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Grey Feb 2018
A wickerman of red wax
Flaming eyes, and flaming head
A chariot of blood for a king
An entourage of love for the prince
I ask of you
To love yourself
And say to me
Igni Ferroque

I am ignorant and selfish
A shattered heart, a broken branch
A circle of the world, bright and fading
A thunderstorm, a spark for a life
If you ask of me
To love myself
And say to me
In Absentia
Charlotte Huston Jan 2018
Dance with me;
Under this moonlight -
A song hangs prosy,
Through the January air ~

Give me your heart,
Send it to the angels -
Ut benedicta cor meum
Ut novus dominus est scriptor;
Up into the air,
Of our divine night
The grass looks more green
After thinking about my dead brother.
I miss him more than usual today.
The wind feels more serene
After thinking about my dead mother.
I know she's better off today.

I am a hurricane of extremes
I love with all that I am capable of
And fear with all I know.
I trust humans with a knife to my back
But death is dishonest, death is the undertow.

I rubbed my mother's ashes on my forehead
Like the ashes from palm branches.
"Remember that you are dust,
And to dust you shall return."
TheUnseenPoet Oct 2017
In Ancient Rome the Emperors ensured the populace were kept quiet,
With bloodied slaves to gawp at and a stomach filling diet,
Of bread and wine and spectacles before a baying crowd,
Soporific panaceas channelled the roars they were allowed.
But on Bulbaos’ house in Pompeii he wrote “Militat om nes”
Which in our simple modern tongue in an idiom he says
“I am just a lover but I know that I must fight”
His spray can was a chisel and he made his mark at night.
"… Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses."
Juvenal AD100
It is said a trait of an
inadequate man is his
reluctance to admit
that he has done wrong.

You are human and that too
is a hard thing to admit. The
armor you’ve donned and
fastened has loosed at its

The English word care
stems from the Latin curae
which is remarkably close to
cure. I thought you might
like to hear Latin because it
was common for you to tell
me to Seize the day.

It was some summer in August
or something and the coarse
brown mound of dirt aside the
house had caught rain and

We played King of the Hill
and I can remember thinking
what a waste it was to, for a
few fickle seconds, be royalty.
Coleccionamos canciones
en el baúl del alma,
seducimos a la vida
con una mirada,
somos actores
de nuestro guión.

¿que es poesía?
no lo se...
¿que poeta define su poesía?
¡Que lo cante el pueblo!
¡y que me cuente!

Nos enamoramos de versos,
de gente, de gestos y a veces
solo por ser bellos, pero...
¿que queremos probar?
¿que nos hace humanos?
creo... ¡hay algo!
es una atracción, natural
e instintiva hacia personas
extraordinarias, variantes
únicos, momentos lucidos
sueños vueltos realidad.

Y partimos de los surreal
de los sueños simbólicos,
de los viajes astrales
hacia ningún lugar.
Los sueños que se repiten
y se repiten sin dejar nada claro,
un mensaje olvidado,
una voz del pasado,
un recuerdo o un mal sueño.

Un beso que parece ser cierto,
tu piel desnuda contra la luna,
un hombre que se ahoga
en su propia soledad
y volvemos al mundo
para respirar, enamorarnos
jugar, aprender y vivir,
seguir filmando, seguir
escribiendo los versos
robados de tu ausencia;
contar historias
para volver a encerrarme
conmigo mismo.
Oír la canción triste
leer y llora.
café y vino.
correr y ver el amanecer.

Aquí estoy escuchando tu latido,
enamorándome de tus destellos imprevistos,
de los detalles que te hacen anormal
de las caricias que expulsa tu voz,
de lo que nos hace humanos
imperfectos perfectos,
por lo mismo
de ser distintos,
de cantar distinto,
de portar alma,
de temer a perderla,
de ser valientes
de fallar y tener suerte.

¡Y se me equivoco!
¡que venga el pueblo!
¡y que me lo cante!
Sunday, 1a.m. we are humans, we live in a sea of ​​emotions.
Charlotte Huston Sep 2017
I found our new Earth
Our divine Love and Lord,
On this new world;
Our new Jerusalem,
Our new Oasis.

*** nostrae Telluris novum inveni:
Et Domini nostri divinam amore, de hoc mundo;
Nostra urbs Jerusalem,
Beata noster novus Oasis.
I'm looking for my Oasis.
let me dance
with your sweet perfume
with your embrace
as my salvation

let us sway
towards forgiveness and pain
and mend our hearts
with every step we make

let me hold you tight
with my arm around
your tensed back
and let me move it slowly

let the tango
or any other sensual rhythm
draw the white curtains
of an empty bedroom

let us sway together
towards the memory
of the vineyard
that got us drunk with each other

let me taste
every movement
until we remind ourselves
that we are one
Estos días
Estas venas
Esta energía
Que se mueve
Día a día.

Mis quimeras
Mis demonios
Y La Luz
Que penetra

Mi voz que se oculta
En lo secreto
Y el silencio
Que ronda
Por los callejones.

Un trozo de mis días
Se escribe con tinta
Y el otro es capturado
Por una imagen
De nubes grises.

Dias grises
Son aquellos
Donde hay lluvia
Y canciones
Que nunca olvido.
Son días grises
con aroma a café
Y sueños
Son días de lápiz
Y papel como lo
Son de cama.

Días para mirar
Dentro de tus ojos

Dias grises para estar
En casa y para estar contigo.
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