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Lana Eve Jan 2018
I must confess

I had *** with my ex, yesterday

It isn't exactly what I intended on

Their warm body fit mine like a broken in baseball glove
I don't expect much to come of it
I'm learning to not expect much of

We enjoyed each other's energy

As I ran my fingers through their hair

Like I did before

So frequently

                                 But this time it was different

This time, I didn't care of tomorrow
Wondering if I could do this again
Wondering if I could keep them forever

                Instead, I recognized the beauty in a moment

I was grateful for their being

I was grateful for their fruit
To let my tongue dance

With the idea that forever is the ugly sister
Misused, abused, and forgotten

    Due to the only constant that her sister Change, will always win
Kewayne Wadley Jan 2018
In every moment, don't forget to smile.
Do pray to feel the first kiss of every breath.
And in each moment I'll return the favor.
Covering the picture of your face.
Frame to frame.
Our eyes the glass that protects each memory.
A sweet smile that becomes the entrance of life itself.
Ambitiously half lifted eyes crinkled around the corners.
In every moment, don't forget to smile
and I'll return the favor.
Life is too short to let these moments go in vain
Snehith Kumbla Jan 2018
come and see,
come and see,
the night is free,

even if the
years have
melted in

candle wax,
a stir of a
song and

they still
dance to
it's beat

Apporva Arya Jan 2018
U r long gone,
& I still have feelings for u.

I too want to move on,
So, I tried some new places.
But wherever I go,
It's same old me with old feelings
& Thoughts.

Why I am in dark,
When it's so bright outside.
So, i choose to let you go,
I choose to free me.
Hence decide to face u up.

I gift you back your lies,
Our memories and my feelings,
Words and emotions left unsaid last time.
I vent out each bit of u from me.

& In a moment I felt so relieved.
Its such a huge burden to carry on painful and past memories in your present and to your future. Hence past must only Belong in past.
Vent out it all and be free.
Anton Jan 2018
No one could understand My inner Torment.
It's Softly.. Slowly Destroying me from my Core ...Restraining me
from doing things according to my will and wishes
The memory of the past was too Painful and full of Melancholy that I wanted Obliterate it Entirely from my Faultless Mind...
I want to emancipate my mind from these stupid feelings that just comes so suddenly almost every-time.
"if only i could rewrite all the things that happened in my life and place everything in place, so that i wouldn't feel so very sad at all
whenever i reminisce those things that happened in my elapsed time."
"I will savor those precious moments that had happened in the past and the things that are still about happen, so that in time i won't have to regret things anymore."
Way Back In 2015
Ammar Jan 2018
it was a moment
a moment in which i believed
that all our worries
and all our sorrows
had washed out
it was that very moment
i told myself
we are going to be okay
but you heard my heart whisper
and showed me
all the reasons to believe
**that we won't
i guess i was wrong
Rebel Heart Jan 2018
Everything you see is art

He loves me

The way you focus your camera
And get that gleam in your eye
Right before capturing a moment
Before it slips away

He loves me not

The way you focus on me
And get that sparkle in your eye
Right before capturing my lips with yours
Before our moment slips away

He loves me

Everything you touch is art

He loves me not

The way your fingers glide across
The guitar strings
As you breathe melody into the world

He loves me

The way your fingers glide across
My bare skin
As you breathe fire into my bones

He loves me not

Everything about you is art

He loves me

But nothing about me is

He loves me not

Me, the empty canvas

He loves me

You, my only form of art

He loves me not

One intoxicating touch

He loves me

My broken heart

*He loves me not
Alas, art is something found within you not given to you by someone else. And that day I lost my heart to you, I found that art within myself

(Hello again loves, this particular piece dates back to 2010 but I found it to be very interesting. I don't think I still understand all of it but leave your thoughts, comments, etc below and happy writing! ~BM)

(Front Page 1/9/2018)
No Name Jan 2018
There I lay in the middle of a room with 4 walls and a light staring straight right at me. Glaring like it want to say something but there was no sound. Then I laugh, its funny because even for a second there I really thought that , the light would tell me something. After a while I can hear a familiar sound, It was rain hitting the roof. Again it felt like it was saying something and yet again I started to laugh for there was no voice and i'm fooling myself how could rain tell me something. For hours I never stop staring at the ceiling with a blank thought, not even thinking of anything. Then I realized its dark, I'm pretty sure the light was on a little while back and no one had entered the room to turn it off. In my mind i'm sure its a blackout but i'm comfortable to where I lay. I didn't bothered to check. Now I'm staring at ceiling again but there was no light. The light that has been glaring at me  earlier.  It was pitch black. The darkness seemed to be telling me something yet in my head. Is still blank state. Then there was silence the rain have stop. It was so silent that I can hear my heart beating and even my breathing. The silence was absolutely deafening. I was scared I don't know why, as I feel the room getting and getting smaller in the darkness. The silence starts to hurt. I'm getting flash backs of my past, all of those memories sink in,  in a flash. Now i'm truly scared. I tried to move but my body wont. I tried to scream but theres only whispers coming out my lips. The silence I was experiencing was truly different and the darkness was a new. Then I heard it. Loud and clear. It struck me and then I realized. What was the message. Then a lighting flashed, then the lights turned on. Thunders roared then it broke the silence. I just immediately stood up. Look at the clock, it was already 3 am, Then I said to myself what a good day to LIVE.
sometimes it takes only the thunder and lighting to remind you that you are alive.
Mark Wanless Jan 2018
"The Bark"

Illusion pales reality
Clinging fires the heart
Intensity raptures the moment
And we play with the ghosts of the bark
yellow-thoughts Jan 2018
we always remember those moments
when we were on the thin line
or heavy decision
when one word could decide
our entire lives

the moment when you realize
that you doesn't feel some things anymore
the moment of revelation
the moment of relief

those heavy moments...
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