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Bekah Halle Sep 10
The cycle of life;
The journeys we traverse,
etched in our bodies:
tattoos of the well-lived
loved and even loathed.
That’s a full life, isn’t it?
Leaving traces of our existence.
Bekah Halle Apr 16
Dry, like an arid desert;
Limited life contact,

Crying was a mirage,
Only others seemed to hold the key;
That could unlock,
The healing springs from within.

But drip by drip,
Inner acceptance they bring;
More freedom within,
Who I am is the best place to begin.

My tears are the permission,
To grieve this long journey;
From before my birth,
The pain of a broken world that you’ve allowed me to live in.

Be here,
With these tears.
Don’t leap ahead,
And miss the healing in these cool springs.

When the tears fall,
They release life;
Permission to be,
Freedom to embrace.

New life,
But it first took courage,
To shed that first tear;
You faced the fear,
That held you captive,
But now you are free to fly.

On the wings of a new horizon;
To walk on dewy grass,
With the sun rising, new promises.
Try again, learn and grow stronger,
In your way and time.
Bekah Halle Aug 3
Why is it that I've tried so hard
to forget?
When I've spent so long
trying to remember.
Then, when I stop,
it all catches up with me.
You catch up with me.
I catch up with myself.
When did I lose you?
And how did I find myself in this place again?
The place of wanting to run,
Run so fast, hard and away.
From myself, from you, and from the world.
I break,
I'm shattered.
I fear all these little pieces
can't be put back together,
No matter how talented the artist is,
I'm broken.
But then I remind myself of the
Beauty in the broken places.
Breathing again, I walk on into
A new dawn,
A new day,
A new life.
Bekah Halle Aug 8
It was the frogs’ croak
That greeted me as I walked this morn,
Oh nature, how lovely is your cloak
All varieties with it are adorned.
Bekah Halle Jun 22
"What's your name?"
Rebekah Halle ***
13 November 1XXX
"What are you here for today?:
Eye surgery
'Okay, you're going to feel a freeze go through your veins
and then start to feel very sleepy..."
I wake to....
Beep, beep
Buzz the machines
Whee, whoosh, voodoo
Whirl goes the blood pressure
knock knock on the door
The nurses peer into check.
Silence, for a second,
Beep, beep
And then…
Knock, knock, knock
"Your eyes are looking great,
I'll come back in the morning,"
Beep, Beep, Beep
I sleep...
And then…
Knock, knock, knock
“Do you want your dinner now?!”
Inquires the hospitality staff.
Darkness strangles light
Again nurses wheel in their trollies…
Volumous voices viscerate silence
All In
the hospital room.
Bekah Halle Jun 10
from tiredness,
sleepless as I lay in weight,
heavy heart, blurry brain;
a complete mess.
brittle bones, dull tones, life lost,
courage scattered from the night before.
Trying to remember, "I am not less!"
One way to get unstuck,
own your truth, not give a f@#k,
and be gentleness,
to myself and all around,
which is the most profound
of this journey, I profess.
it's not over.
It's just begun!
In response to a poem titled: Q as F@#ck
Bekah Halle Apr 11
Life is in the here and now, the present,
Death is in the past and future; regret and needs to be met.
But talking about dying, pain, angst, the last breath brings life;
Mysterious peace settles, an absence of strife.

We may think we’re alone in death,
But we all go through it, crossing that precipice.
Something we all have in common,
Not just for one but for everyone.

Sharing stories becomes living memories,
Remembered in death, then as homilies.
Celebrating life: a life well lived,
Then, death is seen as not taken but given.
Old Stanley pub,
Known around here for its blues
And delicious grub.
Fueled by blanc De blanc,
Makes you sway 
Infused by all intoxicating effects,
as the croons slay.
Bekah Halle Jul 27
Line for line,
I write my thoughts down,
Scripting my inner

Thought by thought
I turn them over
My motivations and intentions;
My driving dialogue.

I poke, I ****,
Scrutinise and summarise.
I leave them and walk away
And then I catalogue.

I cry out on the inside:
Why can't it just come easy
But that's perfectionism
The *****, I want to flog!

This road doesn't grow thin,
But gets deeper within.
Or is it like a diamond, 
Compressed within in the smog?
Bekah Halle Jan 28
This is life!
Living right now, every win, mistake,
Not heaven.
Don't be afraid, there's give AND take.
You don't have to be perfect!

This is life!
Every high and every ******,
******* low.
Don't be afraid, embrace the gritty;
Experiences that forge your character.

This is life!
The acclaim, blame, shame and every moment, just the same,
Can be refrained and reclaimed
Don't be afraid of happiness
And joy, life's not perfect!
Bekah Halle Aug 31
Not everything needs to be instant.
After three days He rose again;
Perfection in human form.
Bekah Halle Apr 29
My body holds tight,
Like a clenched fist.
Unbreakable, it seems,
Solid footing admist?
But inflexible and stuck; fixed.
Fluidity and freedom it craves,
Screaming: "Release me!"
Like a teenage dancer, out at an all-night rave.
So I shake in an attempt to break,
The perception of danger,
And look to the horizon,
For a time without anger.
I guess I can laugh?!
That I’ve spent so much time,
In the void,
But at least I’ve got rhyme.
To express these feelings,
And give my voice value,
To free the new me,
And to live life afresh and see.
Truly see!
Bekah Halle Aug 28
Tic tok;
Seconds, turn into
minutes, stock
up hours through
months, blur into
I have been given life.
Good, bad, joys and tears,
Everything; strife.
Tic Tok,
Strikes the clock of time;
Precious moments
are thus mine.
Tic Tok.
Bekah Halle Jul 29
To Haiku or not,
We wrangle words for a sport,
No need to stop short.
Bekah Halle Jun 28
poetry has become my drug.
when did this happen?
what was once a source of healing,
now causes scorn.
three times of torture;
I write, re-rite and write again
but like an addiction,
it soon loses its thorn.
did anyone read it?
I check, re-check, triple-check.
do they like it?
will it 'trend'?
what was once my life source
I now mourn.
Bekah Halle Aug 21
You are not known, but
You are welcome,
Free breath provokes hope,
The future will come,
Your timing is perfect.
Bekah Halle Jul 26
Life is but a whisper,
The volume is built in the heart,
Long before it enters the mouth, and
Henceforth carried by the atmosphere.
Bekah Halle May 8
Are we all under a spell?
One spell or another?
Spell of another?
Spell of money?
Spell of fame or
Milk and honey?
Spell of drugs, alcohol,
**** or the drudgery
of the day-to-day?
Light spells? Dark spells?
Spells that sell
A different life.
But we only have one life,
This one, right here, right now.
Live it!
Bekah Halle Jun 19
Reckless abandonment;
Wild love, sunshine stretched out
Overall, no monthly contracts,
Uninhibited; so we can be.
Bekah Halle Jul 14
Have you ever felt unsafe in your own skin?
If you haven’t, I don’t even know where to begin.
To get you to fathom,
The deep and lonely chasm.
When you speak,
Sounding only like a squeak,
Yet rattles around in the dark,
Trying to find the harbour with Your mark.
Bekah Halle Aug 24
Don't lose yourself,
to anyone or anything;
value your health,
free your heart to sing.
Bekah Halle Jun 8
Possessed with the urge to do;
Can't settle until things ensue.
Reminding myself of the past; all shall be fine,
You can play, you have time!
Life ebbs and flows,
release the shakes, and go,
Wade in the waters,
Go where there are no borders.
And believe.
Bekah Halle May 5
Can I wash my thoughts clean?
Can I  turn them inside out?
Can I transform my thoughts to glean?
Can they be renewed? I pout.

Is that Your work Holy Spirit?
Washing my thoughts? Or am I too mean?
Try other ways, primp and preen?
Am I doomed until I’ve made them seen?

I feel like a child throwing a tantrum,
But an adult, I want to be.
I want to grow like an oak in the garden,
that others come to see. 

Will it always be a huff and puff?
Hard work all the way?
Or will there be something I use my gruff,
And transform it into play?

Even now as I put pen to paper,
free my thoughts out to breathe,
The intensity turns into a caper,
And I allow myself a reprieve.

Enjoy this season of transformation,
It will always be your bread.
I am growing in emancipation,
And it will be this way till I’m dead.

But even then, I gain new life,
With You free from the grave.
For death, with you, has no strife,
And believing that makes me brave.

So, I will lift my head again,
And once again, I will breathe in,
I will let my eyes search along the plain,
And go, a smile beaming from within.
Bekah Halle Sep 4
I just overheard,
A gentleman slip out casually:
“We all have our secrets…” And I paused,
“Yes, i’spose we do…”
Bekah Halle Mar 21
Waiting is complex.
On the surface, it looks like nothing;
A waste.
It’s easy to get distracted,
Thinking of the things one should do.
But when you start to move, and
The routes lead to dead ends...
But, then light pierces through,
And there is movement.
Bekah Halle Feb 2
Shakespeare pondered names,
We are all given names at our birth;
Some are well-placed, others unknown and ill-fitted.
We spend our teenage years trying on new names, seeing if they fit, throwing them away when they don’t.
Movie stars and musicians shorten their names; Madonna, Oprah, Prince, Beyonce and Drey.
YouTube celebrities create their fame,
Based on their ordinary life.
We, who watch on, add to the myriad of followers,
Playing into their game, adoring their name.
But have we pondered the power of names, for our good?
When we speak, are we breathing life,
Or simply just air?
How can we grasp the life in words?
How can we live out from our true names?
Bekah Halle Apr 3
there are those days
when things just flow.
You can either,
run indoors,
or get out your gumboots,
and jump in the puddles.

the days are dry.
your lips are parched,
and creativity eludes you.
You can despair,
turn up the volume of self-loathing,
or embrace the feels,
for some other experience.

there are days when you're juggling,
the myriad of experiences,
and it clicks...
they're all moments,
to be savoured.
Bekah Halle Mar 7
Where shall we go?
To get our fix?
To get our relief?

To the fiz?
To the *****,
To the fax,

Or to our faith?
Wherever 'it' is, is our saviour.
The gods of this world,
Masquerading as possible solutions,

But leaving everlasting aches,
Not true peace.
Leaving us, searching, in
Bekah Halle Jun 3
You’re not going to make it,
You can’t,
You won’t.
Give up.
The expectations are too high,
You'll have to fake it!
Come back down to earth.
The ego taunts me with dreams,
And I feign interest by capturing their record.
But why bother?
What will they amount to?
Bekah Halle Apr 1
Words come and go,
So quickly,
I can’t catch them all!
They dance across my mind,
And then, when I want to recall them,
****, they’re gone!
Bekah Halle Aug 31
Spring has finally begun,
White cherry blossoms have sprung.
They pepper the sky,
Like candy cane on a high.
My vocals in delight reached out and sung!
Bekah Halle Jun 2
I surrender.
The wars of my ego,
Exhaust me.
I look back
And remember victory,
Because looking forward
Just seems like fantasy.
What is this state of being, exile?!
Life, call me back.
Help me, plant my hope again.
Bekah Halle Sep 14
Am I what you say I am
or am I more?
I am more.
We all are. Amen.

To cope, we minimise
things into binary forms:
Good and evil, black and white
More or less.

But we are more;
More than right now,
More than what others say, and
What others see,

More than what we see,
so peek inside, and
Use the key of self-acceptance to
untraveled terrains of our hearts and minds.
Bekah Halle May 26
I try and I try; pressing down, running it under hot water, squeezing until I cry,
But alas I am a magician with no tricks left; a poet with no sentences to string; an armless mannequin.
As Abraham did, I ventured outward bound, to a land of strong-armed jar-openers, who of it can be said? Who can be found? I need me a husband?!
I knocked and I knocked;  no answer sound, but a stranger stepped forth; his arms weren't big but his mouth wide and he opened the jar, I smiled.
Bekah Halle Apr 13
Just like the root system
Deep underground,
We too are wired,
For love. Declare goodness,
Let hope in your heart sound!
Bekah Halle May 24
Winter falls, casting a white lace undergarment
of frost on the morning ground.
Time of death, dormancy, dependence.
What am I to give up in this season,
Ready for the rebirth that is to come again?
Bekah Halle Jun 26
Doubt, an insidious strain of
Forgetfulness, wrestling with the wonder of
Bekah Halle Apr 1
She passes faster than we can grasp,
We try to capture her, firm in our clasp.
But she runs right through us,
Savouring, she becomes our mistress,
She rules indiscriminately,
Sometimes, not always, distressingly.

Oh, mistress Time, full of beauty,
Admired, best in present, free and fruity.
If we don't, we mourn,
And if only despaired, she will scorn.
But now, she comes alive,
Invigorated, we thrive.

Face to face, she tells tales,
Of the dreams; places we’ll sail.
Future fantasy, we indulge,
Temptress Time, let us divulge,
Our secrets,
Worn down, we slip; more regrets.
On our way back thru Yack
We drove along 
On a bumpy and windy track
On the side of the road
Was at a rundown tin shack
Where the wind blew through every crack 
We drove gently by
Trying to leave it intact
On Bells Gate Road hid that idyllic track.
Bekah Halle Jun 25
If miracles haven't happened yet...
Hold the tension,
Of the now and not yet.
Bekah Halle Aug 18
Peace, not position.
Trust, not tyranny.
Freedom, not fear.
Bekah Halle Jan 30
You don’t scare me any more!
You're just hot air,
Good only for (hot air) balloons.
So, rather than running away and hiding,
I will not jump into your basket, and
Ride your highs.
I will see the mountains, and
Leave you behind.
Because that is what your furry does,
Drive people away so they do not see,
You on the inside.
A small, scared little child.
So no more!
Come outside.
Come ride up high
Away from that anger you
Try so hard to hide.
From this new vantage point,
See, open your eyes, and
Let heaven and earth collide.
Bekah Halle Sep 16
I am reflecting all the time,
On every interaction, 
On every weather pattern,
the only way I make sense is through rhyme.

If you meet me, I'm an excellent listener,
And I'm working double time,
Thinking about your response and mine,
Sometimes, the inner critic takes over,

Derailing me off course 
For a moment or two,
My poetry can get blue,
Telling you the worst.

But, thankfully, these days,
I'm happier and true,
I keep my mind new, 
getting the thoughts out saves.

I am grateful for this new pastime,
And learning constantly.
I've become more free,
And congruent; with my original design.

— The End —