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EC Pollick Apr 2013
This is one American that drops beats, not bombs
This is one American that admits when she’s wrong.
But an ocean doesn’t divide us
Only you divide us
With your words for labels that say what’s you, not me
Your stereotypes are gunna be the death of me
You’re killing me with these close-minded philosophies
And Who the hell ever said you were the referee of me?

We gotta spend less time sneering and swearing
We gotta spend less time jeering and tearing

You should never have to defend when you love
You should never have to defend why you love
You should never have to defend who you love

We are all created equal;
That’s the condition of the receiver
And we are all the receivers
But some keep spewing that hate; those hate-believers

But we don’t accept their judgment upon us
We gotta rise up out of adversity placed on us

Some out there will go to their graves justifying
Committing acts based on fear is nothing but mortifying
And I’m gunna be truthful; I’m not even lying
When your preach your *******, the human race is dying.

You see United this house stands strong
Every new hand we hold pushes us along
Every brick makes us higher
Acceptance makes us flyer

Gotta keep hate out of your heart
And maybe then we’ll get to start
To come together
To love one another
And to be free like it is intended
Maybe then the human race will be mended
Maybe then this bad movie will get a better sequel
Maybe then we’ll realize We are all created equal.

I want to stop it all
To go into a free-for-all
To rip those signs apart
To take that hate from that heart
All I can do is spread the word on love
And hope to God that will be enough
All I can do is be me and let you be you
All I can do is all I can do
But together we can appreciate
That all together we can officiate
Love that knows no bounds
That type of harmony with unreal sounds.

We may measure success by what’s published
We may measure it by what’s re-said
By how much money we make
By the course that we take
But one thing I know that will bring us deliverance
All that matters is that one voice that says
You make a ******* difference.
brokenperfection Sep 2014
patterns reflect patterns reflect history repeating itself
I see problems in humanity because humanity corrupts
seriously, we can't have a movement for "better" without making it worse
listen, slavery, right?
whites hated blacks
deemed them lesser
deemed them nobodies, nonexistent
that's putting it generic
so what do we have now?
an era of white-haters!
so many "minorities" standing up and saying
"I hate the whites"
we have done a 360 and it kills me
it was supposed to be about blacks being seen as equals
being seen as people instead of blacks
and now, yeah, I'm going there
I love gays, man
but y'all are killing me too
this is what I see
gays oppressed, dismissed, told they're sinners
unholy, bad, gross, wrong, backwards, ugh
they were beaten, bloodied, bruised, murdered, silenced
so the gays stand up
what do I hear?
"I hate Christians"
"I hate straights"
"I hate everyone who is not gay"
people hating on macklemore because
he tried to stand up
they say
"a straight white man cannot represent the gay community"
I'm sorry


we act like no one has gone through HARDSHIP
we act like if you're white, straight, and a male, you're golden
wake up.
what no  one discusses
is that the issue is right vs wrong
right vs wrong
right vs wrong
I'm not a straight white male but I know right vs wrong
I'm not an Irish Jew but I know right vs wrong
I'm not a Haitian Creole Indian goddess but I know right vs wrong
you don't have to BE the oppression to SPEAK on the oppression
you have to know right vs wrong
I say macklemore knows
I know
you know
let's speak up
what is wrong is discrimination
what is right is taking a stand to end it
so please
stop obliterating good
or else you'll be confined to the chains of oppression and silence until the day you die and so on amen

I'm a human being
tell me what I cannot speak on
no one will care for this one because it goes "there".
isn't that how the world goes?
I would say it's fine and I just wrote it for me...
but in all honesty, I wrote it for us.
this girls got it down
when she stomps on the ground
the whole town
looks around
"say what"
(no thanks, macklemore)
when she flips her hair,
and it's in dee air
the boys all go
and shout the whole dayyo
caz look here allison
i know you like peanut butter cookies
and your percy jackson bookies
and singin' josh groban
like (you gotta be jokin')
really girl,
you think you got it goin'!
you inspired me
and to climb up in this tree
and write this poem
just so i could show em
that i can take it
as well as dish it
and girl
you the best roommate
you got the best traits
even though you keep me up
caz you be watching 30 rock
and wearing my fav pair of socks
but that okay
caz with you girl, every day
is a par-tay
An Ode to my roommate.
Austin Heath Feb 2016
******* white people;
hide their racism behind
vapid "opinion".

******* white folks will
argue you can't argue with
results and numbers

because white people
can strip race from the issue
and swear it's "equal".

White people without
culture or identity,
strip it from others.

Call you naked as
they strut in stolen clothing.
Full of silicone.

**** with white people,
find out they know the struggle
by the article.

They can sweat big stuff,
but their racism is in
the cracks and seeping.

you can't trust white people for
****, not even me.

Not Bush, not Clinton,
Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders,
******* Macklemore,

Not Bill O'Reilly,
and not Jon Stewart, and not
viral feminists/

white feminism,
Taylor Swift's white sisterhood,
their artists, music,

writers, poetry,
actors, authors, painters and
sculptors and bloggers,
their politicians,
obviously, but also
their lawyers, doctors,
their engineers and
scientists and businesses,
economists or
pastors, preachers, religion,
programmers, products,
video games and novels;
They will let you down.

The rich or the poor,
it really doesn't matter.
They will let you down.
Erik Ervin Mar 2012
When you approached me,
I was smoking a cigarette
listening to Macklemore
outside my favorite coffeeshop
in the rainy city

You said something,
but I didn't hear you,
so I removed my headphones
as you asked
"Could you help a veteran out
by giving him a cigarette?"

I said yes,
asked you where you had fought
you told me Saigon

"Oh yeah? Vietnam."

you looked at me
dressed in a coat
that was a color of blue
not found in nature
face of canyons
and told me
"We got those ******* good.
We did.
We got those ******* good.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
and you walked away.

I was stuck in a trance of
What the **** was that
and yeah,
we did get them
but I don't know if I'd lay down
Agent Orange
and call it "good"
Take Civil and Guerrilla warfare
and try to tie it next to butterflies
and welfare checks

I don't know
what you think is good
But me?
I can't find any other words
for 1.9 to 3.9 million casualties
in a war that should never have been fought
Than sad
and wrong

I wonder how many Vietnamese women
gave birth to half American babies
That they never wanted
that didn't even desire to participate
in the act
of child making

I wonder how many
Loved their children anyway
how many were honest with them
how many of those children burnt that odd color of blue
that should never exist in nature
But then again
neither should the bombs children are still unearthing
in the North
and South of Vietnam

I want to know how many of their parents
learned that American
is another word for a *******
How many of these parents
grew up telling their children
never trust an American
until you know where his gun is pointed
because he's always got it pointing somewhere

I want to know
If you would understand
where Saigon, now ** Chi Minh city
is on a map
if you had never fought there
Would you be on the streets of Portland
asking a college kid
who was not alive
when you fought in Southeast Asia
for a cigarette

I wonder where are you going?
How many people did you ****?
how many are you sorry
for killing?

and then I realize I really don't want to know.
Dylan Mcconnell Jun 2019
If the streets could talk they’d tell me to come back to them, that I need them, I’m truthfully not “better off without” them.

If I could respond to the streets I’d say I don’t need you. This is my battle and I’m at rock bottom. I can only go up, and as I go up… I will no longer see you because I’m twelve hundred percent sure that I am better off without you. I don’t need to be high to fulfill the darkest parts of my soul. I don’t need to be high to be happy, content, or musically talented. It isn’t aesthetic. It’s not aesthetic. It. Is. Not. Aesthetic.

If the streets could talk they’d say ******* for becoming sober. That’s the worst choice you could’ve made in years. That decision is worse than trying to **** yourself. See the streets would rather see you dead from addiction, as opposed to becoming sober.

Well, ******* for making me want to become sober. ******* for making me want to die. And honestly, ***** you for everything you’ve torn from me. From sending me to jail as a tiny seventeen-year-old to making me off myself a good 4 times just ‘cause I couldn’t find drugs.

The streets would even go as far as to say: “rip everyone off, do bunches of drugs, leave everyone dry around you, and call it a day. Then sleep the high off, and next time you have an appointment, come to it high. #YOLO”

Y’anno what? YOLO is one ******* phrase. I live once, you’re right, Mr.Streets. But I want to be sober the majority of this living. I’m 18 and a half and have so much further to go in life. I want to become an addictions art therapist and I want to be at Zoe and Eden’s weddings. I want so much in life. None of which concerns the streets.

“Don’t listen to that cliche music, says the streets. Y’anno? That Macklemore **** that’s all about becoming clean? Eminem? Nah. None of that. You listen to music that glorifies drugs.” says the streets.

Also, if it takes listening to “Starting Over” by Macklemore 20 times a day and Dave’s Song by Whitney another 30 times a day, I’ll do it. Because at least I’ll be sober. Singing is something that brings me utter joy. As is writing and painting. And in order to do my best. I need to be pretty **** sober.

“No cigarettes do not count as addiction. Want to know what does? Buying pills with your disability checks. Now that ****’s ******* great. ******* for trying to get clean.” the streets say.

Bro. I’m bro-ing to you because we’ve reached that point of nonsense. You don’t get it, do you? I need to not spend my minimal money on drugs. Yes, cigarettes are a drug. I’ll get there with quitting those too. Instead of drugging myself up, I need to dye my hair, watch slam poetry, and sing. Sing. sing. Sing. Sing until my heart is full and complete.
Sobriety's a *****.
Edward S Aug 2013
I know so many people, who love the same ***,
And hec I've been asked out by one over text.

I don't like the same ***, but I support them,
Every one should be able to love, and put on a wedding gem.

They are the people who make our world different, in the best way it can possibly be,
I hate the world being normal, maybe now the people will see.

That loving the same ***, is just as normal as loving opposite,
Now, maybe this poem will make you more confident.

If your gay and reading this, I want to just say,
I'm proud of you, you are still a person just like the rest of us, may your sky never be grey.

We are all the same, we have fingers, hands, brains, muscles and skin,
So then loving the same *** shouldent be a sin.

Love, and be yourself,
Your not a "***** object" that belongs on a self.

Your a human being like the rest of us,
You have the right to love and express.

Always remember,
Hold this when you start back in September.

Your loved, your human,
There may not have been an Adam and Steve, but your loved, if love is locked up its inhuman.

Now go out, and find your love,
Go now, be free like a dove.

It's should automatically be a right,
See? He supports it.

"I might not be the same, but that's not important
No freedom till we're equal, **** right I support it"
- Macklemore
Was inspireded by Macklemores song "Same Love" you can hate me all you want.. your views not mine. Be strong and be yourself. Love who you wish.
Andrew Rueter Mar 2021
Parody of Eminem's classic "Stan". TW: Graphic ****** content*

The tea's not cold I'm wondering why I
got in your bed at all
my ***** brain clouds up my sense though
and I can't breed at all
and even if I could it'll all be gay
put your picture on my wall
it reminds me that it's all I have
it's all I have.

The tea's not cold I'm wondering why I
got in your bed at all
my ***** brain clouds up my sense though
and I can't breed at all
and even if I could it'll all be gay
put your picture on my wall
it reminds me that it's all I have
it's all I have.

Dear Jim, I wrote you but you still ain't callin'
I left my cell, my Grindr, and my home phone at the bottom
I sent two messages back in autumn, you must not a got 'em
there's probably a problem when I post often or somethin'
sometimes I wear dresses and get too sloppy when I'm joggin'
but anyways, **** me, up my ****, I'm a power otter
I'll probably get pregnant too, I'm 'bout to be a daddy
if I have a daddy, guess what I'm a call him?
I'm a name him Ronnie
I read about your Uncle Bonnie too I'm sorry
I had a friend **** himself over some ***** who didn't want him
I know you probably hear this every day
but I'm the biggest man
I even got a bigger **** than Dan
I got a room full of your posters and pictures man
I like the **** you did with Rawkus too, his **** was fat
anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me from the back
then we'll chat, truly yours, your biggest fan
another man.

The tea's not cold I'm wondering why I
got in your bed at all
my ***** brain clouds up my sense though
and I can't breed at all
and even if I could it'll all be gay
put your picture on my Facebook wall
it reminds me that it's all I have
it's all I have.

Dear Jim, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you have a chance
I ain't mad, I just think it's ****** up you don't answer my demands
if you didn't want to talk to me outside your **** you didn't have to
but you coulda signed an autograph for Matthew
that's my little brother man, he's only sixteen years old
we waited in the blistering cold for you
for four hours and you just said "no"
that's pretty ****** man, you'd like ******' his guy hole
he wants to **** just like you man, he likes you more than I do
I ain't mad though, I just don't like bein' lied to
remember when we met on Grindr, you said if I'd write you you'd write back
see I'm just like you I'm gay
I ****** a swallower named Caesar
then a guy named Tom and a guy named Peter
I can relate to how you're playing in a thong
so when I have a ****** day I drift away and put 'em on
'cause I don't got **** else so that **** helps when I'm depressed
I even got a tattoo of your name across the chest
sometimes I even **** myself to see how much it bleeds
it's like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me
see everything you say is real, and I respect you 'cause you tell it
my boyfriend's jealous because I talk about you 24/7
but he doesn't know you like I know you Jim, no one does
he don't know what it was like for people like us growin' up, you gotta call me man
I'll be the biggest man you'll ever lose
sincerely yours, Stan
P.S. we should be together too.

The tea's not cold I'm wondering why I
got in your bed at all
my ***** brain clouds up my sense though
and I can't breed at all
and even if I could it'll all be gay
put your picture on my wall
it reminds me that it's all I have
it's all I have.

Dear Mister "I'm too good to call or write my mans"
this will be the last package I ever put in your ***
it's been six humps and still no *****, I don't deserve it?
I know you got my last two pictures and I put my dresses on perfect
so this is my *** I'm sending you, I hope you spear it
I'm in the bar right now, I'm doing 90 guys to be gay
hey Jim, I drank a fifth of Bob's ***
you dare me to ride?
You know the song by Macklemore, "Same Love"?
About that guy who could've had *** with that other guy but didn't
then Macklemore saw it all and then had to show he found him?
That's kind of how this is, you could've rescued me from other guys
now it's too late, I'm on a thousand poppers now, I'm *****
and all I wanted was a lousy letter then your *****
I hope you know I ripped all of your pictures off my Facebook wall
I love you Jim, we coulda been together, think about it
you ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it
and when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you cream about it
I hope your conscience eats at you and you can't breed without me
see Jim, shut up *****! I'm tryin' to talk!
Hey Jim, that's my boyfriend screamin' when I ****
but I didn't use his throat, I just tied him up, see I ain't like you
'cause if he suffocates he'll *** more and then he'll ride too
well, gotta go, it's almost in my **** now
oh ****, I forgot, how am I supposed to **** this **** out?

The tea's not cold I'm wondering why I
got in your bed at all
my ***** brain clouds up my sense though
and I can't breed at all
and even if I could it'll all be gay
put your picture on my wall
it reminds me that it's all I have
it's all I have.

Dear Stan, I meant to write you sooner but I just been blue
you said you're pregnant now, how far along are you?
Look, I'm really flattered you would call your daddy that
and here's a **** pic for your brother
I made sure to show my mushroom cap
I'm sorry I didn't see you at the ****, I must've missed you
don't think I did that **** intentionally just to diss you
but what's this **** you said about you like to **** ***** too?
I say that **** just clownin' dog, come on, how ****** up is you?
You got some issues Stan, I think you need some **** rings
to help your **** from bouncing off the walls when you get in some
and what's this **** about us meant to be together?
That type of **** will make me not want us to meet each other
I really think you and your little brother need each other
or maybe you just need to treat him better
I hope you get to read this letter, I just hope it reaches you in time
before you hurt yourself, I think that you'll be doin' just fine
if you relax a little, I'd be glad to be inside you but Stan
why are you so mad? Try to understand, that I do want you as my man
I just don't want you to do some crazy ****
I seen this one **** on the news a couple weeks ago that hardened my ****
some dude was ****** over and over like a *****
even his boyfriend was ******, and he was pregnant with his kid
and in their car they found a tape, but they didn't say who it was to
come to think about it, his name was, it was you
whoopsie daisy!
Parody of Stan by Eminem. Couldn't stop thinking of him saying he was leaving a bread crumb trail of gayness in his music in the movie The Interview. That mixed with the amount of stanning in the homosexual community inspired me to reimagine this song.
Aditi Sharma Aug 2013
When people bound you down,
when things look dull,
when your face is devoid of laughter,
kick some ***
dance your *** off.
dance and sing..
sing and dance your soul out..
dance like it is your life..
dance like your soul is hooked to it..


when people tell you
that it can't be done..
show them the finger and
tell them they you can kick some ***.
may be you ill fail..
may be you will fall..
but tthat moment when you kick
the society in the face...
that's the moment...

Listen to music this world has given to you..
Listen to the energy inside you.
Listen to what it is saying..
listen to Queen..
listen to Beethoven..
listen to Macklemore...
inspire yourself..
inspire from the creative energy
creative energy of these creative souls..
kick some ***...
Nobody has the power to bring you down.
Nobody.Nothing.Not even time.
Not even God.
Not your parents..
Not the ******* society..
Angel Moore Jul 2013
All my numbers are aligned.
We make taco runs in the ghetto by that Elmood sign.
Drive an hour, love for three
You wouldn't believe it
if you where there with me.

Jealousy comes in like an X on an 18.
Waste of time, energy and emotional fiend.

He never stays this way long.
11 minuites at best.
Can't wait to be somewhere.
Get some ******* rest.

New day. Woken by the happy kisses of a giant rotwieller.
Something sad in me made the love pour outta her.
She wants me here.
They both do.
I want them too.
I want something new.

Saw u today.
U told me u hated me.
Told me u all do.
What do u want me to say to you?
Blame me. Didn't even say hey to me.
Someone should blame me
since I know better than to now.
Its not about me.
I just want you to HEAR me.
But how?
I'm better off how I am now
you'll see

I wish I could tell you I love you, dad
don't yell at me, dad
I've never done anything to you, dad
Stop screaming. Don't push me.
I won't push back.
Theres That struggle again.
Somewhere between agape and justice.

Neon Cathedrials guide my way from city to street.
The home is real. Find it for me.
Create it if need be.

Macklemore says the licqor store stays open later than the churches and ****
Ain't that the truth.
Someone save me, help me, anymore I've got nothing to lose.

Staying with old friends,
Some good
Some bad
All stuggling.
That struggle is sad.
All around us.
You and I.
You find that beauty. You stay #skyhigh.

And as I sit here. Tear stained, hungry and bruised...
I feel hopeful
Not used.

I can be better.
Came out of your shadow brighter.
How much more will love endure?

It was always too dark through childhood to see too clear.
Just maybe
We are all to blame.
Save me.

You know what else
Someone once said.
"Fathers be good to your daughters. Daughters will love like you do"
You remember that guy?
Yeah, me too.
ShwayThaGreat May 2015
Shes grown up in a world where  your name is everything.  So she played everything, & gave it her everything. When that money came in she saved everything for college not knowing she would get a scholarship. But she is smart, smart as if she is but a descendant of Einstein, And I look up to her cause im short and compared to me she is sky high but she is 6,3 and beautiful a goddess *3 to me. She plays ball like her daddys twin was scotty pippen and he tolder put her hands on the ball and boom they traded powers like mike.. like mike and when i would tell her ik someone who plays better she would tell me im trippin. Cause she never missed a practice she only wanted to get greater. And when she dunked for the first time ever she went home on some macklemore **** like "i touched the net mom i touched the net" it was the best day of her life. And shes been running all her life from miles to around the basketball court. ******* now the army what else do you want to accomplish. What are you running from young girl them legs... them legs all them **** legs big girl dont stop now dont give up brown eyes.cause In this world ill be  jenny and your forest gump run run forrest run.
For My Army Girl
Copy written
(You will be sued)
Aaron LaLux Sep 2019
Love is love,
it’s not that complicated,
Love does not care what color or *** you or your love is,
because Love is all inclusive it doesn’t discriminate,

Love is colorblind,
Love Sees No Color Love wears Cross Colours jumpers,
Love is abundant, just ask Russell Simmons or Gloria Carter,
or her baby Jay Z or anyone else who is an authentic Lover,

Love is unconditional & it’s available to everyone,
regardless of class social status religion region or color,

it’s okay to feel good, smile you deserve it,
dedicate yourself to love, believe me it’s worth it,

you get what you give so give 100%,

remember to forget & forgive them, even if they’re not perfect,
because no person walking this earth’s surface is,
but you can still find yourself a good girlfriend or boyfriend,
as long as you’re willing to work with them,
& you two can still be your own version of Bonnie & Clyde,
can still be in love & serve them with services,

there’s wisdom in these verses here,
modern day scriptures for gangstas & hipsters,
they don’t call him LaLux or J-Hova for nothing,
no fronting true strength requires no crutches or addictions,

just enough Dedication as Lil Wayne to get to 10,000 hours,
as laid out well by Macklemore or Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers,

a Master of Self a ******* from Hell,
***** as hell but he cleans up well
I own all my Master,
you should probably own yours as well,

the floods are coming, there’s some prophecy for you,
either ride the Tidal wave or get washed straight away,
washing the straight leg green jeans clean so there’s no proof,

only proof is us see our success & ourselves are Self Evident,
only witness God won’t testify against our business interest,
the evidence is obvious see we are all sovereign entities,
you are your own country so you are your own president,
a one person army a one person president,
who roams the whole globe everywhere’s their residence,
channelling these visions into verses of the present tense,
told you before I’m not a business man I’m a business, man...

Smile is continued in THHT3...

∆ LaLux ∆

an excerpt from poem #24 of
THHT3: The Hollywood Hills Trilogy 3
available on Amazon here:

If you've read this far I'd like to show my appreciation by buying you a copy of THHT3 from Amazon myself, seriously, for free. Just send me a Message here or on IG @aaronlaux
Derek Yohn Oct 2013
"A life lived for art is never
a life wasted,"
that's what Macklemore
and Ryan Lewis
told us.

Those of us in recovery
need this to be true.

Those of us?
--all of us--

because we are all artists,
placing pieces of our broken
lives into a mosaic,
a cathedral floor frieze,
something we build
to walk on, a
snapshot of past agonies
and beautiful memories
that lifts us out of
the ***** Earth.

A true artist manufactures
their own hope.
ouch, so personal...for each of us, i hope.
Devin Leigh Nov 2014
I hated the way our relationship began with a text
I hate the way it ended with me wishing you the best
I hate the way you only shop in a thrift store
Like you were Macklemore
I hate the way you avoid my eyes
and I hate the way he lies

I hate the way you clawed your way in
I hate the way you gave a truth a great spin
I hate the giant sigh you let out
and I hate the way you doubt me

I hate the way you made me something new
something made just for **you
this is not another Macklemore song, though I know you don't
mind him at all, and his songs reminds me of you.
this is my thing for you, cause I love you, you love me too, and that's
new to me. but I promised myself, that whatever I do, whoever I'll
''like'', you're not allowed to write that you're in love with someone because then you're getting married and we're not, ever again, it can't be someone 3000 miles away, because those people who lives 3000 ******* miles away, breaks your heart, and my heart can't be broken again. then I'll break.
I think you're romantic, and I will keep comparing you to the other girls, 3000 ******* miles away, because they were not. they were stone cold. I swear you could cut yourself on them. and I did. I have so many ugly scars.
you're also still just a child, with too many silly dreams, and you think you know what you are. I'm old, supposed to be wise, and I still don't know what I am, yet, and I'll never figure it out, when young girls, like you, keeps stealing my heart.

NitaAnn Aug 2013
Tonight, when I found myself in the bad place again,
I wrapped up in my blanket, grabbed the healing rock and my headphones
and went outside to the porch, and rocked…
feeling the cool air on my face,
listening to Macklemore’s song, “Starting Over”...
crying (but not sobbing),
trying to just breathe.
But then I started thinking about how the bad place leaves,
and then there is a moment, just a moment, of relief,
and then the bad place comes back…
and I started to think,
“Is this all there is? Is it ever going to get better?”
And that’s when the voice inside of me told me that she couldn’t do it any longer…
couldn’t hurt any more, it was too much,
and she was way too tired to fight the darkness anymore.

She took over my mind, I couldn’t fight her, and like a caterpillar eating a leaf, she began to eat away at the coherent part of my brain…she is now in control, she controls us, her decisions rule, I cannot fight her.

She went inside and locked herself in the bathroom.
The fighting began again…
the little girl was shaking, and rocking and crying,
afraid in the dark, afraid of what was going to happen
but unable to stop it.
She sobbed and begged for the strong one to help her,
to hold her, to come back.
But then another voice, the one who has had more than enough of this pain,
the one who sees no way out grabbed the razor blade and held it tightly.
And it was so loud, the arguing, the crying, the pleading, the begging…
the little girl, so scared,
sitting on the cold tile, curled into a ball, rocking and crying…
the hopeless one, holding the razor blade, wanting to cut.
And me, watching this girl from above…
as she struggled…
holding the blade to her wrist as the little girl fought to live,
shaking in her fear, crying out for the strong one to come to her,
to hold her, to comfort her.

Eventually, the struggle ended without bloodshed…
and I found myself sitting on the cold bathroom tile,
with a razor blade in my left hand,
poised at the artery on my right wrist,
shaking, and crying, and rocking myself...
they must have fought until they wore themselves out...
and physically and mentally exhausted,
I picked myself up, put the razor blade away,
wiped my face, and crawled into bed.

I’m doing everything I can right now. And I need to know when it will get better? I hurt every day. And tonight, I curl up in my bed, wrapped in a blanket…feeling the darkness fall upon me. It will get better soon, right? Because it’s not that late here and I feel it…and it hurts…

Please, sit with me tonight?
Because I am small and frightened….
Please? Sit with me and hold me…
Maja Mar 2020
I heard you die twice,
once when they bury you in the grave
and the second time is the last time
that somebody mentions your name

- Glorious, Macklemore Ft. Skylar Grey
From: Glorious by Macklemore Ft. Skylar Grey
Kristina Sep 2014
Same love
A world so hateful, some would rather die than be who they are
As Macklemore sang each line
That's how I felt chills roll down my spine
How can we be so advanced but not have love to share for others that are
Not like us.
Whether a girl chooses to be with a girl, or a boy loves another of his own
I stay amazed at how people are so content with making sure
That same *** couples know they're not wanted.
They're so content with making humans feel less worthy
Because they prefer their own to the opposite ***
To make their brothers and sisters and their flesh and blood
Feel less of a human being because of who they love.
So content to prove yourself as a human by forcing onto the rules of the Bible
Yet ignoring where it says you need to love your neighbour as you love yourself.
Love yourself.
We are taught to love ourselves but how can we ever love ourself
When from the minute we are born
We are judged over everything
The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the music we like, the pictures we paint
We are judged for the way we see the world, for the way we think
We are judged for the way we live.
So how can we love ourself when from the day we are born are told
And folded
Into what others think we should be
And never given a chance to be who we are destined to be.
Love your neighbour as you love yourself.
But how can you love someone else, when you were never given a chance
To love yourself.
b e mccomb May 2019
you’re free now
to live your life
the way you want
for the first time ever
it’s all your choice
to make

and until you find
someone who can live
without telling you otherwise
it will stay that way

and what i forgot
to tell you is

(now keep in mind that
nobody can tell you
what to do this is just
a suggestion but
as you know i am blessed
with superior knowledge)

that you and me
(maybe macklemore
but we don’t plan
our futures around
such fickle creatures
as that disreputable
species known as men)
will find a cute little
lake town
the kind with rich
snobbish retired folks
and tourists
and boat tours and all
that watery nonsense

and we’ll open an
adorable little shop
and sell flowers
all sorts of
artistanal gifts
and we’ll have coffee
and warm homemade
pastries in the mornings

and we might not get
rich but we’ll make a
living which is all
that really matters

and we will retire
about 70
sell our shop to some
young whippersnappers
that remind us
of who we were when
we were younger
and more foolish

(but don’t assume we
will be significantly less
foolish at this point
in fact i hope that we
will actually age like
some sort of hilarious
variety of moldy cheese)

and we shall retire
to our tiny little
lake front residence
and occupy a front porch
with a glass crystal pitcher
of well-spiked peach tea
and jeer at everyone under the
age of eighty who passes by

and that, my dear
is what i wanted to express to you
that you’ve got
an entire life ahead
of you and cannot afford
to be put on the back burner
for somebody else’s
shimmery dreams of grandeur

so don’t think
too hard about my plan
because that’s all just
castles in the clouds
the story i tell myself
at night when i’m too
worried about the future
to get to sleep

but think
about this

today was not
the end
today was another
day in the very
mucky and unsubstantiated
middle segment of your life

(the middle is
the worst
like the middle of an afghan
or the middle of a poem
that is quickly derailing
from the original point
and i am afraid that when we’re
neither young nor old
but middle aged
nobody will laugh at our jokes
except ourselves
so maybe it doesn’t even matter)

and now
you get to
wake up tomorrow
and continue on
with your life
the way you want it

(which isn’t to say you’ll
live it alone forever but
you must live it alone until
you know you can survive alone)

so this is what i’ve been
meaning to tell you

other people come and go
(except me
you’re stuck there)
but you will spend
more time with yourself
than anybody else

and i’ve been
meaning to tell you
life goes on and
you’re going to get old
and it’s better to grow
old at peace with your
choices than to be
young forever and fooling
yourself into thinking
things will change
so there’s no doubt
you did the right thing

so here’s the
point of all this

i love you
and have always tried
my best to be your
biggest supporter
but that’s going
to change today

because today
was your first lesson
in being your own
biggest supporter

so cheers to this
the future
growing old
and growing happy

now get out there
an knock em dead
copyright 5/30/19 by b. e. mccomb
for enlightening my senses
to the evocative, reciprocative
and suffocative
auditory and visual material
publicized in The Nation
magazine January 2025 issue
on page 59 about Macklemore
(his given birth name
Benjamin Hammond Haggerty)
an American rapper
composed protest song titled Hind's Hall
viewed YouTube video by same name
English words flashed across screen
incorporating subtitles videre licet
the primary language
spoken and written in Palestine
id est Palestinian Arabic,
a dialect of Levantine Arabic,
which is a variety of Arabic.

Save and sound within American walls,
wherein foundation of democracy
fissures severely weaken structure
by dint of being **** sapien
automatically linkedin to every other human
particularly heart wrenching
constitute the innocent victims of violence
and felt compelled to share sentiment
to aforementioned musician
and other receptive eyes and ears
to the poignant lament
an anthem, and dirge
showcasing brutal against
indiscriminate ****, pillage, and ******
of innocent women, men, and children
including opposition forces killing
journalists who risk life and limb
to annotate unadulterated horrible tragedy
no matter I (an aging baby boomer
living social in a safe haven,
a geographical area
called Schwenksville Pennsylvania,
whereat yours truly
voluntarily viewed footage
of massacred mothers,
fathers, sons, daughters
sisters, brothers, et cetera
impossible mission to comprehend
wanton lamentable genocidal cruelty
abominable heart breaking slaughter.

The history of Civilization and Its Discontents
awash, where nasty, short and brutish fiends
displayed all manner
of fearsome, gruesome, and loathsome
beastie boy behavior
assailing and assaulting
defenceless hamlets housing **** sapiens
minding their p's and q's
perhaps whooping up a boisterous clamor
at a popular drinking hole
whereat In 17th century English pubs,
bartenders would keep track
of patrons' alcohol consumption
by marking "P" for pints and "Q" for quarts.

The phrase may have been a reminder
to patrons to be responsible with their drinking,
nevertheless upon becoming rowdy
formerly, ordinarily polite
quiet natured short and stout
subjects of the crown
quaffing amber liquids of the gods

hector teetotalers sipping
their nonalcoholic drinks
to prove to themselves
they can stave off temptation
and merely experience
being inebriate of air
such as yours truly
who unwittingly got stuck
during the middle ages
after time travel
contraption royally malfunctioned.

Interestingly enough yours truly (me)
felt more at home living
amidst the madding crowd,
where meager trappings of life
easily fit inside a rucksack,
and when need arose
to bed down for the night
one just found an available quiet corner
(unless occupied by Jack)
to get some shut eye.
S R Mats Aug 2024
Alabama “Sweet Home Alabama” by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Alaska “Feel It Still” by Portugal. The Man
American Samoa “Edge of Glory” by Lady Gaga
Arizona “Edge of Seventeen” by Stevie Nicks
Arkansas “Don’t Stop” by Fleetwood Mac
California “California Love” by Tupac and “They Not Like Us” by Kendrick Lamar
Colorado “September” by Earth, Wind Fire
Connecticut “Signed Sealed, Delivered” by Stevie Wonder
Delaware “Higher Love” by Whitney Houston and Kygo
Democrats Abroad “Love Train” by The O’Jays
District of Columbia “Let Me Clear My Throat” by DJ Kool
Florida “Won’t Back Down” by Tom Petty
Georgia “Turn Down for What” by Lil’ Jon
Guam “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter
Hawaii “24K Magic” by Bruno Mars
Idaho “Private Idaho” by The B-52s
Illinois “Sirius” by The Alan Parsons Project
Indiana “Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough” by Michael Jackson
Iowa “Celebrate” by Kool & the Gang
Kansas “Carry on Wayward Son” by Kansas
Kentucky “First Class” by Jack Harlow
Louisiana “All I Do Is Win” by DJ Khaled
Maine “Shut Up and Dance” by Walk the Moon
Maryland “Respect” by Aretha Franklin
Massachusetts “I’m Shipping up to Boston” by Dropkick Murphys
Michigan “Lose Yourself” by Eminem
Minnesota “Kiss” and “1999” by Prince
Mississippi “Twisting the Night Away” by Sam Cooke
Missouri “Good Luck, Babe” by Chappell Roan
Montana “American Woman” by Lenny Kravitz
Nebraska “Firework” by Katy Perry
Nevada “Mr. Brightside” by The Killers
New Hampshire “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey
New Jersey “Born in the USA” by Bruce Springsteen
New Mexico “Confident” by Demi Lovato
New York “Empire State of Mind” by Jay Z and Alicia Keys
North Carolina “Raise Up” by Petey Pablo
North Dakota “******* Fire” by Alicia Keys
Ohio “Green Light” by John Legend
Oklahoma “Ain’t Goin Down” by Garth Brooks
Oregon “Float On” by Modest Mouse
Pennsylvania “Black and Yellow” by Wiz Khalifa and “Motownphilly” by Boyz II Men
Puerto Rico “Despacito” by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee
Rhode Island “Shake it Off” by Taylor Swift
South Carolina “Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) *** Machine” by James Brown
South Dakota “What I Like About You” by The Romantics
Tennessee “9 To 5” by Dolly Parton
Texas “Texas Hold ‘Em” by Beyonce
Utah “Animal” by Neon Trees
Vermont “Stick Season” by Noah Kahan
Virginia “The Way I Are” by Timbaland
Washington “Can’t Hold Us” by Macklemore
West Virginia “Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver
Wisconsin “Jump Around” by House of Pain
Wyoming “I Gotta Feeling” by Black Eyed Peas
****** Islands “VI to the Bone” by Mic Love

— The End —