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Sam Oct 2017
I think I was born to hold her in my arms.

Watching distant city lights dance and twinkle with the night sky.

The clouds forming the perfect backdrop as we spectate from a distance.

Surely when I find her we can make that dream a reality.

Live the kind of nights that you never forget.
Mary Frances Oct 2017
Twinkle, twinkle, Little Star
Has my love really gone that far?

Little Star in the sky, you look so grand
Will you let my love hold my hand?

Little Star, I'll whisper a wish
that my love will give me a kiss

Little Star, please grant it this time
that my love will always be mine.
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
Young Love©

She has been the twinkle in my eye
Since we were knee high

The girl next door
Who I love galore

With hair the color of straw
I have loved her since the first time I saw

The one for me
Can’t my parents see

You’re too young to engage
Is the advice so sage

But we’ve held hands for far too long
Our connection oh so strong

Playing house is no longer a game
I want her to take my name

We’ve talked a lot
About taking this shot

Since holding hands
In the stands

This is our last chance
For romance we said at the dance

We have a plan and some saving
Hoping there will be less raving

So we here are full of hope
As we head off to elope

Andreas Simic©
James Court Sep 2017
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
blinking from who-knows-how-far,
holding captive all our eyes,
muse for all our lullabies.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
how I wonder what you are.

Twinkle, twinkle, Milky Way,
cosmic star of cabaret,
filling up our eyes at night,
making moonlight shadows bright.
Twinkle, twinkle, Milky Way -
what a vision you display.

Twinkle, twinkle, galaxy,
often do I think of thee,
hurtling through time and space,
pirouetting in your place.
Twinkle, twinkle, galaxy -
Teach us all to be as free.
Janae Jul 2017
I smile
nose crinkled
skin wrinkle
make my eyes
and teeth
Branden Youngs Jul 2017
The dress was nothing short of beautiful that she wore
but all I could think of was how exceptional it would look on my floor.
Her accessories sparkled and matched the twinkle in her glare
but my hand pulling her hair would be the ultimate flair.

Darling, this lust is as deep as the ocean.
Tonight, these waves of mine are coming to drown you.
fueledbysadness Jun 2017
Do you
Look at
The star-lit sky
And think
Of me
Like how
I think
Of you
Right now?
I hope you do.
saturns Apr 2017
You burn so bright,
(that sometimes it scares me
you'd burn yourself
and explode)

blinking rapidly in the absence of the sun.
And the thought of
not being able to hold you,
when all I ever wanted was to own you
breaks my heart.
04-20-17 // 7:03 PM
I don't want my star to fade out :(
Alienpoet Mar 2017
You are a universe contained in a body
You are a theory
A thought
All you taught yourself
All you've written and said
That day you conquered your fear
The tear trickling off your chin
The skin and bone that held together
and yet the words that stayed with a friend
That picked them up off the floor in the end
You are a star in galaxy orbiting
A place inside my heart
The key to memories hidden from view
A hundred thousand moving pictures
The inspiration around a story
Your story begins
In a twinkle of smile that caught your fathers glance
The closeness of bodies that danced
wild and free
You are everything to me and more
and yet you think you are small
Stand tall my friend...
When you smile stars shine and twinkle to celebrate
Your wonderful style and your beauty like sweet lover
When your eyes carry stars to twinkle to coordinate
All heavenly bodies grow, glow to give sweet answer

Universe is ready to serve and to extend its all charms
It kisses you like a lunatic lover to be your real sweetheart
My beloved your beauty blooms in all seasons to norms
To ask for its appreciations by lover never ever to depart

Come and dance with me on my heartbeat and soul's tune
Embrace me and take me for the sake of your sweet beauty
I can feel warmth of your beauty in winter in spring in June
Let me feel free to worship and to your terms to fully agree

Col Muhammad Khalid khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
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