict
talk about a half wit
bop bop bop
talk about
talk about him
shoobie doobie
doo wap
dip dip

ok ok
enough already
he gets it
dumb dumb
he ?
spank you vury much
myyyyyyy dear
take it from here
facing down

Digging for

And saying
I have paid this toll too many times
This time I want the lead roll
Knaw what I get
Regret I said it
Cause  I got my agent bret  
feedin me a ballogna
Tryin to console me
Given me council and
acting all
condesending sayin that time takin it's toll on me
oh really
is that what you think
let...... me....
I've kept well pretty well thinking
Eventually Ill have to  run a bit
ya know
ta catch up on
not right now
cause my curtains calling the sun's falling
And now I'm in the sand running into the wind
And  the waves are crushing
I'm trying to break free
I get drugged back to the next one
That's reality or
Am I just tripping
And im

Malibu sippin on ***
an lookin at the world..
Smillin ........
Throw in up dueces
ahhhhhh YA
truth is
i wasnt meant for this town
this world was meant for me
And ya .............
No I'm drowning in urban turbidity
Mistaking my youth lacking maturity
Someone keeps slapping me I brush it off smilling cause
I'm still big
bad boy tough en rough enough
more like
heeees a huff en puff
whos the one who gets blamed
when things get tough
always does everything
and its never
No one wants to try me
I'm  laughing
Thats immature ity or of me
I'm not sure
Let's see.
Actually while I sit here debating
The tides taking me
Washed up I'm told
Stupid fables
I'm still able
Try me
Sometimes lately I can't get a gig
Even when I say
Aye I 'll work for free
Pockets empty
But still Rollin
Never rolled on anybody
I just got rolled I'm empty it fucken hurt me
I'm out
I fold
Leaving the table owing
The sharks morphing into vultures
Circling the desert sky above me
Bought sold
Was been
Fear I'm afraid has started setting in
No taste I'm jaded
Gave all my best years to Jezebell
Who barely remembers me
Dank rank overlooked
Rotten rope
Spent my last dime on a broken
Boat sank
Starving no appetite
Lost fight
Karmas's bite
Tunnel no light
even given everything
I'm not playin
No thats ok
You go on
It's alright
I'll stay
No no
Don't wait a whole minute for me
You're barley gonna be a  hour early
You're what's important
You don't need me
I'm fine  
Dont be absurd
I dont want to be  burden
Can't get a word in .........
Interrupted oh thats ok I'll do me later what do you need
Interrupting oh every body is waiting on me
I'm sorry IV just been so busy doin all y'alls things
I was just tryin ta give ya snore time channel surfing on tv
I'll work harder forgive me
Hope this doesnt interfear with you big plans of sleep in all day
Don't worry I'll work quietly
Decaying wailing
Waiting for the Boatman
No recognition in the reflection
Within the last trinket of treasure
Comforting  tether from a more pleasurable past
Time lent isn't coming back spent on the wrong things
Finnaly I get the feeling I'm no longer falling.
It's a definite maybe it's dark
Atleast I can walk I think I'm alright I can start healing
Ya right the floor just dropped out on me
Last reflection I reckalect  I'll see
Deplorable out cast naked empty
Groveling,used to be somthing
Stagerrin around hands in my pockets looking down
Rummaging through my own trainwreck
my dreams and retirement tossed
Into the muck out of a bucket of slop
And feel bad cause I waisted your time
Whining about being
That pearl in the swine snout
Adriaan Dec 2018
He is tired and weak
wearied of being weak
smilling ironically
Because he knows he his creating his own insanity
He is trapped in a cage
Anxious and enraged
Screaming ferociously
Because he hates this world , its innate complexity
He is sad and in tears
Relieved that he can feel
Both proud and ashamed
Because he still his lost in the storm of his toughts
sai Nov 2017
When I looked into his eyes, and saw them smilling at my soul, I knew I just knew I loved him.
Rhiannon Mar 2018
A friend once asked me something everyone has,
and I responded the same
because if it's the same,
everyone will believe it's true

That's what your familly believes
And thats what you start to believe,
there was no need for them to know
just how broken someone actually is

day to day month to month
repeat and fall
falling blinds
and believe you're happy blinded

bullying, abuse, drugs
and pain
say pain helps
and self-harm never feeling satisfied

why is everyone smilling when you want to cry?
you say you're fine but want to be noticed,
believe you're fine
and your mind will be convinced

you're okay, you're okay
repeat this phrase
just like a spell
that will maybe save you from yourself

Now you're standing on a rooftop,
convinced it doesn't matter anyway
because there is no need for them to know
just how broken you are

you jump
you remember
the worried faces of the people who asked
who you never though actually cared

you fall and see the sun
you don't remember the last time you saw it,
below are the faces of people who cared
you see them desperate like never before

what you feel is relief
followed by instant regret
was it worth it,
was it not

everything fell into black,
forever you fall and fall
never seeing how free you can be,
always yearning, always searching

wanting the life you will never have
or at least you wanted it,
now everything is in black
it is too late.
LunaThads Oct 2019
write a poem.
a poem about
How I told you I love you,
and you couldn’t reply.
I told you I loved,
you knew I could never lie...

And for that
I couldn't stop smilling
As days go by
Oscar stuta Apr 2020
Her orchid eyes are glowing.
In flaming shades of blue.
So ardent is their blazing.
No well-turned word or phrasing describes their smilling, knowing in any way that's true.

Her voice is honey.
Singing she calls me to her side.
The words like gentle thunder.
Will draw me, pull me under as I am running.
Bringing the tender things I hide underneath.

Her form is like a craving in perfect, Perfect stone.
I stroke it with all the wonder.
My peerless, lovely plunder.
I am reeling, Starving.
To rest with her alone.

Her love is like deep water.
That flows from wooded glade.
A stream that's wide and rushing.
A swirling, dancing,gushing.
I feel my cheeks grows hotter within the glad cascade.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

— The End —