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RW Dennen Aug 2014
Smashing boots on doors,
splinters fall like rain.
Smashing boots on doors,
children feel the pain.
Smashing boots on doors,
granny's years of age.
Smashing boots on doors,
Mom and Dad in rage.
Smashing boots on doors,
panic sets the stage.
Smashing boots on doors,
Iraqi freedom fades.
Smashing boots on doors,
like thunder in a storm.
Smashing boots on doors,
an innocent family torn.
Smashing boots on doors,
a brand new hatred born.

RW Dennen  (c)  11/24/09
As I say war is not a natural state of man. In the year 2004
the insurgents were spilling over Iran into Iraq around border towns. This was one of the low points for our forces,
we were losing soldiers fast. I know that our troops or at least most were forced to do this. Because tracing an enemy
was most impossible and most acted in defence. This act must have traumatized a lot of our troops. Because by nature
most are good kids. They're kids to me because I'm 74.
(Not to be condocending) Thank you, go with peace.
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Be smart be alert
Do not hide the truth my friend
Defend the truth until the end

RW Dennen-

Come my brothers and sisters
  let us be basked in the sun of glory
Be we the tears that fall
  surrendered on cheeks that tell their tale

Let slavery's master-yoke be broken
  and cast away

Come my brothers and sisters
and so do join in our power's struggle
  to lend a better day

Come my brothers and sisters
  may your shining soul be at rest

Come be as neighbors no matter far away
  let our colors merge one into one is one;
    let racism fade away
  and let rest us upon the immovable stone
     of brotherhood; so powerful we are
And so too awaits our resolve enlightened by
our hearts of day

Then tear that awful blind of ignorance
and sing our song till all merge into one
And laud that peace that will increase good tidings to us all

Be that light until that sight
when colors merge and BROTHERHOOD,
  to never go away...
The movie "Selma" and that powerful music "Glory" inspired
me to write this piece. I loved Martin for what he did for all colors
on this planet earth
RW Dennen Jul 2015
Life is a fighter's ring
        your opponent
is life's most downs
        with all its fury
forever challenging us most prevalent surely...

What type glory
         do you choose
when failing your fighter's round?
Do you pick yourself up
            after crashing
                           to the ground?

What glory in rising
          your situation
                   newly found?
What invention
              of yourself
in your up and coming round?

Do your cheering crowds please you
               your real friends know
your need?
Will you rise yourself up
          in a thunderous quickened speed?

So, your fighter's glory in rising
       each bout that you take
Will you rise yourself up
      for your honor is at stake...

-This is why i think that most average are heroes no matter what country-
RW Dennen
RW Dennen Feb 2015
People of peace walk gently
People of strength never be stilled
Abundance awaits those with courage

RW Dennen-

Stay out of Iraq the spirits
Eyes wide opened, boots and shoes lined up in order
in almost perfect straight lines in Philadelphia July 2005
Symbolic death shoes of civilians out of synchronization
in a war of soldiers

Under a small tree meticulously placed
we're children's shoes in a perfect solid circle
I read o months of age on tags
I read 8 years old on tags
I read 12 years old on tags
And on and on the children's lists grew,
as wisdom must have waned
and common decency
was once cherished

These shoes and boots sadly became
the dimishment of human beings,
horizontal and vertical rectangular
snapshots of once smiling faces
all in the name of war, they vanished all too soon

And I saw running tears and tears being held back
and I felt lumpy throat feelings in unison
with the rest but in cemetery silence

Touching deep feelings so overwhelming
is to touch a false bent flower and flowers
and pictures of deceased soldiers and civilians
and letters once presented at doorways
throughout America
America cried its sadness and disbelief,
the vanished breathers of life giving air,
Our sons, our daughters,
Our mothers, our fathers,
Our sisters, our brothers,
Our relatives,
Our close friends,
All perished, like a vampire that ***** away the life blood of
the once innocent

I noticed mostly tourists coming in droves from Market Street
towards us volunteers who were located adjacent to the
visitor's center side entrance as silence like before still prevailed
And like before the atmosphere prevailed even stronger
as these boots and shoes became tombstones

And tender hearts became tombstones
broken into small pieces
Passions never changed into loud speech

And the green turf
rolled down towards the sidewalk
like a green carpet holding all those boots and shoes
like a quilt interwoven with boot and civilian
shoe memories about days that should never
happen again...
A heart rendering experience and what the 'Bush Regime brought about'
RW Dennen Aug 2014
He and she walk alone so young.
So young he and she are.
Without another's tender touch
and tender kisses.
Being without a loving, caring other;
expressions desolved by war.
They're still in the desert
guarding buddies.
They're still in war-torn towns.
So young they are.
Behind every house door lurks
an unseen enemy.
Every crevice in their home-sweet-home,
a hidden device.
Every patch of an American road
hidden IED'S.
Every turn,every corner,every glance,every walk,
Every position, for some, a hand gun hidden in his
or her belt.
So well they learned their craft.
Their home vehicles are now Hummvees.
Their towns are now
the unfriendly and foreign Middle East.
They walk alone,these ANGRY ISLANDS,
unto themselves they are...

RW Dennen
As we know war is unnatural. Not all suffer as bad
because their suffering from PTSD varies. Usually
when a war is highly unpopular our veterans aren't
treated so good in general. Remember the law of physics and nonphysics, for every action there is an opposite reaction. Thank you.
RW Dennen Mar 2015
People of peace walk gently
People of strength never to be stilled
Abundance awaits you with courage

RW Dennen-

Came the Black voting rights march into Selma, Sunday

And being gathered in prayer before crossing, you soon felt smashing upon your body as blood seeped down your face
on a Sunday and the initial retreat too too much to remember:
About dogs and billy clubs; about fire hoses ready and that very bridge, later will carry hearts of conscience all in the great name
of the American ballot box

Today, I say hail for the slain and hurt of the historical past; I say hail to both black and white
brothers and sisters once endowed with bravery embued with inalienable rights

Hang strong my true people of the bridge
Hang strong for that greater bridge that bridges into dignity of today
Hang strong and hold dear to your hearts "The Sunday Selma legacy"
and  "The spirit of the Edmund Pettus Bridge"
In 1965 on a Sunday these brave souls of different religions and races
marched for black equal voting rights only to be met with bone crushing resistance.
Today these rights must be restored for a more perfect union
RW Dennen Mar 2015
Alike likes alike

RW Dennen-

Pretend I am your mirror
Pretend that reflections of yourself are only my words
of ******* about you coming from me
Pretend attributes about yourself are extended
from my familiarity about you into your existence that holds truth
Pretend that the fine glass is always cleaned from dirt
by questioning whether my thoughts will ever harm you
by not using fabrications upon your life's story
Pretend to handle me gently, at times, because I could possibly give you way more than seven years bad luck by merely dismissing you of my obligation as a friend in deed
Now realize that myself, as a true friend, that i am your
living and breathing mirror,at times, about yourself
and if CrAcKs show, use your logic and kindly DISCARD
RW Dennen Aug 2014
These are human tears
I say,I say.
They're down my cheeks they roll
and baptize away my past
feelings suppressed.

These tears of sometimes joy or sadness
and everlasting human connections, connecting to my
inner worlds exposing outward revelations.
These revelations through my saline
liquid rushing down my cheeks;
soaked from my reddened eyes.

These my friend are feelings
both good and bad, these liquid representations
of hurt and gain
and of both joy and pain.

Existential to the core my eyes
do show my dripping soaked Windows
of my soul...

RW Dennen (c) 4/29/2010
RW Dennen Aug 2014
Ancient trees of majesty
   why reach your arms in excellency?
Why skim the clouds and pierce the stars,
    to stand so bold as warrior Mars?
Why be a thing of children's play,
     and watch the scene where lovers lay?
  Why touch the hearts of young and old?
      Why change your leaves from green to gold?
   Why dip your arms in pools below
       and float your leaves as falling snow?
    Why whistle tunes on winds of high
         why whistle tunes as winds go by?

     I waited from dawn to dusk you see
     for these ancient trees soon whispered to me

      We grasp the day
      We grasp the night
      We grasp the fowl on earnest flight

       You give us  breath which we repay
            we mold your health in loving way
        We climb these hills and mountaintops
             and spread our green as greenery crops
          We house these creatures in wooden shacks
              and feel the cut of the woodmen's axe
          We watch the peace and wars go by
               and suffer pestilence without a cry
            We dance and sway on winds of old
                to tell our stories far untold..

This is a lyrical poem which can be accommodated by
       Enya's "The memory of trees"
Author of poem is--RW Dennen of Hello Poetry
Thank you kindly
This was my first poem written around 1965.
I was working for GOOD HUMOR on an ice cream truck.
I worked in Merchantville and Pensauken NJ.
On my lunch breaks I would awe at nature because I ate in
wooded areas best way to digest food around silence away
from the hustle and bustle...
RW Dennen Aug 2014
Warm oozy-melted words
  over tangy heated
saucy sentences.
  Poetry of crunchy
crusted rhythms.
  Scattered mushrooms
and pepperoni characters
  I eat hearty my poetry in pizza...

RW Dennen  ( c) 12/27/09
RW Dennen Aug 2014
  and warm hearts.
Evening whispers
   in gentle staccato;
breaking silence
  Lips upon lips
enchanted warmth; rushing of lust.
  Further entrenchment with
entwining flesh upon flesh.
  Our heated breathing;
the nirvana of sweetened glandular
  Aphordite's love-perfume.
My heat against your heat,
  climaxing into passion's hard embrace.
Embraced by Dionysus into
life-death-death-life dance.
We soul-swim in warm waters...

RW Dennen (c)  11/24/09
M Mar 2015
midnight moved across the people's park
and I fled the fire like a spinning spark
up onto a porch in the dark
she was waiting right there for me
RW Dennen Feb 2015
Swaying fields of wheat
A quick downward eagle's swoop,
a dance of nature

RW Dennen-

Screech your eerie
echoing song
Flutter wings and spin
against a cool
blackened starlit-night

Then gently sail your
dark silhouette
across a summer
GIANT pox-marked moon

And gently skim
this bright lunar-face
with wing-tips
of brownish-white           Then

dive in sudden Grace,
scissor-angled wings enclosed
Then freely dip
on upper ******
to catch your tiny insect prey             Then

stretch your wings
to form a widened Vee
Then glide on
spiral flowing endlessness
to screech your fleeting
summer song
in a star-lit; moon-lit sky
your song for lover's love
that ushers forth
the dark
eerie haunting
melody                   Reverberate

your haunting call
once again
Soon find your airy path;
fly away from here;
take chant of night with you,
leave silent stillness left behind
in darkened sky                               Now

a final distant screech
  then hush,
your fleeting
  summer song
of night

RW Dennen Mar 2015
Wanting you dearly
Needing you clearly
Severely in love

RW Dennen-

Don't  cry baby
  For I'll be near;
I must go, my journey ends;
  so touch and kiss my picture upon the wall

Don't cry baby
  All is fine, just journeying and drifting
to a different timeless-time

Don't cry baby
  Life begins, beyond the stars,
    where spirits sing on high regards
to saddened hearts aching somberly,
  like slow breaking hearts and slow breaking waves
      upon a tearful saddened sea

Don't cry baby
  remember you; remember me;
let beautiful remembrances forever be
  about just you alone, alone with me

Don't cry baby
  Think of you and think of me;
with two hearts merged into one;
  walking hand in hand into infinity...
RW Dennen Aug 2014
Dancin'  shadow on dat wall,
white-blues-boy sing yawl song,
harmonica cry, guitar scream,
to dat beat beat so sweet song,
dat dancin' shadow is ah swayin'
in ma head.
Yawl blues echo like dat shiftin' breeze
and shiftin' bayou winds in time dat blow
so sweet, like da shiftin' silt and sounds on breezy thoughts
about red fiery dusks.
Yawl black shadow on dat wall
dances like dah vanchee* in heat.
Clamorous mixture is dat beat
frum dat white-blues-boy smooth-song
dat fills dat *** in heat of vanchee*calls
and his shiftin' black silhouette on dat wall,
dat smooth-song black man yawl becum...

RW Dennen (c)  2008
I coined the term vanchee*is one who echoes haunting
and lasting sounds.
This took place at the Ethical Society in Philadphia.
Bob Small founder of Poets and Prophets sponsored
this Fundraiser in 2008.
A well known poet and dear friend Lamount Steptoe
gave a blues Poem.
Lead man in the blues band was Dave Steel.
While I was listening to Dave and because
the flood lights were so powerful his enormous
dancing shadow was cast on this high wall.
This inspired me to write this piece.

last but not least, as you know I tried to give voice tone
to an elderly Southern Black person and to that beautiful culture that
gave life and greatness to our country.
RW Dennen Aug 2014
Swimming indoors
                              is a
                                  horizontal ballet
floating and swimming in the return to the womb
ah ah ah room.

RW Dennen (c) 1980
I love to swim and I noticed when people get together
in water there's a lot of chatter that goes on besides laughter.
Perhaps more world leaders should hold more conferences in water without  drowning each other LOL  LOL  LOL
RW Dennen Aug 2014

Energy moves

Movement is life

Life is God


RW Dennen
Not a man with a white beard but awesome energy.
Seemingly man makes God in man's image at least
having a solid man-image-body. Should be characteristics
of both God(energy)and man only.
RW Dennen Aug 2014
Take the kid out of the ID
                 What do you get?
                 AnSwErE                 please

     oh oh please answere

                     THE SUPER DUPER EGO!!!!!

RW Dennen ??
Just messin' with ya
Siggy hates me

— The End —