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mar Jun 2016
It's not fair that you only have to spend the morning without me
for I'm trapped in the night
darkness deafening me as I tell myself over and over that this is real
that midnight is only an hour
that I'll be home soon
and I never feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be
transporting myself place to place
continent hopping like a heart murmur
my soul is five hours behind
and when you sleep my whole being longs for your voice
glasses half empty stacked beside me
I remember a time when my hair danced at my hips
when the moon would be full and heat lightning blinded me
constantly praying to a god I didn't believe in that I could fall asleep
but dreams didn't come
and that summer lasted but eight days
when I can feel your heartbeat you are fire
but now that I'm so far away your voice is tired
your laugh is like a wind chime on a day when the air doesn't speak
milk moons have a habit of forcing me to reread your words
making me realize I now posess curses I never thought I'd have to endure
like how when I touch you I am not the girl my father raised
like how when you push me into the wall I hope your mother doesn't weep

We all have promises we wish we never made
I wish I didn't tie myself to you with silk
knotting each of my heartstrings around your fingers
I'm like your puppet
and it's wrenching because I had always been so brimmed with pride
conceived by my parents notion that I'd be doomed to wander alone
or blessed
if you choose to look at my freedom like it's that of a gift
but I don't want it anymore
I refuse to chain myself to my past
my frosted veins melting in your palms
I am not who I thought I was
I am not the lady my matriarch once bore that hot morning
a head full of curls and irises that told two different tales

I'm so lucky that the trees bend north tonight
I contribute secrets as clouds to the noir
unkept stands of chestnut trying to escape
but I don't blame them
and ink is all around me as I further my vices
counting down to paradise as I move a little too quickly from my bed
the other part of me wonders if I go visit him at this time
and I grin at that notion she thinks that's what I want from this hour
there are moments I forget to miss you
guild soaked as I remember love
I wouldn't call this bliss
it doesn't even scrape at happiness
it's emptiness
but not the way I've experienced before
I don't have words for this new feeling
not yet at least
I'll let anything in as an attempt to starve out this self doubt
but no whisper is as warm as your breath
because with you you don't even need to comfort me with diction
instead I swallow your glances like honey
I hope you know this mindset will never evolve
and if it does it is only to grow stronger

Some hearts change with the seasons
mine used to change at every chime of a clock
I'm stagnant now
laying calmly in the eye of the storm
the light hitting my skin the only thing changing each hour

Soon this will be over
No longer damning every firefly and its nerve to glow without purpose
Soon I'll be at your mercy again
Purple thighed and alive
Because right now without you I've never felt so alone
Eyelids like blankets
Terrified of what dreams could await my unconscious soul
But in the deepest hollows of my chest I hear your voice calming me
Saying what you always say when you hear my heart rate jump
"Let me sing you that song about the stars I know you love"
Meka Boyle Apr 2011
My generations at a hold up
Force fed lies by society
We're never gonna grow up
Preoccupied with what we need
We subconsciously become devoured by greed
Insecurity is at the bottom of consumption
"You need __ to succeed"
We're the last of a dying breed
Materialistic makeup
Our genetics have mutated
We're no longer able to wake up
From the nightmare we've created
Identification has taken a new definition
You are what you posess
Unaware the latest trend is only repetition
Sheltered by our ignorant need
Progress is our main goal
Yet we're unsure of how to proceed
So instead we proclaim our need for change
While spending the last of our common sense
On a fee to enter this stage
Which acts as our cage
Locking us into society's game
It's the final act
Our last chance to fame
Ksenija Ostojić Dec 2024
Like the calm waves of the ocean,
The gentle moonlight from above.
Like the waterfalls on a clear day,
Like the birds that sing their song in May.
Like the fog in the forest,
Like the rainbow after rain.
Like the snow near a lake,
The hills that nature made.
Like the feeling of nostalgia,
Like the smell of the summer.
Like the dream that brings you rest,
That's the beauty you possess.
Thomas EG Aug 2016
They follow you inside
Searching for a favour
You offer, mindlessly
They accept, gratefully

You hand it over and
They posess great thanks
To the extent of expressing
Their words in a poem

They produce a journal
Which prods you to smile
You took them for an artist
But never for a poet

Your face lights up
As they tell you more
Life touches you like that
Until next drunken time
Andrew Siegel Sep 2015
The night before I killed myself I tried to sleep but couldn't. The mantle clock sounded second ticks long-handed. Loud, long ticks.

I climbed up on the roof. Sat on shingles layered in leaves I'd promised but never got around to blowing off. The neighbor's cat stared at me across the way. A look as empty and weightless as I felt. She meowed one plangent note before she left me there.

Dark mistletoe hung unused from lintels long ago. You and I we stood there not sure of what to do.

The night before I killed myself I built a fire. Fed it the notes you wrote.
Declerations of love turned to ash without protest. Your pleas were next, their ashes floating up in black and white.
Columns of supplication falling cold and grey.
You never want to see me again; I saved that one for last, just as you did.

The night before I killed myself I searched my contacts. Only a few remained and still it felt crowded, filled with intimate strangers who'd stopped calling long ago. I tried to count the people who might care, but I came up empty handed.

The night before I killed myself the moonlight spilled on lawns manicured through quiet dedication only suburbs can posess. I enjoyed it once. Now the silent solitude I sought ran screaming, chased by racing thoughts and guilt I could no longer place.

That night I tried to tell myself to live, while the last lights flickered in my eyes. Ash is what's left when the fire dies.
Rachel S Dec 2011
Should have seen the signs
Didn't posess the ability to read
between the lines.
You shrunk inside yourself and
forgot to ask for help.
Now the fault is mine
I must watch you waste and pine
and promise myself that I will never again
fail to see the signs.
Zero Nine Sep 2017
I'm sending
This message
On the floor
On folded knee
Eyes closed, mouth
Open, head back

Hoping you
Will posess my
Soul with your
Same answer

Here I pray
In debt, a *******,
To the altar stone
Old and alone
Here I pray
Again and again

Hoping you
Will posess my
Soul with your
Same answer
Hi there. Nice to meet you. I love kittens.
Mary Alexander Jul 2016
My generation is swarming
With new kinds of witches.
Some will be obvious,
Lurking and spitting, throwing
Daggers from the corners of every room.
But on occasion, one will be covert,
With sweet dresses and
Beautiful hair cascading down her shoulders.
Greeting those around her
With a charming smile and wide, bright eyes.
But she weaves a web of deciet and triffling words,
And as she speaks, she clouds your mind, speaking
In foreign tongues which are not
Of this true world, until you
Are caught unaware, for her spell has been cast.
You blink, confused, and look down at your hands,
Trying to ignore the impending sensation of insects
Creeping up your arms
Until you realize.
You realize that her spells are not those of darkness and horror,
They do not come in forms such as toads, dark clouds, or anguish.
Her power, her only power
Is that of one way time travel.
And when she casts her spell, her words take you back
To when you were simple, childish,
12 years of age.
Her words come out in flames,
Painful, cruel flames that scortch your heart,
You fight back, begging her to stop
And realize the pain she is inflicting,
Until you suddenly notice that the words are meaningless.
Words, painful words,
But from a child's mouth.
And you stare at her in horror when your past self
Flees your being while her's remains.
Her words, still shooting from her mouth, now
Small, plastic bullets from
A child's gun.
They sting your skin, but no longer scortch your heart.
She then flies away, charming smile back in place,
Leaving you swaying in utter shock, praying
That her next victim will posess your same
Awareness, and sense the truth behind the flames.
It's terrifying.
JWolfeB Oct 2014
I think it really comes down to what you expect of someone.
That you want all these needs filled from artificial people who have never seen the checklist of your heart.

People that want nothing more to see a smile on your face.
A smile they can't purchase because they don't posess the currency.

I am my own country. I govern my laws. I am the one to control the happiness between my borders.

I shall not be dependent upon another being.
I shall only be held up by the same expectations that has kept this country strong and bold over past decades.

I will stand my fortitude.
Allowing visitors all the while.
I will never turn down a caring heart.
Although I will turn down yours.
midnight prague Dec 2010
your  tunic pupils
extractions from the sky
encircle all that which lays in your deepest masculine eyelashes
Im enthralled with your profile
meager looks of
hearts dispelled
onto something greater than life in its most simplest form
you represent everything natural
extracted from the very womb of earth

I am lost in my own thoughts
of my responsibilites
as a woman of culture and as an artist
will I forgive myself
for touching your wounds

maybe not

your judgment passes me
as a frail child looks upon his guardian
no I am not that
I cant be

I need these little things that make us move
with what you say
I do agree
I nod my head in acceptence
to these things I can never posess
I will speak to you in these matters harshly
you see
sometimes I come off as too intense
too ******
at times I will make you forget
that I contain any kind of beauty

I have a holocaust in my heart
somewhere in its driven corners
and a black plague forfiting casting spells
to hearts somewhere in my eyes

I have sold many goodbyes
ignored many whys
and kept many standbys

black I watched these skies
red I watched these thighs
and just as quickly turn
with an execution that very well
lasts a year sometimes

I want to be yours
but the sun and the moon
cannot live side by side

and neither could our two seperate cores
the ****** and the sores
sleeping somewhere under the beds of these bookstores

you see
I want to be yours
but Im afraid I have been burnt single
due to my wars
mark deo biongan Jan 2015
i am the start of wrath
because of me we hate
i am who push you to hate
because of me you won't agree

i am the profession of envy
people will want what fortune you have
but will have the misfurtone they had
we envy because of me

beause of me sloth was born
for i know i have rights that i dont work
not because you toled me
but because i told myself

lust is committed through me
being told about my hunger for flesh
being doubt of what passion i can give
lust will live by flesh and ******

i am the outcome of greed
because i compete with my riches
i hunger for more riches in the world
because of what power i can posess through it

i am the out put of gluttony
because of me you are envy, and hate
because of them you eat
food is wasted but hunger is not satisfied

i am the start of all as you may know
i am pride the person dignity
step on me and war shall begun
war will begin because i envy you
i envy you because i am greedy
i greed not just for money, power, but also lust
lust shall provide me the flesh
gluttony shall provide my undying hunger
after everything i shall rest like the sloth
Chenai Lucille Mar 2010
Eyes of golden fields,
And hair of flaming sun,
Beauty of Aphrodite,
Voice of a siren.
Her sad gaze
Grasps you soul
And rasps your breath.
She's an unknowing temptress
Claiming lonesomeness
And strength of solidarity.

Dramatics fill her life
While tears penetrate her ducts
Only to be wiped dry
By her smooth white digits.

The opinions she illuminates
Are half always harsh
Half always right.
Yet in the gloom
She watches the man
She bows her song
And swallows the shine
Of that which she gazes upon.

She drinks softly
Falls to the cotton
Falls into self realization.
Her karma awaits
Sticking to her endo
Like fresh golden cream,
****** from the hive of greed.

She puts the unwanted to obscurity
And places her dreams in a bottle
To be carried from safety.

Her pain goes unnoticed
As she presses the glass
And downs its purity
To reach her haven.

I truly wish to save her,
For her beauty astounds me
And her love is secretive
Hidden to all those who seek it.

If only a door existed
For the key I posess.
Lynda Kerby Jun 2014
I like Stephen King
Not for his plot twists of horror
But for how he notices the very real
Human tics
And ideosyncrasies that every posess
Making us unique
Just like everyone else
He would notice
Let's say, something like;
The bored housewife
Sitting at her kitchen table
Drinking coffee with one hand
And hitting on a joint with the other
Like she's reciting rosary
To E.L.O.'s  "Bruce, don't bring me down, Bruce, don't bring me down,Bruce, don't bring me down, Bruce, don't bring me down, Bruce, Don't bring me down, , no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no.
(I tell you once more before I get off the floor don't bring me down)

His next sentence jolts us
The bored housewife's ceiling
Would then fall down
Crashing down
On top of her
Smashing her skull
Buried under drywall and brick
Gotta love the details

But afterwards
Will the once bored housewife
(As well as you and I and Stephen King?)
Be given a test?

What Did You See?
What Did You Learn?
What Did You Do?

Did You Get It??

Will we need to sharpen number two pencils?
A mortalist?

We live here but once
Stephen King
Bored housewives
You and me
The powerless gods
Whose names I have not counted worthy of remembrance
March like high school bullies
Neither I nor they
Understand the reason for their swagger
Some dumb determination to enlighten me, may be?
A cause, a campaign
A small favor
Willingly performed for the Conjurer

Who steals from the Dream World
Who makes enemies in the Real World
Because he will not share his loot
He labels and tags and stores the treasure
Describes it all to anyone with ears to hear
Quite eloquently
With an air of pomp and mystery

Listen. He brags that his coffers are full
So much more than he needs
So much more than he wants
Still he hoards

He's convinced the dogs
That he has more to give them
Than flowery words
(As words he worships)
They believe him
Though it was not his intent to convert
As it is not his intent to keep his word
So more fool them
They look like bunglers, trolls, monsters
Rounded up into a posse
I would laugh at them if not for the fact
That I'm the one they are coming for

Before the next five minutes are over
They will have twisted my arm behind my back
Spat in my face
Kicked my legs out from under me
Held my head in their hands
Pinched my nose shut
Stuck their fingers in my mouth
Pulled it, stretched it, as far as it goes
Then, when my screams cease
They will speak to me for the very first time


"Why should I fear the Conjurer?"

"He will laugh to watch you
Sink into his vat of language
The jewels he's plundered."

"Why should I fear the Conjurer?"

"He will confuse you
He will dig forks in the road
To throw you from your cherished path.
He will brand you
With pentagrams
He will tattoo a goat's head on your back
Worst of all, he will convince you
That they mean something."

"Why should I fear the Conjurer?"

"He desires to pick your brain
Hoping to pluck
A slither of flattery to fuel his narcissism
He will become very angry when he finds out
That you've never heard of him
Perhaps you have never heard of him
But you know him

"You know him well
You've even seen him
Though it was not his true face you beheld
He roams the land
Behind a smiling cartoon clown mask
That hides a blank stare of greed
Derision, scorn, contempt, lies, pettiness,
Dishonesty, depravity, perversity
And the insatiable lust he has for validation
Respect and Recognition
They have twisted his visage
Into stone and ***** crystal
Ugly diamond
The sight from which even he recoils
A reflection that pulls at his intestines
And pours ice cold fear down his naked back
So we say FEAR HIM."

"Why should I fear the Conjurer?"

"Because he knows you're looking for an enemy

"He is possessed of demons
One in particular
But he willingly let it in
Shared communion with it
Offered it a bed for rest
A home, a host
Gave it a book of Crowley and said, 'Occupy yourself'."

"A demon?"

"Yes, and a powerful one
It is a testament to the Conjurer's will and power
That the demon dwells complacent
Content to let the Conjurer study it
To take notice of it's wickedness
(For he delights in wickedness)
To search for ****** in it's black heart
(For he knows that there is a murderer in his own)
To dig through the egg shell surface
Hoping to find a germ, a genesis, or just a reason for it's evil
(As he is convinced he has many legitimate reasons
For the evil embedded into his soul)
The demon understands death, toys with it
Laughs at it, wishes it on all people
The Conjuror laughs with the demon
And this makes the demon laugh even harder
For it knows that the Conjuror has no understanding
Of death
Past the idea
All he has done is flirt
With an ugly girl at the prom
Made it the realm of heroes, his role models
Idols that don't talk back
Held high it's banner
Dreamed of mausoleums and tombs
'At last, something I can embrace'

"He let this demon be his teacher
And learned much
The powers of darkness
The father of lies
The hierarchy of celestial beings
All the arcane symbolism (tossed out the window by science)
Black-robed men carrying candles in the dark
Their teachings ancient, their lessons unheeded, unwanted
Diluted through millenniums
Cracked and drained of any power or
Purpose they might have one day possessed
Robbed of relevance
Outdated curiousities
A good scary movie to watch on Sunday afternoons after church
Morbid fascinations
Spooky dry-ice rituals
That once scared the **** out of him

"His demon goads and teases him
'You can resurrect it", the demon croaks
'You can close your eyes
Make believe it's all real
And just as long as you stay in your hidey-hole
With eyes closed you can call it your own
Posess it
Give it power in your own mind
But keep this thought nestled in the back of your mind:
It's all YOURS.
No one else wants it.'"

There is logic, I think, in what these giants say.

"The Conjurer will drag you into his heart core
And there he will take back the book of Crowley
From his demon familiar
And together they will beat you down with it
Pulverize your skull
Crack open your head
The book of Crowley
Is a very heavy book
Good for pummeling
If not for much else."

And with these words
Power given to brute gods
Transferred to the meek
They will soon learn wisdom
To see the Conjurer as he really is
To realize he has nothing they need or
Prepare themselves
To rip out his soul
To cast out his demon
And to burn that ******* book of Crowley
September 2009
from Bipolar Confessional
I love the pen and pad
But I don't think I can use it
It really makes me quite sad
That I can't seem to work it

You see, it's my confession to make
That I love to write
But it's sort of fake
What I really feel
Doesn't rhyme
So I change it's form
So it can fit the time

The pen and pad
So beautiful it feels
The sign of an intellect
Of a writer to be feared
J can't explain the reverance
For the pen and pad I posess
But surely it isn't natural
To find a workman's tool
My mind's only nest

I have found that there is a problem
The dilemma is this:
I can't really use these tools
Even though they're my mind's nest
I can't truly navigate them
With the words great writers heft
I can't form them
Into works of art
Like all the artists I envy
With words nor picture
Not short nor lengthy

You see, it's quite clear
The pen and pad
The paper and ink
They work so well together
It makes my heart sink
They inspire joy
From my hollowed throat
They are too beautiful
For words to provoke
But still I try my hand
At writing with paper and ink
Because all I can do
Is think
But all I write
Feels fake
Marshal Gebbie Feb 2011
Ursula-my friend,
My quiet, distant, rarely seen friend
From days of yore.

How calm you are.
how you glide through your days
Keeping your private thoughts to yourself.

How the urgencies and anxieties
That plague every life
- are so well contained in yours.

And in your soft green eyes
I feel a happy acceptance, born of time.
Born in my brotherhood of your Sam.

My very European friend,
Made in the turmoil of youth
And so warmly regarded then, now and beyond.

Ursula my lady, always a lady,
You posess a tender spot of pleasantness
In the corner of my mind.

With affection
Victoria Park Tunnel
5 February 2011
Melanie Beth Nov 2011
I close my eyes
as you take my hands
into your own,
and the warmth of your skin
sends chills down my arms
while our fingers interlock.
I have nothing left
to fight my tears with
and so I let them fall
You tell me again
how everything will be alright,
but this is where my trust
falls short. Where I
fall short.

Close your eyes, baby,
don't look at me
or rather, who I've become
because of you.
I'm weaker than I've ever been
Weak in my knees
weak in my stomach
I'm falling apart.
Oh, I'm weak in my heart.
You make me crazy
darling. I don't know how
You manage to manipulate
every feeling I posess.
I am left
with hollow memories
as fear takes hold of me
while I wait
for that inevitable moment
when you will turn away,
walk away, run away,
from me.

Close your eyes, baby,
you don't need to see
the way I am falling apart
in your arms tonight,
the way I have fallen apart
in your heart tonight.
Release my hand now,
but gently,
for I cannot stand on my own.
Let me go now,
but slowly,
because I'm bound to break.
Say your goodbyes now,
but sweetly,
for I wish to remember you.
Close your eyes now,
and this will all
be over.
Kimmy-Nichole Jul 2010
The Intelligence you posess
Is the beauty beyond all that Ive ever known
I am intrigued yet delicatley intimidated
My heart floats
You are the emphasis of everything that is right
for everytime Im lost,
There You are - Holding me comfortable
And ever so tight
Peyton Williams Oct 2013
I know you. I know you put the words on paper that you can't find the strength to say out loud. I know things would be completely different right now if you had looked him in the eyes, over the shinning water and had let him do the talking. I know you feel like you made a mistake, but you didn't. I know it was hard, and I know it was painful... but you are no stranger to the desires of your heart.

It's in the moment of complete misery that you realize those love movies aren't reality. You're on your own in this world. You're off trying to find yourself, but the problem is you think you already know who you are. Hate to break it to you, but you are a 17 year-old girl and you have a long way to go. You live each day pretending like you know what you're doing; everyone is. But the truth is, the world is just moving and we are standing dumbfounded in the midst of it all.

You are inspired by the talents of other people, but you so often forget the talents you posess yourself. You will always hate him for being patient and understanding how to deal with all this "heartbreak" **** before you did, but it isn't your fault. You fell in love too quickly, and the thing about's tricky. You say "I love you" and then a month later you break his heart and he breaks yours. Is it more of a feeling? Or are they really just words? Whatever it is, it left you with scars and you feel the pain all over again when you see his stupid smile. But you're happy, better even! You will find someone new. As sad as it may seem, it all becomes a memory. A simple blurred dream.

And each night eventually turns into day and everything stays the same, but I'm not who I was a year ago, and I have him to thank for that. So pick yourself up and carry on. Things get better, trust me, I know. I know it's hard standing back up after falling so far, but it isn't impossible.

A few years ago I was 15 and in love, now I'm 17 and the thought of it scares me away. Choose you're words wisely and don't waste them on the wrong people. Don't fall in love with the idea of falling in love, fall in love with someone who loves you back. It's going to get hard, but it's also going to get really easy. If you sit around worrying about everything that's going wrong, you are going to miss something beautiful. You get one chance. Do things that will make great stories and laugh until you can't breath. Go on that drive, listening to that song and think about how life couldn't get much better than this.

Simpleton May 2023
Love me
Like a sudden death
Like a first breath
With sulphur and sparks
Attack me with your love
Bite me, maul me, smother me
Like a dangerous starving bear
Leave your love on my skin
Like the rain does to island cliffs
I am a woman lost to the world
Lonely and tired
So be one with me
And let me posess your heart
Like carvings on a stone
Nekhbet Hermit Oct 2018
A feeling in the wrong place
Can only corrupt and erode
Like a meandering stream,
That leaves a scar.
Our lives do not flow so easy
There is cleavage,
But there is also fracture
Eradict and unpredictable.
We are not all prized gems
We are impure and complicated
Not so easily identified by the eye.
Closer to quartz and feldspar than diamonds,
Yet we long to posess
a promise of value
and so we pull this image close
We  reach out for order,
Hardness and grace
But it was not the stream alone that carved the canyons
There was a grand collapse,
And the stream was left to carry that debri away.
Catie Blurr Jun 2010
"Pull over, let's help him"
"Mum please!"
Plead two children

The mother continues
Driving an illogical speed for the city

Shaking her head
"We can't, we're late"
"And we have nothing to give"
Lies to her children

If she has nothing
Yet drives that car
Takes her children home,
to that house

Then what about the man
What does he posess

If money is nothing
Then what is something?

Does he look happy?
Hungry, tired, alone
Shivering in the cold

She carries on
So does he
Through ceaseless streets
And the pattern of life

Wakeup, look out
cody dale Jan 2016
i long to feel the ******* of love in my hands
to encompass the soul with my heart and show
what these hands what this mind is capable of doing
to allow the one of my dreams to join my soul and wonder off

Her body is like a temple and is apart of everything
like an acceint  goddess I yearn to conquer her'
Too merge two clumsy souls into but one lover
locked in together at the hips and engaged in the magic of touch

oh how i yearn to flow into her mystical being
to infiltrate her body and become her to know her mind
to learn her weakness and her strengths and make them my own
and to work together like a well oiled machine for eternity

The movment of hands clasped and exploring new worlds on hot skin
A kiss moves through all caverns of mystery melding to my will
A bond so scared that our every being is rejoicing in a comsic dance
Moaning our voices in estacy leaving no refrain nor surprise just now  

and we surge together with confidence and pride into this abyss
this unescabable curse we live in and our strived by
we live by this desire to please ourself with the touch of our forefingers
we want this delicacy that the rich and poor posess

The tension fuses into one fluid action no thought left in the world
only the abilty to do not to make dreams or false hope but to experience
feel touch taste and sound form a song so sweet its like a birds singing
Sizzling with  unwitting compassion  but burning inside true feeling
Stephanie D Pope Jan 2010
In my mind, way back I am waiting for my fears to nock me off this track. Slowly I hurt, inside, Already I am looking for a safe haven to go and hide.
In my heart, deep down, There is a patient giving love that can not be ever found.
The soul is aging, in time, has known opening up to exist as an unnoticed crime. So now is here, demanding, while pain in me recieves help to keep expanding. No history lives, without, any affection having been taken away, to leave this doubt.
All I give truely, I posess, having little to endear, leaves my emotions a constant mess.
Others encourage, others, I have never seen any couples still happy to be lovers.
On my face, I cry, over and again my heart will believe the devils evil lie.
In my hands, dirt rest, where this life's love served me it's very best.

creativity is sometimes hard to find

but the only way to find creativity

is to be not creative in the first place

if you are already creative

then how can you find the creativity you already posess

discovering creativity

is one of the most rewarding feelings

so let the world be filled with uncreative minds

and let those minds

have the opportunity

to find the creativity

that was hiding

in the depths of their minds.
Sirenes Feb 2017
There's a word in Finnish
To describe an intetion
That could be translated
Only by using a combination
Of several English words.
"Sisu" means to endure,
To presevere, to be dauntless
And infernally stubborn.

As I sit in this modern train
Feeling the rails below me,
I watch the snow
That gives everything around me
A softly curving silhouette.
The cold bites in to my lips
Yet it is compassionate
In its dryness
And never cuts me to the bone.

I listen to the language
That gave my mouth
It's sharp edges
And it's gentle caress.
As I stroll around
These streets that were build
By the bare broken hands
Of our suppressed forefathers,
I come to sense
It's deepest truth of who they were.

Our fathers build houses of wood
And cut railways in to solid granite.
These men and women
Build homes that could go up in flames
And infrastructures that could last generations.
We have always worked for the future.

I think of my brother's words...
didn't you memorize the land marks?
I did... and I realise
That in this country we survive
On our memory of how to get back home.
If you lose your way, you die.
If you get cold, you die.

But maybe what these
Children that were born and raised
Under the watchful eye of Sisu
Need to come to understand
That we are no longer
Fighting to survive...

We are fighting to allow
The warmth of our hearts
Come out through our lips
And become visible
Even to those who no longer believe
That we posess such heat.
Aaron E Sep 2019
Is it... Irony?
My life is language
and I have no words for you.

Erasing each little quip
before it reaches my lip
only echoes

A thousand lines for you.

The precedent muse,
and you won't see them
even if written
you won't see them

I feel defeated

By myself and my hands
by my words
with which the short line spans

I feel deleted


As if it's my defeat to posess.
As if the story is in reference to me.

But it was ours
and now it's not.

You won't see it.
The words won't rhyme,
because it's not our song anymore.

It's a memory
Fading into the background
Frequencies slowly dying out
against the scenery
as our ears get too old to hear them.

We'll remember differently every time
we think of it again.
Until it's different again.
Over and over,
until the echoes are a whole new chorus.

A different memory.
And the spark will be dead again.
In another new way.

I'll always be sorry.
Then I'll remember it
and type it, and delete it.

And we'll forget it, but we won't.
We'll hear the echoes
and won't have the words.

NeroameeAlucard Jan 2015
Now for those that don't know Mr. Freeze is my favorite villain in batman his icy persona always appealed to me in ways Two Face and Clay Face couldn't hope to achieve.

Is it possible for me to posess one of his most famous features in life's grand quest,
the heart of ice.
if I had it that would be nice
it wouldn't sting at all of someone stabbed me in the back
or if someone played me I'd shrug it off and laugh.
And if someone broke my heart I wouldn't fall apart I'd simply move on to the next one, over I wouldn't have to start.

But his heart of ice came at a horrible price
his body decayed in search of a cure for his wife.
well I'm single right now so that wouldn't matter to me
in fact I'd probably not get annoyed by certain members of my family.

So all I'm saying is a change would be nice,
if I had Mr. Freezes Heart Of Ice.
Rachael A Gentry Aug 2015
I sit in the corner as they flirt with my friends
I cough in my sleeve as they kiss without end
I stare at the wall as they makeout in the chair,
not even noticing, me curling my hair

I pretend not to notice the guys that say ew
or the people who stare when my friends enter a room
The boys who gape at the beauty they posess,
and I walk by looking my best.
I'm second rate when it comes to them,
and unnoticed by any men

They look more mature,
and make funnier jokes,
They build crowds around them and push me down
But my personality's consistant all year 'round.

I don't have looks
or a deadly skinny body
but I have a good heart
(and I'm not as moody)
so I don't need boys or parties
because I've got inner happiness

push me to the ground! I'm strong, I'll live!
stomp me and insult me! I can fight!
you can try killing me but **I wont die!
Anndersen Fremin Feb 2013
If Light had a face it would be homely
a great, cracked, bulbous, wrinkled thing
not smooth like fair Darkness
and not half as cold

If Light had a hand it wouldn't be slender
Light would not posess piano hands
Darkness is the one with hands of silver
stretched and ready to play

If Light had a past it would be harrowed
for only goodness can come from such a trial
and if Darkness was an age it would be ancient
and Light would be seven times twice as old
revesreves Aug 2013
my nerves peak at the height of airplanes
hands become imprinted with the mask of sweat
the disgusting feeling that you just want to rip off your skin and cast it into a trash bin
has now arrived again
is this my soul saying it is time to shed?
but I've worked so hard to grow the skin I'm in.
i fear that once reborn i will not posess
the qualities of being strong, poised, and compassionate
i fear i will wilt and drag myself out of bed with the newness whereas others may describe the feeling of being reborn as classic, refreshing
but I just see it as a waste
all of these bricks i have stacked will be demolished
and another start begins again.
Sunrise until sunset
Cooler lands warmed in the hours
As the rays mark the hours.
Each moment defines summer's calendar.
As the day ends and the moon marks the night.
Dreamlands and astral plains take our mind's on a journey
where magic, ficitional, and the impossable are within reach...
We are no longer a heavy mortal who has fallin asleep on the beach.
We are like Peter Pan who never grows old...
We can fly!
To distant areas and becoming involved in unordinary events
Never limited to the covers of a book or how we are  taking in
as to how the story teller  has told.
We are free in Never Never Land.
So, enjoy your flight and fly free!
Until the alarm clock and the sun mark the waking hours...
You may do as you like...Even posess super powers.
The cool air chills the body, however never the soul.
As it flies through these Dreamy Astral Plains
Until the sun warms the bady to wake.....
You are the untouchable in this land of Astral's Reality Break.
astral projection,astral wake,magic,dreams,kevin kappler
HRTsOnFyR Nov 2015
Sometimes I wish I had a *****.
Then I could be just another mind...
An equal contribution in the room.
Instead of just one more object to posess,
One more possession to opress,
One more distraction
on which
They can obsesss.
"You've always been a **** to me," he said.
Sweeter words had never been spoken.
Amber May 2014
Tell me I'm pretty
Tell me I'm cute
Tell me I'm beautiful

Yes I know I am none of these things
It is nice to hear though
I will try my best to be
However being pretty is never been of a use to me

Compliments are nice
But they have never been my forte
I don't have the ability to trust where these compliments come from
Because to me being complimented is just another way
To get something I do not posess
Destiny C Apr 2019
Why can't you love me back?
My hearts beats for you.
Everything I've done is for you.
Every move I make,
and turn I take,
leads to you.

But you don't love me back.

The love I've shown you...
countless days,
I've spent with you-
mean nothing if you can't love me back.

All my dreams lead back to you.
I can't think of anything but you.
You posess me -
and soul.
And I just want you to know,
I have to go,
if you're love for me doesn't show.

We have so much history -
At first it was bliss,
but now it's misery.
I wonder how sweet it is to be loved by you...

Can you please show me?
Give me a reason to stay,
I want to wait and see,
how great we can really be.
I'm not done with you yet,
although I should be.

But I still remember that first kiss,
the first time our lips touched...

But when I showed you my heart,
you could not show me yours.
No matter how deep I dig,
and loyal I stay,
you're love for me-
isn't here today.

— The End —