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Poetic T Jan 2019
We are only a

A breath fading
     from its inception

But let every
             subsequent action
             mean more than the last.
Masha Yurkevich Jan 2019
I want to live happy.
I don't want to cry.
I want to live long.
I don't want to die.
I want to be loved.
I want to be cared.
I want to live long.
I don't want to be scared.
But life can surprise you
at any moment.
And there's no guarantee
that things will go
the way you hoped.
someone gave me car
saying ,"you can drive far
and seeing new facts"

i thanked and said," mercy
the driving car is as the herat's woman inddeed
you might see it is easy to read

finally, you found her hard to know
i prefer to go wide, as i had gained
lost my hearts times, for some reasons i tried

to explain and show how it was tied
my heart to the failure down without reason to be explained
my friend was so lame

he brought my pervious lover into it
and argued me to go for a moment
when i saw her in it
i drove it without any late
the herat always keeps love into it. The man's proud tries to cancel it
the fact is the love still control our minds
the moment I lay my eyes on you,
it was like putting another stone on stomp,
I buried your soul from the first heavy stair
like I'm extracting your innocence,
this is how I became a fisher of men.
Using words to finish what lord made.

All we do is Catch fish.
The mall, Campus even the street are the only occean we live in.

I decided to use a first person narrative, hoping it will be more intimate.
What I Feel Dec 2018
Your body is poetry, your soul a verb without a name
that sings away the hole in my heart that I didn’t know I had.
You reach for my hand and I for your gaze as you pull me closer,
nose to nose, a kiss’ distance away from immortality.
Your breath is mine as my heart beats for you
and the world is just
far away
under this moon, the same as always and yet somehow changed,
an intimacy overlooked, a beauty that we have shared
each night for each night of our lives without thought
as she pulls the ocean closer to the land,
and shines for us tonight.
My first time writing in a long time, inspired to write recently by a perfect moment shared between myself and my boyfriend.
Masha Yurkevich Dec 2018
There is a moment
in my life,
that I will never forget.
It was the moment,
that you
I met.
Banana Dec 2018
He doesn’t talk much about where he came from;
maybe he’s scared the truth of the place would speak more than he could.
Maybe it’s hard to explain the hunger or the times the power goes off or the constant fear to someone who’s flown above it all.
Though we don’t talk about the sand or the fruit on the trees or what the rain feels like at the end of the day either.
We’ve lived moment to moment and learned what we know of each other through the present.
Somehow I yearn for this place I’ve gathered pieces of. The place I cannot know but that grew inside me.
Alexander Foe Dec 2018
A miraculous flow of events
led me back to you
I don't often weep as I write
but today my typing is doused with tears
of Happiness.

Accidentally, I uncovered memories of the Past
that I cannot return to
Regret is the only thing I can do
Pity is the only sadness I feel
apart from great, bubbling Bliss.

The memory unearthed
like buried treasure
it's contents are still
good as new, brings me
immense Joy.

I still want to pursue it,
like a naive child
with his favorite pearl
that shines and
never Dulls.

I hear in the distance:

"Ring A Ring O’ Roses        
A Pocket full of posies    
Atishoo! Atishoo!      
We all fall down"

I grab your hand: Maybe if I held on longer?

"The cows are in the meadows,
Eating buttercups,
Atishoo! Atishoo!
We all jump up!"

It's ending: I don't want to let go!

I, will always remember this moment we had together.

"Fishes in the water,
Fishes in the sea,
We all jump up,

With a 1, 2, 3!"
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