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Ellie Wolf May 2016
In light of recent self-awarness
I try my best to feel
less suffocated
by the instilled ideal
of forgiveness
and more accepting
of the primal, instinctive
need to express
what I cannot suppress

In light of recent self-awareness
I try my best to see
less of the drowning
notion that is
The Moment
and more of the ambiently
serene concept of
The Present

In light of recent self-awareness
I try my best to be
less aware
and more myself.
Vampyre Kato May 2016
I Am The Sunshine
Upon This Land
I Am The Pure Love
Of Woman & Man
Creatures Of Sea
Creature Of Sand
Creatures Obove Trees
I Am Sunshine
Im Feeling The Heat
I Am Sunshine
Love Shining In Me
Through My Eyes
Timeless Sweets
I Am Purity
Healing All That Need
A Calling Of Leap
The Falling Of Leaves
That Tracends To Beauty When
Waters Affection Harvest The Neat
Harvest The Trees
Harvest The Fruits & Vegetables
For All Us To Eat
God Were Sunshine
I Am You & You Are Me
Realms Of Angels
Elves Mermaid Reefs
Illumniated With A Sphere In Me
Its Clear To See
I'm Near The Sea
Abundance Prosperity
Inside Manifested Through Charity
Expand Consious Clairty
Increase Awarness
Perception Cherry Trees
Beautiful Judgment Free
Free To Be We So Let's Just Breathe
I Love You , You Love Me
Meditation Vibratatin At The Peak Of My Frequency
Elvish Whispers In The Breeze
Angels Untangle The Tangled
I Angle Dreams
The Frequency Of Jesus
Is Needed
Let It Seep Through
You May Not See Him
But He Sees You
Bianry Ritual 3 Help Darknes Nailed
I'm From An Elvish Realm
Where Fairy's Bleed Blue
Its Easy To Relate
Escape The Hate With Aatral Gates
Be True
Be You Sunshine Light Bright
Right Through Ooh
I Feel It In My Soul
From Outer Space
Down My Face Waist & Shoes
Normal Is So Distant
Weird Is JDifferent
& Difrent  Is Just So Cool
Sune Shine Amazon Fine
Island Side
Frequency High
Twin Soul Flame Is Feeling My Vibe
Pure Dear Come Here
Feel The Kundalini Rise
Eye To Eye
Hands On Back Of Thighs
Hearts Hugging So Tight
Protected By The Eye
Private Meeting Souls Singing Ocean Side
Stars Cry Body's Weaving Greeting
Gentle Screaming Oh My
Dna Embedded With Electric Healing Rhymes
Were Amazing Gazeing Sunshine
Breathe Release The Beast
No Need To Find
All Is Within So Grin Ya Chin
Your In Ya Win
Sunshine Sunshine Fill My Fins
Swimming Through
Realms Of Elevish Kin
Affection Covers My Skin
I Am Sunshine
Sing It Again
Laurent Mar 2016
When the blame opens up the window
You can't keep holding now, it's got your soul.

When you're facing your darkest shadow,
You choose your side in battle, blow by blow.

If you can't fight the feeling,
The pain is too deceiving.

You just keep believing,
That nothing's really wrong.

Don't be scared of your darkness,
Wait 'till tomorrow, It will be gone.

If your fears are making your decisions,
You're always gonna struggle on your own.

Sorrow changes with seasons,
Sometimes with no reason.

When your view is just off the ceiling,
It's time to start the healing.
ron stickson May 2014
Green radiance surrounding atomic red
Twist and tie through the fabric of time
Mind visioning a corpse in its bed
A sole luxury without a fine

Acquiring a will
And possessing a mind
Let go and be still
For there's an answer to find

The day will come
When the disease will parish
And vibrate a beautiful hum
To such a day we will cherish
Short and sweet. Got bored so I wrote it.
Don't **** with Jesus

So there was this alien abduction study
A real one
No goverments involved

It was the biggest
most official
alien abduction study ever

Spanning decades

Every abductee and their story
studied and scrutinized

Asking every question

Going over all the paralysed
and probed feelings of all of them

In some cases there was some awarness
Some comminication
Though not with words

After a while they started to notice an anomoly

In those cases where there was some degree of awarness
Which was a small percentage
Some abductees were able to communicate outwardly

In a small percentage of those
some abductees would inadvertantly
convey things like

Oh Jesus
Please help me Jesus

Or words to that effect

Now let me remind you
this was sciences study
and had been from the start

Until the Anomoly


The abduction abruptly ended

There was about 10 jesus cases
and this happened every time

See i'm not religious in the bible sense
But every time?

He knew their secret
Or at least came as close as any human ever

To me Jesus transcends religion
His word is essentialy love
And he had the biggest love following of all time
Bar none
Still does

They control you with fear you see
They farm it
It's their sustenance

So why wouldnt the name
of the most loved human being ever
strike fear in their hearts

So why didnt Jesus just tell everybody their secret
"Theyre here"
Could you imagine
They'd stone him for being crazy
before he even made it to the cross

Plus it wouldnt work
Everyone would be scared shitless

And thats what they feed on


So he had to teach us love
Love is our weapon
And once we build enough love
their whole dark twisted existance
will begin to unravel

The greatest trick an alien ever played
was convincing you the devil existed

We are a fear farm

But love can light the way
because they fear love

They fear Jesus and the power of his love

This is a true squashed story
Look it up if they havn't already buried it further
Tip of the iceburg...
Angelique Oct 2016
awarness that is nearly tangible
--clenched in a moral fist where it will thrive amongst the genius, the vile and the emotionally crumbled
Harley Hucof Jan 2021
The night has confided in me its secrets,
Revealing my paralleled selves.
We are all privileged, being depressed or anxious is hypocrisy itself
I've sat and thought ,
Time affirms knowledge
Though i am not my awarness,
I feel wired to a hidden intelligence,
Unfamiliar images, imagination,
Everything is a lesson,
Unlearn it to reach the destination

Gratitude brings bliss and peace of mind
do not underestimate the advantage of being ALIVE

Words Of Harfouchism
Joshua Haines Dec 2016
The roaming rebels smoke their pipe-dreams
by the eroding wall.
Their pockets are as empty as their hearts
and they know it, and know
that you know it.

Her hairspray is a mist around her
beige-caked face --
and she swears she used to look good.
She swears that things used to matter;
that words once made sense;
that her boys won't forever stand by that wall;
that her boys won't forever stand still,
swept by the grains of time.

And you, in your desired attire,
in your calculated speak,
will never know that they know you don't know.
And you, well-adjusted and forever fluent in their inability to be temporary --
in their heartless self-awarness, with no ambition --
will sigh with sympathy
unneeded for the ******.
Merinda Jul 2019
One light has gone
Beautiful soul has drown
Tried to reach out but extremely ignored
Goodbye letter for once and more
No awarness 'till he was really done
Dedicated for my biggest inspiration 'Chester Bennington'
Is love really coming to save us?
Or are we left here to do this on our own
Trapped in the fear box
A speck of blue hope
Lost and alone in an eternal evil ocean

Puppets scurry and herd the sheep
Puppet masters lick theyre lips at the coming feast

The Fear Farm spins on
Out of control

Blinded from our true reality
Awarness stifled
Under their control

But there can't just be evil

Love must be coming soon

Must it not?

Somewhere in the blackened infiniti
there must be a higher form of love coming
To show us little misguided lovlings how to do it

Hurry the **** up!
Is all i can say
Mane Omsy Oct 2016
So where should I begin?
From the beginning or the end?
If I restart it again
Arisen sorrows will descend

Somewhere in the darkness
Howled the beats with victory
No one gave me no awarness
O! I've been caught by misery

Blow your sword on everysides
Born Oh! with no sympathy
I turned out to be neutralized
I fumbled with much adversity

I reckon I can restart my life
So I kept my sword and took the knife
There's no way out??
Andelko Zovko Dec 2015
I dream about not being able to sleep
and I wake up exhausted.
I had, once, in my heart, a memory of you
now I just remember the memory.
the night finds my sadness,
and it offers me a song;
"Down the road I go, going down, down the road, going down slow..."

I feel safest at this hour. Alone, uneasy,
but safe. They don't come for you at 3:00am.

I doubt I chose this. In fact I KNOW I didn't choose this... I think (self doubt is a neccesary evil).This chose me, this, this crazy motion of laying down words, which are meant to reflect the feelings and ideas of my heart and mind. These words, which all of them, have double meanings, if not more, are suppose to enlighten, hold back the darkness, expand the mind, bring one closer to God, or at the very least, bring one to self awarness. These, sometimes they fumble onto the paper, clumsy and awkward, like the wrong pieces of a puzzle. How, sometimes they disgust me. Like now, pushing onwards, not knowing what to say, feeling it all vanish, the magic of only moments before when the song came to me along with the train whistle blowing loud over a dark land. How can it come and go like it does? Now I feel like tearing it all down, starting over,'s no use. I must learn to let it go. If it was born weak, it won't last. If it has no roots, it will be uprooted and tossed away. You can't be held responsible for these words that you try honestly to lay down. They come out as they are; you give them a place to dwell. If, planted upon the page, they bury their roots deep, so be is good, and be humble and thankful. If not, it's out there already, and you must let nature take it's course. Be humble and thankful. Realize to, that this sort of undertaking takes courage. You risk it all when you lay down the word. But you risk more if you don't: you risk losing your mind, you risk becoming apart of the unfortunate herd; you risk losing the chance of ever seeing the light in it's purest form; you risk losing the warmth of a candle as it holds back all the darkness in the world; you risk losing the long wait in the night for the sun to rise. Who knows these things better then the ones who gamble with the word? Who else, but the one who crafts with words, knows that the word is the beginning and ending of everything?

When I rise in the morning I feel like lying down again...
When I kiss your mouth I want to kiss it again...
I don't want to close my eyes when they are open; I don't want to open them when they are closed.
I only eat when I'm hungry...sometimes not for days.
I figure I'm halfway through living...somehow this cheers me up, reminds me of Elvis singing the American Trilogy. A happy man wants to live forever. A sad man doesn't envy the happy man, for he knows a happy man has no heart. A sad man wants to be happy every once in a while, when it's truly worth it. And then a sad man is truly the happiest man in the world.
Without the dark, there is no light. Until the darkness is vanquished, it will always be this way.
Everybody is wounded. Everything is breaking down. The sadness is growing and it will become overwhelming. Tears are flowing from all eyes, rich or poor. Everybody is thirsty, looking for the drink that will quench that thirst forever. Maybe in death, finally, maybe then, or will it continue? Is this our last trip through the million years of heartache and sorrow? Or, like time, will it never stop? Time, the Bringer of Pain...the longer we go on, the more we hurt. If Time should stop now, I'd be in sorrow for ever. The sweetest songs are the sad longing ones, in any culture. The one's about love, heartache. Why must there always be a hint of sadness in everything we say, do or see?
I haven't been happy now for a very long time. I've learned to accept and deal with it. I've learned to use it. Somehow, accepting it helps. You can feel the wisdom this brings. Eventually, looking back, we will all laugh at this, right before we die, and know that it was meant to be like this. Better to know this now, know it well, laugh about it, and when the time comes, perhaps one can die happy.
A smile on your dead lips. A mystery behind that smile.
A joy for the ones in the know.
A seed planted in the hearts of the others.
Everything will be alright. Be of good cheer. The earth is flat again, which makes things so much easier. Now I know what I gotta do, and that moral law wasn't invented by the rich to keep the poor from robbing their banks and hanging their dogs.

Well, you don't have to  need a reason, but you do need a ryhmn, to keep in measure, all this passing of time.
Flipping through my books gots me realizing that I'd make a hypocrite
tree hugger
And the comfort of the night finally becomes a delay once again.
Never felt good when I started but feeling bad that I have to stop.
Enjoy your mornings and don't forget your masks.
Your Name Here Jun 2016
Tears flow like a tsunami a tidal wave.
So powerful im wreaking havoc upon myself and others.
Destroying my awarness Im ill.
Flooding tears drown as they cascade.
Spinning twisting thoughts like a tornado.
Going crazy cant concentrate.
Wrecking my day to day life.
My Identity... Im finding it soo difficult to know...
Sweeping through like a hurricane.
Lifting me off of my feet.
Rain down with devastation.
Hurting an endless amount of names..
Seems this sickness is spreading like wildfire.
Burning through the innocent.
Why must this continue to happen.
Why must this madness continue to transpire.
Suddenly I explode like a volcanic eruption.
Realizing that this is all truly my fault.
Must put a stop to this.
Ceasing the contiuation of my destruction.
Dry eyes Im numb determined to put an end to this drought.
Heaven please rain down on me.
With help from god family and friends..
We can Move on move foward constantly committ to this route.
We can rebuild.
Dedicated to all the innocence that has been killed.
We will rise again with strength commitment and will
Mike Hauser Nov 2017
one step
in any direction
one step
is all it takes
one step
of misconception
one step
could be a mistake
one step
before the other
one step
the right or left
one step
sisters and mothers
one step
boys and men
one step
forwards or backwards
one step
acquaintance to friend
one step
friend to lover
one step
reaches the end
one step
to greater awarness
one step
releases hate
one step
to realize
one step
is all it takes
Vampyre Kato May 2016
Hand Feet Tai Chi
Sun Gaze Poetry
Moon Light Candle Trees
Meditation Is My Tent
Trance Every Moment My Deepest Gaze
When I Speak To Women
Thier Pockets Start Swimming
They Get Wet
Memorized By My Passionate Vibe
Paranormal Eyes
Its A Sight To See Sweat Dripping From Her Neck
Precious Persian Soft ***** Stretched
I Ain't Gone Hide My Respect
Romance In All My Being
When I Rap When I Sing
Poetry When I Speak
Projects Excitement Through Everything
Lighting Netrualizes Danger
Energy Has Peaked The Frequency
I Send Love To Anger
& Low Vibrations
I Raise Questions Of Thing Created
Forced Station
Im Here To Raise Awarness
Flair Safe Changing
No light but the moon.
No scene but the unforgiving waves,
vast and melancholy.
Here I pace.

A small room built for torment
my punishment persist
As resilient as I am,
I admit
my mind is about to give.

These four wall haunt me.
Small and lonely.

My cell faces the sea
Dull light chases away darkness,
as the outer world calls awarness

This one glimpse I have,
this small gift
for it
I am grateful

my fragile window.
It started out as a short story. I adapted it to a poem
V Apr 2018
Time doesn't heal anything,
I know that from experience,
the only way to heal comes
from our own self awarness
of our consciousness,
our willingness to move on.
Why then
I'm ready
For what then
To face my frights and the frustrations of my past wrong choices and dare again
dare at last
Is it sufficient
Proof it
I made inquiries
And I followed my instinct and my own advises
" accpet love in the day , and be sure your feets are on earth when she comes to you"
I digged as gold minner
I never stopped searching
As an archeologist
I built my self with the awarness of a wolf
And I scrutinized places als an accurate Inspector

My conclusions were blessing
And my prayers let me to God's own seal in you
That's why you're my angel

So when I  was this sure of you
I remembered an eldered who said
" Love is a jail and with you I've choosen a life sentence "
He quoted again
" Without you, my house is just a shelter. It is in you that I find my home"

And these words meaningfully
Are mine for you
" Love is a jail and with you I've choosen a life sentence "
Only you
" Without you, my house is just a shelter. It is in you that I find my home"
If not you I'm in the wilderness for eternity
Happy End 😊
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Walking across the path I see,
a flower so fresh and new,
it never crossed my mind
you see, to pick the one
that looked so new..

Many were hanging on the
vine, different colors did
I see, only one that caught
my eye, was the one hanging
much to low..

I picked it quickly, with
a smile, walking away
without a glance, that
behind me was a little
pup, running after me..

If I knew the pup was lost,
I would of brought it home
with me, but without a
thought I left it there,
and went about my daily

I can never count the ways,
the things I see, the dreams
I have, every day is my
awarness in the world so
vast and new..

All the loves that come
my way, are loves of many
kinds, like that little puppy
dog, I wish I had brought
home with me..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
QUINN Apr 2018
Life is like a journey through the woods unexspectly with, a crystal clear vision of awarness into the darkness of negative, which we think that we have controll to be bold or to fold with our eyes close jumped into a whirl pool of tears sheds again hate or have friend to do good or have a sin, we can all smile again or at least a grin, walk through the storm again holding hands in a trance while listening to oldie's rock bands. Dont get what im staying baby making plans because our whole world does not end because we combine forces like captain planet, ill be damit falling from the universe is not my image, if so we will fall on a planet thats still standing. Strength is what I feel mentally and psychically, this strength is my will power energy.

— The End —