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Alan S Bailey Oct 2015
Religious discrimination sells, it's all the rage!
If a Muslim wants office, we automatically get
Suspicious, some pandering to the public's fear,
Deny our own constitutional laws and values,
And never elect a Muslim whether far or near.
ConnectHook Sep 2015
Sustainably globally gay – we need more of it / socially-conscious progressive group-think / openness through tolerance of diversity in perversity / justice for more more more of gay gay gay / it’s progress it’s now its queer-friendly because it's sustainably globally gay / when gay gets gayer the queering gets clearer / so let's start the conversation about ****-**** gayness / inclusion through cluelessness in transparent openness / by the way - get GAY / before the homosexual conversation queers the queerness of the ongoing conversation / let's celebrate gayness, **OK ?
Did I mention the need for openness and tolerance of absolutely everything Gay? After all - they represent almost 7 percent of the population...
mk Sep 2015
i am a paradox
i am a contradiction
i am an oxymoron
i am a hypocrite

i am a walking talking
"yes, no, maybe"

black one day
white the other
lingering between the two
because I have no morals
and I speak of fake values

never choosen a side
never made a concrete decision
my grand words oppose
my petty actions
and yet, still overshadow them
i sugarcoat them
with lame excuses for excuses

my faults are the night sky
the twinkling stars are but airplanes
polluting the purity
mistaken for a force of beautiful nature
when it is indeed
the good
the holy
with its very existence

i leap
from one pond
to the other
politically correct
depending on the situation

i am the northman
claiming to belong to the south

i am the liar
i am the lie

neither here nor there
never here
never there
*never anywhere
selfish, taking what i want & call it mine
svdgrl Sep 2015
It's such a shame. Such a shame,
that I'm no fantasy football game.
And try as I might, I can't keep up
with the numbers or the names.
During pre-season,
You'd wake up early for no good reason.
Just to learn me and how I'm breathing.
You'd read my every message,
and stay alert.
You'd always be invested,
through pleasure and hurt.
Every week has the potential to be the best,
you'd count your points and aim for perfection.
You'd think of me when you're out or when you're on a date,
you would never ever ever be as late.
You'd have a beer with me,
and truly enjoy it.
You'd never find any of my phone calls annoying.
But most of all you'd bet a **** ton on me,
something you'd probably never do now,
because if I were your fantasy football game,
Despite the odds against you,
you'd believe in us.
Never be tight-****** in dispensing them, for as trivial as they seem, they could mean a world of difference to the other person
It could save that waiter from quitting his job
It could save that homeless man from becoming a criminal element
It could save that relationship from the brink of falling apart
Never be selfish in handing compliments, for you lose nothing
Because there will be days where you're going to need it
Because one day, it will make a difference in your life—one day, it will save you
Alan S Bailey Aug 2015
I was not aware of what "is in store,"
When is an art not unlike a tool?
If it can be used for nothing what then?
Is it a toy for plain simple fools?

"This is my logic, hear me now!"
I yell at empty skies so pale,
Let there be an answer for once,
This rhetorical question growing stale,
I ask "Why am I here? To make an impact?"
What then is this to ask when no one
Answers back? My plan for the next day:
To eat peanut butter sandwiches like new,
To hear the sound of my own mind from the blue,

Own mind: OF COURSE!!!

Forget it, I've thrown my's clear now you all
Think I'm the devil, till the end my reputation marred,
This will be the way of it, to be left looking so hysterical,
All I'm asking for the last time is this simple question:

**Where did I go so wrong trying to do the right thing...?
Is loneliness the end result of not wanting to fit in by
Drinking, smoking and/or popular religious cults etc. etc.?
Tori Hayes Aug 2015
Sitting on hold
Letting the silence grow
But I don't hang up
Because this is one of four phone calls we'll share this month
I feel like I owe it to you to stay on the line
But twenty minutes have passed now
And I've got things to do
I've waited on you my whole life
And I'm finally learning how to hang up
How to feel more sorry for myself than I do for you
Work has always been more important to you than your family
I've known that since I was young
Since I would chase your car down the driveway after you returned home from the office
So excited to see you
Because it seemed like you were never there
And I still feel that excitement when you come in town
But it's been dulled by the waiting
Waiting for you to hang up with a coworker
Waiting for you to keep to your promises
Waiting for you to stick around
Waiting for you to admit your mistakes
I'm still on hold
And you still believe work is more important than your daughter
So I hang up
Because I'm tired of waiting







Seán Mac Falls Jun 2015
The oceans are dying,
Coral reefs are bleached,
Ghostly acidic in the seas,
Climate is changing, not for Nero,
But for subjects who wait in whirlwinds
Eye, underneath uncapped mountain peaks,
And water is draining underground.  Where is
Reason, where is sense uncommon?  Not with
Elected hands who are wringing to lords of zero,
Whose legions are sent off, engaged in foreign wars,
To scathe, faraway dramas brought back home,
Politicians squabble, as they reel, cashing in,
Seals of unapprovals, witness hollow, low rings,
Infrastructure crumbles, above our dry heads,
And Nero plays his fiddle, in a land of perky dead,
John Lennon said NYC was in reality the new
Rome, soon set to burn, in a decade or so,
Nero knows, Nero plays, could give a ****'
Humanity is Nero playing his fiery fiddle
There is only one issue of news that matters,
Not bread, or circus, Kardashians, or deflated
Footballs, it is our survival, the earth, heating up,
Is angry and we are small, deaf, blind and numb,
A mankind of fools with Nero playing his fiddle.
Popular legend claims that Nero ( the 'Mad Emperor' ) played the fiddle at the time of the great fire of Rome burning in 1st-century.
Pluck Jun 2015
Have you ever seen a plate so empty it was full? Full of disappointment, full or worry, despair & seemingly adding to your tormenting hunger.
As I stare at a full plate of food, the first Sunday dinner since I've gotten home from Bama I think, I reflect, and I wonder.
I wonder how we arrived here, or rather why because I know what had to happen and what has taken place for my family to receive.
I continue to think & eat and before my stomach can even reach its satisfaction I leave the table to write, to let you guys know to be discreet of a soul with a full plate who has never had to bleed.
J.Cole said "there's beauty in the struggle" and if you didn't dissect that on your own the beauty he speaks of is the instruction of values.
There are some things words simply can not show, there are joys & pains script can not display; struggle, disparity, and crucible are the only entities that can instill this consciousness inside you.
You can not truly appreciate crossing the finish line in front of the entire field until you have felt the embarrassment, the scathing burn of watching your competitors flock away from you like Geese in October
If you have never drove a 94' Honda Accord with "out of order" AC & lack of audio then the Luxury vehicle that is so greatly cherished seises to be luxury, it's just a car, you don't even see it as a Range Rover.
I even noticed in myself that I had become immune to the beauty and purity of my past lovers. I began to forget how blessed I was to have the present because the past was equally as elegant.
If you give the people a great commander in chief & then a second, and then a third, a fourth, a fifth, a sixth, by the seventh time around they won't appreciate a good president.
Beware the soul that has a a full plate that never had to bleed because they do not value anyone else's plate. A rich man born rich does not value having a spare fish for the hands of the poor.
Truly how could they? They don't know that excruciating hunger, they've never felt agonizing winters sharp as forest mulch splinters, poverty so bad you feel worthless like unbearable guilt dancing in your core.
If you've used an elevator your entire existence how could you relate to the fatigue I feel from taking the steps. Taking the necessary steps to hunt, clean, and prepare the same meal that was simply delivered to you.
If you were blessed to be born into a stocked kitchen you're not to blame & I have no quarrel with your life. Just understand there are struggles you will never entirely comprehend & I just ask that you never pretend to understand what the people clawing at the bottom have to go through.

"Full stomach || Empty Heart" -Dash Pinder
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