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Izhar Jiskani Jan 2016
If you don't see my poetry,
It's not that I don't miss you,
Or I've stopped loving you,
But, It's just a sudden change,
Brought by our education system.
Earlier, there was love only,
Which used to make people cry,
But now Education and Job are accompanied with love.
Now, people not only cry but die.
Circumstances are changed,
But don't worry,
Let's hope,
We will win someday.

** Izhar Jiskani
Robert Ronnow Jan 2016
Problems many of which are not getting solved
not because I'm not resolved but because I delay
to savor the day, the moon and the season
which is why I'm a non-person under the eye of eternity.

Except for my unpaid bills. And iambic pentameter.
Aaron fails English. Is there summer school?
What an *******! I want to slug him, but also
his teacher, Mr. Fisher, who's probably

a nice guy, just doing his job and raising a family.
Then there's the catheter from my last surgery
I was so sick I thought I was dying. The out of network
pathologist and radiologist have declined my insurance

and charged me to the hilt. Like I had a choice
face up in the emergency room. Facing doom, you don't ask questions.
Now that I've rejoined the living I've got to raise a million bucks
to save organic farms and endangered species I'll never see.

Perhaps none of this matters and chanting's the answer, Buddhist
or as Dad would say This too shall pass.
Life is a back and forth game but baseball is zen meditation,
you're in right field, nothing's happening, nothing's gonna happen,

but you can't let your attention wander for one second.
I should clean and oil my trumpet for Saturday's gig
or the valves will stick. And leave early enough
not to get stuck in traffic. Other lives, other quilts.

A guy who takes the subway to a dead metal desk
and the boss who fires him with the cold hard eyes
of one who accepts the rules entirely. Actually
we're fortunate to have rules because otherwise

child soldiers armed with AK-47s would be shooting up
the village and setting fire to our thatched roofs.
Instead, under the rule of law, when snow falls
even old roofs look like problems with proofs.

--Francis, Robert, "Old Roofs", Collected Poems: 1936-1976, University of Massachusetts Press, 1985.
aniket nikhade Jan 2016
The problem is that the problem still remains there
Always it's important to know the root cause of any problem
Understand it and understand properly
Understand the exact nature of the problem.

Understand exactly where the problem lies and what exactly is the problem at present.
Once understood,
then try to study and also understand the nature of problem.

Definitely in the present moment of time the problem is that the problem still remains there as it is.

Innovations and innovative thinking will definitely not solve the problem, will also not bring the much needed change.

Extreme situations need extreme measures to be taken similarly,
in the same way complex situations need perseverance and analytical thinking.

Agreed that things change,
new things happen in life,
but also agreed upon the fact that an individual becomes an experienced individual only and only when same old mistakes are not repeated.

So smile to make things feel light and easy,
but also always keep in mind,
always better to sort out a complex problem rather than taking a new,
different route and starting somewhere along the line all over again.

Time runs fast and so does a situation and it’s nature that changes
So always act according to the need of hour
Act in the present keeping in mind everything with regards to the present.

Initially take small steps making sure that every step taken is done keeping in mind the fact that anyhow in the end it’s important to reach to the destination.

Obstacles will come along the way,
obstacles will be handled,
but time will always play a very crucial role.

So never lose hope nor faith
Keep going,
see to it that after experiencing the highs and lows of life,
time now to start again,
all over again,
something new,
keeping in mind all the experiences from past.

Definitely an experience comes along with time,
experiences enrich life when lessons learnt from those experiences come to rescue in need of hour.
Nabs Jan 2016
They tried to
               erase us
               correction pen

Running over us
              with white

As if there's
              something wrong
         with the melanin
                       in our skins

             That we all
              pink and red
My thoughts on racism
A problematic boy finds all his solutions in her,
He makes the sunrise jealous when accompanied with her,
She dressed like a sea and creates solar system for him when gaze at him,
She has the kind of smile makes him feel good in the hardest moment of his life
Everything sounds new to him when she speaks to him
She carried all his heavy worries & make him realize he ever wanted to be,
He looked so happy like a breath of fresh air in suffocating world,
When he reached near to his goal, she whispered her last goodbye in his ear and left him dare to follow his dream, dare to follow his heart
Aaron Bee Dec 2015
My touch screen won't work,
Touch  me and make me scream
So I know it won't hurt
Mental illness, is a killer.
I won't eat, I must punish
I crave pain
My stomach is as empty as children's playgrounds in chilling winter.
No reason to be hungry,
but I want to look great.
I haven't received any
friend request today
solEmn oaSis Dec 2015
" the  spectator "

i am not  writing for 5k
i'm not preparing for compilation
i am not trying to set new record
i'm not trying to impress you,,i was just saving my life

the thing is.... I feel like dizzy because i am lack of sleep
doing alone all the laundries
then i need to wake up early to hang those over
even though i am too sleepy!yet 12 hours of driving is await for me

i am telling  you this because my privacy
is just like a book on the library
you can read me all over again,if you want to pick me up
but then again,,there is a policy beyond my legacy...


starting from then on

boost my self to face more aspiration
and i do believe that " a day after " is our comprehension

such as my own motto in life and it goes something like this...
" Tomorrow will never be the same beautiful as you unless you keep
yesterday seems to be precious,, for you to surprisingly
survive the essence of today's challenges! "
the question is---
---mirror is my visible answer ;)
'thoughtOutLoud Nov 2015
You can put filter in your life , but it depends on you . Whether you like it to be dark or light.
hello again Nov 2015
The world is falling into darkness,
We need to let some light in,
The world is crying out "COME AND SAVE US!"
We're scared to go outside,
We want to stay away from the problem,
But, the problem is all around us.
The problem is you and me, it's us.
Our world is falling apart.
Raghu Menon Nov 2015
Water is life

What's life
with out water?
Too much of it is a problem
Lack of it is also a problem

Water is definitely
A bone of contention

A war in the making !
Water is so integral to our life, but we see it only during floods, or droughts ... wars for water is becoming a reality
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