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Her wicked tongue
caressed my ears
with promises of ****** grandeur
all I wanted was to be held
until I slumbered
izzy Jun 2019
I need you so much that it hurts
Like you'll never know, when you're not here
Odd isn't it that something so perfect can be pervert
Very much so as you whisper in my ear
Every second of your absence tears me apart
Yet when you're here you break my heart
Over my head or between my legs
Untimely demise you cause me

I love you so hard it kills me a little more everyday
I love you
Dibyendu Sarkar Jun 2019
Little wicked man over the moon 
Smiling like he knows it all 

On a Summer night Wispering my name 
Drawing lines over my heart insane 

His deep dark eyes scars over his face 
Like a broken story is about to die 

Trapped me beneath his ribcage
Like he wants me to feel his rage 

I speak, 
we are same aren't we
broken us
broken people
broken promises 
broken stars 

Smiling at me he said, he knows it all.
Ylzm Apr 2019
Do you see what I see?
Do you hear what I hear?
Songs of Joy, Silence of Pain;
Pride and Triumph, Prayers and Tears;
When the Righteous Flourish, the People Rejoice,
But when the Wicked Rule, the People Groan.
Pro 29:2
Elaine Everdeen Apr 2019
Wrap the bones
of wicked men
and gravel it below

Coat with sand
and dampened soil
nay let a white bestow

Sow a seed
of blossom blood
in center of the ground

Watch it spread
to heaven's eye
'til no grave is to found
Sounds a bit vaguely horrid, huh?
Anna Apr 2019
This is not a fantasy book.
This is not a story were the girl gets her prince and the boy slays the dragon.
This is not a story with a wicked witch or magic shoes.
This is real life.

The girl paints on a smile and the boy drinks away his fears.
The dragons are our deepest darkest thoughts.
The wicked witch is our crippling depression.
the magic shoes are just shoes we wear to make us seem like we have life handled.
This is real life.

This is not a movie where everyone lives happily ever after.
This is a world were some people don't even live.
This is a place were people are just surviving.
This is real life.
Sometimes our journey seems like a fairy tale but for the majority of the time it is filled with pain,stress, and anxiety.
Luna Jay Mar 2019
This town is too dark for picnics,
But it’s just perfect for skinny dipping.
Just dark enough to accept
Your body image.
Your bumps, blemishes, rolls and curves.
The intestines swerved,
Our skin merged,
And you can only
Find your love for me in the darkest of towns.
I miss the bright lights that used to greet me-
But now I like it better when the moon meets me.
Bohemian Mar 2019
Was about to turn off the lights to cry.
Global warming has caused drought inside
One side of it,
That I can say wickedly,
I'm lovin' it
I'm livin' it !
Joseph Miller Mar 2019
The wolf came upon us all
to devour the wicked and the weak
he would stare into your eyes
if he sensed you were good and true
he would walk away
leave you and yours
to live another day
So when the wolf came near
I chose to stand
next to you
misha Feb 2019
they say blood is thicker than water but haven't they heard
of ichor?

the deep felling within, when you sense that something may
go wrong but let's set that thought aside because you don't know
what happens when the blood boils of gods and goddesses
or when the hues of gold and silver yearn for solitude as they
transform into something new; more precious, more expensive.
falling from the slick blade of a hero, poison to any mortal. but us-
humans- are wicked. if that blade falls into our palms, we'd corrupt
the world by spilling ichor for our mutual misunderstandings. so
we let ichor fall back into history- a curse for the reader- hoping one day that it'll fall into innocent hands so that once again,
unleashed from it's chains, would come Hade's hounds coming
to get you.
ah sweet greek mythology
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