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Beverly McKenna Jun 2018
I've been wanting to write a song since I was 17 years old.
Put my own things to the side, to help another man grow.
Now I'm here at 25 tryna find what I stand for.
With my little girls eyes watching every move close.
I lost all my sense of pride, had me laying on the floor.
Felt so much pain inside, still couldn't make it out that door.
Felt like I failed my daughter inside, let her see her mother choke.
Saw the pain all in her eyes and knew that it was time to go.
Follow me on Instagram @bevvybud for live poetry
fs yousaf Jun 2018
My hands bound,
Legs tied to the ground.
I am helpless,
And my mind can have its way
With me,
Just as it pleases.

Show me
Your tortuous tendencies,
Or sporadic mercy.
I hope for the latter;
I hope for at least a speck of love this time.

I may very well attempt to escape,
But I have done as much as I can in the past,
And know most actions are futile.

There was a moment where the bindings had loosened.
I found that out when I began to love and be happy for myself,
But would tighten as soon
As I once again lost hope.

I hope to one day escape,
And gain unlimited freedom.
Amanda Kay Burke May 2018
You said the words, admitted who was right,
Your heart's ****** wounds must be a sorry sight,
Asking for mercy so I am writing you this song,
To say it's too late for us, you can do somone else wrong.
It's too late to apologize.
I love that song by one republic.
Gracie Knoll Apr 2018
Opening my eyes
I find it hard to understand how anyone
Can think it was all an accident

Such diversity
Such creativity
Such extravagance

A mistake?

Such beauty
Such complexity
Such an abundance

An anomaly somehow created this.
An anomaly that created itself.
I would much rather believe in a God so powerful, beautiful, merciful, and loving that he created all this for you, and I, and all the world to enjoy.

Such intentionality
Such personality
Such a God!

A creator so mighty he can never be confused, stumped, stopped, or overcome by the created.

Such love
Such mercy
Such grace

Nothing I can do will ever separate me from the love and mercy and grace of this God.
Blessed Sunday <3
Nicholas Fonte Apr 2018
Can you hear him sing
The voice of Innocent Percy
Who knows no such thing
Of a belief called mercy
Richard Martin Apr 2018
Oh my God you are the highest power
Nothing else can stand nothing else can tower
Oh my God you are unconditional love
You sent your Son; for us he shed his blood

Now I am about to lay me down
But before I do I reminisce about then and now
How you saved my life from terrible things
I been flying clipped but with working wings

I know that in you I am found
The rest of life has its upside downs
It’s you I seek and you know me best
I’m filled with peace when I’m in your rest

The truth is not that you don’t exist
The truth is that you love and you forgive
Truth comes in a variety of ways
And I know for a fact that Jesus saves

You never change, you stick to the letter
I am slowly changing but for the better
Don’t worry about me yesterday only remember
That I am alive and well and fully surrendered

So give your life to God today
Or continue your lonely path of pain
As sorrow shouldn’t be met with joy
I lament and give God my life to employ

You’ll begin to see things in a new light
Don’t be afraid to open your eyes
For it’s when you do; that’s when you’ll realize
That God was there waiting for you this whole time
There I stood in Your mercy,
A single star in an ocean of galaxies
and yet
I knew
I was loved.
You are loved.
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