You are in a hurry trying to say goodbye to a long -forgotten honey -glazed, calling voice that promised the sacred promises of immortal romance; You would knock on closed doors, gates, closed windows, but you are disappointed with yourself and tell yourself: Come on! Why?! Next to a advertising wall, like most of the dogs, you stop and unexpectedly surprise the bitter, penetrating smell of the urethral ammonia. Maybe you weren't better, and it's different than anyone, just an average guy who is still out.
You are still a little stuck, because it seems as if you don't want to go to work that day, where your slave bosses are regularly yelling at her pant, baldness, pathetic head, and you need to break the stolen nuts that can decorate your table.
End length is not forever over your head The failure, steel-white neon light, but you would rather vote for the well-proven sixty watt pears, and you are lucky to have another small style, mole diopter. Your superficial relationships have become an infinite water -eighth, because, according to many, you have deliberately neglected them.
Just when you feel that you would burn out and give up more, since a sober meaning and foreseeable logic have long been gone, a romantic voice is dead in your mobile: "Hi beautiful boy! I miss you darling! " -and you -like most -, love -hungry, sober pathetic idiot, with a disgusting, disgraced consciousness, listen to the etheric, pearl -chattering sound of the other everyday success,
Many have already asked you what you have done for yourself to be a little more livable, tolerable, and while you list what you have done, what you have done to the noble, right, good, They get a idiot for a day 24 hours a day!