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Irate Watcher Dec 2018
When everything is clean
and in it's right place
I always think I'll feel...
ready to
live my life

But all
I ever
want to do,
is replace
what I threw
To fill
the empty space.

And it's meaningless.
It's all meaningless
I'm just adding things to my to-do list and checking them off. But nothing ever seems finished.
Ayse Buntion Dec 2018
Have I done good things in this life?
Have I fought enough to show other people how to fight?
What will be my legacy?
What does purpose look like for me?
When will my time for a change to be good come?
Trust me, you won't see it in the morning sun.

Don't ask tomorrow,
the day will come.
Zara Dec 2018
I think
maybe the point
isn't to be found,
but to be made
Late night thinking
Aaron E Dec 2018
I prefer to rhyme.

It's a canvas my hands are forced to paint in.

It's a limit I'm given, to try for more creative.

It's a gimmick that stands, supporting what the aim is

To have purpose when pressing record,

before I say this.
ApocalypsenoW Dec 2018
"In distant parallel dimension,
17 years ago we met,
And just like that, without intention
Our life became a single thread.

But then you left to roam the forest
And i got drafted in the rain.
We said goodbye, but we had promised
That someday we will meet again.

And so time passed, i split the army
And i had wondered where you’re at.
You traveled almost every country
On the vast Old World continent.

I came to meet you in a valley
Of vast, eternal, endless grass.
And from then on we wrote our story
Creating magic as we pass.

It feels a bit surrealistic
To know that somewhere in the world
This path has actually existed
And our story has been told.

But in our actual dimension,
Where our story won't be known.
We have to fight our intuition
So our lives will not be blown.

I think a lot about this concept,
Of spinning doors or simple fait.
If things do happen for a reason
What is the purpose of this pain?

This is a complicated feeling,
Conflicted between truth and hope.
I wish i understood the meaning,
Of life, the universe and Love."
I'm struggling but I'm optimistic.

I'm confused but still on a mission.

It's okay to get off track, just don't stay there.

Clear your mind, come up for fresh air.

Trust in the Lord, lay your hope there.

For every treasure on earth will perish, but His love for you?
An everlasting marriage.

I've been trying to find my purpose in my passions but that strategy was lackin'.

I failed to see that I was made to be just YOU and ME.

Nothing in between.

Although you remain unseen, you show me what needs to be.

And I thank you for that.

Because in a world of lies, you told me to take a step back.

Now I see anew and your kingdom is in view.

On earth as in Heaven.

For glory onto your name, I will be a blessing.

Are you willing to die to self? To live beyond the desires of your shell?

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

But we are chosen and called, the humble and the meek.

So if you are feeling a little lost and lonely too, take heart, for I am right there with you.

The battle is not over. The journey is not done. But at the end of it all, we will have a beautiful hallelujah to hum.
ApocalypsenoW Dec 2018
“I lay in bed at night and wonder
Whatever story will be told
When we are lying six feet under
And our grandkids rule the world.

I wonder if we made a difference
I wonder what it all had meant
I wonder if inside this system
An individual can make a stand.

But after all of this conclusions,
After debates and sleepless nights
I do not have any illusions
About my love for you tonight.

As two souls lost in this tornado
I am forever bound to thee,
As time will pass and storm will settle
Our path will start to become clear.”
Stu Dec 2018
For the truth, I've cut my ties with the collective

I find no relevance in this world

I am a mere onlooker, a silent seeker

Conforming myself to the likes of an outcast

Without any regret, however, I find support in my mind,

In a clairvoyant entity I have only surmised,

And a place I can only envision; the one in the sky

My soul belongs to something greater, but elsewhere

I intend to find my purpose, for the truth is all I need

However, as triumphant as an ultimate answer may be,

The world during the course of a search for meaning,

Is chilled and repetitive, constantly threatening sanity.
I have so much to be grateful for,
So many people I love and who (hopefully) love me,
But in all of the sunshine surrounding me,
I have never felt so alone in my entire life thus far.
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