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Karisa Brown Sep 2018
Her hands came
From sawdust
Burried deep
Hidden caves
Of madness

Her speech
Made no sense
But I knew
I read her lyrics
I could see the stars
Dancing in her eyes

Was a four letter word
Lust love tragic
We had to say goodbye

I miss her sparkle touch
And warm hugs before
I closed my doors
Sometimes a heart
Just won't have it
And sometimes it ask for more
Sarah Aug 2018
Once there was a sparkle
Lighten inside of me
It was bright like the beams of the sun
Small as a flame of a candle
But it filled me with light
With hope and love and dreams
It gave me wings when I could not fly
Carried me up and brightened my nights
It was so beautiful, so precious
Too small to be recognized
Then the storm came
Along with demons and beasts
Hatred, grudge, and fear
And they took my sparkle away
Leaving me in endless darkness
And unbearable cold
As they stole my only source of warmth
And now I search
In every face
In every sound and every touch
Trying to light my sparkle again
But dull souls, like wet woods
Can not be inflamed
you "know" me.
but you don't know me.

the me you know,
is a bright, introverted mess.
an artist with a touch of glitter.
a stranger.

i, on the other hand,
am dull on both the inside,
and outside.
my emotion is yet to be determined
even by me.
and negativity is the highlight
of my personality.

you don't know me -
you don't want to know me.

- v.m
Erika Rose Aug 2018
When it is my turn
For my soul to detach from my body
Tell them my story
Tell them about the girl
Who had dreams of saving the world
Who saw the humility and beauty in others
Who believed that there was an abundance of greatness
Sprinkled throughout the Earth
Yet she was blind to her own sparkle
The girl who always wanted to give
But never felt like she was good enough to receive
Self disclosure writing
Maxim Keyfman Jul 2018
we are floating on the moon
swim in the sun
every day
and our eyes are burning
and our eyes sparkle
endless words
about beauty

we swim through the woods
we swim around the world
we are floating on the clouds
and our love
and our love is with you
has no borders
and never will

about the new day
about the last day
the future
we will always
together all to meet
we will always be with you
swim together on the moon
swim in the sun

stopdoopy Jul 2018
Remember that time
I told you I'd felt
like a plant recently?
I'd gone out
and soaked up some sun
after those dark winter months.
The feeling  is
the same when I think
of seeing you again.
To hear that sparkle of a voice
the light of your touch.
You are radiant,
and I a faithful stalk of green.
not the best but I'm very happy with this piece
Amanda Kay Burke Jun 2018
If you watch the next friend's reaction
Or anyone you pay a kind compliment to
Notice a sparkle light up their eyes
If given opportunity spread love, it's free to do!
Spread kindness around like confetti
stargazer May 2018
I put myself together
Over and over
Bruised, bent, and broken
The damage I cannot reckon

I fix myself everyday
Always broken a different way
Pretending I'm okay

I am a broadway star
My acting is steallar
I never miss a cue
In anything I do

The lights come on
A smile I dawn
Impressing the crowd
Their cheers grow loud

Time for the finishing act
This requires wit and tact
I take a slow, careful bow
I see a girl in the crowd mouth, 'wow'
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