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Empire May 2019
You called me "gifted"
You forced an identity on me
If I wasn't smart, who was I?
I knew I would let you down
You taught me to box myself in
So I could take over when you left
And now here I am
No better than anyone else
Utterly lost and confused
I don't know who the hell I am
Because everything that made me
What you told me I was
I had to abandon
Because it was killing me
All those "gifts" that now I see
Were the result of nothing more
Than my ******* anxiety
Sylph May 2019
You know those moments
that you do something that seems
Justifiable and fine
that is
in the moment
but then
you realize
That was
Ha. ha. ha too often **** XD
Philomena Apr 2019
I'm a pair of pretty eyes
Or a cute dress
Nice lipstick

I'm never smart
Nor brilliant
Never inventive
Or resourceful
Not hardworking
Or persistent

Apparently all I am is eye candy
md-writer Apr 2019
"If words strung together
across these few lines,
can break through the barrier
of your mind and mine,
then anything,
                     yes, anything
                       can happen with time."

So said the sage, as he
pondered this world.
The nature, effects, and
natural properties,
of this thing and that thing,
and all human faculties.

So learned was he
                               (or so it was said)
that even the ravens
began pecking his head,
for the silver and gleaming
that was locked up and

For never, not once,
had he lifted a finger,
to live out the practical
side of his thoughts.

Thinking that sits there
and doesn't once move,
will never affect you
or help you improve:

The sage died a poor man,
no sons came to mourn.
For thought he was smart
no fruit had he borne.

Let this sage be a warning
for you and for me,
not to let thinking
be all that we see,
when we search all around us
for things we should be.

There's something in action
that cannot be faked.
And it's also okay
to make honest mistakes.

The point is, we're trying
to live what we preach:
to let our decisions
be the textbook we teach.
April 4
Max Apr 2019
I find the lack of respect and intelligence in this world disturbing.
So sad
Philomena Apr 2019
Sometimes I like to think I'm a lady
Them I remember I'm wearing ***** shorts and a satanic tee

Sometimes I like to pretend I'm smart
Then I panic and fail another test

Sometimes I like to believe I'm all better
Then I have another panic attack

There is always room for improvement and acceptance
Em Mar 2019
Well aren't you a little computer!
So smart and witty!
Knowledgeable and oh, so clever
yet you're so itty bitty!

Such a smart young girl
How have you come to this?
Studying and learning
Is it all for your bliss?

I know you're real smart
and I know you're so strong
Yet you will only be reduced
And that's the end of it.
sometimes women arent appreciated for stuff :/
You probably notice some of my poems start off with rhyme and a sort of beat and then fall flat at the end
I hope you did
i t s  o n  p u r  p o s e
Empire Mar 2019
I always thought
I was too weak
So I found a poison
And started to drink

I started off slow
I wanted immunity
Maybe if I swallowed
I’d be granted impunity

To train myself
To survive this vile
I increased my intake
For an awfully long while

Through my lips
My bane quickly passed
Over and over
I felt strength at last

Until one day
I examined my life
Making myself sick
In my pastime was rife

I decided to stop
This must be my last
But here I lay dying
My chance had past

The poison had found its way
Through to my heart
But I thought I was careful
I thought I’d been smart
Destructive temptations are not worth your life.
Ashley Mellinger Feb 2019
the year of anxiety and emotional breakdowns
we asked our doctors for xanax

crying ourselves to sleep
waking up at ungodly hours

using study tips we found on the internet:
quizlet, kahoots,

khan academy

replacing lunch hours with study halls
desperate to get our projects done

on time

wondering why I haven’t had my period
in months

why I can’t ever seem
to relax

or how many more productive ways
I could have spent my time today

besides calculating the lowest score I could get
but still pass the class

watching movies on netflix
like the gospel,

hunched over in bed, clad in pajamas and tear stains,
crying over my math test marked with a B

because I only feel smart
when I get a perfect grade.

if you don’t get an A,
you are failing.

by the time I was sixteen, I had already experienced
being average, meeting expectations and failing

as a child, gifted was the first word
my teachers used to describe me

which didn’t haunt me
until I found out it was supposed to

when I passed pre-calculus, my dad was so proud
he started carrying my report cards

above the visor in his car

so relieved he could stop worrying
would I get into a good college?

he saw a program on the news
about the epidemic with depression

says he is just so glad to finally see me
taking care of myself

if you develop depression
when you are already broken to begin with

you go to the hospital

if you develop depression
when you are not already broken to begin with

you get told to “**** it up”

so when my grades started dropping,
everyone was disappointed in me

for being lazy

teachers who never spoke to me before
stopped me in the hall to ask if I’m okay

I say, I am sick
they say, No, you are

just incompetent

how could I not
hate myself?

with becoming the kind of mistake
people are supposed to learn from?

why would I ever want to
stop studying

when my intelligence was the most
interesting thing about me?

so, how lucky it is now,
to be boring

the way not going to guidance
is boring

the way looking at a 86%
and only seeing a B, not a failure

or fourteen points marked off
is boring

my story may not be as impressive as it used
to be, but at least there is nothing left

to count

the calculator in my head
finally stopped

I used to love the feeling of passing a hard test,
being the only one in the class to do so

not obsessed with being perfect
but afraid of being flawed

I used to take pride in being
top of the class

now, I am proud to have stopped
seeking revenge on this body

this was the year of accepting my grades
when they weren’t immaculate

without punishing myself

and I know it sounds ridiculous
but that is so hard

when I was little,
someone asked me

what I wanted to be
when I grew up

and I said,

this is an imitation poem, writing in the style of Blythe Baird, my favorite poet ever. if she sees this, I hope she likes it
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