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Pen Lux Feb 2015
split my mind open,
hear me flip-flop
happily irritated
watching your
face break
heavy tears
you shake
you ache
so take
a break
and take
a breath

digging holes
taking pills
sliding down
fillin' hills
the chills
my thrills
no bills
countin' kills
ten fingers
smell lingers
hell bringers
not singers

give me that...
bring me there...

the troubles
my doubles
be bubbles
black moths
white veins
no money
hopping trains
you blame
the rain
for pain
to think
a drink
of water
taught her
brought her
to the edge
nothing left
to take


give me that...

split my mind open,
hear me flip-flop
happily irritated
watching your
face break
heavy tears
you shake
you ache
so take

a breath

give me that...
bring me there...  

we're going underground

your games
my flames
the names
we tame
the light
breaks night
we slide
we hide
so take
a breath


split my mind open,
hear me flip-flop
happily irritated
watching your
face break
heavy tears
you shake
you ache
so take

take me
bake me
shake the dirt
from my bones
no longer
got me
in a
choke hold
feeling bold
stories told
so grab
a hold
as we unfold

no longer bound
by fear
my dear
the present is clear
growing and sprouting

these are lyrics I wrote for a rap to some beats and the track name was "the heist"
betterdays Mar 2014
Ethel echidna
had a date wid Pike,
a fiiine!
young hedgehog
who be doin' the backpack

she got n' egg
ya see bout a rave
up in the mountains
in a black cathederic cave
doof doof in the dandenongs

d' message said
up dee track
where the ding dongs
don't dare follow
round d' hollow n'
up the back

Ethel she preened
and she polished
the dreds down her back,
clickety, click, clack.
painted her claws
a fetching shade
of orange neon
all watched on by
Pike the backpack peon

then to the doof
dey departed
at a fast shuffel
leaving behin
barely a ruffle
in the burrowed air
they followed
d'directions to
d' right section
dis dey knew
by d' sound of
d' massive party
goin down

on payin d' dosh n'
getten d' mark
off dey went
inta the fray
***** boy mumbled
"woyhoy gotcha!"
when he saw who
was providin
the goodmuse vibing
up ona stage
Jagger the emu
was a struttin'
with Ringo the dingo
on drums an bongos
while Hendrix
the numbat riffed d' strat
an  Entwhistle
d'frogmouthed owl
grooved on his gibson
wid ***** left stage staring

Ethel got bizzy
check'n out the dancefloor
lookin for bling or moves wid a sting
perhaps a little ******* headbangin

well down
at the southdoor
trouble was brewin'
foul words
was spewin between
d magpie n seagull crews
till the bouncers,
kanga & roo
hustled dem
all outside for a brew

up near the stacks
Pheobe the lizard
was flashin
a matchin
frill n grill ensemble
while Stan, her man
was fillin his bill
at the buffet table
as only a pelican can
at the grub bar
sat the kookaburra trio
Max,Tom, Deccy
havin a speccy
at tha lady
cockatoos n' galahs,
givina chuckle
at the bruhaha
they had created
comin flyin from
near n' far to this
surberb n spectacular
festival of fauna
"tho hot as a sauna
best dis year sofah"

jus inside
d' recovery corner sat
Horn a blue tongue lizard
feelin a bit pukey n' flat
den dere was
Kayla n' Jac
a pair o koalas
who now be zonin
from d eucalyptus
dey been a chewen

outaback time it's awastin
with dis watchin n waitin

Ethel hit the floor
she booggied,
grooved or h-banged
she got a big crowd,
given her ground
to shake
her dreds around
cause dat girl
is dangerous
wid her dredlocks man,
to which Zach
the one eyed wombat
can well attest

Now not bein a dancer
***** got lonely
so looked upa chat
with the rest
of d' backpackin crowd
he swapped recipes
for green brownies wit
Boomer the orangatang,
harvest spots wit
Goth the friutbat,
Hamish de otter,
quiet de globetrotter,
did giv ***** some tips
about surfin rips
furder down de coast.

so dey shimmyed
an dey shammyed,
dey talked
an dey squawked
till d' old sun
came out to play
den dey wandered
and dey wended
back down
d' track to d' town
to sleep d' day away.

as to our Ethel
and *****,
dey crawled
inta their bed,
they cuddled
an dey clicked,
dey kissed
an dey snicked
and dey
blew dey
selfs away
John B Jan 2013
**** me

I don't trust me

maybe I'm rusty

shes just *****


hate to look you in the shoes there lovely

lackin alternatives the shoes it be

rub me

filth to the core not unseen

unteen times past I felt bad plugging

and running

not scared of ****

its ******* is ******

a life oh

what seems to be life so

This ain't livin'

Marvin Gaye given

insight my sight unseen

unto the looking glass glean

maybe better off taken time to see

sorry not me

that whole waiting scene

I plead to gods on high be free

my soul tattered torn on the throne

all this time wasted holding on to the goal

just to throw

oh a life oh

what seems to be life so

This ain't livin'

Marvin Gaye given

cowardice a man who never felt fear

resin to live in this hell world imprisoned here

******* leaders

wish I had time

in a pile of *****, alone in the world, fillin in for atlas, who me? nah I'm fine.
Mike West Oct 2013
Pooey, pooey, poo. Gee, I smell you. It's time to take a bath now.
Stinky, stinky, doo, you friends do to. You reek and oh you stink, wow!
So could you hurry to the shower and rub some soap all over you ***. Don't hold back!
And if you do remove the peu you'll find your friends won't gag and hack. That's a fact!
So pooey, pooey, poo. What will you do? There's a bathtub fillin'.
Stinky, stinky, doo. It's up to you. To wash off that penicillin.
Sharde' Fultz Sep 2016
Genetically. Modified. Organism.
We do a lot o'talkin
And a lotta ppl mad at that name.
But I got dipped in the water to proclaim,
Im a GMO.
The fall of man didnt hold the power to tie me down no mo
My descension simultaneously displayed the ascension of my soul
My eyes glow with the reflection of my heavenly father who transcended from ***** feet with blistered soles
Ive been genetically modified to not see the world as which we know
We're living in the fog worshipping the money that we grow
We dont follow the narrow road
We dont love ourselves no mo.
Spent too much time bein broke
Caught a break, bought a whip
Bought some jays, bought some rims
But gettin towed
Whole house repoed
Iced out, chrome.
Investments? zero
We need new heroes

Drank the lies that ***** whipped into our minds while we were bleedin on his ***
Breaking earth and pulling weeds
We gluin weaves like, dawg. Where my edges go?
Now you tryna train yo naps cause everybody goin au natural
But you STILL mad cause yo curl pattern dont show that 2 percent of Navajo.
Changed yo hair but didnt change yo thinkin tho
Too long that permed subconscious sinkin through yo follicles
Mother earth dun been pulled harder than those edges
Act like you got some self-respect, go outside and clip those hedges
But her roots dug up
The seeds we sew
Aint enough to feed the whole
The rich, THEY bite the hand that feeds
But their stomachs; still on swole?
People like to get online and fuss,
Stop the GMOs!
Following the likes and living in fear sgonna leave the po--
HUNGRY. ..and po
I mean, what is science, fo?!
With climate change, and the persistent depletion of arable land, where yo seed gone go?
How yo plants gone grow?
Hopefully that won't have to be the case but I get the feelin
Mama nature's feelinnn

Shoot, Seasons dont know which way to flow
Cause we're walkin down the street throwin trash all on her flo
Like we aint neva been to anybody house befo.
Fillin it up wit smoke blottin out the sunlight
Making her plants choke.
Now the clouds broke.
Cryin acid rain and now your drinkin waters soaked

Im not tryna throw shade.
Im not half as deep as the aformentioned might denote
I aint gon lie
I dont

woke .
I dont do my research on every clever quote
That I post
Hey, Im the FIRST one to let you know that I dont know.
But when I DO know
Aaaand I know fasho
And I hear somebody like, yeah this and that and so and so...talkin OUTside they ear. HOLE?!
I be like,

-*sorry, I'm sleepy and have not proofread
Umm..cpl things; I was feeling all artsy fartsy after an open mic and a woman read a poem that mentioned how she was mad she didnt get her grandmas pretty indian hair and idk how my train of thought got to gmos, but my blender brain created this and I reckon I like it. At the moment. Lol
Here's a little story I tink you'll like.
It's not bout' two shmucks looking for amour.
It's all bout' me, my life, and my big fat bluntz.
Imma bout' to tell ya what Reggae's for.

Reggae stands for peace and the luv in yaself.
It's bout' them spankable honies and big fat beatz.
It's bout' sweet **** chicken and otha tasty stuff.
It's bout' that dank smell of ***** fillin' da streetz.

Reggae's da warm sensation from a fresh beef patty.
It's the chill rub-a-dub sound of dat Marley noize.
It's the Jamaican sun spreadin light on ya gurl's curves.
It's the dutty jammin ya get in to witcha dazy rond-boys.

*My life is Reggae. Reggae is my life
My first post. Hope you island boys preciate ma style.
round a
Rocket 88
dead man’s



The Great Plains
gassing up
Rt 66

detour to
take refuge
with Goats in
Big Sky

Mach IV
snake bit
by Dart

long fins
chrome bumpers
and round fenders
still get bent in


Motor City is broke
nations outta gas
whole **** country
needs an overhaul

Ike Turner/Jackie Brenston: Rocket 88

Nelson Riddle: Route 66

Melody Jennings Aug 2014
I'm sick and I'm tired of these men always tellin me
I gotta be round, *****, curvy and sultry

To be down with the boys I must want all the novelties
They fantasize about in their minds, sprinkled with misogyny 

Lookin up and down, undressin me with droolin eyes
Can't walk across busy streets without feelin victimized

Violated in public, creeps sneakin peaks up my skirt
All cause I wore tight clothes with a lower cut shirt 

Is this all I am, some delectable tasty treat?
Just cause you think I'm delicious don't mean I want your meat
I'm vegetarian now, keep your distance please 
Only hungry for life and creativity 

Yearnin to grow and continue to educate
Myself even if that means makin mistakes

Already have media fillin my brain with these lies
Don't need to be feelin your hands up my thighs

No I'm not your girl, don't even wanna look at you
Cuz you'll misunderstand my glance for bein into you 

So what if you call me a ***** or a ****?
Don't care-I won't be the chick bustin your nuts

Just want my mothers and daughters and sisters to know
We're not created to give men any type of show
We're human beings capable of thinking and feeling
As well as making decisions, we have a purpose, a meaning
Other than getting all **** and appealing 

Silenced and bogged down by society 
Women ***** and murdered, blamed for their femininity

It's a shame men don't realize without us they would never be
We're the only *** on this earth capable of maternity 

As breeders of life we nurture and care
Yet our voices seldom heard, like we're not even there

It's time women put a stop to this ****** up ideology
That we matter far less than our male counterparts  - what equality?
Hating on feminism just because they don’t see
This world overflowing with double standards and ongoing dichotomy
Between the two sexes- sure it’s not how it used to be
But sexism runs rampant and will for eternity
Unless we all - men and women - fight against it globally.
Long over due. Inspired by a time when I caught a guy trying to look up my dress with his phone.
Watch me recite it here
Rhianecdote Oct 2016
Going back to what you know.
All the signs tellin you to stop,
Reroute, it's not the way to go

It's just not the same,
Couldn't be maintained
Left to decay
in the time lapsed
collapsed and what remains
is a husk that just adds to the
echo of the pain
you ran here to escape
Walls of dust clinging onto the pasts shape
Fallin away
Fillin your lungs
along with all those things you failed
to get off your chest along the way

And you wonder why you can't breath?
Why your heart got so heavy it fell off your sleeve?
Why your mind stole your dreams and now you can't sleep?
Why your faith was overrun by your worries and now You can't believe?!

Even here Collapsing on your knees
choking back the tears
As you try to put it back together
piece by piece

But it's gone.

There's nothing here for you anymore
You must leave
the road lead nowhere
And nowhere is where this road leads
A circle always comes up empty
No matter how far you reach

Be an exile.
Find your feet
In less polluted airs
Fill up those lungs
Where you have space to breathe
Pick up that heart
with the strength it took to take the leap
Towards the Fresh Start
no decay, no debris.
Come out the Dark
you'll be ok, you will see
well enough in time
to carve your own path
Be Free
pat Aug 2014
Blitzin and sittin. I'm fixin on doin it in.
grin. I sin. I'm ****** spinnin track verses
Round house Shreq four
Poe lease store.
a ***** was like " yo.. do me".   And I'm like "uhhh..

****** friends like you do
second best like you do
with your chest
brand new. Sticky bamboo.
Biggie bad panda. Panthers
up in the trees. Sticken up for the breeze
It’s a reason to be.

Bees. Bark on the trees. Back on your knees.
Back up the beat. pack up the treats.Sack up
and Beg me please
Ashamed, I'm
aimlessly aiming. Amazing. I'm feeling. A bit condescending
You like what you see?  well you might be a freak, and you
might want to seek out
a new conversation.
leads to persuasion.
Invasion of ants.
Dance Lance Vance
Rant can't pant like a dog...

I break up into pieces. Piece it together
and whether or not
you spot the spot.
admit you're not a lot
your not that spacey boy astronaut.  
an anomaly
leaking elixir
fixity fixer. Mr. mix **** salad  tell me What did you say?
That’s what I thought

mad women
a map of the bad criminals
zappin  a fat cinnamon
glass of that old pinnacle

a bit bare
with the wrath of a bear scaring
a dastardly dog carrying

rated R, bar none
gun smoke
a melatonin, ****, and a biscuit a piece

PC piper
cold cuts off a limb with a knife
fat cashing master bait
tackle, and jelly to bite

preserving space jam
hat with a jacket to match
tacked up photos of Bruce Lee
and Bruce Wayne

Wayne manor
I'd rather explain
rather be happy to pay
Dad for a crappier day.
I'm fixed soaking tooth aches
in bisquick and **** top
dollar for your  ****-talking hash tags
salad tossing apparatus

armature on a radical man grinning
as actual as furniture
wrappin a broke limb
in factory. smoke fillin in
***** and dope denim men

necessary feminist hair

I’m not  prepared for a cob salad
sort of like a bad
hairdo. A new
to the paper blue noise
in a focal view

cellophane shoes
****** do don't

don't be a ****** man
scaring kids
serenading scarecrows

sacrifice satin like
maybe I can make a mean price
I can be content
I can be a sunny side egg
dent on an awful guys Bentley

I can shoot ****
with the bad boys
sad boys
corduroy jeans  
and an opal headed ring
I can make tea and teeth
and *** in my moms bed
dead to the world
I'm a girl
no I'm not
looking for
***** up at the scene of the crime
Ive got
sixteen dollars and a pile of dimes

up in my head
ache up in my
head like a weathered old *****
I've got
super college knowledge
I apologize

Mixed up. looking for causes
cause it saws
it claws it paws at my
internal thoughts
and it aught to be critical
Literal lists of fits and fists
cynical. physically
ready to be open
I'm hoping
I can be
but everything that I see
is everything but anything

I'm rendering a catchphrase
two one two
your boys are blue
scratch that
toys and attitudes

a Malibu Ken doll
bent on Adderall
and anyhow
I meant to vent
I'm not spent
I'm just saying

a mystical collaboration
in a nation of amazing amateurs
enamel on the alley chairs

flies up
ties for guys
and I'm
exchange these
lies for lies in this
city-like town-like space
like wow like
How the heck are ya  mon? It's football now
no  it's

or  nothin
It's a bagel shaped muffin
It's a ladle worth touchin if you think its worth ****** with

like an out of body
hand to god
I manned up
on a melancholy
ample sod

I manned up

A knock at your door
is it not
what your looking for?
looking for
skeleton skin cells

settin up
basement call down
I'm all out of instinct
pigs stink
sippin up
drinks and

trippin on
life and words
and birds fly
in the most high

I could think
things like
open toad shoes
and open frogs too
and I'm cookin up stew
Like a mad man
cancel your plans, darling -
we're feignin' tonight.

i ain't tasted your fancy brow
since i last ran up trees.

i know you miss
the way my tossing hair
always filled the air with
moonlit berries and

so thick
your mouth
gave way to

i've got cold noodles sittin'
in my bowl somewhere
because i forgot to remind myself that
that ain't food that's
fillin' my belly -

channelin' me your orange hues
dipped in frustrations so subtle,


your frisky hot hemp dance
is flingin' itself
all over my inside stuff -
curbin' my appetite
for just about
anything else.

i'll climb your tree anyday
sweet baby,
kissin' greens
in your sleeves
on that minxy leaf trip.

carry me to your sneaky cove
and share your spices
and wanton skin graces.

i'll trade you my
and diamond
then we can take turns
dippin' our tongues
into the blend.

i've blotted out my agenda
to savour the splendour
so i can remember to
spit it back into
the faces of
the dark
cloaked ones.

this is my defiant-nosed
iron song,
in my steel-toed boots.

see, i'm feelin' mahself
and the randy white cub
ticklin' my sides
in our crazy cahoots,

with our incense and spirits
from the worshipers of
sane things -
who fill our airs
with a long overdue
white haze.
© 2011 Elephants & Coyotes
I sense the rain diggin' into my brain harder than a migraine
So I take tokes of the Mary Jane simple and plain
Things ain't the same ever since you came
Into my life from the kids to my universal wife
Married to the cosmos so I can expose
Myself to energy that was left
Of my consciousness
Sick of the the nonsense
I'm feelin' dry wipe the tears from God's eye
Never knew why?
How I'm feelin' the madness filled with sadness
Which I could reverse the pains fillin' soon to burst
Out of emotion life's a constant commotion
as my thoughts sink deeper than an ocean

Many can't stand the rain....

It's early in the morning I'm bawling crawling
In my sleep as my chakras begin to creep
I'm in too deep peep
the madness running around
Percolating soon to drown what's that sound
I'm hearing voices of past choices block out the
visions of a gloomy glare though no one's there
Just prefigured destiny
of a hidden enemy
A closed vessel soon to open into a portal
A worm hole corticals swole so know the protocol
I'm the first and the last
baby girls you more than just a piece of *** as I clash
Like opposite magnets attached
To your love
Beautiful dove spreading wings
Take flight away into the golden disc
Givin' us a sun kiss

Many can't stand the rain...

Now that the rain done poured mother nature stored
Mankinds sins into the ground but then again
Let the madness re-ascend cuz the roots been
Tampered with so many mental caskets
Scared to wake up cuz they love being dead
Chasin' bread scared of every thing they red
On the frontlines of newspapers stop catching the vapors
Undercover raiders energy creator I'm dark as Vader
From alpha to omega the worlds a stage of
Actors and actresses leave no witnesses
Once the sun comes out begins a new drout
Should have caught the raindrops before it stopped

Many can't the rain...
got the lights on in the middle of the night
i can taste sorrow in my teeth
where you tongue used to be

its not my job to say whats right
but your love is such a burden
it'll chase me to my sleep

singin songs to **** the time
and the clock is overbearing
its a ****** in my eyes

fillin glasses with my shine
packin up my bags with stones and seashells
and a notepad of my rhymes

i'm goin too far
i'm runnin to my car
and i'm swallowin the gasoline

I'm breathin deeply
i'm wishin on a star
and i'm pickin up a high school dream

I'm not about to call your name
I wonder if I can do this...
When I was a boy I seen 'em on the streets,
At the clubs, street-corners, places where they'd meet,
Had new shoes....clothes and watches,
Rolls of hundred dollar bills fillin' up they pockets.

Hunna-hunna bills,
Hunter huntin' bills,
Hunna-hunna bills,
Hunting huntin' bills,

Some folks think drug dealing's a game,
And cutting deals, slingin' merck is how you make a claim.
But it 'ain't-never-been-like-that' from the first day...
Mack-grind, tek nine's about gettin' paid!

Hunna-hunna bills,
Hunter huntin' bills,
Hunna-hunna bills,
Hunting huntin' bills,

Loaded-up and cocked, no fear, no doubt,
On a mack-grind and we headed out,
              ...out to get some bills, hunna-hunna bills,
Yeah we headed out,
               ...out to get some bills, hunna-hunna bills,
Yeah we headed out,

Hunna-hunna bills,
Hunter huntin' bills,
Hunna-hunna bills,
Hunting huntin' bills,

Crew, mack-grind and we out the door,
Whip-ride, lead-foot petal to the floor,
Guess what? Your crib is where we go...
And son you know, we ain't knockin' on the door.

Hunna-hunna bills,
Hunter huntin' bills,
Hunna-hunna bills,
Hunting huntin' bills,

Hunna-hunna bills,
Bangers out to ****,
Hunna-hunna bills,
Hunting huntin' bills,

Bangers here to ****...over hundred dollar bills.
Livin' my nights...
Layin' in my empty bed,
All alone-
I could reach over
And pull you close to me-
Rememberin' the nights
When you were, once mine.

Those nights of bein'
With you~
As close as we could be!
Wantin' you, needin' you,
Kissin' you, holdin' you,
Lovin' you, feelin' you,
Touchin' you, tastin' you,
Desirin' you, achin' for you~

Now I'm dreamin'
My nights' away-
Wishin' for times again
When I wasn't so lonely!
When I had you,
For once, as mine~
The way I'd long
For your kisses, to see you,
To be with you, to touch you again!

I wanted to be
Your everythin'!
Now I'm
Wishin' I was
Your somethin';
Your someone!

Your someone~
To dream with, share with,
To hold for always.
To chase away
Those empty lonely nights'.
Fillin' my dreams
With everythin'
I've dreamed of wantin' in you!

You're my tears!
Tears I wouldn't shed
If you were finally mine!

Don't you wanna
Hold me, feel me,
Touch me, kiss me-
Once again?

Reachin' for you-
Wantin' you in my arms
As we'd lie together!

Searchin' to feel for you,
Needin' to feel
Your heart beatin',
Feelin' your breath
Against my bare skin-

Yearnin' for your arms to be
Drawin' me beside you.
Hearin' you sigh-
Lettin' a moan escape
From my dreams,
(day and night)
As I remember the times
We shared!

Lovin' the way
You felt beside me-
The way I felt
Beside you~

Achin' for the ways
You'd be touchin' me, teasin' me,
Pleasin' me, kissin' me,
Wantin' me, needin' me-
As I do you!

Makin' me feel
Whole and complete!
Will I ever
Feel you this way

Or is it all now
Just a recent
Livin' my nights away
Dreamin' of you-
Til you are, once again


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
jeffrey robin Dec 2013
Fill yer Mind up with God
Fill yer God up with Everybody
Fill everybody up with god
Let the Love flow free


Everybody is like you
Fillin their Mind up with God
Fillin their god up with you and me

Lettin the Love flow Free


We are the image of god
All together We and He

We are the whole world as One


The love flows freely -----come on!
No need for Forgiveness if there ain't no Sin
Just you and god and me

With your Eye of Light
All is known
I be illin'
The bones in my body be chillin'
The dope that I'm slingin' be killin'
Zig Zag fillin', 40 zoner swillin'
I got a five, bro? I'll cut you in!
I got a five, bro? I'll cut you in!
I've bought plenty on the live wire, where you been?

I'm walkin' too straight 'n' I'm eatin' my mashed potatoes
L.A. hoes you don't wanna know
Keepin' my toes warm
See how they swarm
They're like bees when they tease me
With their slingers, humdingers
My epiglotis is a-stingin'
And my uvula is swingin' back and forth

Twenty, son, back to four twenty
I get away with a wounded knee massacre
I say what I please, Lenny Bruce on da juice
I ain't no racist
I'm a future born Papist
You got to listen to me
Broody Badger Mar 2017
I'm throwing tantrums at the page I know that now.
I just want to see if they will stick
& what they will finally say
once I complete.
How many things can one word say
How many words can one page hold
How many girls can I **** in a lifetime
some or many
Slip into my cinderblocks—pretty
New style,
smack Breaks tile,
Wait for the fuckboys to finish fillin up the fish tank, I'm at the bottom
feelin petty,
Suckin blue,
Countin out the seconds till I'm trapped beneath this filthy pool.
Thrash tantrum,
Flash forward,
Zoom zoom
I look up and wonder will the elephants come save me, but there's not one in the room,
nobody watchin
Im a goner,
and I've been one
ever since I started kicking in the water.
Brycical Apr 2015
On the street I see people walkin' round
eyes heads hanging low down thinking 'bout needing a couple extra pounds of bread, their spirits cry out workin' off debts 'till after death  
but when I ask "Whassup?"
they stuff it down with "Hey, nothin much" outa reflex,
but instead of this aforementioned fashioned back'n forth imagine what would happen if we shared the caption that our heart was tappin' outa the chest, a distress morse code SOS so,
let's be each other's best friend, and listen to the deluge of moods don't matter if it's green, red or blue cause I have faith we can all handle the truth
since it's a soothing serum not some brooding theorem don't gotta be near to connect, but show yourself some respect and just eject that dejected attitude cause we're all moving through somethin once 'n a while.  

Luckily we, are here, together now
spinnin' round this big 'ol galaxy.
and luckily we, are here, now, together, to make the world better, denizens of the medicine inside of us to jettison hearts and minds shining out like lighthouses guiding ships, to higher consciousness, gettin' closer to bliss but sometimes we gotta stop and sit
and just be just be...  
go slow go slow,
it's all ok to joke and play jump rope with pain instead of novacaine let's meditate to make the world a better place
raisin' your vibration to a higher plain
wadin' in the waters of a patient brain
chillin' in stillness erasing latent fixations
burning sarcophagus thoughts and impulses poppin' up like the walking dead growling echoes of old words heard when I was three, four, five, six gurgling out of parents, school kids and televisions sellin' backwards wisdom on how to be a cool kid, but it smells like *******
from old tools that, aren't the sharpest ones from the shed
like you and me can be 18 join the marines, get a tattoo, drive and put a bullet in some fool  but if you get caught with *** or droppin' some sugar cubes then you're locked up and your life gets ruined.

It don't take some precognition to see all this conditionin' bein' dished is an illusion, a mirage of food only fillin' us with chemical confusion,
it's almost amusing the way they try to make my mind intrude
on just bein' in the moment, bringing the symphony of symmetry inside of me inspiring perspiring  to cry and sing with fire wings triumphantly trumpeting the rhythm of love, as below so above do unto others etcetera etcetera ad infinitum because

we, are here, together now
spinnin' round this big 'ol galaxy.
and luckily we, are here, now, together, to make the world better, denizens of the medicine inside of us to jettison hearts and minds shining out like lighthouses guiding ships, to higher consciousness, gettin' closer to bliss with this flow from the heart
Brad Lambert Apr 2014
All's wet in the woods.
Big bets been placed and diced in them forests.
Austrian pines are never to be trusted–
I'm never to be trusted so much, too.
So much for them healthy spines!
That's a question mark if your frame ends a sentence.
So much for good times and good measure!
They plain-prohibited plants in the soil –
That there's my soil and we all share the sun.
Listen to that, son.
Shaking overhead.
Summer storms rumble loud.
All's loud overhead.
Calling it out, the thunder warns me so:

Wind in the trees!
Wind in the trees!
Rain on the grass and
wind in the trees!

Blades of grass where
wind only breathes.
Patterin' on grass–
Whooshin' through trees!

And what was first to fillin' the woods?
It was feet on the soil and toes in the sand.
Plants in the soil and bare feet in the sand.
Skinny boys have been dipped all skinny in streams.
Sun's been refractin' for years in them streams.
The night was borne of embers in winds and
blankets made out as whole as that sky.
Mountains breathing out across their own flat feet with
whispers in wind's breath humming through the blue mountain's teeth:

Drums in the woods
be drum-circlin' them flames.
Roots in the woods
done wrap-choked my heartstrings.

Beats in the wild
be drum-beatin' us tame.
Whips in the wild
done whip-shaped his heartstrings.

Never had I heard a call like that.
Howling and hopeful, hoping to be whole.
That mountain's been chipped all dusty in streams.
Them streams been runnin' across them whole-skins.
Howl and be happy.
Paint night-skies on his leg.
Brush them tendrils from them eyes,
howlin' and bein' happy.
I hear the wind and I wonder if cedar pines are to be trusted.
I feel the soil, chilled and wet beneath the grass.
The storm has passed overhead.
Smellin' green grass and mild mosses.
I'm seein' stars overhead.
Fingers runnin' across them foggy windows.
I think of the wind and the rain–
We will see.

*Wind in the trees!
Wind in the trees!
Rain on the grass and
wind in the trees!

Sorrow blows where
no man can breathe.
Rain patters on grass–
Wind in the trees.
Bria Prior Oct 2010
          watch me drift up in the same lame stupor
i've been in     i'm in it     i'm winning      not grinning
i'm smiling because i've found the sunshine again

Not touchin' the ground   i don't know how
         got lost for a minute   i'm back   let's kick it
grown tired of the monotany   it's gotten to me
in my brain    creepin' up      fillin' cups
so i can push it back down    onto the ground
          drownin' in alcohol   ask for more      knowin' what's comin'
but i'm like                    **** it       i don't feel nothin'

Right now i'm back up    but i don't think it's luck
          that got me here       ******       it *****
it was my lack of fear that steered me here
be responsible     not possible   the night is young
where's the fun?

Here in my bed        oh ****    my head
           it was all a dream?             come clean
What happened?
I was takin' a trip out to LA
Toolin' along in my Chevrolet
Tokin' on a number and diggin' on the radio
Jes' as I cross the Mississippi line
I heard that highway start to whine
And I knew that left rear tire was about to go
Well the spare was flat and I got uptight
'Cause there wasn't a fillin' station in sight
So I jes' limped down the shoulder on the rim
I went as far as I could and when I stopped the car
It was right in front of this little bar
A kind of a redneck lookin' joint called the Dew Drop Inn
Well I stuffed my hair up under my hat
And told the bartender that I had a flat
And would he be kind enough to give me change for a one
There was one thing I was sure proud to see
There wasn't a soul in the place 'cept for him an' me
And he just looked disgusted an' pointed toward the telephone
I called up the station down the road a ways
And he said he wasn't very busy t'day
And he could have somebody there in jest 'bout ten minutes or so
He said now you jes' stay right where yer at and I didn't bother
Tellin' the durn fool
I sure as hell didn't have anyplace else to go
I just ordered up a beer and sat down at the bar
When some guy walked in an' said who owns this car
With the peace sign the mag wheels and four on the floor
Well he looked at me and I **** near died
And I decided that I'd jus wait outside
So I layed a dollar on the bar and headed for the door
Jes' when I thought I'd get outta there with my skin
These five big dude come strollin' in
With this one old drunk chick and some fella with green teeth
An' I was almost to the door when the biggest one
Said you tip your hat to this lady son
An' when I did all that hair fell out from underneath
Now the last thing I wanted was to get into a fight
In Jackson Mississippi on a Saturday night
'Specially when there was three of them and only one of me
Well they all started laughin' and I felt kinda sick
And I knew I'd better think of somethin' pretty quick
So I jes' reached out an' kicked ol' green-teeth right in the knee
He let out a yell that'd curl your hair
But before he could move I grabbed me a chair
And said watch him folks 'cause he's a thouroughly dangerous man
Well you may not know it but this man's a spy
He's an undercover agent for the FBI
And he's been sent down here to infiltrate the Ku Klux ****
He was still bent over holdin' on to his knee
But everyone else was lookin' and listenin' to me
And I layed it on thicker and heavier as I went
I said would you beleive this man has gone as far
As tearin' Wallace stickers off the bumpers of cars
And he voted for George McGoveren for president
Well he's a friend of them long-haired hippie type ***** ****
I betcha he's even got a ****** flag
Tacked up on the wall inside of his garage
He's a snake in the grass I tell ya guys
He may look dumb but that's jus a disguise
He's a mastermind in the ways of espionage
They all started lookin' real suspicious at him
And he jumped up an' said jes' wait a minute Jim
You know he's lyin' I've been livin' here all of my life
I'm a faithfull follower of Brother John Burch
And I belong to the Antioch Baptist Church
And I ain't even got a garage you can call home and ask my wife
Then he started sayin' somethin' 'bout the way I was dressed
But I didn't wait around to hear the rest
I was too busy movin' and hopin' I didn't run outta luck
And when I hit the ground I was makin' tracks
And they were jes' takin' my car down off the jacks
So I threw the man a twenty an' jumped in an' fired that mother up
Mario Andretti woulda sure been proud
Of the way I was movin' when I passed that crowd
Comin' out the door and headin' toward me in a trot
An' I guess I shoulda gone ahead an' run
But somehow I couldn't resist the fun
Of chasin' them jes' once around the parkin' lot
Well they're headin' for their car but I hit the gas
And spun around and headed them off at the pass
Well I was slingin' gravel and puttin' a ton of dust in the air
Well I had them all out there steppin' an' a fetchin'
Like their heads were on fire and their ***** was catchin'
But I figured I oughta go ahead an split before the cops got there
When I hit the road I was really wheelin'
Had gravel flyin' and rubber squeelin'
An' I didn't slow down 'til I was almost to Arkansas
I think I'm gonna re-route my trip
I wonder if anybody'd think I'd flipped
If I went to LA via Omaha!
Santiago Nov 2015
Where'd you go?
I miss your soul,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.

She said "Some days I feel like ****,
Some days I wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit,"
I don't understand why you have to always be gone,
I get along but the trips always feel so long,
And, I find myself trying to stay by the phone,
'Cause your voice always helps me to not feel so alone,
But I feel like an idiot, workin' my day around the call,
But when I pick up I don't have much to say,
So, I want you to know it's a little ****** up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"

I miss your soul,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss your soul,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...

You know the place where you used to live,
Used to barbecue up burgers and ribs,
Used to have a little party every Halloween with candy by the pile,
But now, you only stop by every once and a while,
****, I find myself just fillin' my time,
With anything to keep the thought of you from my mind,
I'm doin' fine, and I'm plannin' to keep it that way,
You can call me if you find that you have something to say,
And I'll tell you, I want you to know it's a little ****** up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"

I miss your soul,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss your soul,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...

I want you to know it's a little ****** up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', no longer debatin',
Tired of sittin' and hatin' and makin' these excuses,
For why you're not around, and feeling so useless,
It seems one thing has been true all along,
You don't really know what you've got 'til it's gone,
I guess I've had it with you and your career,
When you come back I won't be here and you can sing it...

Where'd you go?
I miss your soul,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss your soul
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Whack rappers don't **** with the best
Creep up in your house with a black backpack
And a TAC vest, plant two knives in your chest
Leave you bleeding and unconscious, like the rest
My bars explode like hand grenades
Words more bitter than no-sugar Kool-Aid
These listeners press play, and it's end game
No money you could pay could bring you this fame
By the end of this verse, nobody will know your name
Another little faceless wannabe
go back to rappin with the Aint-Never-gonna-Be's
This for a fact I know,
that when I see you next, you'll be ringing me up at Cotsco
Or you could try and contend with me
Have you hangin' in a musty room,
Getting beaten with a broken broom
I won't tell you what your future entails
Short of it involving lots of blood spatter and entrails
Wrap you in a blanket, blacker than a flag a pirate sails
Send your family severed fingers in the mail
Take forever and a day to find you
Desecrated and punctured with a thousand nails
Buckets of your blood, fillin' up a hundred pails
Cut you into pieces, fit you in a babies cradle
Serve your brains as an entree, get the ladle
As you can see, I'm eliminating the competition
If you wish you could keep up with me, ****...
Better keep wishin'.
Yo pull down ya skirt
 so i can put in the work
the perks
 of ya kitten fillin' the atmosphere
 i'm **** near 
star struck like i been stuck
 by cupids arrow i see in the barrio
 lookin' ****
can ya picture me next to thee
 baby girl stop playin' let me
in so i can show how to hit it
 **** up ya juice neva spit it
 bruise ya
do thangs ya man never done i got ya sprung and when i get u into the bedroom watch how the bed springs sing
 beautiful melodies like Aaliyah
i go back n forth you push i push 
so we on the same tune
as ya body sweatin' more than like we in the month of June
 so when i hit it ya know
im leavin' a stain on ya membrane
 can't maintain
the more ya bounce
the more come with the ounce
 as i boogie to the Brooklyn
beat with my Jesus Piece
 as ya on ya face *** up see the moonlight glarin' im starin' 
into the world of darkness mark this i promise ya wont forget get this


Hall of fame
legacy In with Detriot Pimps Game tight Like Gladys Knight Without the pips no SIMPs 
Over here I hang with the baddest ***** 
Was down from.rags to riches
Now girlies on my stello 
Cuz they know
when I go The ******* get wet For ******>Rocking crowds
 Don't need a mic to get loud 
Baby open that sess
 And let's puff a cloud
 And let's get rowdy
 When we make sweat Its like romeo and Juliet When we met 
Ya don't see the sweat
I see Dripping From ya hair 
While.ya tease strippin' 
Moving ya hips got me hypnotize
 From.ya eyes and between ya thighs Surprise 
Babygirl give me some that kat
 And I' like a rat No slack
 My game is strong Long grown
 She was a hot stitch from.Queens
 Freaky as hell If ya know what I mean???
She was a hot stitch from.Queens
 Freaky as hell If ya know what I mean???
went from catfish and grits
to hoppin licks
off cheap bricks
i benefits
hood felon rhymes
like gelatin
beat fools til they
a lonely man
cant stand in a holy land
temples with burning sand
sweating through my glands
once the mic touches
my hand
im. better than
the averago joe
**** a sho or video
im.coming through ya stereo
with multiple scenario
hangin in the hood bario
sayin there he go
yosef with that sick
o flow my mo jo
burn tracks harder
than flow jo
oh i thought you knew
i break crews
through scandals
none could handle
my pressure
running across yo brain
similar to rick James
i got fire and desire
step up my game
so i could get higher
learning thais i be
burning preach to ya like a sermon
big as herman
monster way down under
ya can see mu ponder
shake ya body up
lik sounds of thunder
make ya wonder
who stick ya cells
like glue
with this rhymes i t
rhymes make loot
but unsigned and hype
spittin' right
so i cant loose it
abuse it
southern playa listic
jammin' funk music

Now that ya out
Of ya seat i got the beat
For the streer
Far from neat and
Suckas can't compete
Against the elite
Once i show my
Pistol pete brains meet
The led from my steel
**** mass appeal seal
The deal
Never cross my hands
No gestures
Could put me on a stretcher
Hittin' rhymes so hard
Ill betcha
You run into not knowing who
I could be
Flows like b to i to g
Names biggie ya im
Gettin' jiggy
Been writing poetry
Since i was leeched
On my momma *******
Break milk gave nutritions
Im formin cold fusions
Abusin' aint no substitutin'
Far from.boring
Give these cats a
Pillow til they snoring
Borin' rhymes be Pourin'
Sourin' out the night
Nd my organization be
**** tight sho ya right
Im havin funs
While ya stuck in shuns
Check my creation
From concoction burial plottin'
Ya body be rotten
Once my flows assist
Ya mind like Stockton
On Utah Jazz spinn around
Hataz like taz
Leave suckas with a
Dash check in yo cash
Its pay out time
Im coming across enemy lines
All the time
With these dope lines

Crossin- me is like
A step through eternity
Journey with me
The yosef aint going
Out quietly roughly
I be the G super slick
With no perms on me
Keep a pick in my hair
Step if you dare
Bound to get mauled
If you to my lair
Rhymes stack like layers
Pyramid scheme cyclin' beams
As my force shows supreme
Slim yo weight
Cuz im gainin' much clout
No doubt
Put my shades on
So i can block spectators out
I make ya scream and shout
Like service in a
Church building hittin the ceiling
And im chillin'
Free willin' makin' sales
Like dealin'
Shot rhymes faster than
Matt Dillion noggins fillin'
Like buckets of water
Step to the arena be prepare for slaughter
Breakin' off so properly
Texas state property
Move so gracefully
Nothing but tha ahh
Southern playa in me
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
Spillin** my *****
Killin my spirit
Fillin my cup
Willing I'll feel it
Smile and get waved boys!
I used to be a regular guy
got a little too drunk from time to time.
Generally, I think I was considered respectable,
at one point perhaps even socially acceptable.
However, all things must change,
even at a fast pace,
now I'm nightly downin bottles of bourbon to the face.
And it's scary, just how real it gets
I'm losing all attempts at eloquence
the second that this whiskey hits.
Nah forget it,
Just like Eve eatin the apple forbidden,
I'm livin in original sin and I dig it.
I'll keep fillin my lungs with filth and killin my kidneys
because I could give a **** if I live to see fifty
I remember when I used sit back
My Ol man used to push it in a Cadillac
Clean with the Royce grill
And quick to make ya blood spill
Out for the ****
I later learned how to deal
My mind focused tryna reach a mill
Ion got a five thousand dolla medallion
Keep cutie on my wrist bad *** stallion
Black Chinese and Italian
Is here mix hittin licks
**** that ******* got me almost bent
But gotta shake off this love spell
Cuz I'm all about my yeyo
Boats by the sail sailin through hell
As my trunk wave
Side to side
Keep ya distance
Cuz I got ******* in the back of my ride

Check out it's that Mr Yosef
Kin to Lucifer a rebel
And no stopping me
I'm coming down reppin the Brown streets
Packin heat like a dessert
And I'm shooting so muthaphukkaz
Can hurt doin dirt
Putting in work see the beautiful perks
I made out of pushing dope
Now everybody on my team making cream
No haters could intervene
I'm on the scene
Gotta give it up to my homie watts
Makin dope beats puffin sweet
And the boogie don't stop
Check my four hop make a *** stop
Fillin up like a super unleaded
Fill up her gas tank down the *****
Then commence to mix a drank
Got the prometh and the sprite I'm in a lean wayy back makin stacks
Now how my grip slide
Chill cuz I got******* in the back of my rideee
Arfah Afaqi Zia Jan 2016
Stormin' winds that blow away the lot,
My heart drifts right and left swirlin' lone,
Your eyes full of spark and radiant hot,
Sting my soul and erupts a loud mourn,
In the depth of your eyes I drown,
Lay out and collect my yearnin' arouse,
I feel myself sinkin' deeper and down,
Because you drive me crazy in carouse,
The curves and edges of my heart,
Blood drippin' and gushin' furiously through,
The streamin' blood flows in every part,
Leavin' my frail and withered heart for you,
Pleadin' for your love and bewitchin' soul,
Fillin' up your spacious and vacant hole.
Finally wrote one :)
"Alas, though, these are all, but, far-fetched dreams :
fillin' my mind with lust for an adorable fairy queen."
April Third, Two-Thousand an' Seventeen
dennis drain Dec 2016
I'm a stone, from my head to my toes, from my clothes to my skin down to my bones.

I don't feel much, but I  certainly don't show what I do feel and I dont talk enough to anyone.

But I must admit that im scared as ****!

In 2 days I'ma be 19, my only love is 8 weeks into carrying my first child, I work hard as hell in dangerous situations and I dont get paid half of what I'm owed so I'm always broke.

My father just got out of prison 3 days ago and 2morrow im going to introduce him to my girlfriend.

Im gonna break the news that even tho he was never there for me hes 8 month from being a grandfather.

And I just don't know how I feel about allowing a man that I barely know having a part in my child's heart, when he could leave at any moment hurting my first born.

I smoke dope and it's what helps me get things done an work hard.

It don't make me tweak but even tho I try not to spend money on what I smoke sometimes I lose motivation and sit around so 20 or 30 bucks now and then could make me broke and leave my family without.

Im excited to raise my own child, I'm sure I'll be good but I'm young and don't know the half of this **** that I say do.

What do I do when I have no money I've already given up on drugs cuz I have no funds and   my family's hungry.

Im so proud I never ask for hand outs, I chose to rob and steal for a meal rather than ask the people willing to help for a loan to get me and my girl along.

Im scared for the future,... I raised myself and taught myself how to live without **** but I based my life off of street principals

Steal to eat, sell what you don't need, rob cars to support problems that scream till I feed em with drugs and bad habits

I won't let my child need to do what I had to do cuz I'll be there to make ends meet, but what lesson can I teach.

I could tell you *******, do drugs, steal and cheat. I could form a real gangster out of a white boy that's never Felt the pain you get on the streets.

But I stopped listening to teachers in the second grade cuz I yearned for an easy life and quick pay.

Im smart but as far as school im brilliant in an evil way

How can I help with homework when I don't know anything about half of what schools are teaching

I can show them how to work hard and build things, all the odds and ends to creating a building.

But what if they don't want to labor for a living? What if numbers are what there dream job requires?

What I even if I'm around my child resents me cuz they learn and think differently?

Im so excited to have a child of my own that I've already started talking to my girls stomach.

Im sorry if I rambled on or didn't rhyme the whole time but I needed to babble for a while about how scared shitless I am for tomorrow, 8 months from  now an the next 18 years that follow.

I promise I'll do all I can to give my child every opportunity the world has. I know I won't teach my child about my past or allow them to follow. I just don't know how to stay hallow when tears keep fillin me up and leaking out creating a a puddle I wish was shallow.

So every night before I sleep or at least by midnight I will repeat to my self the words that follow.

You are a good man with respect and courtesy.
In hard times you make ends meet and support your family with hard work and honesty.
Respect, honor, and hard work are all things my child will learn by watching me.
Sarah can teach school and other things, and I can teach hard work and Practical things.
Fear is natural an good when contemplating raising a child!
Atleast that means I want for them, better things.

Sorry I'm just so nervous to raise a child, I had no parents, my mom and dad abandoned me and my grandfather left me to raise myself while he locked himself in his room UNTILL he had a reason to yell at me for another way I've ruined his life.
So with no money as a small child and nobody to support me right, my habits formed to insure i survived
I feed and clothed myself before I was 5. I just can't stop worrying about how I will raise a child and if I'll even do it right.
Nathan Pival Jun 2015
Beware the beef capes
That ***** will fly away
Like the ***** villain
Just chillin'
That ***** I'm fillin'
But my soul she'll be killin'
One more
Or I'll be killin'
Can't escape it
Don't debate it
Just one more
Till she's mine

But no
These seeds I sow
As she chokes me out
I know better
But you know me the best
Tell me what I want to hear
To take the pain away
Tomorrow will come
Another day

Another way
Take my time
But don't take away
The passion I have today
The love and compassion
Runneth over from my heart
An end is a beginning
Not a finish
But a new start

Empty my heart
This impedance I give into
There's a dinosaur
outside my door
making such a row
I think it's called an excavator,
I call it a selfish cow.

What a noise
can hardly sleep
I think that when it's in reverse
it's filling in the holes it digs
and that is even worse.

What a waste of bleedin' time
diggin' holes outside of mine
fillin' in with concrete mix
building homes with
stickle brix
I wish the thing would go away
I need to sleep a bit today.

In ten million years from now
that ****** rotten
selfish cow
will be extinct and
so will I.
you set me on fire
i feel like i've said it all before
already worn words
reborn into new sentences
they don't quench your thirst, no

you know, i never was a liar
but you are a thief
my heart rips right on out for you
falls to your feet, but you wont fix it, no
maybe for once its not me who isn't good enough

so how could you do this to me?
you've ****** the words and love right out me
what am i now,
an empty shell?
i don't know why, but i sure know how
boy, you've put me through hell

call me the **** but who gets head
twice in two weeks?
oh wait, but
there goes those words fillin me with dread.
who's the one who ******* ***** me?

i can't do it anymore
and when the words dry up like this i
forget exactly what i'm living for.
Now that im seein' doubles
Enticed to troubles hard head
Kickin' up dust put no trust
In anyone keep ya friends close enemies closer
Turn out the lights and watch how i get wicked in the dark seen a small spark
A gleam in my father's eye I was ready to die no lie
I shed many tears permanent stains on my skin
Embodied by sin will the lord let me in
For all the good deeds I put in??
But then again I was made to fail and get nothin' but if I gotta make crack sales o well
Nothing but drama in this life
**** the clergy *** they'll be the first to pull a knife
Or gun saying you dying in the name of the father?
But how when his own son was slaughtered?
By these same hypocrites so you ******* can ******* I'm fillin' caskets with slugs to follow
I got no love in my heart so how the **** can feel love from the start?
My enemies plottin' I catch em slippin' so ya know they droppin' hot boxin'
Topics knockin' profits stay in **** we vigilantes
Slaves to our own world I'm.bustin' hallows
Til it hits the souls of young boys and girls in the ghetto
Girl you a strong woman take off them stilettos
Don Shapiro known don back and resurrected from my past ancestors that moved on
Different melody but same song
Pay attention to the treachery
Real nigguhs turn to bustas I ride with the realist
But thinkin' remember ya never had a friend like me
Mark Mar 2020
Man, you keep on spillin’
More than you’re a fillin’
So, you should never ever get all ya money
Where ya be gettin’ all of ones honey
You’ve inherited a handful of ritzy
An amount I’d say is just a little itsy bitsy
But I was born with a face full of glamour
So I guess now, I’m ritzy and glamorous, and so much more

You always did have a small mind, no matter
If I had to choose between you and my ex, I’d take the latter
‘Cause your always showing off to your friends
Think ya  cool, cruisin’  Rodeo Drive, in a pimped out Benz
Little mama’s boy, hiding below those colored skin sketches
Paying for a little salad on the side, ‘cause they all let ya call dem *******

I own it now baby and I know its all from you
You owe me much more than what’s already overdue
You made me who I am today, even if it took over a decade
You showed me the figures I spent on your entertainment tab
But ya never were really that good at basic math
So before I left, I let the police know, you’re a sociopath.

— The End —