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Apr 2019 · 425
The Show
Camryn Apr 2019
Standing on the stage
surrounded by light,
My friends beside me,
the cheering of delight.

The future looks bright and clear
but soon that all disappears

the audience leaves
the lights go off
my friends change and leave
and I am left standing in the dark
waiting for the next show.
I tried a different approach to this one
Oct 2018 · 595
Camryn Oct 2018
You go through life
Trying to live everyday,
keeping your head held high,
and not care what people say.

But it’s hard to ignore,
When people look at you,
and whisper quietly,
talking to people you knew.

Their judgemental glances,
and the tone in your voices,
judging your looks
and judging your choices.

So stick to your friends,
and block out your foe,
Because you have great qualities,
More than you know.
Oct 2018 · 841
Camryn Oct 2018
Death is inevitable,
It’s something you can’t escape,
it comes ever closer,
taking its shape.

If it’s the barrallel if a gun
or a deadly disease,
It comes ever closer
not hearing your pleas.

If it’s the spikes of jealousy,
or the poison of betrayal,
The story of death,
is always a sad tale.
Oct 2018 · 260
Camryn Oct 2018
Don’t call me a star,
They’re not at all rare,
There are plenty in space,
Too many to care.

Don’t make me your sun
And hate my burning rays,
Then miss me when I’m gone,
as you’ll never change your ways.

Don’t make me your moon,
watching from above,
cold, distant and silent,
because that is not love.

Let our love be infinite
Let me be your galaxy
Let our love be infinite
As it always should be.
It’s still a work in progress, I just couldn’t sleep and needed to write something. It will probably be edited in the future.
Oct 2018 · 417
Camryn Oct 2018
It’s more powerful than love,
and more deadly than rage,
it traps you in anger,
in an almighty cage.

It enters your system,
and it takes control,
it clouds your conscience,
and poisons your soul.

It’s a dangerous emotion,
that’s not easy to create,
it controls all evil,
and it’s name is Hate.
Oct 2018 · 240
Camryn Oct 2018
Feeling alone,
with no where to go,
where there is silence,
and reality is slow.

In my own world,
where only I entertain,
where I’m left with my thoughts,
with my dreams and my pain.

Surrounded by people,
But never felt more alone,
so I hide my face,
my true emotions never shown.
Am I the only one who feels like this?
Oct 2018 · 781
You don't love me
Camryn Oct 2018
You say that you love me,
but I know that isn't true,
because how could you ever love someone,
who has always lied to you.

You say that you love me,
and that you will until the world ends,
but I know that isn't true,
cause I lied when we were friends.

Please don't take it personally,
as it isn't only you,
because I lie to everyone,
and no one has a clue.

You see I have these masks,
that I put on for show,
and the face behind them,
the world will never know.

I can easily play happy,
I can easily wear fun,
The world has seen all my faces,
all except for one.

The one no one will ever want,
and the one no one ever sees,
the one with tears in it's eyes,
the one hidden with ease.

You accept all my sarcasm,
and all the jokes I tell,
but you don't seem to realize,
I'm in a personal hell.

So no, you don't love me,
but it's not your fault,
no one could ever love,
who I've locked inside  my vault.
Oct 2018 · 520
Camryn Oct 2018
I'm shattered to pieces,
I'm always in pain,
And I'm not sure,
If I'm still sane.

I can't hear noise,
I can't speak,
I can't move,
from feeling so weak.

So I lie here,
Never to be woken,
In sorrow and pain,
because I am broken.
Oct 2018 · 241
Camryn Oct 2018
The voices keep talking,
telling me to do it,
to finish the final chapter,
by scratching a line through it.

To end the pain and suffering,
and all the teasing as well,
by taking the voices advice,
and sending yourself to hell.

You feel the cold steel,
as you hold the knife,
and with one swift movement,
you take your own life.
Oct 2018 · 843
The Sea is no friend
Camryn Oct 2018
I find it so hard to understand you
With all your great secrets and mystery,
but  how can one truly understand you,
As I am the Captain and you the sea.

You’re mesmerizing with the life you hold,
And there is nothing to compare to your beauty,
So I ignore all the tales I was told,
That it is dangerous to befriend the sea.

But so quickly do your winds turn and roar,
And as your deep, warm waters start to turn cold,
You start to fight me in another war,
But I did not listen to the tales we were told.

And tomorrow, will your waters be warm,
Warm as they are before the second storm.

— The End —