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preservationman Mar 2014
The Commissioner has summoned Batman and Robin
The Bat signal had just came on
It was a night being long
Batman and Robin came in a flash on the scene
The villains will all eventually come clean
It seemed there was a big plot becoming an act
But when it comes to crime, it gets a big smack
The villains trying to get Batman and Robin dissolved
They wanted the crusader’s out of the way, and not involved
High above the Thrift building overlooking Gotham City
To the citizens below it will be a pity
Sleeping gas has been spreading to knock the city out
However Batman and Robin are trapped in a trunk being no where about
Every citizen has fallen asleep
Are the Gotham City citizens in a song of my soul to keep?
Will Batman and Robin escape being ocean deep?
The Bat channel continues on far as long
Batman was holding his breath, and suddenly broke from his bonds and cut Robin loss as well
They immediately headed for the Thrift building
When Batman and Robin arrived, all the villains were shocked in surprise
The question came up with how did you escape?
I’m Batman, and what saved me was my cape
Robin replied, “Let’s put these villains to their own sleep in jail deep”
POW from Batman to the RIDDLER
BANG from Robin to the JOKER
YONK to the other villains
Batman and Robin stated to the villains, “Crime truly doesn’t pay and you now received our relay”
Good Bat night and Batman and Robin turned crime into a justice sight.
preservationman Jan 2017
The Avengers all gathered together at the Justice League
Crimes are taking place
There is no time to waste
Villains in every category
This is where our journey begins being the story
Popcorn Man along with all Villains who want to make a spread in Gotham City
But all the Villains are helping become witty
The plan is to make Gotham City be buried in streams of Butter
Popcorn Man is determined to make all Gotham City residents to flutter
All the Avengers rush to defend
But later then
A trap has been set
Superman suddenly falls from the sky
A mysterious substance makes Man of Steel turn weak
For Superman this looks bleak
Across town Batman and Robin’s Batmobile is stuck in quick sand
What options are in their demand?
A plan needs to start now
The Hulk uses his strength ****** creating a deep hole being a straight line leading to the river, which makes the Butter head for it
Later, Thor and Ironman make the Butter dissolve
Meanwhile at the Popcorn Factory, Popcorn Man and every villain known to the Avengers are plotting the kennels in forming an army to over throw Gotham City, where Popcorn Man will be the Mayor in Control
But behold
It is not going without a fight from the Avengers
Hulk smashes here and there
Wonder Woman and Captain America battle with the mission to villains in beware
Thor and Ironman team up and utilize combined resources
Well all the Avengers forces win out
Popcorn Man and Villains have loss their punch
They are taken away to jail
The Avengers mission in they didn’t fail
Superman regained his strength
Batman and Robin escaped their ordeal
The Avengers stand hand in hand with a sunrise and sunset that will continue to shine, and let all Villains know, “Where there are the Avengers comes might”.
Joseph Paris Feb 2013
Past the deep Gotham of my eyes --
     The authority of my headache reads
     The graffiti of the prophets -- scribbled
     On the back walls of the train-station:
           Commute, work, commute, eat,
           Commute, work, commute, sleep;
           Work  Buy  Die
           And Say AYE-AYE, Sir.

     How many Dear Mr. Heartbreak letters
     Have been etched here -- (I cannot say how many) --
     Deep in the Gotham of my eyes --
     Cold as a city empty of alleys --

     Maybe I'll please the philistines,
     With much talk of good money. I'll study
     Their scriptures about the nonsense of art.
     At last I'll make good --

     I'll finally make them happy.
     I'll try a new part in my hair.
     Maybe I'll put down this pen; stop these letters.
     From now on, I'll express myself in tears.
Carl Barton Apr 2014
As the sun sets and a darkness falls over the city, there is one who rises.  Although his body has been broken and his mind has begun to grow frail, he will continue to fight until he meets his mortal end.  He's faced jokes, riddles, luck, birds, ice, vines, and even his own mind.  A child once tortured by the winged creatures of the night, consumed by the guilt of his parents' demise.  Now as an adult he uses his fear to torment his enemies and the guilt that once consumed him is now the only motivation he needs.  Though he cannot live forever, the symbol of hope he has created will last on for eternity.  And the face beneath the mask may change, but that light in the sky calls only one... He is the Batman.
Hannah Gaines Apr 2016
Wanna play Pretend?
I'll be the hero,
And you'll be the villain.

My old playmate,
She really didn't known how to play,
So she had to go,
And now you here.

So lets start the game,
You've got ten seconds to hide,
I'll give you a head start,
Ready, set, go!
Kay Mora Feb 2014
“you know its something when
you can have half a conversation
without saying a word.”

the tv screen quivers,
wetness distorting the faces
of the comics and their audience
1 a.m. live from Gotham.

“you have nerve i
guess i have to give you that.”

you smile.
your crooked tooth
is slick as you bring beer to mouth and

take a sip.

“I was never trying
to hurt you.”

“But you were never trying not to.”
Crucifix Jun 2015
The moon shines cold in the dark hollow, unyielding against the starless abyss. Below iron and neon bellow forth from the rain soaked, pavement.
Silent citizens march quickly through the night, fearfully of the long alleyways that weave their way throughout the shadows.
Fearfull of what the dark might hold.

Screams, laughter. A flash of iron and fire not to far in the distance, death follows the sound as a close friend. Grown men panic scurrying into shadows. A roar of a would be master of men echos into the darkness.

And it echoes on forever. Until the darkness shudders, something twists from liquid to smoke. It whispers warnings in dark tones, fit and full of ill intent. The cold takes hold of the spine, and a shadow descends, black and threatening, blood and bone snap beneath its weight, and death itself retreats in fear of its mighty wings.
It is the guardian of such a place. A immortal soul chained to a mortal coil.
A everlasting spirit of vengeance and the night. Cloaked in the shadow of the bat.
Just for fun gearing up for arkham knight, never realized the lasting effect this character from my childhood had on me
preservationman Jun 2017
Why does a TV series, Bat Phone, Villains and Gotham City have in common?
Batman played by Adam West
Adam West, you fought a good fight
Your name will continue to shine written in the Batman light
Villains always felt they had you trapped
But along with Robin you give them a tough lesson of smack
Your thinking plans were always sharp as a tack
But leave it to the Bat computer to figure villains out
It was words of POW, KABOOM and CRASH
But you were Batman and it was business as usual in justice in Gotham City
Yet to the villains no one had a pity
The RIDDLER always had a plot
The JOKER tried to tie you in a knot
The MADHATTER in look into my hat
MR. FREEZE with his chilling detail
But throughout was always a villain fail
Justice always triumphant and the villains went to jail
Who could forget a voice, “Will Batman and Robin make it through their fate, but is too late. Be sure to find out Same Bat station and Channel
Commissioner Gordon and Chief O’hara all sadden in having a loss
But Batman and Robin you a team being a force
You will be missed in your acting ability ways
Yet the remembrance is here to stay
Acceleration in my mind being the Batmobile and Bat Cycle
Crime Fighting TV will never be the same
However, the thought of TV Batman and Robin will continue to remain
Your mission going forward in Heaven will be to recruit faithful Souls
But it will be the face of Adam West that will be the behold
Commissioner Gordon says, “Thanks for being Gotham City’s Protector and always being on call”
Adam West response is “To My Fans, Thank You All”.
Hannah Gaines Apr 2016
You wanna hurt Mistah J?
Sorry bozo but you'll have to go through me first
You'll never lay a finger on him

My name?
Not tellin' ya until you play my game
If ya win, then I'll tell you
If ya lose, lets say that there's going to be a mess

Mistah J is my puddin'
You wont ruin his fun
Not while I'm around
Sorry if I spoiled your fun

Guess you lost, but I'll tell you my name
My name is Harley Quinn
John F McCullagh Jan 2012
I’d worked late the previous night,
programing applications.
When the alarm went off at four A.M.
I hit snooze- no hesitation.
Eventually my feet found floor,
I stumbled to the shower.
A routine usually done in ten
took me a half an hour.
I was running up the platform steps
but my train just left the station.
Great, I will be late for sure,
I thought, in consternation.
At least the day was perfect,
Warm and clear, no threat of rain.
I fished and found my ticket
and took the next westbound train.
The ”E” was fairly crowded
When I boarded it at Penn
I’d missed the first and I was glad
Another quickly came.
Beneath the streets of Gotham
The subway lurched downtown.
Above all hell was breaking loose
as two large planes were down.
I climbed the stairs up to the street
And entered the inferno
The sky now black from billowing smoke
Bright day turning nocturnal.

A Seven thirty Seven’s wheel-
I heard a woman screaming
I saw a body at my feet
Were we at war or was I dreaming?
I stared up at my window-
where I worked the night before.
Where flames and smoke leapt to the sky-
where my co workers were no more.
They’re jumping, someone shouted
I saw black specks launch from on high.
Better to die upon the street
Than to suffocate or fry.

I turn and ran, I am ashamed.
No Hero’s tale to tell.
I was a safe way away
when the first tower fell.

Had I not hit the button
or dawdled in the shower.
Had I caught my usual train
I’d be dead in the tower.

This is my shame and burden
To live when others died.
Preserved by fate and circumstance
From terror from the sky.
Victoria G May 2013
The only reason I ever went downtown
was for music class
or orchestra gigs
or for LA Phil concerts,
but I found this cool bookstore once.

I walked around with you once
during a break between rehearsals
and you asked me if I thought anyone
actually lived here
"LA's just a movie set," you said.

I was downtown for an audition once
and they were filming Batman.
There was fake snow everywhere
and you told me that you and a friend
pretended to have
a snowball fight.

A snowball fight in Los Angeles.
Except when Los Angeles is Gotham
or New York
or Chicago
for the day.

No one is ever on the streets in LA.
Unless LA is Gotham
or New York
or Chicago
for the day.
Hannah Gaines Apr 2016
One flip of a coin,
And chance will decide,
To either live,
Or die.

Now dont be afraid,
It's just chance,
Justice's friend,
No harm to anyone.

But you need to be punished,
For the crimes held against you,
Chance will be here,
For your judgement day.

Chance may be kind,
Or unforgiving,
You won't know,
Unless I flip the coin.
Hannah Gaines Apr 2016
Riddle me this,
Riddle me that,
I have a riddle,
Just for you.

Can you answer it?
If you get it right,
I'll let you go,
If not, well there'll be a price.

You see,
I love riddles,
And I've always gotten it right,
Let see if you'll get it right:*

I travel by the moon and stars,
I can't abide the sun,
But banish me with a torchlight,
You'll see me turn and run.

What am I?
TS Ray Nov 2019
Flying without abandon,
spinning a spider web, or
saving the day by coming out at nights,
it”s not my powers to be.

I keep no magic secrets,
I drink no miracle potions,
I have no alter egos,
I own no extra fittings.
I just believe.
Just like you believe.

Being your own super hero,
telling your own heroic tales,
crafting your own wins from odds,
no trip to Gotham City is needed for that.

Knowing your intuition,
trusting your gut,
feeling a pinch,
holding to clinch,
the pearl of an oyster
from the deep blue life,
it’s what my force will be.

So, how deep is your oyster at? :)
DJ Verona Feb 2014
Soaring tower, representing
All those lost and still lamenting
Shining beacon, glimmers bright
Visible across the night.

Born from ashes long since vanished
Feeds a city’s skyline famished
Loss of twins is not forgotten
But We the People cannot stop
In our endeavor to revive them
No more time for crying beside them!
Reflecting pools have filled with tears
Of agony throughout the years.

From high above we can look proudly
Up to Heaven, screaming loudly
“Our freedom has been fixed!”
To seventeen hundred and seventy-six.
When they placed the spire on top of One World Trade Center in May 2013, I felt inspired to write. For twelve years, the skyline of Manhattan lacked symbolism downtown. I remember 9/11 vividly, but the hardest thing, for me at least, was driving into the city and not being able to see those glorious buildings towering over New York City. This poem is dedicated to all those that lost their lives on 9/11/01
Hannah Gaines Apr 2016
Screams echoes in my head
Like music in my ears
People running in terror
Like people dancing in my eyes

My name sends shivers in my enemies eyes
No one ever try to stop me
Only one certain Bat ruined my experiments
What harm is there to enjoy fear?

My name is Scarecrow
I strike fear into every men and woman
I don't need anyone to help me
I'm a villain and everyone should fear me
Realeboga M Jul 2016
So I had something written down but then I completely erased it. It felt as if I wasn't saying much.

So I'll try this. In a relationship people always have this objective of trying to save someone. I don't know if that makes sense. But someone is always trying to be your hero. Like they feel that they have the power to make you feel safe yet be able to take that away from you. Because without a hero like maybe Superman or Spiderman where would the city be right?

But I think differently. Getting to know you made me realise something. I wanted to be my own hero so that I can be the best girlfriend ever. I wanted to be my batman so that I can protect you, my Gotham city.
But as time moved on. You opened wounded layers of me and you still are opening them. And you're by my side helping me close them. And then I thought to myself. Wow this girl is amazing.
She's not the typical I want to be your hero person any random person meets.

You showed me something about a relationship. It's not about being your own hero but that does play an important role. It's about finding someone who connects with you. It's about finding someone who's willing to help you with your journey. About finding someone who's helping save you. Someone who's by your side.
Like a sidekick. Most people think less of them. But look at Batman. He has Robin. And without him Gotham isn't safe.

Look at the Avengers as weird as it seems they have more than one person helping each other out.

Or even Spider-Man. He has his own guys with the help of Shield.

I'm getting to my point don't worry.

See the problem of having to be your own hero is that we have cracks that we can not get closure or get them filled alone. And for that we ignore them. And these cracks just keep on getting worse until we are at a point whereby we don't know. Literally we don't.

For example one of my cracks I have is my lack of confidence.
On my own. I would have probably ignored it or come up with a situation whereby I just need to lose more weight. I'd probably be anorexic by now.

But because I have someone like you. I'm finding ways of trying to appreciate myself. Because I'm a beautiful person. I'm a good kid. My baby says so and it's true.
You help me help myself be better. You're by my side as I try to save and find myself.

Which is something I want to do for you
It's something I'm going to do for you. I want to be your sidekick. Your Robin.
Opening up is hard. I know and I understand. I care so very deeply for you baby. Shucks I'm madly in love with you
I want what's best for you. I want you to have the most amazing life ever. I want your heart and mind free from everything that torments you.

But what I do not want to do is force you ever.
I will never get impatient with you. And even if you push me away. I'll stay right here and keep it solid.
Each time you're sad. I'll type the longest message ever. Especially if I can't get to you immediately

I love you. I really do
And I'm here. To talk or not, I know that sometimes we just need to be there for one another and not talk. Just for us to embrace each others presence and I'll be there for that

I'm your Reastar
Your girlfriend
Your best friend
I'm yours
John F McCullagh Jun 2012
The Pedicab drivers of Gotham all say
You should ignore a "Whale Hail"
because it just doesn't pay.
The city is hilly and
to pedal gets tough
when your passengers are,
shall we say, overstuffed.

Two tubby tourists out on the town
between them they weighed about
Eight Hundred Pounds.
They had wiped out the Sushi
at an all you can eat.
Much too lazy to walk
on their overstressed feet.

They hailed for a Pedicab
of which there's a multitude
Thats the sole explanation
for accepting their pulchritude.

Their ride started slowly,
but pleasant enough.
But then came a hill
and the going got rough.

He groaned and he struggled
as he trucked up the road,
but not even juiced Armstrong
could handle this load.

With two tubby tourists
ensconced in the back.
He slowed to a crawl
then stalled in his tracks.

Something had to give
with those two in the rear
The cab then turned turtle
chucking him in the air.

The two tubby tourist
were down on their backs
Their driver unconscious
and two tires flat.

An Ambulance came
and gave him first aide
The two tourists rolled off
and he never got paid.

If we banned too large colas
and sixty ounce beers
could we hope that these
land whales
might,one day, disappear?

Until then its risky
to pick such fares up
unless in a limo
or a truck thats Ram tough
Taken from the pages of Yesterday's New York Post
Sam Miller Apr 2013
When I say hero you
look for Superman
Flying through Metropolis or
Batman slinking through Gotham’s shadows.
And when I say heroine
You can think only of needles
Poking through skin like the shell of a beetle.
When I say hero
Everyone looks skyward for capes and spandex
Or a symbol lighting up the clouds.
But Clark Bruce and Peter
can’t save you from yourself.
These suit-clad saviors are fantasies.
Fairytales put before us so we can have something
to believe in when the ordinary people fail us.

I have seen people around me, people I love,
crumble like weakened plaster.
And I have met people who were already lying
in a pile of dust and debris at my feet.
I’ve seen them **** asbestos into their lungs
and draw tic tac toe on their arms in crimson
I have seen someone become their own villain!
But I have seen these people get up again,
Pick up the pieces of their glass hearts,
And glue them back together for the sake of their sanity.
I have seen villains become heroes.

These heroes, MY heroes are the ones with the scars on their wrists
but no tags on their toes, the ones that heave into the porcelain bowl
but still try to eat each day.
These are my heroes.

My heroes are the parents raising kids and battling demons old and new,
the abuse victims who got out, or are stuck but still fighting.
These…these are my heroes.

Broken survivors, living despite everything that keeps them from wanting to,
Despite all their scars and battle wounds they are alive and they are trying.
The ones who are not saving others but saving themselves.
These are heroes.

Some people look down on the wounded, the broken, and the insecure
like they were the cause of their own problems and refused the simple solutions of “**** it up”
and “get over it” because they were too lazy to get better.

Don’t you dare tell me that they don’t want to fix this,
That they don’t wake up each morning and wish
With every fiber of their being that they could look into a mirror
And finally, finally, love what they see.
Don’t tell me that these people aren’t strong
Because they go to bed each night with eyes red and raw from crying
And they wake up with bags under their eyes but they.

**** your superheroes.
Haven't posted anything in a while, but I'm back.
Saul Makabim Aug 2012
Few freaks
have such impeccable taste,
Singing Pagliacci, smoking a Cuban cigar,
And sipping L'Essence de Courvoisier,
As he lowers you into the shark tank,
To feed his hungry pet.
Forget appearances
He cloaks himself in affectations,
And feigned cordiality
But he will take you down at the knees,
And kick your face until he can hide his shoe in your skull
Or put a bullet through your brain,
Before you can ask why he has an umbrella
When the weatherman said
No rain
A name as Gotham
As Chapman and Wayne
Always dressed to the nines
He drinks the finest wines
But he can humiliate four thugs
Who try to mug him
In an alley
Cut the fools down in a fury
Steel shod umbrella,
Razorblade shoes,
And a gun up his sleeve
Appearances deceive
The definition of The Penguin
Hannah Gaines Apr 2016
Purple and Green
Laughter echoing the halls
Cards everywhere on the floor
Who could have done this?

A lunatic is on the loose
Bodies drop to the floor
I'm the only one standing
My smile grew more and more

The man in front of me grabbed a knife
He slowly walks to me
my heart started to pound
His voice sounded like a lunatic would sound

"Why so serious? Lets put a smile on that face"
I grabbed my hammer
The only thought that crossed my mind is
I will always smile for you Joker
Terri L Smith Nov 2012
The darkness fell and never left,
        The rain came beating to the ground,
As somberly he looked, bereft,
        At Father who made not a sound
        And Mother lost to all around,
He made a pledge, an oath of hate,
      And ne’er to break his word was he;
Protect all others from this fate,
      Not to allow misdeeds to be:
      Destroy all wrong that he could see
By taking down immoral men,
      By any means and any form
So his days were spent, but then,
      His heart still craved for loving; warm
      Bodies to interlace, perform -
Almost like a dream she came,
     A woman born not of this Earth,
Diana Prince, her given name,
     And he knew not of her real worth,
     Or of the true place of her birth;
He found himself in lustful daze,
      Watching as she flicked her hair,
Smiled in most adoring ways,
      He knew this thing he could not share
      Thus the two became a pair -
Though both hid a secret deep,
      Neither one prepared to say
And both their silence they did keep,
      Until the one most momentous day
      When fate had its own hand to play;
In mortal danger they were found,
      Roped around in knots and ties
By wicked creatures underground,
      At last their secrets they described,
      Identities they’d dared to hide;
She had her doubts of baring truths,
      But knew her lover understood
Why she had been made to choose
     Although all that she did was good,
     A choice made to evade spilled blood;
He told her of that fearful night
     When as a child his parents died
And left him in this world to fight
     Alone; in the mansion he’d reside,
     His want and need for love denied,
He told of his cape, his helm, and cave,
     She of inherent power,
Neither flustered, both were brave
    In face of their darkest hour,
    And bells rang out from Gotham’s tower
Declaring that now it was time;
    The two of them combined must fight,
And brave they fought against the crime,
    Cloaked, hidden under dark of night
    Until the dawn of morning light;
The end of the battle now was near,
    A thousand men lay lost, defeated
And Gotham’s citizens did cheer,
    As speedily the rest retreated
   The dark of Batman's heart depleted.
Ireland Gundy Mar 2015
Gotham the city of flight,
Where the moral and wicked fight,
Laughter rings throughout the dark
As the deranged leaves his mark.
He speaks for the mad,
and fails to recall what it is he had.
He see it as a amusement views me as a toys,
what he does he some how enjoys.
I've beat him time and time again,
though he still remains the most mysterious of men.
I once went to see him no mask, no cape,
Batman had returned him from another escape.
I walk to his cell "Bruce Wayne. Hi"
he wouldn't turn around, nor look me in the eye.
He didn't care who was behind the mask,
but there I stood "Dear Ol' Bats"
I knew then.
I was nothing to him.
But every plot so clever. So canny,
He's had so many chances,
but never glances.
Maybe it frightens him, the idea that I am just a man.
Unmasking me might bring back thoughts of how he began.
Maybe it helps him with his blind recollection.
Almost like the clown wouldn't feel succession,
The man with a ruby red grin.
He would come back to reality,
but what then?
Saul Makabim Aug 2012
Spurred on by scarecrow's
chemical coercions
convicts and sick souls
spill out into the streets
To slice dice
cook and eat
An orange jumpsuit army,
a crushing orange wave consumes
The neighborhoods and avenues
Chaos is constant
Carnage is complete
No single hero can quell a wave of madmen
well acquainted with violence
Like an avalanche of razors, and ambulance sirens
Wielding improvised blood letters
And bone snappers
Citizens scream and flee
Consumed by the visions
Contained in the cloud of fear
It is clear
it is going to be a wild time
in old Gotham tonight.
From Batman Begins...
B L Costello Feb 2022
Welcome to Gotham!
Here is your pass,
“Just a little pin *****”,
Pull up your mask,
The Joker’s still laughing,
“Boys will be girls”
Enjoy your ****,
“It’s a messed up world”
Bat man is out there,
Make no mistake,
You would never notice without the cape,
Yes, the weeds legal,
But it going fast,
“Space cowboy” says hi,
Pull up your mask.
Not getting political! Just having fun there are so many characters out there....
A first aft-election transition
today follows a hollow campaign
then a frosty morning
hence this performance was fore winter
then her wish for doves to sing in a manger by nativity  
and a star would shine with liberty everywhere
that always conveyed a season of connections
that fore a solstice did snow but soon lifted
as the night was young for the earth fervently shone
with resolve would make new year impart
with a view in cinema these features were glamorous
like Valentines may propose an affront on Saint Patrick's Day
when frost enough thus a dew imbued here
though the permeated hope festivity again.
New York Dec. 11, 2016
Irate Watcher Sep 2014
concrete shades the yellow-lighted symphony.
The peso-heavy take taxis;
security valets motors steaming castle gates.
I ask, which way is the 158?
Indifferent, they say, walk straight neath the freeway
there is a bus stop two blocks away.


Clocktower hands transpose Cindarella-brick
to embers of electricity,
a factory aside scrawled graffiti;
fingers timidly ricket pitchfork fences.
Palermo is 11 km north.
Where is the north star?

I look straight ahead, repeating what
the travel blogs said like,
Be lost, don’t look lost;
flappy plastic maps scream vulnerability.
Be lost, not rich;
iPhones in gotham alleys are batman signals.
Walk fast.
Don’t pay attention to the eyes that pass.
Careless ponytails and brass hair attract
glances back.

Two blocks deep into the homeless shelter
beneath freeways, blankets
in shopping carts toppled over,
cars screaming away the symphony
into shadowed silence between heels striking.
Tunnel breath emerging on the other side,
gasping past stacked Jenga towers,
wired with antennas and empty clotheslines;
families and crack ****** sleep inside.
Safety’s herd thins as  couples dart left down
cobblestone tributaries
that either lead to bus stops or parked cars.
I walk straight ahead with
sleeve-covered hands that swing like sticks
in the wind.
The symphony turns to
heartbeats and footsteps
plucking quickly;
fearing the 180 behind,
to zombies with sunken eyes,
thirsty for a thirty-cent high.
True story walking  at night in La Boca, one of Buenos Aires' most crime-ridden neighborhoods. Bless the soul who gave me bus fare back to Palermo.
Robin Carretti Dec 2016
Lamppost of crystal's
shadow light
It's me against me
Looking out my window
I see the field
I am sitting with
my napkin fold.

Words moved__

Looking at my ring hot steam
Exploded so conceivable
Did I imagine?
So intricate and fine
But invisible, in the tile cracks.
I can see a shadow face.
Please get him out of my South
Hampton house.
He's so out of place.
I never want to see his shadow face.
So swiftly shopping fighting the crowd
hunk's of  *** all over the City

I'm sold congratulations, I win me
Harry Winston diamond.
Jarod was fighting, with my jewel's.
On the titanic vessel
Something shadowing your Pupils

Exploring love at any cost
picking up the artist
historical love fossil?
He  gave her a necklace from
the shadow of his smile
exquisitely detailed tasseled

My lover tilt's me forward.
I go toward the  light Shadow fight
Hansel sometimes loves brutal
So gone Girl Gretel.
Someone is following me,
in my shadow

I was holding, Twin set croissant's
I see his sun-shadow, in the meadow
Hello, it's Me
and my shadow
The cafe black-catsuit,
he's jumping over my latte
So suited like a checkerboard
cake pursuit
So lucky me shadow kiss fairies
and elves.
Something moved me going through
my Carbanet shelf's 

Surprisingly angry. Oh! My
He's hungry
Shocked Ghostly
The Dutchess of Windsor

All I will be is this shadow
hanging with
  his ***** laundry

Model shoot fighting dart
Victoria secret *******
The best  silken qualities
Breaking into my house.
Was my spouse?
shadowed by too many boxers
GQ models "Guilty "Quarantine"
I'm dreaming White no shadows
of Christmas
Like an oracle of the ornament's
his shadow lip's
looking behind a cup
My mind boiled coffee grind
  every  second, broken record
I am the singer I  say hello shadow
hit my vocal chords made
the record

Robin red breast bird frantic
Sometimes life is cruel desperately
seeking  housewives  of New Jersey
Such high taxes
Getting hooked on Prozac- cheater faxes
The Christmas tree so ******* towers

Too many Jack shining, all writer's
winning April showers
Penpals writers and fighters

 African violets artist booming with
  lover's kisses seem's ingenious
But I'm not listening

His shadow follow's me I fight back
Somehow like I am pacing toward the
    Gotham city bat eye winged the
train track. The speed of heart attack
       "Crystal's Powers Comeback"
  So transparent batman flying so defiant.
Fairies with lucidity his shadow hot crime.
Right  at the same time
How I wished I was overlooking the water,
with my  Key -lime pie.
Please don't  shadow me
Or lie to me
To rob me again.
What's to gain, your invisible men
Met my virginity key.
Looking out my window

Face touched my back
monster vision,
not exactly love infusion.
I felt like I was having a
blood transfusion.

Sun-catcher caught my eye's dreamy
mad-hatter meadow
Mobster Gotti. Shadow proof

what about the book proof.
So vividly,
shooting, at windows,
cherry tree lost its shadow.
Ancestor's sign's leaves fight family
from the distance broken heart.
But Bette Midler sing's, knock's out all the,
shadow's of the earth distance.
One shadow across my opened heart window,
snow blizzard  blew apart ice my shadow fight
I paid the price started sticking
hearing music satanically

Andy Anderson window call's me?
Flicker's at me, it touched a part of me,
how it trembled me,
the familiar beat
I stumbled got down to my feet
looking out my window
Immortal sunlight powerful never
left my sight
preservationman Jul 2017
It’s a tail where Batman and Robin are the victims
Its goes beyond Gotham City crime comprehension
However, Batman and Robin are captioned in sublime
The Batmobile wants to fight crime alone
The Batmobile ejected Batman and Robin and let it be shown
The Batmobile is more equipped
Batman and Robin just didn’t fit
There’s no room with a backseat
Batman and Robin will have to sum up a defeat
Gotham City crime waves will be justified by the Batmobile
Yet Batman and Robin are concentrating on is this car for real?
The fact remains that the cape crusaders just can’t deal
The Batmobile being the new avenger being the feel
It’s the car with electronics on wheels
The Villains don’t stand a chance and will have to deal
The reel could very well read
“The Batmobile Crime Stopper intends to succeed”
Batman and Robin have been replaced
They are no longer the ace
It will be the Batmobile and Villains face to face
Batman and Robin are now a erase
Imagine the TV fate slogan, “Batmobile caught by surprise, and didn’t realize. The wheels being anchored down with chains and no movement bound”
Same wheels tomorrow and will the Batmobile overcome its ordeal?
POLAND, France, Judea ran in her veins,
Singing to Paris for bread, singing to Gotham in a fizz at the pop of a bottle's cork.
"Won't you come and play wiz me" she sang ... and "I just can't make my eyes behave."
"Higgeldy-Piggeldy," "Papa's Wife," "Follow Me" were plays.
Did she wash her feet in a tub of milk? Was a strand of pearls sneaked from her trunk? The newspapers asked.
Cigarettes, tulips, pacing horses, took her name.
Twenty years old ... thirty ... forty ...
Forty-five and the doctors fathom nothing, the doctors quarrel, the doctors use silver tubes feeding twenty-four quarts of blood into the veins, the respects of a prize-fighter, a cab driver.
And a little mouth moans: It is easy to die when they are dying so many grand deaths in France.
A voice, a shape, gone.
A baby bundle from Warsaw ... legs, torso, head ... on a hotel bed at The Savoy.
The white chiselings of flesh that flung themselves in somersaults, straddles, for packed houses:
A memory, a stage and footlights out, an electric sign on Broadway dark.
She belonged to somebody, nobody.
No one man owned her, no ten nor a thousand.
She belonged to many thousand men, lovers of the white chiseling of arms and shoulders, the ivory of a laugh, the bells of song.
Railroad brakemen taking trains across Nebraska prairies, lumbermen jaunting in pine and tamarack of the Northwest, stock ranchers in the middle west, mayors of southern cities
Say to their pals and wives now: I see by the papers Anna Held is dead.
Jack Saintjohn Nov 2013
The voice of Morgan Freeman can make flowers sprout
Penguins march like an army to the rhythm of his voice
The voice of an opera singer may break glass
But his just melds it back together
I'm pretty sure
He's narrating my every footstep
My every breath
My every twitch
He's somewhere looking down on me
Giving the best play by play ever
His deep bellowing voice
Opens the worn hole
Helps break Tim Robbins out of Shawshank
And helps batman save Gotham
The only thing he can't do
Is get me through high school
JidosReality Sep 2015
If only they could understand were I've been and how far I've come, this smile on my face is a Polarod Picture full of fun.

With love and cuddles there’s always a shoulder for you to cry on, it’s amazing because The Last Piece to my puzzle has been found.

I love my x-box the adventure in this game has just begun, got the keys to the Bat Mobile Gotham City here I come.

See the Joker thinks his funny until Robin comes along, my heart is like a diamond it sparkles all day long.

My smile is a memory that catchers you when you fall, I'm strong and I'm a leader and I’ll always be there when you need me.

My I-pad has an app that’s so relaxing when I need it, I'm **** and I'm Naughty I love teasing as you please me.

Hears the key to my heart love it as you become part of my destiny.

This poem I wrote for my friend “K J Phillips”

Jidos Reality  1.11.12
CC Jan 2021
Bombs, bombs away!
The crowned prince of Gotham has come to play.
Will you stand by his side?
Or whimper, run and hide?
With nowhere to turn to
And no one to plead to,
Habits die hard.
Though you are scarred,
With the familiar sting of bruises and cuts that still ache,
Nothing hurts more than heartache.
That is why you’ll look at his face and accept his hand,
Because no one will ever understand,
Just how much his sinister grin and laugh
Makes you feel like he’s your better half.
This is your finale, hold your breath,
And accept how he pushes you towards your death.
their love isn't exactly healthy, but she keeps going back to him... is the reason as clear as day or is it shrouded in mystery?
Jeremy Betts Feb 2018
What. Just. Happened?
I'm still here, in the throes of terror, probably forever, but that was close
I don't know how many more of those devastating blows from life's twisted episodes I can take before I get exposed and everybody knows that this smile's a fake, adorned like over warn costumes on Broadway shows
A mangled backdrop set prop to keep from view that I got behind the scenes woes
With each smile the lie grows
Gotta live with this Pinocchio nose
Black out curtains dress the windows so the only parts of me I expose are silhouette shadows
Like house siding, I stack the facade till a barrier grows
It adds curb appeal and social value I suppose
But for me it's a false face to hide the lows
Getting me through this reality that blows
A life time of running into doors with a sign reading "sorry we're closed"
Hanging next to the mandatory posted notice of demolition proposed
Life's ultimate plan to bulldoze any happy settlement till all that's left are foreclosed burrows
Unwelcoming ghettoes
A real to life Gotham City narrows
Every one knows **** flows down stream and my life's the delta where it all goes
Rainbows triggering everyday psychos
Sorrows flicker by like sickening slideshows
Arms and legs strewn all around, some separated from torsos
From heros to zeros, no back again as I decompose into the shallows

It's basically not a place anybody would actually choose to be
But when it's your own psyche it's hard to see any way out of the intensity that will always accompany insanity
And no one can hear your inner voice plea for much needed mercy
Beging to be set free but this inescapable captivity is your eternity
So wait, is this outcome then a certainty?
A destiny unremarkably average and already planned out for me?
It certainly seems to be
Especially now that I see clearly that comedy lies within my tragedy
But only because hindsight is 20/20
In the moment nothing's funny
A well lit path is not part of my journey
Mines a lifetime walked through a dark ally
The thoughts that emerge from the shadows come in a hurry, a savage flurry of the eire
Physically consumed with how badly this could turn out for me
Any second I could come face to face with an enemy sent by a deity with the soul purpose to immediately end this agony but I can guarantee I'm not that lucky

It's a shame this evil never left after it came
The residual, dry back shot residue stain and remain after every time I'm ******, but those rinse off in the rain that came all the same
Causing me to claim I'll never see life the same
Now docile and tame, a king slain by his own sword, self inflicted pain
My shelf life would be considered inhumane
A body originally set to be a temple now unlivable domain
Why is it the opposite I hear 'em saying when it comes to the brain of the insane?
What I can't figure out is what's there to gain keeping me here on this plane?
An existence broken and lame, no highs, no fame
No title bout, no championship game
I'd like to say it's done in vain but the fact is maybe this is where I'VE chosen to remain
But if there is no one to blame, to frame, to claim did this to me then the chain that holds me here I should be able to explain away so I don't know how to explain why I stay

And I always find myself stubbornly staying in this mindset like I'm developing the onset of stalk home syndrome
Eventually the environment seems normal but it's a Truman show dome
Entertainment at the expense of a grown man condoned
And the freedom shown is an illusion cause there's only so far you are able to rome
It never occurred to me that it was strange to be in this place alone
At first, while trying to escape, I wore my finger tips to the bone
But now I've got it so bad that I call this catacomb home
No land line phone, no WiFi hotspot zone
Cut off from the outside inside this prison of skull and bone
It's getting harder to tell as the problems begin to become overgrown
My flaws are blown out of proportion as they engulf my preset headstone
It seems so obvious that I shouldn't be here, I deserve a permanent place in a corner alone with a dunce cap cone or next to the rest labeled drone.
And I'm pretty sure I've waited to long to atone so the best I can hope for now are some ruby slippers or the larger piece of the wishbone

Butch Decatoria Dec 2015
(Life is living art)


****** leans
Against the bricks
Gotham gothic walls
Left thumb hooked on a pocket of his
Faded denim jeans
Right hand caressing a carnation

Ready to go
Mr. ****** in a James Dean glow

Black leather jacket
Shiny slick like
Ghetto pothole puddles
Wet lacking rain

Only street lamp
Spot light
Backstreet dangerous
****** leans with
A flower for Ms. Green

Come hither squeeze

He waits
There in the sallow
Another shadow
Against the bricks

Graffiti Canons spray paint art

Within living scenes
Cool as concrete rain
Patient as an evening breeze
Passing moments
A Smiley face
Honest pain sculptures
Poetry is exploding
Street Glean

Art full in appreciating
brick walls

In his ****** lean
Worth is in / our noticing


Life's living work of Art.
Debra in Silence Jul 2020
i can't believe the perjury that's going down
i'm in Gotham City and the bad guy's got us all locked up
he's in the sky with all of our kids
all of them
chained up
and he's smiling smugly as he hugs them
he's removing the innocence
removing the freedom
very very fast
bit - by - bit
very fast
yesterday i walked in the street and spent my dollars
yesterday my child
now my child can't dance
now i can't walk in the street
i can't spend my dollars
my child can't speak
i can't speak
we're ******* and gagged
i don't know about you but
i like to think freely
and i like my child
and thinking freely
we can't
my friends
is a concern
Where is batman?


— The End —