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Sarah Nov 2016
I was made from the same batch
and everyone was cut into cookies
fun shapes, all different sizes
and the leftover pieces
took no shape at all
and so I didn't get to join them
in their journey to become
what they truly are.
Dirt Witch Nov 2016
We strolled through converging pathways spilling with synchronized chaos, finding our own space amidst the rumpus of the crowds on a small hill overlooking an endearing muddle of humanity. The grass was wet with evening dew and we were colored with the aureate light of dusk, watching everything swim by with novel delight. The city erupted before us, vibrant, apathetic, and amoral and we swelled with its magnitude. Round and enchanted, we rolled down the hill and fell into the peculiar happenings encapsulated in the windows.
We stood before a man with no eyes and worms coming out of his fingertips in a room with no floor. He smiled at us, carious teeth bending into slight parabolas under the pressure of its sweetness. We excused ourselves quickly, escaping into a opaline kaleidoscope that had opened up before us. I could taste all the lives we tumbled past as a mix of bitter almonds and grapefruit with the occasional shock of decomposing fish heads.
We squeezed our bodies into the melody of a madrigal sung by a girl with four heads and sonorous hands to find ourselves in the rafters of an old cathedral. Below us contorted souls filed into wooden confessionals screaming sins of their fathers into the ear of a deaf priest who gave copacetic blessings in the form of an orange pill bottle. Distended and bruised, we fell from the ceiling into the baptismal font. Bioluminescent algal blooms effloresce above our heads and resplendent stingrays whisked by, casting soft, amorphous shadows across our cheeks. Lulled by the etherial tenderness of the liminal world, we fell asleep with your hand on my neck and my fingers tangled in your seaweed hair.
We awoke to the sound of falling peaches and splitting skin. I pulled a small fish out from behind your ear and inhaled the brine of your tongue before stepping into the open window beneath your pinkie finger. A man in a suit who was really a box jellyfish greeted me in the center of a opulent office building that had no purpose. I politely declined to shake his hand and instead lost myself in the map of the city unfurled beneath the wall of glass in front of me. I pulled a small seashell out of my pocket and threw it. Everything shattered.
I felt you next to me, falling through space and low-lying clouds to find ourselves in the present.
We are saturated colors of mustard, earthen green, and midnight blue sprawled on sloping grass without hesitation. Buoyant and expectant, we meander through song and chatter to find ourselves bright and shining on a warm green bench talking in improvised harmony. Our skin is a new composition of window light, yellow and breathing. A synthesis of memories pool and flush our cheeks with affection and we inhale the world. Flags pirouette and fall, a refracted constellation glimmers on glass, and you taste like honey and rich smoke. The moon is ebullient, so full and round that in a gasp I pluck it from the sky and place it in your shirt pocket. We’re effervescent, with giggling fingertips on a euphoric investigation into novelty of human sensation. Somnolent and gentle, we fall asleep with the memory of our water soaked bodies burgeoning under softened hands.
Kelly Sep 2012
Emptiness filling veins
falling into a trance
a temptress
temptress of night
digging down deep
deeper into the veins
hunting forever
xmxrgxncy Nov 2016
I want to paint you a picture
of a spaghetti cloud
raining meatballs
and the marinara dripping
off starchy tendrils
like dew off a tilted blade
of summer's finest grass.

I want to paint you a picture
of a feline thunderbolt
with its' hair on end
and the screeching
echoing loudly
like the persistent mews
of an unfed kitten.

I want to paint you a picture
of a lost little girl
with her hairbow missing
and her eyes
opened quite wide
like an owl
who has gone blind.
I've felt more and more dysfunctional lately. I kind of wonder at all the bizarre thoughts running through my head but I can't exactly stop them but rather help them escape and stay away.
We were two completely different characters
From different story's
We were never meant to meet
But we wrote our ownstory
Now I know to never do that again
You belong in your world and I belong in mine
There's a beginning a middle and a end
You weren't in my beginning
I don't know if you will be in my end
But oh the middle was so sweet
Where my heart bubbled with love
My soul was made new
And there I grew
I say I'm fine
But inside my heart is breaking
At night I lay in bed crying
Tears so strong I feel like Im shaking
When will this end and I be whole again
Mihir Kulkarni Oct 2016
"More squirrels"
She exclaims
And I wonder what
In the world
Could it be
This particular time!?*

It usually starts like this...

Every once in a while
I find her
In her own thoughts
At nothing in particular
But everything
At once.

At times
Like these
She is a genius
Gone crazy.

I catch a glimpse
Of those star-bound eyes
And try
To guess
The stride
Of her imagination
Much luck.

Could she be thinking about…
A universe made entirely out of glass?
Why humans don’t have a tail
Reasons behind love at first sight?
Or what to name the 3rd butterfly
She saw today?

In her picture perfect
I can viscerally sense
A divine flow
Of thoughts
And it evokes in me
The wonder
That one experiences
While watching
A calm river flow
Turbulent currents
Are ever present
Just hidden
Deep inside.

If I
Shake her vigorously
I know for sure
At least 23 ideas
And 47 musings
Will fall around
And we will
laugh hilariously.

But I dare not
For the fear
Of my life.
She is an artist
With her imagination
And you
Don't disturb artists
Do you?

Once she’s back
To the material realm
She comments
About how we need
More squirrels
In the world.

I almost always
Immediately concur.
Then slowly ask

She gives me
One of those looks.
Like the ones
You give your dog
When it’s looking
At you eating food
And you’re deciding
If you should
Give it a small bit
Or not.

If I am
persistent enough
She gathers
All her thoughts
And illustrates
With one of the most
Amazing stories
The important role
Of squirrels
To save our
Doomed world.

After listening
To her
Seemingly logical
Completely weird
I nod obediently
Then carefully
If her coffee
Has something mixed in it.

The gesture
Makes her
Burst out in laughter
Every single time.

And we repeat this
Day after day
Night after night.

I'm so used to it
That now
Even if I hear
"Cement flowers"
"popcorn candies"
"balloon bullets"
I am mentally prepared
To understand
The story
Behind all of it.

That’s how it is.
She keeps daydreaming
About stuff
And I keep dreaming
about her.
I can easily spend my lifetime dreaming with her.
Kelly Oct 2016
If you wanted it all you cannot be distracted by the illusion you have created.
Only when your mind is silent can you see clearly enough to enjoy your life and forget about your desires.
Your desires are irrelevant.
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