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Arcassin B Apr 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

Flustering hair in the wind,
Better than sitting around getting high all day,
Red lipstick on the lips,
You look so divine,
The females like it when I know everything about them,
That sparkle when you smile,
The rise of a brow when your excited,
Hide your face in your palms when your shy,
Things in this world couldn't be any more artist,
Even your features inspire me to draw 250 different blue and pink butterflies,
Monday through Friday I see your stress,
You say ,
I pull you from that reality,
Guess you needed someone smart to tell you the truth and all this mess,
I can just see them flying now......
Julius Nov 2012
Your eyes are sockets of disapproval
My eyes are sunk in their reticence
Would I be the flustering morning sun?
No I'm not, I only break the dawn
When, creeping from my slothing insolence
I enter the world afresh to some harried call
A new day stretching my body from contortion
To a slumbered, slouched hunch
With bags afrenzy under these eyes that stare back
Are portals to my  soul, which is also empty
Reflections of woeful, haggard dejection
Which, in my mind's eye, which is yours,
Give me call to curl back to my hibernation
To recede like my own vacant eyes do,
To my seat of morose repose
Senseless, as I stare thickly into space
Beholding my dreams strewn before me
As I curl away from them, and they seem ever reachable

Moments ago, I used to speak to myself
A mutterance for the day's outlook
Something to find a more suitable reflection
Waiting for me at the day's end
A worldly philosophy, or mind set proposal
But a strange shame spoke back at me,
As I perceived my speaking of these words
That with each day's turn only mildly echoed
As I turned from monotony with each night
To mediocrity of passionless habit

With a pinch of thought each glance conjures
I look upon myself in years,
My futile vision, my rampant egoism
With which the twinkling eye discerns me
At my now stage, and with
Reassuring confidence tells me not to change
As with time's growth will I become you
But blink and I return to forever
For without vigor and drive will this image
Imprint and stagnate its glare upon this glass
My eternal face, my motiveless eyes
Which so piteously transfix themselves on wonder
But turn up only rubble and soil

Now, I turn in disgust, relinquishing my desires
And, turning to the hour, feel slowly
The weight of each second's thunder
Crash upon my shoulders as it is snatched from me
And now I must not lounge through this new morn
I must not lessen with the tide
What I have stored up in greatness
But instead find the key to my ghostly heart
Bring myself back,
Forward into each new life
Seán Mac Falls Jan 2015
So many ****** birds,
Grey, brown and black,
Suited as they sully in sun,
In feather and windy-speak
And dream, drifting to profit
Points, marring the globe,
They have so many ways
Of singing on their swings
Behind bars, murky birdies,
Gawking in the crowded fields,
Fielding, flighty questions without
Answer, winging all souls to oblivion,
Who fly, flustering, dusting with song
Twisting the air into pure falsehoods,
Curious, grounded pets for kingdoms,
For masters, fly-hoping in their cages.
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
hard soft i'm large and groaning a fit of plastered excellence in my ambrosia fountain of giggling fornication this city is grandly exalting and flustering mightily incense of femmes du *** who art graciously ******* with a their boisterous choir of laughing *** or the men groping seriously their frail fair trackmarked beauty and they finger their air and lush and spit gratuitously their eyes upon their *******

                                   and they like to laugh with their haughty whorish
breath            a longing barely chained loosed slowly in splattering
                 abscesses of lust                
      ;         asinine men go and plead sourly your heads in thighs sweating
anorexic ***. your Are
Emerald Proctor Mar 2013
It hurts to understand the notion,
you are free in ever motion.
I find fault in disillusion,
yet I fall,
and fall again.
Success is a driving,
flustering factor;
My life is hell without it.
Your ordeal I cannot reach,
nor analyze,
nor evaluate.
So I fall,
and fall again.
I'm not a lover anymore,
fighting is my mantra.
The energy I prosper in is of perpetual defense,
because of what I've done to myself.
Being a poet I should understand,
that I have problems as well as everyone else.
Yet I can't but help to let apathy,
possess me again,
and again.
Destre' Oct 2015
The person behind the screen
Whats does your voice sound like?
You're just a picture to me
What goes through your head?
What makes your heart beat?
You're just a picture to me
What inspires you?
What gets you going?
What makes you tick?
What do you find frustrating?
You're just a picture to me
To the person behind the screen
I'm curious
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2021
So many ****** birds,
Grey, brown and black,
Suited as they sully in sun,
In feather and windy-speak
And dream, drifting to profit
Points, marring the globe,
They have so many ways
Of singing on their swings
Behind bars, murky birdies,
Gawking in the crowded fields,
Fielding, flighty questions without
Answer, winging all souls to oblivion,
Who fly, flustering, dusting with song
Twisting the air into pure falsehoods,
Curious, grounded pets for kingdoms,
For masters, fly-hoping in their cages.
Grace Eccleson Dec 2011
Cursing the crap cluttered coats hanging in their rigor-mortis regiments
only to fall to the floor again
and again.
I cannot speak to insufferable sirens but suffer alone instead
Crying into the soft white bread and texting tormentedly
Lost is everything insignificant that I desperately require
Gone is the fear of Sugared words: 'you're fired'
Leaving for more clustered, flustering days
that fade to an unreachable haze
I sit inside time, it taunts my heart
flashing past in joy and in bordem refusing to part
Decisions must be decided and lessons must be learnt
as I shall push myself, but this should hurt more,
More shoved into my core
which trembles flabbily inches from the floor.
Do not question me
Do not inquire
Just provide me with the life i desire.
Forgive my childishness and ranting scrawl.
But i'm tired, and I only see days before a fall
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Antrorse are these two stretched hands! Parched unto the atmosphere, colorful stratosphere dimmed, yet not darkened yet!
Burgonet feelings are quite openly. Outspokingly disgraceful. Some wear marvels, others turned disgraceful.. How distasteful!!!
Burlap past times and I'm still knitted in, wherein memories are the remembrance of a past who maketh thou to be thou. Buskin druid....
Flustering is soo highly overtaken, for thine innards goes outdated, as prayers are daily struggles. Mixed and ruffled, as the freckles to ones current displace..
Foxfire flame can be seen in hidden oaks, wherein thou art clogged by forest smoke, yet/ made by thine own destructions... Rich haveth luncheons, as schooltime sells cheap embargo's!!!renew tomorrow!!!!
Icterus slumbering dots have taken the whole!!!while t.v rots thy soul, the news comes day in day out!!! All the same but worse!!!!battle dispersed!!!
Indign I am to past the pearly gates! For to early or to late, its better to make it in than not!!!!
Michael Sorley Sep 2012
He see’s the way she looks at me
Her eye's full of sin
A sin that is nice to me
He wants her so

He lust’s to feel her touch
Don't know how to feel
Feelings flustering around, like a poetic soul
He can't help but to enjoy her

He dream’s to have her in my arms
One day I hope to
Feel her love
She means everything to me
OriginalMade Oct 2016
Solitude of the mind comes so naturally.
A moment of quiet begins peace and please.
A ground which confirms sanity.
Reassuring our thoughts they are still at ease.
A meditation that dances delicately,
Floating in ways more than comforting.
A release from daily cluster and tragedy,
For foil that stains peace of mind and wont let me sleep.

But a moment of solitude and just watch me sink,
Into cushions of daydreams,
A pleasure so sweet,
Sliding further into that feeling of peace.
Gliding endlessly,
So spiritual, so deep.
Until the only thought left flustering,
Is complete and utter sleep.
Parin Aug 2020
Maybe hope is just an illusion,
a mirage,
which prevents us from seeing the reality,
fooling us to believe that its actually there,
fooling us to believe that it'll actually help,                                
but it's all a lie,                                                             ­   
a lie so white,
as if like snow,
that falls on you,
giving you a glimpse of happiness,
just a tick of satisfaction,
but soon it melts,
drowning you in a puddle,
a puddle of fake hope and expectations,
a puddle of fake happiness and flustering sensations.
And that is when you'll realize,
that hope is nothing but a clean white lie.
Keel Lincoln Feb 2010
Fumbling forth frantically,
From the far off fort of the firmament,
Forever feeling its flustering frolic,
From far before fragmented futility flew,
Figments fetched from fascination,
Fears fall foul at this fatiloquist,
Figs fumble for flight,
From the fixation of the wind.

Heaving his howling hush,
Humming his hectic harmony,
Hems of haste heading home,
Humbles me as his host,
Helps with his honored honesty,
Holds high in this,
The hovering hood of the wind.

Shouting sheer shalom,
Shoves shadows, shielding me as a shroud,
Shivers stretch from the showering stratosphere,
Somber shoulders suddenly soar,
Shirt flutters, from the shreds of the wind.
Feel free to quote or use if you feel it’s worthy of doing so (for when I share what I write, it’s for people to hear/read it if they desire to), but please don’t take it and say these words and phrases are your own, grant me the credit of writing it. Thank you. And tell a spider a secret today; it’s what they live off of.
Torak Mar 2015
I am here alive flustering
in the aroma of abusive fathers
abused mothers
of one night stands with someone’s name
you can’t recall
With a cigarette between my teeth
i remind myself
its to kick a bad habit
you are a bad habit
i’ve felt my skin cells relapse
underneath your touch
I’ve felt them sob in sobriety
often found with a glass in
my grasp i continue to
drink my liver
lucid of any transparency
because there are no
stutters in your stride
and no stammers in your sentences
for christs sake
i hear your laughter echoing in the hallways
my ears are bleeding
and my cup has gone dry darling
i can’t seem to stand
because your goodbye knocked out my knee caps
and this sobriety will **** me if I come back.
AJ Sep 2016
God peers down from towering heights
at the lawless land covered in the soot
of an anarchy so fine

Where dirt and dust
replace oceans of skin

Where smoke and ash
scoff at crystal skies

Where corpses in sheets
line asphalt roads

And musical men strike weary chords
in alleys wet with voiceless bards

Will death be proud to call broken names
while hungry vandals raze bleeding hills

Fear not this time
for there’s proof enough
that you will stand agape at the smoky forests
of concrete trees
in this flustering night
Annie Feb 2019
My mind got wrapped into a spell
Entwisted by two hands
And slowly, my resistance fell
Into a man’s presence

My toughts began to twist and spin
Into thin fingers touch
And faster, I’m entangling
Into a frantic clutch

Out of two dark, abyssal eyne
I drew new force and energy
And realised I can’t decline
A kind of curiousity

And fled myself into a vibe
Both flustering and soothing
Until I found myself beside
A control I confide
M R Jan 2014
Before you,
I never sung in the shower or swayed my hips to my favorite songs.
I never knew what waking up with my lips curved felt like.
You turn my thoughts into something that resembles a Salvador Dali painting and my words into a flustering bustle of syllables.

Before you,
Everything seemed like a balancing tight rope act that I always seemed to fail and fall.
I kept thinking about you being betrayed by those before me and I will never understand
because nobody could ever compare to you.
And I still remember the first night I talked to you and I promised myself I would never let you go
even if everything fades or ends abruptly,
I will still have you forever on my paper in my favorite poems.
The human heart is a very tricky thing and the past has proven that most things aren't easy
but, you come so naturally. Every word I write about you flows out so easily despite the fact I will only ever always barely touch the surface when it comes to how magnificent you are. I will forever try to expand my vocabulary in search of the correct words to describe you.

Before you,
my notebook pages filled up to the brim with skeletons from my closet and ghosts from my past but they have since been replaced with embarrassing doodled hearts and words that no longer leave me preoccupied with loneliness.

There were so many before you,
some I only glanced at in crowded rooms and some I tightly held hands with,
but none of them look like you do in a crowded room
and none of their hands felt like yours
and they never will.
brandon nagley May 2015
Antrorse are these two stretched hands! Parched unto the atmosphere, colorful stratosphere dimmed, yet not darkened yet!
Burgonet feelings are quite openly. Outspokingly disgraceful. Some wear marvels, others turned disgraceful.. How distasteful!!!
Burlap past times and I'm still knitted in, wherein memories are the remembrance of a past who maketh thou to be thou. Buskin druid....
Flustering is soo highly overtaken, for thine innards goes outdated, as prayers are daily struggles. Mixed and ruffled, as the freckles to ones current displace..
Foxfire flame can be seen in hidden oaks, wherein thou art clogged by forest smoke, yet/ made by thine own destructions... Rich haveth luncheons, as schooltime sells cheap embargo's!!!renew tomorrow!!!!
Icterus slumbering dots have taken the whole!!!while t.v rots thy soul, the news comes day in day out!!! All the same but worse!!!!battle dispersed!!!
Indign I am to past the pearly gates! For to early or to late, its better to make it in than not!!!!!
Kurt LaVacque Sep 2014
I haven't fallen 
Yet to rise it seems 
Im crawling in and out of breath
Testing the limits of your life and my death
Subjectively defying the gravity, that we lie in-between 
Screaming for a better way to stay clean, 
From all the lies that you meant to say
Just doubt melting from your face
Laced with despair, and sorrow
Borrowing my heart, discarding the lies you gave to start, with
Understanding half of what it is, depends on which truth decides to win
Bringing more pain, and anguish
Flustering failed attempts at love 
Shoved aside like a lonely lion cub 
Begging for mercy as the night breaks the awareness, surrounded by the rest
Protecting more that just her heart from the mournfulness of death
So sleep softly my child
For the light isn’t the only thing that shines in the wild
Seán Mac Falls Oct 2017
So many ****** birds,
Grey, brown and black,
Suited as they sully in sun,
In feather and windy-speak
And dream, drifting to profit
Points, marring the globe,
They have so many ways
Of singing on their swings
Behind bars, murky birdies,
Gawking in the crowded fields,
Fielding, flighty questions without
Answer, winging all souls to oblivion,
Who fly, flustering, dusting with song
Twisting the air into pure falsehoods,
Curious, grounded pets for kingdoms,
For masters, fly-hoping in their cages.
loisa fenichell Oct 2014
This boy lying in between my sheets
has a body like a ****** nose. If it
were up to me his teeth would be bruised,
but instead his shins are covered in broken
thunder. Last night lying next to him was dark
as damp childhood hair (from getting out
of the pool, from just learning how to swim, from just
learning how to feel ashamed of my body, all
wet like fresh lips). Last night was so dark I had
to hold my breath: held it for 7 seconds before
I yelped for air.

This boy is not mine. This boy
is like somebody else’s death: he is hardly with me.
This boy sits still and cross-legged in between
my sheets like a black crab. He looks all skewed
and crooked, all out of place. When he touches me
I kick him, my legs flustering out and then recoiling
back in like dying ancestors.

Lately it’s felt like I’m dying over and over again,
like I am dying with him. This morning I wait
for him to leave, and then to die, and then to wake up
again, spring up like small new gravestones.

Every boy I have ever loved has killed himself.
Murmur the word “suicide” to me before I sleep
and I will dream about the days when I used to feel
dizzy, always, when I used to faint, always, when
I used to peck at my mosquito bites, always.
can't stop listening to elvis depressedly // can't stop listening to elvis depressedly & getting emotional & crying & writing in the school library
When do star-shaped smiles
and firework eyes
stop sparking flames
while everybody spies

Aching, madly
we chase victory
in a fool's battle
of attention,

attraction strikes fast
in the flustering heat

when the cold ignites,

attacking discomfort
with chilling nights
so we long even more

Summer keeps us gazing
        inside our minds and out
  It hurts

      we are all blind,
            lying ******
on star littered ground
because the truth is
      pupils fire bullets
Jennifer Arbo Sep 2013
Your stare.
Flustering my mind with your fleeting look.
My whole world, distracted by your presence.
Tempting me to reveal my heart’s desires.
But I should look away,
as it is the only cure for a shattered fantasy.
I shouldn’t fail to remember
~ I cannot have you.
So I’ll just walk away and leave with a happy sigh.
Margarita Kamara Mar 2018
My Silence is so loud
Bad thoughts stuffing my head with black clouds
A storm is brewing
Anger, anguish, and agony is spewing
The wind of despair is blustering
All my happiness and blissfulness is flustering
Why is silence louder than thunder
My whole body is starting to shudder
Bolts of Lightening full of my blunder
Are causing me to flounder
My silence is so loud I can not abstain
This is no summer rain
It’s a tropical storm
A typhoon full of pass sins and sorrow is starting to form
I can’t take any more
Please sun come out I can’t handle this brain storm
My silence is too loud
smallhands Mar 2016
bring in the party, bring in the arbitration
how else can a silhouette on her back not tarry?
bring in the secluded, request for you to connect
to her, slowly
believes only you

nothing surrounding will pay mind
nothing surrounding you
this line that you're tracing
is one stitched parallel for many
the edges, the lengths, flustering
I hope the terrors are concealed by my love

my love, love is the volatile scope of fiction
a façade to cling to when all is wrong
you come alive with pages and crooked fingers
can't you realise I'm fine?
the hazards of implying any lack of strength
just to blank on your birthday,
nothing surrounding

Seán Mac Falls Sep 2018
So many ****** birds,
Grey, brown and black,
Suited as they sully in sun,
In feather and windy-speak
And dream, drifting to profit
Points, marring the globe,
They have so many ways
Of singing on their swings
Behind bars, murky birdies,
Gawking in the crowded fields,
Fielding, flighty questions without
Answer, winging all souls to oblivion,
Who fly, flustering, dusting with song
Twisting the air into pure falsehoods,
Curious, grounded pets for kingdoms,
For masters, fly-hoping in their cages.
(revamped, retooled, and reviewed for the mad council).

Admiration and kudos to quick as
greased lightening witted language
mongers gifted with means to deflect,
stave off, or thwart venemous, sacri
legious, pompous,et cetera lethal
impacts delivered chiefly to ***
*** in ate character, degrade, ex
Cory ate, where deliberate hefty
insult bruited viz zit head via bit
ting acrimonious gloating by some

trumpet ting twelfth knight, Mar-a-
Lago dwelling, Don Juan, Cassa
nova interloper ideally to be met
and taken rite off guard with cutting,
fitting, and incriminating scythe leant
taste of bitter pill as bad medicine
measure for measure, which earns
repartee deliverer at the least (cut
ting to, the quick principled litter
a chore thieving magpie klepto

maniac maven anyway) raising
the bar, per how can eye whip up
a creative reply to ward psychic
bruises as would be confirmed
by an x-ray evidencing sharp black
Amy Lloyd Barbs lobbed my way.  
Plight reiterated and described again re
phrased as mine good humor hum
dinger mew zing ct-scan reveals
(outsize funny bone) pinpointing

tiny thesaurus sim card firmly
permanently embedded, where temple
(my Mansfield) binds as the Great
Chaim Yonkle yiddish alt pun stir Perry
Como crooning se yammo, a friendly ****
mum exchange (minus jet lag) oye vay,
boot how novel, if I could wit
ness (or personally experience) quick
lightening rod quips would come to me
rescue (supercalifragilisticexpialidocious),

but generally, honestly and indubitably,
this flustering rhymster, who with bluster
brownian movement attests and accepts
slow moving cogs and wheels of his
aging noggin normally, notoriously
and nominally NEVER nsync with
nearly top notch national scrabbling
Facebooked bountiful brigands, this
will never happen to utter trail blaze
zing, nail biting, and hair raising awe

some adage, badinage, and/or  persiflage
more likely than not, mum hindlacks
proper cerebral mechanism to dream,
and get linkedin exactly at  prime time.
An absolute beauty of a doozy, flapping
like a ******, hypothetically intimated be
totally tubularly groovy, man and find
me a bit woozy with flickr ring shutterfly
twittering wii zing hacking, joyous, and
kindling euphoria asthma sign us would

go thru roof of mouth boot opportunities
foregone to daydreaming after serious
lapse of time, yet speculatively, and in
sum re: prime tete a tete would spring up
to parry, defang, and blunt puncture of
mine  psyche (imaginatively zinging red
zinger, would be one for the record books),
sans right on cue, rapier jabbing (yet art
fully crafted), an unusually timely resip
rick cal sparring touché (leading com

petition, by my itty, bitty ditty), witty
award winning smart riposte would a
rise supremely after incidents arose from
circumstance, yet twin next opportunity
passes, the critical moment will slip,
away suspecting sanctimonious sham
rock leprachaun spiritedly skewered
lucky charms finding me wishing the
means existed to conjure an instant replay
all to often when recipient of unkind word,
taken aback sans ideal return synaptic salvo.
M Dec 2022
i just want you to tie me up
while you stand in front
holding me down
with your flustering stare...

you'd tease my weary mind,
bringing us closer
to the summits of cloud nine
but never quite actually there.

but at the same time
on other days,
in just as frequent that occasion,
i just want to hug you
and nothing more--
to litter our days with sweet exchanges of affection
while we toss around wholesome words of endearment--

my sweet lovelet,
my pretty darling,
my caramell...
how i love the way we love
hi :3
Onoma Apr 2018
desire carved a depression
in earth, filling it with
one blind rain.
a flustering pool melting
to the specifications of
your body.
long in advance, careless
come careless drift of you.
such slow steps, heels to
settling toes, underbrush and
trees of all age part your way.
in a wood of no return, silk
more royal than its purple
ran for miles behind its proud
rest of you.
damp breezes curled round
your ******* to whiteout sustenance.
your hair, a netted rainbow combed
by newer, and happier accidents
of color.
your buttocks the preponderance
of the whitest white, the blackest
black magic--fit to rattle a warlocks
hand off his wrist.
your thighs, the long walk of adoration--
before what knees could kneel, and
strong arms embrace.
your back, fierce protectress--spine to your
secret, indelible to patient lover.
now brighter than foreshadow...
Aphrodite comes to a halt, baring her face
three hundred and sixty degrees to the
every bird swallowing its song, she
face-plants into her pool with outspread arms.
then the sun's first burst--
rouge tints, water alive to
the cleft of her peach, the rite of passage
Winnalynn Wood May 2021
amongst the flustering frost of winter  
a seeping in my bones lifts a splinter

of icy flurries choked in refrained regret
a spiced hushed whisper i’d never forget

with a vivid sweeping spring arrives
and the twittering birdies begin to fly

where mere mortals tromp and trod
lies an untouched flower in the sod

to uncover inside wandering conclusions
the scattered blooms lost in their confusion
my take on seasons
FLESH Oct 2021
tourniquet brochure
im flustering before the door
I am going through it today

im going through two more.
likely its me, addicted to the lure.
too many downs my face is permanently bound.
malignant. im suddenly tremendously livid.
im more to life than that
im bouncing off the walls I’m laughing.
todays the day until forever.
im winding, im twisting falling in love.

I will bump my head against yours until they bleed.
I will bump my head against yours until they bleed

Today is today and there is a bit of a spot in the distance.

its just a turn I can feel it. its just a turn I can feel it.
its just a turn I can feel it. faithful everlong.
its coming a personified monologue.
numbers say hello and

im still. connected to the floor, offering.
anomaly Aug 2019
i need you close to me
i need your company
on this very lonely night
i want to feel whole in your arms
i want to look in your eyes and see the stars
baby take me away from this galaxy
who knew heaven could feel so close
evreytime you're around me
nothing in this world could go wrong
i found my new favorite tune and I can't stop singing the song
boy just sing along
you've been humming to the vibrations, flustering through my body
calling out for yours now
i need you right now
my whole world ceases when you're not around
the dopeamine you release has me on a ******* high
sky aint the limit, and there aint no limits tonight
love Feb 2020
The murmur of the dried leaves,
Floating in this infinite abyss.
Frosted white beads,
Settling on your lashes,
Like theirs to keep.

Cigarette and perfume,
Amalgam and intertwine.
Our breath-collateral.
Breeding heart's desire.

A dreaded silence,
Thoughts rippling emotions,
An innocent gesture,
Flustering and suffocation.

Glare at your face,
The dusk; the setting sun.
Should I speak or wait,
To settle this commotion.
Adam Jan 11
big block of concrete
as to seperate
fire from heat

and man from snow

a forgetfulness flustering
damp grass crying out
echo upon echo

pretty thing! says the man
lost in his posture
of every corn of sand

a gratitude
that isn't lost on children
selling their moms for snow

foxes in traps
unheard noise overpowering
and the love of bigger boys
the man smiles, still?

a big block of concrete
like his smile
fire from heat
man from snow
and children from joy

— The End —