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This is the day that the Lord has made, so I will be glad and rejoice in it.

This is the day that the Lord has made, so I will be glad and rejoice in it.

This is the day that the Lord has made so I will be and and rejoice in it.
showyoulove Jan 14
Oh, my soul, rejoice and be joyful in your King
For He is good and has created everything
Oh, my soul, take flight and soar above the clouds
In the air that fills your wings, let go of any doubts
Rejoice in the one who made you and calls you his own
He has found favor with you and made his home
Oh, my soul, be still and quiet and free
It is in those places that you will find your God to be
Reach up to Heaven, ascend to Him on high
Be at peace with the glorious divine sigh
But he who sits on the throne is also very near
And, as I sit, one thing seems quite clear:
Rejoice, my soul, in every time and every place
Because everywhere you look is the Lord's face
He loved you so much he died to show
That his love is real and not just a show
He died so you could be set free
By his Hands and Feet, nailed sin to a tree
Rejoice, my soul, for your God is risen
To break you out of spiritual prison
Rejoice, my soul, for healing in pain
Life in death, and loss in gain
Sing with one clear voice
Oh, my soul, rejoice
showyoulove Dec 2024
Rejoice and be glad for you have been set free
A Holy Nation, a Fruitful People you will be
You were once long in exile and shame
For you turned against God and His Sacred Name
You were a people lost in great darkness
A creation of your own desire and wickedness
But rejoice for your light has come
Bright shining like the sun
He will raise you up again a mighty nation
Your God has chosen you from all creation
Freedom for prisoners, strength for the weak
Justice for the oppressed, life for those who seek
Give thanks and praise to the God who saves
Sing to Him a new song born of a grateful heart
Live your lives in the light of Christ so others imitate
Your example and may also enter the narrow gate
Rejoice; for today, salvation has come
Now go and share it with everyone!
Inspired in part by Isaiah chapter 60-61
dogslinwriter Dec 2024
meeting you was serendipity
it's practical to move on
live my life
focus on the task at hand
yet my soul yearns for you
and you embody me
like you and I are the same being

a search has come to an end
our souls rejoice
while the bodies sleep in cold beds
I do not understand the loss
of you (or me), dear stranger

So I simply write about
how my soul yearns for you
and how painful it must be
for you to not know the language
of our souls (of love)
Jeremy Betts Jan 2024
A man with a hundred faces but nameless with one voice
A thousand thoughts a second but one life to live it, where's the choice
Never found much of a reason to rejoice
Worthless or not worth it, the math's not adding up on this invoice

A million phrases, can't remember faces
Thoughts escape the mind, breaking free of their cages
The visual is heinous, it feels dangerous
I can't explain what's going on but they tell me this is only the beginning stages

Time turns pages but they're all reflective, hold them to the flame, more failure through the ages
Dr Jekyll lost, tossed into the void, annoyed as Mr. Hyde rages
Whatever it is, for everyone else's sake, I hope it's not contagious
Stay cautious

AceLione Jun 2023
Drinks, drinks and more drinks down my throat
To feel some sort of nausea like I’ve been rocking on a boat
Just for the moment of absolute alcoholic rejoice
To dance, jump and yell out every bit of your voice
To be like some sort of euphoric paradise
The pain of it faded away is for later to realize
Debbie Lydon Oct 2022
Well, did you know that your eyes are mighty beacons?
Great flickering flames of an artist's soul?
Did you know that when I saw you first I felt you, wildly?
Felt a gentle steward of poems among us, a river voice renews.

One utterance from you has me above my tiny tempests,
I've been pleading, even prayed (though out of practice) for more words,
But your words, only your voice! Which has me falling into tension,
And godsent, glorious tension ensues from your stark frequencies.

Rejoice, I do now rejoice and it feels like for the first time,
Surely not? And you can't know but I just cried for our distant meeting,
It is as though a veil is lifted, a dam destroyed, a collapsed ceiling?
But now a fear, such a quiet terror that I may not hear you again.
Just Grace Jan 2022
dancing in the kitchen
in pajamas

Jazz on while
the third downpour before
the end of the year
strips the buckeye of all its yellowed leaves

a well watered body
worked with the waves
and the strange freshness
of just a little water up the nose

throwing your hair
when tea sounds like the best idea during a storm
And finding your favorite cup in front after opening the cupboards

planetary bounty saying
“It’s your turn”

It’s when
all the kings unite
and rejoice for poppies in full bloom
Innocent, and dangerous

Oui, je m’aime
Oui, moi même,

en fait…
I lift up my thoughts
I lift up my voice
I see so much
That makes me rejoice

The sky - the trees
The food on my plate
The freedom I know
To choose my fate

The air I breathe
My mind - my choice
I see every day
As cause to rejoice
This is Prosperity Poem 130 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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Rejoice!  Wake up each day with the attitude of rejoicing!  Your skin will glow, your mind will feel sharper, and your smile will come more naturally.

I chose very simple reasons to rejoice in the poem - simple pleasures that we can all enjoy.  

This is a short poem - so take a look below and then Share so others can Rejoice also!  Thanks again to Lucinda and to all my patrons and subscribers.
Melody Mann Jul 2021
Nationally we rejoice at the drop of the sun,
Sending explosives that dazzle the skies in parotic hues,
Silenced are the fears of the weary who cower in the corners of oppression and differential treatment,
Misjudged are the BIPOC who do not mirror the sentiments of the majority,
Forgotten are the fallen who lie in unmarked tombless foregrounds, Be cautious of the realities faced by the neighbors hidden in solitude, Be mindful of the friends who decide to stay indoors,
Be compassionate for our nation is hurting,
Though mass media may have muffled their cries,
Their lived experiences echo at an amplitude regarded by the awakened.
Ode to the nation's "birthday"
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