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Rex Verum Regem Jul 2018
I wake up
I bath
I work
I finish
I go home
I sleep
I repeat

je me réveille
je prends un bain
je travaille
je termine
je rentre à la maison
je dors
je répète

Mo ji
Mo wẹ
Mo sise
Mo pari
Mo lọ si ile
Mo sun
Mo tun ṣe

أنا حمام
أنا أذهب للمنزل

Watashi wa
watashi no basu
watashi wa hataraku
watashi wa oeru
watashi wa ienikaeru neru
watashi wa kurikaesu

Ego surgere
et bath
ego consummare
i Vade in domum tuam
ego dormio
ego iterare

aš atsikeliu
Aš maudytis
Aš dirbu
aš baigiu
aš einu namo
aš miegu
aš kartoju

Rex Verum Regem
Some pains and sadness trancend race, colour and language.
We all follow the same painfull process to survive slaving away and receiving minimal Reward.
abby Jul 2018

the skylark summons the dead to rise as you watch with cloudy, wishful eyes

our sisterhood survives throughout the dark
they will never silence our voices
when we call to the tune, the world rejoices

wild child, living in a fantasy
wild child, the myth lives on within you
wild child, you create your own dreams
wild child, enchant them
do what you do

the white cat knocks over the lamp with a smile
a sea of tears flows from your eyes as deep as the Nile
a mirage is in sight, a vision it seems
the fabric of your sadness is ripped at the seams
we weave a spell together, fashioned stitch by stitch
you look to me and laugh, mischievous like a witch

our sisterhood still lives on through the dark as we wait for the time to leave our mark
they will never silence our voice
when the world calls our tune we will rejoice

fuera puera, vivens in autem fantasia
fuera puera, quod fabula vitae on intra vos
furea puera, vos creo tuus agnosco somniums
fuera puera
facio qualis vos facio
I tried with the Latin, please message me telling me how to fix it if a false translation bothers you! thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy. blessed be
MacKenzie Warren Jul 2018
your eyes once reminded me of a forest
filled with oak trees and evergreens
i moved in without a second thought
and made my home among the trees
dwelling in the woods that thrived in your eyes
but quickly i learned it was all an illusion
for the trees shed their color
and i was trapped in seclusion
the forest in your eyes was filled with nothing but darkness
a place haunted by past lovers
of dreams
and things long forgotten
i was added to the list of things no longer wanted
i wanted nothing else but to leave
but i got lost within the eternal darkness
and here i am, nemoricultrix
I've been reminiscing over pictures
of a time I'm missing
strayed so far away I can't
fathom the difference

I'm not dead, I'm alive

six feet under terra firma
that's a fathomable distance
and I could take it further

an unrestrained mind makes
for a quick learner
not all pain is physical
but we've all felt it

that's our reciprocal

life is about coming and going
ebb and flow
a continuous state of reoccurring

rises and falls
trips and stumbles them all
"going backwards and forwards"
until my smooth texture
becomes so very porous
Pao May 2018
she fell in love that night
8:12 PM, March 4th 2017
with a latin woman
her curves illuminating
in the ultraviolet lights
of her bedroom

she tasted paradise,
fingers tracing the outline
of her *******
their bodies interlocked in the heat between them
whisperings of 'i love you'
was all each of them could promise that night of
March 4th 2017
Shadow Dragon May 2018
I break myself
to be able to
feed you pieces
of me
that doesn't belong
to you
Jeff Gaines May 2018
(Translation found below in notes)

Those eyes, those eyes…
Ne plus ultra …
I just knew that I'd seen them before.

Those eyes, those eyes …  
stopped my mind in it's tracks … like a ship that had ran ashore.

Those eyes, those eyes …
Sui generis …
Innocent, soothing, sublime.

Those eyes, those eyes …
They startled me … that moment they first gazed into mine.

Those eyes, those eyes…
Nonpareil …
throughout thee entire world.

Those eyes, those eyes …
like the moon so bright … or a magnificent flag unfurled.

Those eyes, those eyes …
Suaviter et dulce …
The eyes of a timeless friend.

Those eyes, those eyes …
they will find my soul … oh yes, yet again.

Those eyes, those eyes …
Coelo missus …
as I'm sure that thee angels chose.

Those eyes, those eyes …
sadly missed these days … except when mine are closed.

Those eyes … they shimmer …
just as my beloved Gulf in the summertime … a brilliant, beautiful green.

Those eyes… adorned with orange flecks …
like sapphires, adrift in those waves … are truly a site to be seen.
This piece composed itself over a 7 year span and came to fruition in October-November of 2017. Trying to write about someones eyes without sounding romantic/mushy is an uphill battle indeed. Try it, I DARE you!
Ok, here is your Latin lesson for today:

noun: ne plus ultra
The perfect or most extreme example of its kind; the ultimate.
"he became the ne plus ultra of bebop trombonists"
synonyms: last word, ultimate, perfect example, height, acme, zenith, epitome, quintessence.

Origin : from Latin. Literally ‘not further beyond,’ the supposed inscription on the Pillars of Hercules prohibiting passage by ships.

adjective: sui generis
"the sui generis nature of animals"

Origin : Latin, literally ‘of its own kind.’

adjective: non-pareil
Having no match or equal; unrivaled.
"he is a nonpareil storyteller"
synonyms: incomparable, matchless, unrivaled
noun: non-pareild, unparalleled, unequaled, peerless, beyond compare, second to none, unsurpassed, unbeatable, inimitable

An unrivaled or matchless person or thing.

Origin : Late Middle English: from French, from non- ‘not’ + pareil ‘equal’ (from popular Latin pariculus, diminutive of Latin par ‘equal’).
Translated from Latin: "Gentle and sweet"
Translated from Latin: "Heaven sent"
Say what you will about Latin. If I had written this using the English translations instead of the Latin, it would have NEVER been as good.
Shadow Dragon Apr 2018
From the cranium
to the metatarsals.
I dare you to be careful.
Or drown me in ******.

He went from the femur
upwards my symphysis *****.
Looking beyond the cutis.
Or does he wish to view the pure.

Slightly touching with the phalanges
pressure building from the carpal.
Hiding the face under a parcel.
Or is the phase under changes.

Cramps in the tarsals
going up to the tibia.
For him it's a game of trivia.
Or is he fighting marshals.

He bites down into the clavicle
pain and pleasure going to the scapula.
He breaths vernacular.
He and I are flammable.

Bones to break.
What a piece of cake.
BJFWords Apr 2018
You've got to have some rhythm if you're going to boogie down.
At the latest tango hotspot at the Roxy in the town.
The principles of foxtrot and the sways of swing will show.
That dancing with your heart will always make your passion flow.

When the bossa nova starts and the lady sings the blues.
The time is now to shake your hips and don your dancing shoes.
You trip the light fantastic, your shoulders shake in time.
Your fingers snap and feet will tap along to mambo rhyme.

The rumba stirs the frenzy of your heart in Latin beats.
You feel the crazy samba in the footsteps on the streets.
Your ready for your spotlight doing cha cha cha and jive.
You can never stop the lindy hop to keep your soul alive.
Jeff Gaines Mar 2018
Snow will fall
Rocks will fall

and dust
and hail.

The sun will shine …
as will the moon.

Infinity never fails.

Milk from the cows.
Honey from the bees.

Love will always warm our hearts
and shade will bring us ease.

Swallows to Capistrano.
Lemmings to the sea.

Racers to a finish line.
Captives to be free.

We can never change these things
No matter how we try.

We will always walk upon the grass
and gaze up in the sky.

A girl will grow to be a woman …
A boy to be a man

And when they are gone …

More will come.

The destiny …

The plan.
ad in·fi·ni·tum   (ăd ĭn′fə-nī′təm)
adv. & adj.
To infinity; having no end.
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