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Nat Lipstadt Mar 2018

Dear New Poet:

Then I'm your man,
your very own
Northern star
one of a
3 legged stool,
upon which all,
we enthroned poets,
the world-over,
do rule

the honor you
bequeath me  
to be,
a first follower,
your very own
first responder,
cannot be

this case,
this birth,
novice revival,
heart transplant,
makes it
the greatest
to be the first,
the quencher
of your thirst
so long in the parching,
the throat burnt by a
desert sojourn
of a now ended,
forty years

so come to me!

message me
a message,
find me a find,
your poem so fine,
I here now vow,
our embrace will
ne’er be broken

give me this
let us together
be terrific,
raise our glasses,
arms entwined
toasting you  
all that mind and 
breast of yours,
bursting full of 
the full release of, 
bringing longer life
to us both

I am a father.
I am a grandfather.
I am a First Follower.
I am a First Responder,
for all who need a leg up,
so step upon my heart,
the first step upon a ladder
with no top, no end ensighted

my legs are as old as time, but,
measure me not by the rings and 
the metered scales of gray hair aging,
shock of white, a cain mark, wizard-wizened

but by the muscles
of my deep affection,
the solemnity of this,
my irrevocable promise

the blessing
we both earn and make
when you write,
while we wait
in quiet attendance -
for all your good works,
your kept promises

Blessed are You Lord our God,  Ruler of the Universe
who has given us life, sustained us until now, allowing
the reader and the writer, to reach, meet, embrace and
greet this day, this new born poem, with hallelujahs,
love to chat & encourage new poets
Ryan Long Dec 2015
We come before you Almighty God,
Policeman, Fireman and EMT
to say a prayer before we go
Our ways to each his own Duty

Together now we've come to pray
In case we forget to
During our busy day

The Policeman steps forth,
“Dear God above
Keep us save
and also those we love.

We pray for your unending favor
that we never need use
the rounds we chamber

Our Vests that we wear
for our own protection
please keep 'em bullet proof
and our safety never question”

The Fireman steps up, and then takes a knee
“Dear God above I need you now
I know you're always watching me

In the Fires of our Hell
or on the highway to there
Please keep us from hurt
and not singe a single hair

Give us the strength to lift a wall
or tenderness to pick up a tiny child
give us peace when others are losing it
and peace if the scene starts getting wild”

The EMT takes his stand
“God I guess it's my turn
Not really safety out there
or the protection from a burn

But rather Lord I need your help
let me make the right decision
on every patient that I care for
Their lives in my hands I've been given”

Then all Three stand together
with their heads all bowed low
Dear God above, to all of us
please your mercy would you endow

Keep us safe and bring us home
to our wives and our children
And each time a truck roles out
let it come back safely to it's building
moon man Feb 2020
He keeps finding them. Letters to the Moon full of his woes opened and replied to by an Unknown Responder. He hopes that this Unknown Responder will let his letter be by still writing to the Moon, But a part of him wants to keep this mystery around. To have someone listen to his worries and troubles without judgment makes his heartbeat play a song he hasn't heard in years. He signs his letter for tonight, he notices that it's addressed not to the Moon, but to his personal mystery. And there are only two words in that letter. "Thank You"
This poem is based on a unique relationship I have with this girl I met through a group chat my friends threw me into for laughs...after just a couple of weeks of talking, this girl knows me deeper than even my closest friends do...and we've never met IRL
Last night Gary Facebooked me:
11:03 PM
"Can I ask you to be crazy with me?"
Gary said he had been flirting with this girl, May
for six months.
She wanted to see him in person tonight,
And he needed a ride.
Gary and I met 11 days ago.
Strangers brought together in the streets of Freeport by pokemon GO.
he spotted me holding my phone out from a mile away.
"Team Instinct?
Lightning cracked above us
as we cryed in harmony:

My knowledge of him consists of three things.

1. He works as a security guard
Is first responder for medical emergency
Tackles felons and escorts people with restraining orders.
plays it up like he's a security guard for something mysterious
He is a security guard for Wal-mart.

2. Gary buys peoples affection.
Throws his money aimlessly
Pointing at his trophies
Prooving he too is expensive

3. To Gary,
there is nothing better to do
from 12 - 5am
Than wander Looking for pikachu.
With me.
besides visiting this May.

"A taxi would be $80
but I'd rather pay that to you, Bro."

On the drive there,
He is Squeeing, Singing,
Flipping out.
"I've got knots in my stomach Bro."

Upon arrival,
He readily jumps from my car
"Go catch 'em Brock" I say.

When I get back to Freeport
he sends me a messege.
1:04 AM
I think she fell asleep waiting
I'm not inside yet."

I park my car in Freeport,
Finish catching a Weedle.
"I'm on my way, stay safe."

"Man I'm so down."
"She's not coming to the door Nick."
"I'm just gonna curl up on the ground and cry."
"I've called her 24 times"

He heavily thumps his backpack into my backseat
Slumps down into my car.

"There is"
"no shelter"
"the storm"
"In my heart."

We stare out the window.
At the two homeless men
With no teeth
That he didn't beat.
He's holding night vision binoculars
And a clean Knife.
"I'm sorry I got you involved, Nick
I asked you to be crazy with me."
"There is"
"No shelter"
"The storm"
"In my heart"
    Participei da festa de Dionísio & as grandes estátuas de Leão plasmático, ergueram – se sobre a Terra. O precipício & o primeiro sinal da despedida cantando juntos a trilha sonora da invasão dos Profetas urrando a serviço das letras. Para todo o sempre o trono partido por ninfas histéricas! Crises contra o amuleto. Gnose fumacê participando celebrando a queda das pirâmides. Alquimistas do Verbo cantem o grito profano da Inquisição! Os sete pergaminhos caíram semeando a destruição da pedra Xamânica. Diadorim buscando solução em Fausto & Orfeu...? (inaudível psicopatia irradiada na vestimenta da alma). Exagerados, contemplavam mensagens infernais de Blake em vozes imagens melancólicas de Rimbaud. Logo as marés baixaram & sobre as ondas a Lua levitava em direção ao rugido do fogo; Dionísio em chamas bacantes! Ausência da queda no tempestuoso ninho levando aos portais da tormenta. Sete anjos cantando o mantra da lágrima metamorfoseada em dor.                                                             ­       
   Dionísio em voz de trovão: Oh! Se a voz do Tudo emanar a língua em torpor saqueando o princípio da guerra; Quando os sentidos estão sacudidos & a alma está dirigindo- se à loucura; quem pode permanecer? Quando as almas estiverem aprisionadas, lutando contra as revoltas do ar, na cor do som, quem poderá permanecer? Quando a brisa da fúria vier da garganta de Deus, quando as fábulas da persistência guiarem as nações, quem poderá permanecer?
    Quando baladarem o pecado, acabarem na batalha & navios dançarem em volta do último regozijo no espaço da morte: quando as almas estiverem embriagadas no fogo eterno & os amigos do inferno beberem antes do traço do infinito: Oh! quem poderá permanecer? Quem pode causar isto? Oh! Quem poderá responder diante do trono de Deus? Os Reis & os nobres poetas malditos repousando na caverna por dois séculos, têm permanecido?
    Não escutem, mas o Grito leva à ponte do não-ouvir. Não escutem, mas prazeres congestionados devem esperar. Amanhã. Só amanhã pensando se o tempo foge ao futuro ou se as árvores choram no Tempo & o Vento cantando a antiga canção da essência. A Terra deve esperar as lendas memoráveis sentindo passado & liberdade entre velhas histórias do coração descompassado em dia de vitória movendo ilusões da criação do mundo. Nem um sorriso noturno tremendo escrevendo cartas no oceano desejando amar & morrer ébrio no mar sonoro! Vamos celebrar sua dor& as novas despedidas & as páginas manchadas no lago desespero procurando asas no inferno análogo à soberba contemplando como um feiticeiro histórias orgiásticas em dias perdidos!
Pequena ninfa exala virtude
Nova percepção é velha chuva
Intrépido céu em força à beira da tormenta
Tempo escasso frente do Tudo!
    Paradoxo abissal em finais absurdos. Doutrinas anti-socráticas poeira do nada embebecido forjado  para a volta. Um caminho é serpente fria salto com Ícaro destoando nobre silêncio ainda que duas palavras atravessem é sinal mágico psiconitróide em míticos fragmentos complexos da grande barriga virtual grande momento, enfim personagens pensantes na corrente capital ilustre ideológica. Nietzsche disse: “ não a intensidade, mas a constância das impressões superiores é que produz os homens superiores”. Dionísio ausente sibilo missionário resquício da grande tempestade transformando nada em músicas eternas músicas pós-Tudo música póstuma aquém de princípios de aura. É grande o Banquete na eternidade alucinógena da erva platônica. Lembranças unidas outras vidas presentes no barulho da dor. A carruagem sem asas foi  o veículo de Dante no purgatório encontrando Beatriz dito anjo de pele sutil com olhos da noite. Ou não. O primeiro grito do mundo foi o verbo, a morte do mundo foi a palavra.

    Acostumei a encontrar palavras atravessando o outro lado realizando caótico passo ao começo do ato simétrico pairando no ar buscando Tudo. Se a palavra antes fim fosse real sem ser palavra psia apenas causadora empírica dos dilemas tristes recortes de outrora pigmentados sem nome em precipício do fim! A ilha colorida geme! É o sinal da passagem da vida filosofal alfa poética plenos estados iluminados na sombra abissal de Rimbaud em crise  de riso & esquecimento sendo expulso da fumaça purgatório vivendo entre o sagrado & o profano com queda para o profano escutando vozes em terríveis silêncios metapsicofísicos abundantes pausas noturnas no vôo da maré. Salve a iluminação mágica fixada na irradiação transcendenastral! Dissonâncias filosóficas,  venham todos! Lamentos proféticos entorpecidos beberei do seu vinho! Indício do apocalipse! Profana histeria caótica levando a contatos xamânicos primitivos míticos em desertos & portais circulares!
             Serei eternamente condenado ao arco-íris do absoluto infinito!
Christopher Jun 2018
I remember death
not by the pitting feeling of gravity
swallowing my stomach,
or the nausea that ensues
as the vertigo sets in,
or the narrowing vision preempting
liquid legs that spill
and overflow as I am drowned
by the darkness that will never cease
for them
laying forever still
at my knees.

No, I do not remember death
for how it burdens my soul.
These deaths are not mine to bear –
I merely shoulder the toll they exact
for but a few minutes,
sometimes nights, weeks, or even months.
I’ve lost count again and again and again.

They are not mine to bear.
They are not mine to bear.
They are not mine to bear.

I remember death instead by those survived
when one is extinguished,
like the amber lights that cease to spin,
the defibrillator that powers down,
the sweaty brows that unfurl and dip,
and the valiant hopes that wane.
I remember death most by those
resigned to hear the last words
I have to offer.

To the grandchildren on the phone
speeding forty minutes away too late
to share this woman’s last meal.
the charred turkey smell lingers deep
into our hungry lungs as we breathe
in and out
into her for the last time.
I’m sorry, but there is nothing more we can do.

To the son frozen while his father hollers,
rapping and tapping on the walls
just as I rap and tap on your mother’s chest
with waning form and speed.
I can only imagine who you were to her.
Her only child, her world, her life.
And yet,
I’m sorry, but we did our very best.

To the daughter singing the alphabet
while your father lay still just past that office door.
At not even six years old, you don’t whimper
when we all fall silent as your father’s heart
remains even after the shocks.
Would it be torture or mercy to lie?
I’m sorry, but your daddy is never coming home.

To the father blaming himself
for all those years he cannot take back,
trying to break past the deputies
and cut the rope suspending his son,
white in the face, blue in the toes.
I’m sorry, but the damage done is final.

To the concussed mother gripping onto life
in the trauma room next to your daughter,
broken and bruised courtesy of the drunk
driver who impaled your car,
who impaled your little girl.
We tried when we knew we’d fail.
I’m sorry, but we did everything we could.

To the wife running out of her house to find
her husband shot sixteen too many times
staining the grass she tried so hard to revive
in this never ending drought.
A mix of his brightest and darkest reds
seep down from the backboard
and into the brittle roots.
I’m sorry, but there’s absolutely nothing we can do.

It’s not death that eats away at me,
a quart of blood or a pound of flesh
for an ounce of soul.
I remember death, instead,
by the faces of those left alive.
of those left to live
with nothing
but my last words.

I’m sorry, but it’s over.
From my days working as a paramedic for Los Angeles.
barnoahMike Aug 2010
"Here,take this Gift I give to you!!  Cooly, he responded,,Yeah-Sure,,What's the catch?   The Giver announced,,YES,there must be this certain reliance and confidence and trust..   the Giver continued,,"do You have a desire for a gift such as this?"  The responder,with caution,said  "Yeah,there are certain things that I Hope for,,BUT How can I know  you're  giving this gift Freely?"    The *Giver replied ," You'll not be able to touch or see this *Gift I give to You...   BUT,,,, You;ll have Confidence in knowing that you;ve Received it...and it comes with a  "BUILT-IN-NUDGER"...that when things seem Dull and Gray,,"The-Nudger" WILL BRING SOME BRIGHTNESS TO YOUR DAY!!!  OR,,,,YOU may *stomp on the Nudger,with the very heel of your foot, like the Ugliest of Bugs..  If you're still feeling this Tugging ,,Like the BIG-SHIPS .Being guided carefully by so many TUG-BOATS...   NO ONE else can accept this Gift for You!!!!  A HANDSOME PRICE WAS PAID FOR THIS GIFT .....and the GIFTOR DESIRES THAT "NONE" SHOULD PERISH!!!
copyright Aug 2010   by Mike Ham
Isabelle H Graye Jul 2013
The different hats I wear:

I'm a teacher

I'm a yard supervisor

I'm a nurse

I'm a first responder

I'm a gardener

I'm a part time mommy

I'm a chef

I'm a waiter

I'm a musician

I'm a singer

I'm a actress

I'm a story teller

I'm a  repair person

I'm a counselor

I'm a couch

I'm a pillow

I'm a tissue

I'm an art easel

I am a teacher and so much more!
Sunny day in June, the tenth to be exact
The horrible day my sister was attacked
Beth was in the house, her friend Mark outside
She was cleaning,he in the yard kept with pride

Beth Anne was on hands and knees scrubbing the floor
When she heard real gunshots, at least she swore
Snuck to the window and peered out with care
On the rocky driveway, saw Mark sprawled out there

Been shot three times in his back,lay in his blood
Beth saw her ex...with a .38 he stood
While terrified, behind the aquarium she ducked
Brad blundered in dressed in hunters camouflage- ****

Her heart hammering in her ears, bursts of short breaths
Saw him through the murky water, planning two deaths
Beth Anne cowered down praying to her dear Lord
He found her, pulled her up by the hair, fired once more

The bullet blew off her ear and traveled on down
Collapsed her lungs, in her blood she would drown
Brad disappeared and the firing just stopped
For Mexico he fled, red ranger with white top

Beth dragged herself the complete length of the rug
Called 911, shed been shot...head ringing from slug
She was determined to live, wouldn't give up the fight
But then she passed out endangering her plight

Came the Greeley police, fire trucks, EMT's
Assessed the situation, perp further he flees
They all worked on Mark, too late he was dead
One smart responder....woman shot in the head

They spreading out rushed the house, found my sis
Beth was unresponsive, victim almost missed
Speeding to Weld County General, sirens blaring
Got her in the ER cut off what she was wearing

O.R. She went with damage extensive
Not much hope, docs and staff apprehensive
For many hours they sawed, pinned, stitched and closed
The ICU threat of infection posed

Her body and face were unrecognizable
Family stood believing the impossible

Appeared an Adonis with blonde hair and blue eyes
Talk of afterlife evidently not lies
Her guardian angel told Beth he was there
Would appear much later, in death they would share
Sorry this is so lengthy. Its true and I tried to condense it as much as possible
Ahora que me acuerdo, fue así:

Hecho de fiebre, atravesé ciudades hermafroditas
donde las mujeres y los hombres recibían los cuerpos de los vagabundos
y los lavaban en las fuentes,
con el manto de fuego que no cesa.
Una noche saturada de invierno, bebiendo la sopa de la eternidad,
gané mi virginidad y fui otro yo en mí mismo,
porque olvidé cómo responder sobre el misterio de las cosas.

De silencio me armé y salí hacia campo abierto
 a traficar imágenes junto a las constelaciones.

Fue entonces cuando indagué la pulpa del mestizaje,
cuando probé la sangre metafísica derramada en Tebas
-es que esa mañana liquidé a la esfinge
Cerca de una Wasserfall contaminada.-

Pies desarmados, peregriné mi jornada intuitiva,
saludé a las moléculas del fruto y a las sombras de la adivinación,
en un árbol vi la doble cifra de mi vida,
y grité, siendo montaña, la genealogía de mi conciencia.

Cuando la purificación se había ya extinguido
troqué el umbral de hueso por el marfil brillante
y así fue que entré en Coroico, urbe flotante,
cual símbolo, por material de sueño ungido.

Ahora miro con estos ojos destruidos
donde la sal del delirio antes tuvo morada,
(intuyo en esa forma liminar, la espada,
el camino que me arrastró al divino Omphalos).

Escucho, a veces, con saturnal resignación,
la crónica de mi negligencia.
Ivan Sep 2015
Cuando has bebido tanto y juras que se puede ver su nombre en la parte inferior de la botella, de repente estás perforando tu puño a través de la pared seca y hablando en voz alta, tal vez ella podria responder, tal vez va a traerla de vuelta. ¿Cómo se puede creer que los sueños son al azar?, te levantas pensando que todavía puedes oler en sus hojas su recuerdo y tu almohada aun contiene cabellos, y que tal vez el lugar donde ella vuelva no es el sueño, tal vez el sueño es la parte en la que ella llegó por primera vez. Sigues mirando sus manos y no puedes recordar cómo temblaban, por que lo hacian, y por qué siempre lo hicieron por ti y ahora no está temblando, porque ahora no está, pero debido a que su sonrisa no dejará tu mente y cada vez esa canción regresa a ti, debes volver a escuchar su risa de nuevo y esta vez uedarte perplejo en esos tonos para siempre. Caminas por la calle y piensas que puedes ver su cabello rizado y su piel pálida pero recuerdas que se ha ido, pero ella no se ha ido porque todavía le puedes degustar cada vez que bebes whisky, vino tinto o nada. En realidad, no puedes recordar nada más que ella. Puedes saborearla en los labios como si estuviera todavía aquí contigo pero sin ella. Siempre se arruina por el recuerdo de su abandono y los brazos se sienten vacíos, aunque ella se había ido antes de que realmente se fuera para pregúntarse, como puedes leer en los libros más de lo que dices. No es porque mis ojos sólo ven su nombre, no es porque cada palabra en la página me recuerda a decir a mí mismo, a la razón, que nunca se podrá escribir más, y su nombre dejará de ser recordado. La forma en que él se aferró a sus caderas con tanta fuerza como si estuviera asustado. Iban a volar lejos y tal vez debió ser así, siempre quiso volar con ella, pero ella era demasiado frágil y el viento, por envidia, les hizo tomar su distancia. Fué la forma más difícil de separarse de ella. Ha intentado hacer lo que hiciste, y el viento pudo mas que tu, de ésta manera quedaste triste y ella por fin se fue a la luz.
Nat Lipstadt Oct 2015
For Steve Yocum

an old marine called me the other night
a poet from the left coast,
a correspondent and a first responder
to my messy essays

we both, vintners of men,
compared notes on our progeny's
full bodied temperament,
and our own full body's aches and miscreants

bemoaning our losses,
of earnest poets,
of friends, even foes,
and favored football teams,
and ne'er forgetting to tally up
our occasional victories

he authors books,
he authors life,
with grainy portraits,
that try to be peepholes
to clarity

me, a periodic poetist,
more confessional blogger shootist,
than artful-words-to-please dodger,
in a vainglorious futile insanely repeating attempts
to better separate
life's wheat from the chafe of its chaff

we shall someday meet,
a twosome of codgers,
walk the saddened-today, blood-reddened Oregon soil,
armed with each other's comforting wisdom,
tasting grapes,
but for the grace of god,
we go

together, to gather,
each other closer,
walk the vineyards and the cellars
to clarify
the wine from the sediment,
getting uproariously drunk
on friendship
if I had known a long time ago that sharing poetry
could create inestimable friendships,
I would be that much richer
in the things that matter

Oct. 2, 2015
Sleepz Aug 2014
The was once a person whose name was
he thought he had everything worked out in his life,
he was a genius and he didn't care
about love neither did he care about family.
He thought he figured his life out,
he thought he was better than everyone else.
The genius got to his head,
to the point where he thought too much.
He became paranoid thinking everyone was after his ideas.
Ideas that took Einstein and Edison,
to the list of failures in the eyes of the world.

Often enough he would always bump into people,
who gave him advice,
different people different times of the day.
"This is how you should live your life Jacob,
this is how you should talk,
this is how you should dress & behave."
Jacob listened to these people,
and that's what got him where he is today.
Was he lucky?
Would he have been as intelligent as he is if he wouldn't have?
A wise man told him:
"Take a look around Jacob,
Each person you see,
has a story to tell.
Each person bleeds the way you bleed,
each person suffers the way you suffer.
Everyone you see,
has a heart and a soul.
But you see Jacob,
What you can't always see,
is that these people have a problem.
Behind the smiles,
behind the jokes,
& the lauhghter.
Every single one of them has a different problem,
but these problems aren't like simple math equations.
Some are angry, some are sad, some are too happy all
the ******* time and when misery hits them
they're on the verge of suicide because
life suddenly isn't what it seems to be."
"Why are you telling me this old man?" He responded,
"Because you are the same as all these people." Said the wise man.

After the wise man told him this,
Jacob walked away,
got home, sat down and thought about his life in the eyes of others.
He came to the conclusion that he did have a problem,
and it's that all he thinks about is himself,
his successes,
he tries so hard to be a certain person,
but forgets who he really is.
He tries so hard to be better than everyone else,
but when he sees someone who is poor, with clothes that are
wrecked and with a family
he can see that this person is struggling and at that
moment he becomes saddened that these are the people
he looks down upon.
Jacob then sits down on his bed,
lays his head on his pillow and continues to think until he falls asleep.

That same night Jacob had a dream.
He was naked with no clothes,
hungry with no food.
Starving and around him there were people eating each other because
the world had been overcome by disease
and all the animals have died because of this.
Everywhere he looked there was death,
he looked at the ocean and it was covered in blood,
the skies covered by all the smoke from the fires around him.
The rich kicked out the poor and made cities for themselves
and their family.
Jacob was scared and did not know what to do until a Canibal
slashed his neck with a machete.

He then woke up,
breathing heavily asking himself
what the **** did i just dream ?
When he woke up he couldn't go back to sleep,
it was 4 in the morning ,
he went out and went to the place where he met the old man.
He saw the old man,
homeless and hungry,
he saw they was a nearby gasoline station,
he went in and got him a sandwich,
he handed it to the poor old wise man,
and the wise man said:
"I don't need your pity,
and i don't desire to be taken care of by those
who put down others because of what they look like,
go away."
"Wait a minute, i know now what you meant i had a dream
where i saw people suffering and chaos.
I saw a family who was poor the other day but they were still happy, why were they smiling?" asked Jacob,
The poor old wise man responder,
"What you see in your dream is only a tiny picture of reality,
whatever is in our mind could one day become true. The reason
those people were smiling is because they may not have
all the money in the world, they may not even have a roof over their head or a pillow to sleep on. But they are happy to be alive and together,
in this condition it's when you hold on dearly to your own life and the lives
of the people you love because it could be stripped away
from you one day. When you have all the money in the world, what will
there be next? Money doesn't make you unhuman, you will be the same exact person as these people are, with a problem, you'll still bleed the same as everyone else, you'll smile and frown the same as everyone else,
but who is the weak one, the one who was poor, became rich, kept his money and has ever only thought about himself, or the one who was rich
and gave all his money to those in need until he became poor?"

Jacob then realized that this is what this man had done.
Esu Lanlu
Esu Elegbara
Esu Odara
Esu, the scared child of heaven
Esu, a reviled, respected,
Yet misunderstood being.
Esu, all creations dance to your best of life
Esu Dagunro
Esu Lukuluku
Esu Apagbe
Esu, the quickest and fastest one
Esu, confuser of many
Esu, the disruptor of order
Esu, the iconic one
Esu, the master of linguistics
Esu, the conciliatory peacemaker
Esu, the divine alchemist
Esu, the trickster
Esu, the pusher of those,
Who doesn't carry Olodumare's wishes.
Esu, the inseparable friend of Orunmila
Papa Legba
Legba Atibon
Papa La Bas
Esu, divine messenger of transformation
Esu, ebora to luti la nbo
Esu, Okunrin ori ita
Esu, a quick responder when consulted
Esu, divine messenger of the gods
Esu Odara, the divine one of Ose Otura
Esu, carrier of the ase of sensuality and fertility
Esu Lanlu, king of dance
Esu, keeper and imparter of ase
Esu, the fundamental Orisa
Esu, the manifest of greatness
Esu, the one who is as hard as Rock
Esu Akeregbaye
Esu, the shedder of blood who knows no one's tears
Esu, the controller of earth
Esu, the special middle man between heaven and Earth
Esu, the anointed rope to success and wealth
Esu Lanlu
Esu Elegbara
Esu Odara

Written by Tosan Oluwakemi Thompson
This poem I wrote titled "Esu" is an eulogy to Esu and the praises of Esu.
Bus Poet Stop Apr 2015
tired of my drooping Hanes,
my slept-in choice for greeting
a new morning tad overexposed,
my weekend breakfast table
body's accoutrement,
"coverup" she deemed accurately
as in-suffice,
my nighttime slept-in choice for
welcoming the new morning
as a single continuum,
exposing my true colors,
thus declaring biblically,
"Let there be night, let there be day,"
in a manner of speak

she-woman wryly declares
over her slim sizing
yogurt Greek and half of a laugh
of a banana downsized,

"You need some loungewear"

pondering this ponderosa-sized ponderosity,
grasping its monstrosity insulting me,
coffee pouring, Eye, a
first responder
contemplate irresponsibly,
thinking to reply with bravado,
that on said day,
when Eye accrete
such a class of clothing
so nomenclatured as
upon my person,
or in my ward-so-unrobed found,
unasked for,
Eye will require transgendering

but my tongue bites me,
so instead
draw down on my John Donne,
on the subject of
food, good taste
and being unclothed,
and instead
bequeath the she-woman
this riposte...

"Full nakedness!
All joys are due to thee;
as souls unbodied,
bodies unclothed must be
to taste whole joys.

wisely retreating than be
not wanting
a world war conflicting,
with coffee mugged, Eye return/hide,
under the bed's blanketing comforter,
thinking of the taste of whole joys
of her body unclothed,
when later, she creeps in next to me,
to practice the serious art of
Putting the Vin in Vignette
Cuando ya el cuerpo sustenta
Cerca de cuarenta abriles,
Y ya pico en los cuarenta.
La memoria se alimenta
De recuerdos infantiles.

Voy a narrar una historia
Oportuna en este mes.
Mes de recuerdos de gloria;
Es un hecho, una memoria
Que tiene algún interés.

Sano, fuerte y bullicioso,
Creyendo en muchas quimeras
Era yo un rapaz dichoso,
Como que estaba orgulloso
De mis trece primaveras.

Del mundo sólo sabía
Lo que a la inocente tropa
Enseña la geografía,
Que hay Asia, África y Europa
Y América y Oceanía.

Aun estaban en fermento
Mis gustos y mis ideas,
Juzgaba la historia un cuento
Y el amor un sentimiento
Que se apaga ante las feas.

Estudiaba sin desmayo,
Conversaba sin misterio,
Era por activo un rayo
Y así llegué a un mes de mayo
En la época del Imperio.

El pueblo a Maximiliano
Le llamaba sin temor,
En estilo liso y llano,
En lugar de «soberano»:
«Intruso y usurpador».

Los estudiantes, ajenos
A las pompas imperiales,
Escuchábamos serenos
Esos epítetos llenos
De resabios liberales.

En nuestros pechos ardía
La libertad como norma,
Como faro, como guía;
Eran nuestra idolatría
Los hombres de la reforma.

A la estudiantina grey
Nada importaba la corte
Ni los festejos del Rey;
Sabía sólo que la Ley
Andaba en Paso del Norte.

Por fin, en una ocasión
Se puso a prueba el colegio
Con una extraña función:
¡La solemne recepción
De un huésoed preclaro y regio!!

Cada cuai se disponía
A la fiesta sorprendente
Que agitados nos tenía;
¡¡El Emperador vendría
A vernos el día siguiente!!

Y era la fecha elegida
Una que en gloria reboza
De nuestra historia en la vida:
¡¡La que en Puebla dejó ungida
Con su triunfo Zaragoza!!

Convenimos con recato
En conmemorar tal hecho
Dando al gobierno un mal rato;
¿Cómo? ¡¡Ostentando el retrato
De Zaragoza en el pecho!!

Fue un complot hecho de bruces,
Cada cual tendió la mano
Jurando por las tres cruces
Ser muy digno a todas luces
De llamarse mejicano.

Y en ademán decisivo
Que mi memoria no olvida,
Juramos por el Dios vivo
Ponernos tal distintivo
A una señal convenida.

Llegó el momento anhelado,
Pusieron en un salón
Todo el colegio formado
Ya dispuesto y arreglado
Para la gran recepción.

Entra el monarca y atento
Saluda, suena un rumor
Y en un solo movimiento,
Cada cual muestra contento
La efigie del vencedor.

-¿Qué es esto?-Maximiliano
Dice, y sin temer reveses
Un chico resoonde ufano:
«¡¡Un jefe republicano
Que derrotó a los franceses!!»

El Director quedó mudo
Y los que estaban allí
Ante un responder tan rudo;
Sacó el Príncipe un escudo,
Lo dio al chico y dijo así:

«Vuestra lealtad es notoria
Y yo la debo premiar,
De los héroes es la gloria
Y en el mundo y en la historia
La debemos respetar».

Prodújose un gran rumor
Que retumbó como un rayo
Y aquel grupo encantador
En vez de «al Emperador»
Victoreó «al 5 de Mayo».
Entre las ondas azules
Del bello Mediterráneo,
En el Golfo de Trieste
Surgiendo entre los peñascos,
Hay un alcázar que ostenta
Con gran arte entrelazados
En muros y minaretes
Lo gótico y lo cristiano.
Parece visto de lejos
Airoso cisne de mármol,
Que extiende las blancas alas
Entre dos abismos claros,
El del mar siempre sereno
Y el del cielo siempre diáfano.

Ese alcázar tan hermoso
En tiempos no muy lejanos,
Por mirar tanto las olas
De Miramar le llamaron,
Y en él vivieron felices
Dos príncipes de alto rango,
Dos seres de regia estirpe:
Carlota y Maximiliano.

En una tarde serena,
Al bello alcázar llegaron
Con una rara embajada
Varios próceres extraños;
Penetran a los salones
Y al noble príncipe hablando,
En nombre de un pueblo entero
(Que no les dio tal encargo)
Le ofrecieron la corona
Del Imperio Mejicano.

El Príncipe quedó absorto,
Para responder dio un plazo;
Soñó en pompas, en honores,
En fama, en poder, en lauros
Y al despertar de aquel sueño,
Al volver de tal encanto,
A su joven compañera
Le fue a consultar el caso.
«Acepta -dijo Carlota-,
Eres grande, noble y apto,
Y de este alcázar a un trono
Tan solamente hay un paso».

No corrida una semana,
El Príncipe meditando
En las difíciles luchas
De los grandes dignatarios,
Miraba tras los cristales
De su espléndido palacio
Enfurecerse las olas,
Rojo surgir el relámpago,
Y con bramidos horribles
Rugir los vientos airados.

De pronto, un ujier le anuncia
Que un extranjero, ya anciano,
Hablarle solicitaba
Con urgencia y en el acto.
Sorprendido el Archiduque
Dijo al ujier: «Dadle paso»;
Y penetró en los salones
Aquel importuno extraño,
De tez rugosa y enjuta,
De barba y cabello cano.

En frente del Archiduque
Dijo con acento franco:
«Vengo, señor, para veros
Desde un pueblo muy lejano,
Desde un pueblo cuyo nombre
Jamás habréis escuchado;
Yo nací en Aguascalientes,
En el suelo mejicano,
Serví a don Benito Juárez
De quien ya os habrán hablado,
Le serví como Ministro,
Soy su firme partidario,
Y mientras aquí os engañan,
Yo vengo a desengañaros;
No aceptéis, señor, un trono
Que tiene cimientos falsos,
Ni os ciñáis una corona
Que Napoleón ha labrado.
No quiere Méjico reyes,
El pueblo es republicano
Y si llegáis a mi patria
Y os riegan palmas y lauros,
Sabed que tras esas pompas
Y esos mentidos halagos
Pueden estar escondidos
El deshonor y el cadalso».

Oyendo aquestas palabras
Dichas por aquel anciano,
A tiempo que por los aires
Cruzó veloz un relámpago,
Tiñendo en color de sangre
La inmensidad del espacio,
Sin dar respuesta ninguna
Quedóse Maximiliano
Rígido, lívido, mudo,
Como una estatua de mármol.

Corrió inexorable el tiempo,
huyeron breves los años
Y en una noche de junio
Triste, sombrío, ensimismado,
En vísperas de la muerte
El Archiduque germano
En su celda de Querétaro
Y en sus desgracias pensando,
Así dijo conmovido
A uno de los abogados
Que tueron a despedirse
En momentos tan aciagos:
«Todo lo que hoy me sucede
A tiempo me lo anunciaron;
Un profeta he conocido
Que sin doblez, sin engaño,
Me auguró que en esta tierra
A donde vine cegado,
El pueblo no quiere reyes
Ni gobernantes extraños,
Y que si lauros y palmas
Se me regaban al paso
Tras ellos encontraría
El deshonor y el cadalso».
-¿Quién ha sido ese profeta?
Al Príncipe preguntaron:
«Era un ministro de Juárez
Sincero, patriota, honrado,
Don Jesús Terán, que ha muerto
En su hacienda hará dos años
¡Ah! ¡Si yo le hubiera oído!
iSi yo le hubiera hecho caso!
¡Hoy estuviera en mi alcázar
Con los seres más amados,
Y no contara los horas
Para subir al cadalso!!»
Mais um dia cansativo
Com a tarde inteira para dormir
Um pouco de descanso seria o remédio
Numa fusão de tudo da-se o tédio

Daí algo fica estranho
Você sabe que não está normal
Uma movimentação, um chororô
Uma energia ruim cobre o meu ciclo

E então, alguns baques na minha janela
Algo de ruim teria acontecido
Não sabia que com ela
Então levanto de um cochilo pela tarde
E alguns amigos me avisam
Que a pessoa mais amada corria perigo

Numa aventura jovem
O perigo vem
Não olha para quem, mas bate com força
Numa aventura jovem
Um sonho se vai
E sem olhar para trás
Se transforma numa forca

Cada erro uma consequência
Mas a esperança não acaba
Positivo deve-se pensar
Com  um acerto forma-se a palavra

Uma moto, uma estrada, um acidente
E tudo vira de ponta a cabeça
E agora? O que será?
Só o tempo pode nos responder
Se depender da minha torcida
Ela irá viver.
Me viene, hay días, una gana ubérrima, política,
de querer, de besar al cariño en sus dos rostros,
y me viene de lejos un querer
demostrativo, otro querer amar, de grado o fuerza,
al que me odia, al que rasga su papel, al muchachito,
a la que llora por el que lloraba,
al rey del vino, al esclavo del agua,
al que ocultóse en su ira,
al que suda, al que pasa, al que sacude su persona en mi alma.
Y quiero, por lo tanto, acomodarle
al que me habla, su trenza; sus cabellos, al soldado;
su luz, al grande; su grandeza, al chico.
Quiero planchar directamente
un pañuelo al que no puede llorar
y, cuando estoy triste o me duele la dicha,
remendar a los niños y a los genios.
Quiero ayudar al bueno a ser su poquillo de malo
y me urge estar sentado
a la diestra del zurdo, y responder al mundo,
tratando de serle útil en
lo que puedo, y también quiero muchísimo
lavarle al cojo el pie,
y ayudarle a dormir al tuerto próximo.
¡Ah querer, éste, el mío, éste, el mundial,
interhumano y parroquial, proyecto!
Me viene a pelo
desde el cimiento, desde la ingle pública,
y, viniendo de lejos, da ganas de besarle
la bufanda al cantor,
y al que sufre, besarle en su sartén,
al sordo, en su rumor craneano, impávido;
al que me da lo que olvidé en mi seno,
en su Dante, en su Chaplin, en sus hombros.
Quiero, para terminar,
cuando estoy al borde célebre de la violencia
o lleno de pecho el corazón, querría
ayudar a reír al que sonríe,
ponerle un pajarillo al malvado en plena nuca,
cuidar a los enfermos enfadándolos,
comprarle al vendedor,
ayudar a matar al matador -cosa terrible-
y quisiera yo ser bueno conmigo
en todo.
Allá en las horas más dulces
De mi fugitiva infancia,
Sirvióme de cuidadora
Una mujer muy anciana,
Con su rostro todo arrugas,
Su cabeza toda canas
Y su corazón tranquilo
Todo bondad y esperanzas.

De noche junto a mi lecho
Mil historias me contaba
De geniecillos y ninfas,
De trasgos y de fantasmas.

¡Pobrecilla! ¡cuántas veces
En estas noches amargas
En que repaso tristezas
En mi alcoba solitaria,
Al oír que de la torre
Vuelan en lentas parvadas
Las mismas horas que entonces
Pasé a su lado tan gratas,
He pensado en ella y visto
Llegar su sombra a mi estancia
Pretendiendo como en antes
Secar con cuentos mis lágrimas!

En cierta vez, caí enfermo,
La fiebre me devoraba,
Y en mi delirio quería
Para volar tener alas.
«Dámelas tú»: -grité altivo-
«Tú, nunca me niegas nada»:
-«Es verdad, nada te niego,

»Pero no sufras, ten calma,
Las alas que Dios te ha dado
Las tiene tu ángel de guarda;
Esta noche se las pido
Y te las daré mañana».

Nunca le faltó manera
De responder a mis ansias,
Y siempre al verme llorando,
Con la paciencia más santa,
Me dijo tales ternuras
Que aun me conmueven el alma.
Ella, que al velar mi sueño
De puntillas caminaba,
Y porque rumor ninguno
A mis oídos llegara
Iba a sosegar el péndulo
De un viejo reloj de sala;
Ella, que jamás hubiera
Permitido a gente extraña
Lanzar un débil suspiro
A dos pasos de mi cama;
Que en balcones y rendijas
Cortaba al aire la entrada
Y por no causarme susto
Rezaba siempre en voz baja;
Una noche fue a mi lecho
Alegre y entusiasmada
Diciéndome: -¡Ven, despierta,
Ya es hora... no tardes... anda!

Sobrecogido de miedo
Yo le pregunté: ¿Qué pasa?
-Ya lo sabrás cuando escuches
El vuelo de las campanas,
El tronar de los petardos
Y el disparo de las salvas-.

Abrigado hasta los ojos
Salí con la pobre anciana,
Y un sueño del paraíso
Me fingió lo que miraba.
Desde las enhiestas torres
A las humildes ventanas,
Lo mismo en extensas calles
Que en las más estrechas plazas,
Faroles y gallardetes,
Banderolas y oriflamas
Con los hermosos colores
De la bandera de Iguala.
Y al escuchar tantos gritos,
Tantos himnos, tantas dianas,
El rumor de los repiques
Y el estallar de las salvas,
En brazos de mi niñera
Lloré sin saber la causa.
-Lloras de placer-, me dijo
Esta es una fiesta santa,
La sola fiesta que alegra
Mi corazón y mis canas.
Hoy es quince de setiembre,
Y en esta noche sagrada,
Hace cuarenta y cuatro años,
Si mi memoria no es mala,
Un cura humilde en Dolores
Hizo nacer a la Patria.
Cuando era yo jovencita
Mi padre, que en paz descansa
Me traia de la mano
En esta noche a la plaza
Para repetir con todos
Los que aquí gozan y cantan,
El grito de independencia
Que repercute en el alma;
Mi padre, mi pobre padre,
Fue soldado de Galeana;
Pero mira... allí está el héroe
Alcé mis ojos con ansia
Y vi un inmenso retrato
Entre lucientes guirnaldas
Bañado por los reflejos
De las luces de Bengala.

Un rostro apacible y dulce,
Una frente limpia y ancha,
Una mirada de apóstol,
Una cabeza muy cana...
¡Era Hidalgo, el Padre Hidalgo,
El salvador de la Patria!

¿Lo ves? me dijo temblando
De regocijo la anciana...
-Sí, le respondí, sintiendo
No sé qué dentro del alma,
Y entonces a un mismo impulso
Con las manos enlazadas,
Nos pusimos de rodillas
Llenos los ojos de lágrimas.
SonLy Sep 2018
Sólo quiero que ya sean las tres de la mañana
Es lo que estoy pensando y más ansío
En días como estos cuando me siento vacío
Tengo tantos pensamientos que me matan

Sólo quiero que ya sean las tres de la mañana
Porque así todo estará en silencio
No quiero responder preguntas
Sólo quiero ahogarme en la calma

Sólo quiero que ya sean las tres de la mañana
Porque así sólo oiré mi propia voz
Porque en medio de una canción
Encontraré las palabras que tanto me faltan

Sólo quiero que ya sean las tres de la mañana
Porque ya no me queda privacidad
Estoy harto de compartir mi lugar
Siento que quiero golpear hasta no sentir nada

Sólo quiero que ya sean las tres de la mañana
Porque por el día mis ojos se secan
Mi voz calla y la felicidad me deja
Veo los días vacíos, ya no siento mi alma

Sólo quiero que ya sean las tres de la mañana
Concentrarme en mi pena y desahogarla
Es difícil sostener el nudo en mi garganta
Estoy lleno de odio y lágrimas

Ya me estoy olvidando de quién soy
Pero a las tres de la mañana se abre mi corazón
Entonces me encuentro de nuevo
Al menos por un breve momento

Siento que valgo algo
Siento que ya no tengo que callarlo
Siento que la angustia puede fluir e irse
Comienzo a ver que ya serán las cuatro
Y aunque mi voz no haya sonado
Pude sacar este dolor
Pude lavar mi corazón
Y sentirme vivo y con fuerzas
Por eso es que quiero que sean
Las tres de la mañana en mi pieza

Ya sólo faltan tres horas
Sólo debo esperar eso
Para ya no hacer esfuerzo
Y dejar que este sollozo
Se fugue en silencio
Mientras contemplo mi techo
Vestido de ***** para acompañarme
En este luto de sentimientos
De los cuales quiero alejarme
Sólo quiero que ya sean las jodidas tres de la mañana, maldición...
Mañanita de San Juan,   mañanita de primor,
cuando damas y galanes   van a oír misa mayor.
Allá va la mi señora,   entre todas la mejor;
viste saya sobre saya,   mantellín de tornasol,
camisa con oro y perlas   bordada en el cabezón.
En la su boca muy linda   lleva un poco de dulzor;
en la su cara tan blanca,   un poquito de arrebol,
y en los sus ojuelos garzos   lleva un poco de alcohol;
así entraba por la iglesia   relumbrando como el sol.
Las damas mueren de envidia,   y los galanes de amor.
El que cantaba en el coro,   en el credo se perdió;
el abad que dice misa,   ha trocado la lición;
monacillos que le ayudan,   no aciertan responder, non,
por decir amén, amén,   decían amor, amor.
Carlo C Gomez Oct 2019
You won't remember all the fuss you
cause, my precious microcosm

This strange bewildering exhausting
global economy you dwell in

Apparently the lease expired and your time has come

Driven by grievance more than strategy

It sets the stage for fireworks and confusion

In one dizzying morning into afternoon

I'm searching for who to blame

Histories on the episode may well spend a chapter on
your mother's unhinged notions née crazy talk

It becomes clear in real time how the risks
of an escalating trade war

give a centimeter, take a centimeter

And the fraying of longstanding ties

Could quickly outpace the ability to evict you

As your mother, the normal first responder
to your distress, I can do

Absolutely nothing about it but push

In what seems a shoot-first approach to such
a delicate moment

The escalation, the unpredictability, the erratic
nature of developments

Is central to what is going on

Something is breaking

That something is me!

Our world is on edge

Looking for a sign of what to do next

The labor market drops and you're crowned
a royal pain

Peace is found, it's proportional

And by all measures you're quite hale
quite beautiful!

This offsets the damage of a messy exit

The disconnect I incessantly prayed for offers
melancholy over relief

In our opening act you're already moving
away from me

While the female body is a powerful tool

It cannot provide a settled rule book for
such internal battle

Still, this adventure, scary and catastrophic as
it was, is well-suited to the wonders that I am

For that I'm grateful to my Creator

The lesson of the last several hours is that forces are unfolding
that we can't do much to contain

We're merely nesting passengers en route to
a foreign destination
This is based on observing the miracle that is childbirth.

The rain is falling on the neighbourhood,
Our garden takes its share, and my good hat;
Out of the border shelter of its brood
A snail creeps in the wet across the path
Leaving the soaking flowerbed for the grass
Seeking continuation of its good,
Slow through the time a timeless quest for food
Elaborates the beating of its heart.

The creep is me, a wierdo what I am.
What am I doing here? I don’t belong here,
Enchained upon the dirt, constrained responder
Bellyfoot, headfoot mollusc, unmoving clam
I try to stir from where I first began,
Make in the gulf’s depths one thing new appear.


A drought within my throat, an aching head,
Stoically for this world’s shock wave I brace.
The life which thus far has my spirit fed
Despairs, yet faithfully girds itself to face
The waste and rapine of this nightmare place
Where theft under coercion’s always bred
Mass victims all unjustly ***** and fled,
Violated to their utmost inner space.

What is the soul to do with this its life?
Awakened from the nothing of a sleep
One time? To local manners keep?
Or for some travel, hard to purpose drive
By that for longer to at least survive?
It’s wet again. The snails are on the creep.
The first lesson they teach us in EMT class
Is to never lose our compassion,
Never forget that every patient is
A human being with a story, a family, a life.
They tell us to keep our emotions in check
But to never lose our respect,
The trust in the competency and freedom of choice,
For we are the link of survival
On the worst day of their lives.
We were not there to know the reason that led
Up to the call,
But we are there to get them through the danger that followed.
Why then does the text book instruct us to abandon our respect,
Abandon the presumption of humanity
At the mere thought of the words 'developmental disability?'
Why do the words Autism and Down Syndrome suddenly
Make it okay to condescend and patronize as if to a child,
To infantilize an adult whose intelligence we are not qualified to assume?
Why is it my duty to respect a neurotypical patient
And my job to abandon it for the developmentally disabled?
I wonder if they would encourage my peers to treat me the same?
After all, who cares that I am top of the class and squad leader to boot?
Who cares that I answer the most questions or scored highest on the test?
I am autistic. I am considered less than human.
The textbook is wrong,
Primitive despite being updated in 2018.
Respect every patient means Respect ALL,
No exceptions,
No diagnostic caveats.
'First, do no harm.'
Treat with empathy and compassion.
It is their own inhumanity that prevents them
From recognizing the humanity inside us,
The developmentally challenged.
I live on planet Autism,
Population 1 in 59,
No less of a person than any other,
Perhaps more human really.
That humanity is the force behind my First Responder drive.
Do not deign to treat me as small child or foreign planet inhabitant.
Forget the basis in the archaic.
Respect and compassion for all cannot be checked at the door.
I am not less than.
My struggles have, if anything,
Forced me to become more.
Natassia Serviss Apr 2017
Like a wind that blows my sails
Or a smell that melts my mind
We drift like shells that crash in the waves as the ocean wails
The sun on my skin as a reminder,
With the warmth of a body near my side.
That electric shock given to me by the responder
Could never make my heart beat back to the pattern that hit so hard I would have to hide.
My hands in front of my face and I tell our time.
I only know a few words but I know how to call you mine.
No direct possession of that breeze I feel,
But in my skin I begin to heal.
A claim to love, a claim to see.
It's not a claim to own even though that's what the words read.
I can't own a sound or the wavelength you're on,
But how else can I learn to appreciate the love before it's gone?
The air is too strong and too free
To ever belong to a human like me.
With wings to pass my sails and carry my soul,
You could never be mine or make me whole.
There's more to be in our sky above,
The world will revolve around love.
I won't ask you to be mine.
I won't ask to be yours.
We have so much time
And have opened so many doors.
The ocean can drown me and the wind can drive me.
I love my journey, the sky behind me.
I can't make the Angel mine,
But the love of the world will be just fine.
I think I predicted our end when i wrote this.
Lydia Mar 2018
You need minds like me
I've bent over backwards to sculpt a vision of a human being
Some 3D model of a stained glass church window
I see that you've turned me into numbers
How thick and how tall?
How much time did I spend in the library?
But you missed the golden numbers
The ratio of the bones in my fingers which I have so carefully crafted for you
You overlooked the seventy hour work weeks (I was a first responder at a climbing site)
And I'm sure you failed to notice the pictures of my therapy dog on the website I built for you
I keep asking myself what went wrong
What about this wasn't good enough?
¡Oh muerte, en otros días, que recordar no puedo
sin emoción profunda, te tenía yo miedo!...
En medio de la noche, incapaz de dormir,
clamaba congojado: "Yo tengo que morir...
¡Yo tengo que morir irremisiblemente!"
Y sudores glaciales empapaban mi frente.

¿A quién tender la mano ni de quién esperar?
Estaba solo, solo de la vida en el mar...
Tenía un formidable aislador: la pobreza,
y ningún seno de hembra brindaba a mi cabeza
febril una almohada.
Estaba solo, solo; ¿de quién esperar nada?
Mas pasaron los años, y un día, una chiquilla
bondadosa me quiso. ¡Era noble, sencilla;
la fortuna la había tratado con rigor:
nos unimos... y, juntos, nos hallamos mejor!

Entonces, si la muerte volvía , con su quedo
andar, yo le tenía ya mucho menos miedo.
Buscaba, despertando, la diestra tan leal
de mi amiga, y con ímpetu resuelto, fraternal,
la estrechaba, pensando: "¡Con ella nada temo!
Con tal de marchar juntos, ¿qué importan tu supremo
horror y tus supremos abismos, oh, callada
Eternidad?... Con ella no temo nada, nada.

¿El infierno? -¡El infierno será donde ella falte!
¿Y el cielo? -Pues donde ella se encuentre... Que me exalte
o me deprima tanto como quiera mi estrella:
¿Qué importa, si desciendo y asciendo yo con ella?
¿Que más me dan las hondas negruras del Arcano,
si voy por los abismos cogido de su mano?"
¡Pero tanta ventura enojó no sé a quién
en las tinieblas, y una hoz me segó mi bien!
Una garra de sombra solapando su dolo,
me la mató... ¡y entonces me volví a quedar solo!
Solo, pero con una soledad más terrible
que antes.

buscaba a la Invisible
y pedía piedad a lo desconocido;
abriendo bien los ojos y aguzando el oído,
en un mutismo trágico, pretendía escuchar
siquiera una palabra que me hiciese esperar...

Mas no plugo a la Esfinge responder a mi grito,
y ante el inexorable callar del Infinito
(tal vez indiferente, tal vez hosco y fatal)
escondí en lo más hondo del corazón mi mal,
y apático y ayuno de deseo y de amor,
entré resueltamente dentro de mi Dolor
como dentro de una gran torre silenciosa...

Mis pobres rimas fieles me decían: "Reposa,
y luego, con nosotras, canta el mal que sufriste;
ven, duerme en nuestro dulce regazo, no estés triste.
¡Aún hay muchas cosas que cantar..., cobra fe!"

Y yo les respondía: "¡Para qué! ¡para
Mas ellas insistían; en mi redor volaban,
y como eran las únicas que no me abandonaban,
acabé por oírlas...

                         Un libro, gota a gota,
se rezumó, con lágrimas y sangre, de la rota
entraña; un haz de rimas brotó para el Lucero
inaccesible, un libro de tal suerte sincero,
tan íntimo, tan hondo, que si desde su fría
quietud ella lo viese... me lo agradecería.

Después de haber escrito, quéde más resignado,
como si en su fiel ánfora hubiese yo vaciado
todo lo crespo y turbio de mi dolor presente,
dejando en la alma sólo la linfa transparente,
el caudal cristalino, diáfano, de mi pena,
profundo cual la noche, cual la noche serena.

Y aquel fantasma *****, que miraba temblando
yo antes, blandamente se fue transfigurando...
En la pálida faz del espectro, indecisa
como un albor naciente, brotaba una sonrisa;
brotaba una sonrisa tan cordial, de tal suerte
hospitalaria, que me pareció la Muerte
más madre que las madres; su boca, ayer horrible,
más que todas las bocas de hembra apetecible;
sus brazos, más seguros que todos los regazos...
¡Y acabé por echarme, como un niño, en sus brazos!

Hoy, ella es la divina barquera en quien me fío;
con ella, nada temo; con ella, nada ansío.
En su gran barca de ébano, llena de majestad,
me embarcaré tranquilo para la Eternidad.
Aún estaba conmovido
El bajo pueblo de Anáhuac
Recordando el fin postrero
De los dos hermanos Ávila;

Aún al cruzar por las noches
La anchurosa y triste plaza,
Al mirar en pie las horcas
Las gentes se santiguaban;

Y aún en algunos conventos
Rezábanse las plegarias
A fin de que los difuntos
Lograsen salvar sus almas;

Cuando un pregón le decía
A la curiosa canalla
Que por atroces delitos,
Que por pudor se callaban,

Iba a ser ajusticiado
Por voluntad del monarca
Un ***** recién venido
Con un noble a Nueva España.

Como se anunció la fecha
La gente acudió a la plaza,
En tal número y desorden
Que un turbión asemejaba,

Porque en los terribles casos
En que la justicia mata
La humanidad se desvive
Por mostrar que no es humana.

Desde que lució la aurora
Acudió la gente en masa
Y muchos allí durmieron
Esperando la mañana.

Mirábanse a los verdugos
Que el cadalso custodiaban
Ya con los rostros cubiertos
Con una insultante máscara.

El sol estaba muy alto,
La gente con vivas ansias,
Los verdugos en acecho
Y los soldados en guardia;

Y ninguno suponía
Que el acto aquel se frustrara
Cuando de mirar al reo
Perdieron las esperanzas.

De pronto, a galope llega
Un dragón junto a las tablas
Del cadalso, y con alguno
De los centinelas habla.

Los verdugos, para oírlo
Descienden la escalinata,
Y corre un rumor que anuncia
Que la ejecución se aplaza.

El toque de los clarines
Pronto anuncia retirada,
Y en diversas direcciones
Plebe y soldados marchan.

Hay disgusto en los semblantes
De mozuelas y beatas,
Pues como a ninguno ahorcaron
Han perdido la mañana.

Y se resienten de verse
Por el Pregón engañadas,
Y viendo solo el cadalso,
Rezan, murmuran y charlan.

Los curiosos insistentes
Que averiguan la causa
Del retardo, al fin descubren
Lo que nadie se explicaba.

Cuentan que trayendo al *****
De San Lázaro a la plaza,
Cuando apenas por oriente
Se vislumbró la mañana,

Cercado por alguaciles
Y por mucha gente armada,
Bebiéndose de amargura
Sus propias, ardientes lágrimas,

Con voz fúnebre pidiendo
Que hicieran bien por su alma,
Un sacerdote entregado
A cumplir siempre estas mandas;

Mirando a todas las gentes
En balcones y ventanas
Darle el adiós postrimero
Entre llantos y plegarias.

El ***** que parecía
De susto no tener alma,
Cruzó por una calleja
Tan angosta como larga,

Donde entre humildes jacales
Surgía como un alcázar
Un caserón de tezontle
Con paredes almenadas,

Con toscas rejas de hierro
En forma de antiguas lanzas,
Con canales cual cañones
Que el alto muro artillaban,

Y bajo el vetusto escudo
De ininteligible heráldica
Un ancho portón forrado
De gruesas y obscuras láminas;

Teniendo como atributo
Que las gentes veneraban,
Una cadena de acero burda,
Negra, tosca y larga.

Con sus ojos que vertían
Raudales de vivas llamas,
Mira el ***** de soslayo
Aquella ostentosa casa,

Y sin que evitarlo puedan
Los cien que lo custodiaban
Tan ligero como un rayo
Del centro se les escapa,

Gana de un salto la acera,
Se arrodilla en la portada
Y cogiendo la cadena
En las dos manos, con ansia

Grita con voz que parece
Un rugido: «¡Pido gracia!
¡Pido gracia a la nobleza
De nuestro amado monarca!»

Y corchetes y alguaciles
Y arcabuceros y guardias
Se quedaron asombrados
Y sin responder palabra.

Porque sabido de todos era
Que en aquella casa vivía
Un señor de abolengo
Entre los grandes de España,

Que por fuero de linaje
En sus títulos estaba
Tener cadena en su puerta
Y pendón en la fachada.

El reo que esa cadena,
Por su fortuna tocara
Al marchar para el cadalso,
De la muerte se libraba.

Y el *****, que esto sabía,
Tuvo la fortuna extraña
De alcanzar tal privilegio
Que otro ninguno lograra.

Mirando lo sucedido,
Nobles, corchetes y guardias,
Con gran susto de la escena
No siguieron a la plaza,

Pues tornaron al presidio
La víctima afortunada;
Al Virrey le dieron parte
Y todo quedóse en calma.

Hoy sólo existen los muros
De la mansión legendaria,
Sin huellas de las almenas
Ni escudo de la portada.

Y dicen los que lo saben,
Doctos en antiguas causas,
Que la angosta callejuela
De «La Cadena» hoy se llama.
Rui Serra Mar 2014
Sonhar um sonho impossível
levar a tristeza da partida
escaldar de uma possível febre
partir para onde ninguém parte
amar até
amar, mesmo demasiado, mesmo mal,
tentar, sem forças e sem armadura,
aguardar o céu
pouco me importa as minhas chances
pouco me importa o tempo
ou a minha desesperança
e depois lutar todos os dias
sem questionar nem responder
e amaldiçoar
por agora uma palavra de amor
eu não sei se serei esse herói
mas o meu coração será tranquilo
se as vilas se encherem de azul.
Niño, vamos a cantar
una bonita canción;
yo te voy a preguntar,
tu me vas a responder:
Los ojos, ¿para qué son?

-Los ojos son para ver.
-¿Y el tacto? -Para tocar.
-¿Y el oído? -Para oír.
-¿y el gusto? -Para gustar.
-¿Y el olfato? -Para oler.
-¿El alma? -Para sentir,
para querer y pensar.
Jude kyrie Mar 2019
There's a place hidden  inside of  us all,
we keep it  to  ourselves so that no one  can see it.
You see It contains all  of the  secrets
that the  heart contains.
Whenever it is seen by another  person
we lose our control,we lose our Hearts.
It has happened to me just. Once.
Only  once.

She was a cop
well not really
a hostage negotiator
the term I think is first responder.
I was sat on the edge of a high rise.
Twenty-six storey high building  
the people below in the far away  street
looked like ants.
But I felt like one.
I wanted to end it all
and dive into  oblivion.

Sure I had a gun
but it was not to use  on someone else
it was for my last resort.
That's when she appeared
about  ten feet behind me.
She had a kind Consolation about  her.
Tell me it's not about  a woman  she said.
How  did she know that.

It's my wife she's leaving  me
taking the kids.
Why she asked.
Because  she has found someone  
she loves  more  than me.

She pulled  a beer out of  her purse.
Want to share my last beer she asked.
OK but you have  to sit on the Ledge With me .
She did
oh my god she was pretty for a cop.
Can I have you put the gun away she said.
It was my last resort but I gave it to her.
She joined me on the ledge

We cracked open her last beer.
She said its OK
my husband left  me he
said I was a workaholic
It's true I am

I looked at her eyes they were beautiful
He must of been crazy I said.
She smiled.
Come down with me
she purred back to ground zero.
Only if you will have a date with Me
She smiled
so if I date you you won't  **** yourself.
I I guess so.
OK we will do it
one date
Yes I promise.

I followed  her  downstairs
the cops grabbed me.
And I knew
she had played me like a stradivarius.

I got out out of jail six months  later
It was ok
Three hots and a cot.
A nice guy shared my cell.
No one tried to *** **** me.  
When I was outside  the gate
A car pulled  up.
It was my cop.
The one who  shared  her last beer.
I said what the **** do you want.
You just got me six months in the sneezer

She smiled  that beautiful  smile of hers.
Did you  learn anything in there.
Yes I learned not to trust Beautiful lady cops
She said I am here aren't I.
Yes, you are why?
You wanted a date
And I promised you one date right.

Yes you did.
Well take me on one.
We went for dinner
It was great she was so great.
She looked at me
Have you got over your wife leaving.
Yes I have
We shouldn't have  been together  really
It was for the kids.
OK do you want to see me again.
I whispered  yes I do you are lovely.

Two years  later.

Our second  child was born.
She will be as beautiful as her mother I hope.
My kids come to us half the time we got joint custody.
I got work as fireman.

I sit in my chair  some nights
and just look at her
She saved my life.
She shared her last beer with me.
And you know
what they say.
If you save Somebody's life.
They belong to you.
Be careful
When you fix someone
That is broken
They will belong  to you
hi da s Oct 2017
quando que te lembras ter respirado pela última vez?
consegues olhar pro outro sem posicionar a cabeça pra baixo?
tocas em outra pele sem que ela se arrepie?
tens ainda força pra responder desconhecidos em ruas movimentadas?
consegues caminhar em meio a multidão e parar pra arrumar os sapatos sem ter vergonha de te observarem?
compartilhas teus medos?
sabes expressar tudo que se encontra dentro de ti pra fora de ti?
choras te olhando no espelho?
te incomoda pensar em tudo?
sobre estar em maus lençóis dentro do pensamento
austin Oct 2018
A Friday night.
A slippery street.
A man, intoxicated.
Sitting in the driver's seat.

A family.
A man and his wife.
A young child.
Worthy of life.

A young adolescent.
A night with a loved one.
Never thought for a moment
It might be the last one.

A poor decision.
A light turned red.
A delayed reaction.
Head-on collision.

A first responder.
A face, bleach white.
A shirt stained red
They've lost their fight.

A stretcher in an ambulance.
A paramedic on the call.
A dreaded flat line.
They've tried and lost them all.

A police officer
On the phone, against the wall.
"Hello, this is the police.
I'm really sorry I have to make this call."

A funeral for a family
Every casket closed.
Everyone is asking why.
They never got to say goodbye.

A female kneeling at the grave
looking down with bloodshot eyes
"I love you and I want you back,
I hope you hear me from the sky"

That poor decision was a choice
You said it wasn't worth catching a ride
And you can't ever take it back now
These are families torn apart and dead inside
Steve Page Feb 19
Some of my heroes wear
a cowl or a cape,
they might wield a shield,
swing from a web
or swing a big hammer.

Some of my heroes wear
a smile in the face
of foaming anger
and throw a mean hug
that will make you stagger.

I know who I'd rather
be my first responder.
Thinking about folk I admire
En preguntar lo que sabes
el tiempo no has de perder...
Y a preguntas sin respuesta
¿quién te podrá responder?
Maravillas de otra edad;
Prodigios de lo pasado;
Páginas que no ha estudiado
La indolente humanidad.
¿Por qué vuestra majestad
Causa entusiasmo y pavor?
Porque de tanto esplendor
Y de tantas muertas galas,
Están batiendo las alas
Los siglos en derredor.

Muda historia de granito
Que erguida en pie te mantienes,
¿Qué nos escondes? ¿Qué tienes
Por otras razas escrito?
Cada inmenso monolito,
Del arte eximio trabajo,
¿Quién lo labró? ¿Quién lo trajo
A do nadie lo derriba?
Lo saben, Dios allá arriba;
La soledad aquí abajo.

Cada obelisco de pie
Me dice en muda arrogancia:
Tú eres dudas e ignorancia,
Yo soy el arte y la fe,
Semejan de lo que fue
Los muros viejos guardianes…
¡Qué sacrificios! ¡qué afanes
Revela lo que contemplo!
Labrado está cada templo
No por hombres, por titanes.

En nuestros tiempos ¿qué son
Los ritos, usos y leyes,
De sacerdotes y reyes
Que aquí hicieron oración?
Una hermosa tradición
Cuya antigüedad arredra;
Ruinas que viste la yedra
Y que adorna el jaramago:
¡La epopeya del estrago
Escrita en versos de piedra!

Del palacio la grandeza;
Del templo la pompa extraña;
La azul y abrupta montaña
Convertida en fortaleza;
Todo respira tristeza,
Olvido, luto, orfandad;
¡Aun del so l la claridad
Se torna opaca y medrosa
En la puerta misteriosa
De la negra eternidad!

Despojo de lo ignorado,
Busca un trono la hoja seca
En la multitud greca
Del frontón desportillado.
Al penate derribado
La ortiga encubre y escuda;
Ya socavó mano ruda
La perdurable muralla…
Viajero: medita y calla…
¡Lo insondable nos saluda!

Sabio audaz, no inquieras nada,
Que no sabrás más que yo;
Aquí una raza vivió
Heroica y civilizada;
Extinta o degenerada,
Sin renombre y sin poder,
De su misterioso ser
Aquí el esplendor se esconde
Y aquí sólo Dios responde
¡Y Dios no ha de responder!

— The End —