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Axion Prelude Oct 2018
Withering kiss belittles fate
Sultry, affluent, perfection lost
a damnation of intent
skewed by empty plight

endearing atrophy weaves no ties
cut from the crowd
whispers seeking place in time
Wreaking havoc upon sullen breadth

dreams disguise desire
the facade awakens every day
the ghostly touch of weightless hands
deliverance, mourning truth
each dream ached by sunder of hope
remiss of such light, I become mired

such calmness and good comes of the night
by day, there resides no such kindness by my side
I await, forever..
kindness means nothing to those who seek to gain for only themselves; the rest simply do not exist near me. Such desired gentleness goes unheard. I wish to have ever beheld a heart who seeks me on its own, before i go

my dreams lie to me, as if to convey what I need most would ever exist; mocking my will to go forward by sharing a taste of what seems, by now, will never be real
misha Oct 2018
it's kind
of scary
how people
take me more
than in
real life
Nina Sep 2018
I'm sorry im not pretty enough to be the one you admire
I'm sorry for not being feminine enough to be called cute
I'm sorry for not being the one you look forward to texting
I'm sorry for being annoying when i kept asking you how your day went
I'm sorry for not being the one you like
Im sorry for loving you
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
You threw me aside like a child bored of a toy
I would say that it hurts but you did it so much, I'm used to it now
Like someone gets used to their everyday routine
This is my everyday routine, getting hurt by you
You put me down whenever you feel like it and it's not going to happen again
I realized my worth, darling, you can't bring me down anymore

You used to walk me to my bus at the end of every school day
And hug me as we departed, even as friends, even as lovers
But there's something deep inside you that changed
You're so different than how you used to be

So, I'm ignoring you like you did to me
And how lonely you are, darling
Because when I'm laughing and having fun with my other friends
(You know, the ones that don't try to hurt me?)
You just have to join in
And then you pretend like everything is okay
It's not.
Maybe I forgive people too much and that's why you think you have the right to do this to me
But, no, you are not allowed to use me

I was just a back up to you
Someone to hold and have fun with when no one else wanted you
And like the fool I am, I just let you manipulate me
But I know my worth and I know what I deserve
And you guessed it, I don't deserve an ******* like you
I'm worth so much more than this
And honey, just so we're clear, I'm female, you're male
And I'm still more of a man than you'll ever be

No wonder your girlfriend cheated on you
Because you did the same to me
And karma is a *****
You can't hurt me anymore
Brandon Conway Sep 2018
it's our most requested feature
it's our most commonly ignored request
give us more money
then we will maybe work on what y'all suggest
Oliver Sep 2018
“Oh, I forgot about you”
There goes a brick.

“You don’t mind if we go without you, right?”
Thud, there’s another.

“Could you just shut up for a second?”

“I can’t be around you when you’re sad”

“What’s wrong with you? I have it worse”
And another.

“Honestly, I didn’t notice you were here”
The bricks stack nicely on one another.

“I’d rather hang out with someone else, sorry”
My hands are raw from building.

“You’re a friend, you’re just not a best friend, y’know?”
The wall is getting higher.

I can’t see anyone anymore.
Emma Sep 2018
You are
              so nice
    To listen to me without judgment.
To   accept   the   words   I   feed   you   when   you   ask.
You want my stories.
You ask for the bright ones, but there are none
So I give you
                dark ones instead.
And those you swallow down
      with your
drinks in the fitting darkness of night.
You let them dissolve away, amortised with the alcohol in your blood,
Forgotten in the morning,
And I wonder
                                        what it’s like
To love someone who
         ­                  You.
Anya Sep 2018
The insect’s trills
Louder than ever
What would happen,
If we noticed
All those things that tend to pass us by
Madness perhaps?
Coraline Hatter Aug 2018
It's okay
I'm used to being ignored
to not having any friends
only people who act like they care

It's okay
I know every excuse
someone came up with
to not spend any time with me

It's okay
I know I'm only good
when you're alone and need someone to talk
when you're feeling left out

It's okay
I'm used to being ignored
I'm used to being alone
I'm used to spending every day in my room
feeling anxious
and wondering what I did wrong.
time to search for some new friends I would suggest, the easiest thing with social anxiety.
Udit Vashishth Aug 2018
So, we're playing a game of "Let's ignore each other" for a while...
Ok, I get that.
I know you think that I started it.
But sorry that was not because I was ignoring you or because of my ego.
Actually, I'm always afraid of facing you.
I have always thought that you might not say even a "HI". I've always thought myself relatively inferior than you.
I might not be upto your standards that's what goes in my thoughts whenever I pass by you or see you in public.

And now all those cold looks you're giving me is bothering me a little.
You know what, I'm not good at this game.
I, somehow, take a glimpse of your face while passing by, hoping you would also do the same.
But No!.
Your eyeballs don't even move a bit. Like I don't even exist.
I've always wished to be invisible.I guess I'm now but, only to specific people.
You're really good at this game.
I hope you keep playing this way. You will definitely win.
Not a rhyme....When you're really hurt you don't think about making a rhyme, you just pour your thoughts out
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