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Salmabanu Hatim May 2018
I am a simpleton,
I have nothing to give accept a smile,
A gift of joy.
The corners of my mouth turn up,
My cheeks lift and my smile reaches my eyes which twinkle,
Shows I am happy from the inside.
It makes me look younger,
Gives me confidence,
Shows I am friendly.
My smile closes the distance between me and the other,
It brings cheer and lightens the mood,
It reduces the stress.
My smile is contagious,
It spreads happiness,
It's healthy,
Boosts my immune system by relaxing me.
A smile costs so little,
Gives such a lot,
It is an act of charity,
Smile and the world will smile with you.
Glenn Currier Apr 2018
A twinkle in the eye means joy in the heart
someone who’s set apart
who loves being alive
with a mind in drive.

The Proverb’s truth set me thinking
of who I know with that twinkling
and it took me a while
to think of one with eyes that smile.

I then considered the heart of joy
and remembered the little boy
who learned to play the chord of C
to sing with glee in a major key.

But it happens a boy becomes a man
and sadness, hurt, and error span
years of breakups and loves in the dust
vanished dreams, promises and trust.

Still his soul stays open and awake
and he learns to forgive mistakes,
to forge new ties to fall but rise
and again that twinkle dwells in his eyes.
Author’s Note: My reflection on Proverbs 15:30 “A twinkle in the eye means joy in the heart,and good news makes you feel fit as a fiddle.”
Danielle Free Mar 2018
The light dances on the sea’s waves like those little skater bugs that hop on a pond. The jitter of tiny lights reminds me of a time that I was fainting; the same specks of glitter shimmering in front of my eyes as I tumbled onto the bed in a cold sweat, mother at my side with a damp, white flannel. But now, as I watch the same twinkling flashes surfing the tide, in the warmth of the sun, they seem not to be as intimidating.
Julia Aubrey Feb 2018
perhaps we were meant to meet at a different time, on a different planet, in a different universe.

maybe we were meant to glide past each others warmth and flourish in the rays we put off.

it's a silly feeling. being bottled up tight and released with zero gravity to guide its course.

fuzzy and twinkling, like two stars in a strong orbit around a common barycenter.

it's like we're dancing around the same feelings, the same glow, but never realizing we're spinning to the same force which holds it all together.

set ablaze, spinning spirits letting off sparks of stardust we silently wait for our moment to shine.

whether that be together or apart...

-Julia Aubrey Rhodes-
Hussein Feb 2018
Hello poetry.
Hello you.
How clear do I  have to be
For you to see me through?

I'm not used to this feeling.
Could you please
Give this life of mine some meaning?

The steps are very simple
Just give me some attention
And let this feeling twinkle
Then I can give you the keys.
For us to resolve it with a kiss.
Twinkle twinkle little glass
How fast can you make time pass
Soaring with us up so high
Tinting our lips red like fire
Twinkle twinkle little glass
Fall and you shall turn to dust

Carelessly sprinkled glass shards
Coating the ground like stardust,
Ablaze under the golden sun
Crisp as grass under bare feet,
Cutting through skin with ease
Like a crystal catching light.
Glowing in it's glory
A harvest of crimson.
Oculi Nov 2017
Lightning strikes, I hold my head
Just look forward, nothing's bad
Took everything that I had
Did nothing but make me mad
Feel like fire, I ain't dead

You know, we're the artifacts
We're the future, that's a fact
Steel yourself, not over yet
I will ****, you wanna bet?

Incoherent screaming
Bloodied to the core
Don't forget the feeling
Succumb to the gore
*****, you're dead!
K Balachandran Oct 2017
Countless stunning specks of diamonds,
the opulent night sky proudly displays,
for the eyes of  both believers and heretics.
Writes scintillating alphabets of beauty that spells,
eternity in millions of wondrous ways stunning us,
in colors of star lights that stare,twinkle,wink,
or keep a stoic silence,for us  from the firmament,
thereby displaying all the answers to questions,
even the ones, that one failed to ask, in the first place$
Sam Oct 2017
I think I was born to hold her in my arms.

Watching distant city lights dance and twinkle with the night sky.

The clouds forming the perfect backdrop as we spectate from a distance.

Surely when I find her we can make that dream a reality.

Live the kind of nights that you never forget.
Mary Frances Oct 2017
Twinkle, twinkle, Little Star
Has my love really gone that far?

Little Star in the sky, you look so grand
Will you let my love hold my hand?

Little Star, I'll whisper a wish
that my love will give me a kiss

Little Star, please grant it this time
that my love will always be mine.
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